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Fuck every major phone OS but especially fuck jewgle and its 'open-source' android, 90% of which is preinstalled bloatware and spyware. Fuck having no possibility to do anything except push pre-existing buttons. Touch-screen devices are the epitome of walled-garden-style computers, their functionality intentionally reduced to a point where even a nigger can buy one and push all the buttons he likes without having to worry about fucking anything up.

I've resigned to the fact that all smartphones are just spyware a long time ago, so I got used to just clenching my teeth like a good goy while jewgle fucked me in the ass with every app I couldn't uninstall and setting I couldn't change.

But enough is enough, so I'm here to open a discussion about phone operating systems, so that others may read it and free themselves from nigger-tier techology.

I'm looking for open-source linux, a bash terminal, and, as much as possible, avoiding any service provided by google nigger-kikes. Looking at ddg hits, articles on recommended OSs all strike me as clueless and written for monkeys, so I'm asking here:

What OS does your smartphone run, how satisfactory is the functionality it offers?

t. newfag

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Best OS is Linux, best phone is Purism.

I ordered it back in September, back then the my batch should have been shipped around March 31, but with all the corona flying around it might get delayed.

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>I wanted a smartphone so badly that I ordered boxed corona into my home

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If it was up to you, the phone would be command line.

>spergs will defend this

That's not a solution either. But I agree, like everything else in clownworld, all phone OSs are garbage. Their "developer" communities are made up of a special kind of nigger not seen in normal desktop/server programming communities.

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Regular Android 7 with all Google components and OEM bloat removed or disabled. Will consider rooting it some day.

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Also I use termux for terminal, not the same thing but what ever.

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I specifically installed Superman ROM on my Galaxy S7 so I could get rid of all of the bloatware I don't need. Custom ROMs are a thing, ya know.

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Seems great, thanks.



Looking at what these to helpful anons said I now have a new question:

I've checked out lineageOS and /e/, why the fuck is installing an OS phone-model dependent?

Why isn't a phone like a laptop where you just wipe the preinstalled windows and install arch?


>please spoon feed me

sorry about that. Pic related; it's recompense.

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God I want to seal that mouth of hers with my cock so much.

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>I've checked out lineageOS and /e/, why the fuck is installing an OS phone-model dependent?

Parts are cheap but the drivers are all built into the OS and is proprietary to the company itself.

They don't really want to share the code/tree or at least tell us "that undocumented open source repo out there" and most of the time even "that repo" you're looking for lacks the patches that the same companies did to make them work stable. The reason is if they share it, other chink factories would just procure the parts and clone that phone overnight without having to spend on the software dev or writing custom drivers.

The problem though is porting used to be "devs constantly pressuring the companies to release the drivers' source code" but with treble - the drivers are still closed source or simply the implementation of the company itself which might mean backdoors for drivers.

It's just more convenient now to port a AOSP with Lineage cosmetics but the drivers are still manufacturer blobs. I wouldn't trust lineage though, most of the features lineage offer is just cosmetic and access to security features and optional google "privacy" but they don't bother implementing blob-free drivers (it used to back in cyannogenmod).

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Search Busy Box .

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PostmarketOS has potential. But like all things with potential it needs dedication to actually not be shit. Maybe we'll see some turbo-autists who will get shit down for phone models that are thinkpad-tier reliable.

What we really should be looking for, is FOSS phone hardware. lineage OS is a good effort, but if we can control our hardware, we reduce our attack area, and that makes us more secure. The only problem, is american telecom politicking.


>>12897 has the details right, the basic gist of android hardware development practices is "fork the OS for literally each device out there,". It's microsoft-tier bullshit, and I wouldn't be surprised if microsoft's parasitic business practices were the root of this problem, considering how incestuous silicon valley corporate is.


Those are nice, don't get me wrong, the problem is, google is going full retard with application permissions for their future android models. Phone networks are literally worse than windows when it comes to security, and you know how "it just werks" immediately falls on it's sword when it doesn't werk at all.

Furthermore, phones are designed with a hardware shelf-life of around five years- and if you're lucky, a decade. The business practices of phones are the epitome of "so fifteen seconds ago", it's disgusting.

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symbian os is open source

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best os is android which you unbloated by yourself.

>Root it.

>Delete all google,facebook and manifacturer services.

>Install microG if you want

>Install Xposed framework and restict apps, manage boot ups.

>Install termux and busybox so you can completely use your android's linux kernel.

After that,

My phone never sends telemetry. And i'm completely using it as linux.

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Sailfish is a fine contender.

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it was opensource but now closed source

i got the download for the leaked source code

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Install LineageOS without gapps and root it. Install AFWall+ (firewall), manage your app at boot and if it isn't enough install Xposed and look for some other cool module.

>bash terminal

You can have it, sure, but honestly a computer is better suited for "productive" stuff, you should use your phone just for simple things like listening to your music or calling people.

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>the problem is, google is going full retard with application permissions for their future android models.

Exact opposite. They went full retard when system apps could bypass any android permission and they removed a lot of permissions that used to exist back in nougat.

Most phones get bundled with shop apps, social and Gapps and if they're system app, even without having any permission they have every permission possible and have root level access to storage or network.

One popular social app used to have to scroll 3 screens of permission during install but on other phones of similar android version it would show nothing (package installer compromised).

This is to say the permission thing isn't even followed religiously if the phone uses OEM and not AOSP. Right now, post Oreo/Pie AOSP wouldn't even show every permission it did when trying to install the same app in Nougat. It just means they removed some of the permissions so people don't get scared of that social app that used to show 3 screens of permissions (it shows no permissions required).


Unironically this. Use kitkat or jellybean AOSP so you can use xposed framework and use XPrivacy to be able to spoof almost anything and use "bad" apps.


>Afwall+ with init.d to prevent startup leak if you intend to use bad apps

>Net Monitor - to identify bad "phoning" apps

most of the time your problem would be the kernel still using google DNS or even phoning back something it shouldn't

NEVER use lollipop if you aren't using lineage/cyanogen launchers (trebuche/launcher2) since the default AOSP launcher lollipop up to Nougat have google now/news integration and would record anything you're doing anytime.

Source? Me when it suggested apps/ads that is relevant to what I had been doing (at one point I tried to say "I really need X right now" and got the ad about it). Creepy.

Try to harden it with build.prop tweaks (stagefreight, disable debug) - sad that they're 404'd by now.

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>AOSP launcher lollipop up to Nougat


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iOS because i dont use my phone for anything except regular calls and look up normalfag stuff such as recipes when im not home.

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Unironically I still use a BlackBerry Passport in 2020 and it gets me not only laid but job opportunities and curious looks and questions from normies...

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If I ordered it now which batch would I receive? Evergreen or Fir?

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My issue with modern phones is less their software and more their size. I really don't require much features for a portable shitposting machine. Personally I find iPhone SE the best phone out there in the market and it's sad that there isn't any good 4'0 Android phones.

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The amount of ignorance pertaining to the tracker (and its active sensors) carried in your pockets is astounding.

It's literally not a device for your convenience but theirs. D'oh! There is no escape. Learn something faggots!

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"2019 Leaked Court Documents of Crimes Against Humanity"


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