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File: 463d12f2c07d5e6⋯.png (36.19 KB,256x256,1:1,palemoon.png)


This is the ideal web browser. You may not like it, but this is what peak privacy and customization looks like.

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I wouldn't say it's ideal. But it's the best we have.

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>uses pozzed CoC'd gNUme toolkit

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You realize that Pale Moon is the only web browser to have the browser and the engine made for it to not have any influence from (((google))) put onto it. The head dev supporting (((cloudflare))) and his issues with *BSD is annoying, but what choice do we have.

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Tell me anon, why is it good?

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What's the point of writing your own HTML/CSS engine if you are just going to employ the same shitty and bloated toolkit? Could have rewritten the thing in Tk.

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>doesn't work for half of the internet

>possible security flaws due to being outdated

Shouldn't it be possible to make a browser that both respects the user's privacy and is built on current code?


HTML/CSS has become more and more complex and also more intertwined with the Javascript engine that is becoming a more and more integral part of the stack. Recoding all of that would be a lot of work. But it's indeed necessary, there are more or less two engines on which everything is built and the sadly chrome one is the more influential one. If you don't watch out, everything will be built around chrome.

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File: 9abed1916a91399⋯.png (384.38 KB,1400x1270,140:127,openbsd_puffy.png)

What web browser do *BSD users use now? If they're still using Chromium, they're fucked unless it's Ungoogled.

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