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Is it possible? Can we return to that simple era when web pages contained mostly static HTML and scripts ran when it was only absolutely needed?

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Why the fuck would I want to regress the world for the sake of someone else's nostalgia?

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There is: using Dillo

It is a 'modern' browser with a 90s feel to it and no JS support.

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I'm not asking to cut features from the web but to go back to simpler design choices. Why does viewing an image or a video unless DRM protected requires JS?

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8kun works on Dillo

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When you make a webpage for something, keep it simple to make it work in an evironment that works without javascript and fancy tricks.

But it wasn't all like that, there were flash and java applets in the browser. Some of it was really annoying, and in the 2000s they even started to run flash ads with sound.

Nowadays javascript is used a lot out of laziness. Or because websites use javascript frameworks that just handle everything and even fetch all of images on a page with XHRs. That way, you have to allow javascript for many pages just so that you can see the images. Websites are more and more build as "applications" that break all backwards compatibility with no js and text browsers. Something like infinity/8kun at least is a classic website with scripts on top of it. But when you look at lynxchan, it works without JS but it doesn't even fetch the icons then. And it's a buggy mess, try disabling auto-update on lynx based boards and keep it disabled on reload.

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Get out.

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The reason we got out of that is because people didn't want that. You can try to remove the cancer but the same people who brought it in in the first place will just keep bringing it back.

Meanwhile there was never a reason you can't do it if you want to, you can make a pure HTML website right now and even add some interactability with things like CSS animations and flexboxes and <details>.

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I just wrote an article on how to make a solid static site.



>unless DRM protected requires JS?

Why? DRM is always bad. You don't lose the rights to content you didn't protect with DRM.

You can still sue people if they take your shit.



t. full time full stack node.js developer

You can build a full online shop only using static pages and sending cookies over HTTPS. It would be a lot more secure in fact.

Webdevs are simply retarded and the reason they do webdev as a profession is often because they weren't good enough for anything else.

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I work as a web dev and I'd love to do oldschool sites. But how the hell am I supposed to sell that? Customers tend to be boomer smartphonefags, they usually don't have a background in IT but in economics and want something flashy and "modern", not something that reminds them of a time when computers were too complicated to use for them.

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>Is it possible?

Probably not, past simplicity was done out of necessity.

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Best websites work in pure HTML/CSS, and have simple JS to add actually useful enhancements on top. For example you could add a script that loads your current shopping cart to the top corner, without having to rebuild each page on the server.

Making the script load the entire page and have the website break without scripts is neither useful nor an enhancement.

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Or look at youtube.

The page took entire 3 seconds for me to load on my gayming rig.

One should only use javascript for live updates and the site should still work fine without.


>want something flashy and "modern"

Often those "modern and flashy" things are simple effects you could do with CSS3 animations

and if those are not available they just won't show. So no negative side effects like with JS.

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I meant transitions transitions!

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This is what I mean. Those are actually good because they don't fuck up your site if ignored or not supported.

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That's an auto generated mailing list archive.

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Won't ever happen. No-one wants it, even though, yes, it is far superior.

That being said, there are plenty of old-style sites and forums still around (you're on one). As the global population increases, so will the internet-connected population. Naturally, in time, the more wild-west side of the net will grow, assuming it can navigate the inevitable hurdles future governments and ecorps throw at it.

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>Best websites work in pure HTML/CSS, and have simple JS to add actually useful enhancements on top. For example you could add a script that loads your current shopping cart to the top corner, without having to rebuild each page on the server.

It's becoming more and more common that customers come and tell you they specifically want you to build shit with React/Angular/Spring because they use that for everything. Probably they do this so they can take away projects from a dev/dev company when they find someone cheaper.

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>Probably they do this so they can take away projects from a dev/dev company when they find someone cheaper.

>when you're a completely replaceable small cog in a big machine

You have my pity, webdev dude.

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It's disabled for me. Maybe the site you tried it on was buggy.

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gopher is just a good option

gopher > http

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>> Lain's always gonna be a good thread.

I really hate all the gutter space they put on websites now. The page is like less then a page of text if you were to print it out, but you have to scroll to see what could be displayed without a scroll bar had they not given such ridiculous margins to the elements.

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Nah, but you can still contribute to communities sharing the Web 1.0-2.0 philosophy like this one. I don't use the web for anything but research and niche website.

See no dystopic w3.0+ botnet, ear no dystopic w3.0+ botnet, speak no dystopic w3.0+ botnet.


Thanks for the share, it's a fun link!

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Let's All Love Lain

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Lettuce my soykaffing brother!

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You have a source for that image?

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File: ccf51f8038dfafb⋯.jpg (88.88 KB,2048x1754,1024:877,isabelle_eat_sleep_fortnit….jpg)

if my college/work forces me to use a certain (almost always proprietary) program and there's the option of using a web version instead of having to install the program on my local machine, I'm always going to pick the web version because that shit's (reasonably) samdboxed from my system. (using a college-provided system isn't an option right now because of corona, and I work in retail, so there's no room for negotiation there.)

without Javascript, that option is nonexistent for me. and not all my devices are powerful enough to run a Windows 10 VM to put the botnet in instead, whereas they /can/ run a web version. and when the class/job is done, I can just stop visiting that page instead of struggling to weed out whatever mess the program shat all over my system.

TL;DR Javascript is good, actually, because the alternative is far worse

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