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Advanced Technology Machines Are Empowering & Spreading The NCOV COVID19 Faster

Source: https://theworld.data.blog/2020/02/25/advanced-technology-machines-are-empowering-spreading-the-ncov-covid19-faster/

I am not speculating or guessing, I am using the feeling immortals sense and giving you guys the truth of this epidemic event so you guys can prevent it.

Science cannot measure Nature, that is for sure. The smaller entity cannot judge the bigger one.

Can you answer the following questions about the NCOV COVID19:

1. What is the source and the birth of the virus?

2. Why the virus are spreading so fast?

3. But why some nations spreading fast, why some nations are not?

My statement still do not change, the advanced technology especially the 5G network are empowering the NCOV and have a huge contribution into the birth of this virus.

The only reason explain why some nations next to China like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia but do not get that virus spreading fast is they are “out-date” technology. Why the farer nations with advanced technology are record many more cases everyday.

In Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos: There are no high-end trains, no commercial 5G network, no fingerprint/face regconical at border airport.

What about China, Korea, Singapore, Japan? Too many public advanced technology sharing devices like bullet train, 5G network, fingerprint biometrics, etc.

I remind all of you that, there are 70% SARS in the NCOV COVID19, which mean air condition will only help spreading the virus, including public trains, airport.

I highly recommend all the so call scientist do the experiment about the connection of the NCOV COVID19 with the 4G, 5G network and the electric devices.

They can put the NCOV COVID19 in the environment with 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, and none and observe the virus everyday, and they will receive the answer whether or not there is a huge connection with mobile network with the NCOV COVID19.

They should try to put that virus and find out what surface what objects the NCOV “love”: technology devices, cloth, sand/clay, etc.

Many nations are not using common feeling sense but rely on broken technology and digging their own grave.

I have made predictions about the collapse of advanced technology nation at least 1-2 years ago, then now it become reality.

If the China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Israel, etc. do not stop all the 4G, 5G network, air condition on public train and stop the fingerprint/biometrics collection on border then they will all gone within the next 60 days for sure.

If you cannot prove my statement are wrong, then it must be true.

Stop asking me about tiny science proof evidence for science cannot record many things, including the super small seed of the NCOV COVID19 !!!

Best Regard,

The Savior

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<What is the source of the virus?

>Either from the bat soup or a accidental release from a bio weapon plant

<Why is the virus spreading so fast?

>It is, only if it's not quarantined. India already got it and despite being a worse state than China it and all people who had it were put in quarantine and recovered. No other cases have been reported yet.

<Why is it spreading fast in some nations?

>Because people are stuck in mass quarantine zones with those sick and people don't show symptoms while infected till later in the infection. Iran is a 2nd world country and it has the 3rd most reported cases of COVID 19. Doesn't have all that fancy tech the west does and it's getting fucked over.

Also Namefag, stop using Reddit spacing and learn better grammar.

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why did you sage the response?

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It's just Pneumonia.

>Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia but do not get that virus spreading fast is they are “out-date” technology.

Weather conditions, it's warmer there.

Also this is more like a seasonal flu, the colder the worse it gets.



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>I am a prophet

>all my unverified claims are true

>my source is that 2 years ago i said the world would collapse and as you can see, my diaper is still unchanged. Hence I am proven to be undeniably correct.

See you in 54 days when Israel is still thriving off their host nation as per the usual. Am prophet myself btw

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