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File: 8ab7cc1a6e2b8cf⋯.png (4.6 KB,786x31,786:31,ClipboardImage.png)


How I disable disclaimer?

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That makes sense logically but I don't think that's really the reason. Ron would probably just be too lazy to look at it more than twice a year and Jim is too much of a boomer to post on here.

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Use uBlock? Block element. Done.

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That doesn't block all of them, you nigger. Only single occurrences.

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ublock origin


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Yeah, Next time use the right click menu for Block Element Option

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There's an actual option for that

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Try any of these:

1- uBlock

2- >>13286

3- An userscript

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File: 810ef99125e5963⋯.png (610.32 KB,1440x2826,80:157,Screenshot_20200422_012159….png)


...or, just go to the options menu at the top right of the page, and check the 'hide post disclaimer' option.

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