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Why did schools/colleges begin to teach computer science so late?

Our generation could made more if they have had an opportunity to learn more about IT.

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Because US educational institutions are literally zombie bloat that is only allowed to exist due to federal student loans.

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What did you mean by this? Computer science started its life as a mathematics discipline in college.

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Schools are ran and worked at by communists who don't want you to have any opportunities outside of the system that they control.

It's nice to meet you Equality 7-2521.

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The computer science that younger children will be taught is likely really just very entry level crap that you'd assimilate in your first week in university, or from reading a good textbook on your own. These kinds of buzz word programs are just memes to attract more funding for the school. While technology can indeed enhance the traditional foundational grade school courses, it would be better to make those the focus rather than teaching Trayvon how to compute an average in Python.

The kids who want to learn programming early on, will just find a way to do so.

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You are probably wrong because I have to agree that computer science has started its life the same as math. I don't think if we had an oppportunity to learn it earlier we would have more advantages. But if you personally have problems with computer science try https://assignmentshark.com/computer-science-help.html. Just imao

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Yeah I had some problems with science in college but I still thik it's because of lack of time.

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If you were well-off child of the 80s, or a normal child of the 90s, then you almost certainly had a computer in your home growing up. There was nothing stoping you from "learning more about IT," and learning to program.

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When I was in school, I really liked computer science, but later I realized that I wanted to become a doctor. I am currently preparing to enter the residency and for this I need a very high quality medical residency personal statement editing. To do this, I turned to the service https://residencypersonalstatements.net/ which always comes to my aid.

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I liked computer science in school, too. But when I was choosing where to go to university, I chose the Department of Economics. And I don't regret it, because computer science has remained my hobby. Now I am writing my dissertation and I have no time for my favorite hobby. I have already thought about pay someone to write my dissertation https://www.rush-my-essay.com/write-my-dissertation/can-someone-write-my-dissertation/ because I am stuck in one section and I have no strength to finish it. I think it is better to leave it to professionals.

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Yes! its Niche Related Blog commenting service on actual Do-follow pages.


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you're trying to find out a problem by its consequences rather than by principle and it's mitigation or solution: they will never prepare you to overthrow your rulers.

the solution: reject convenience and embrace freedom.

Everything else will fall under its own weight

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Hello everybody. I want to recommend a service that helps in writing an assignment https://businesswritingservice.com/finance-homework-help/ this service is not helped me once and did it very professionally, quickly and confidentially. they are the best of the best

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I don't know why everyone says that the essay is so difficult, not easy, I agree, no it's not a disaster, especially if there is a good example, for myself I found great examples on this site https://www.nursingpaper.com/examples/nursing/ All that was left for me to do was to get my work to the appropriate look and done....

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https://fnfunkin.onl is a rhythm game where you control the main character BF, who wants to win the heart of his girlfriend GF through competing against other characters. The game consists of multiple rounds of increasing difficulty, you have to hit the right beat to overcome challenging opponents. The game has beautiful music and graphics, and quickly attracts the attention of a large number of players.

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