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File: 1776bb6e4e13828⋯.jpg (58.29 KB,768x1024,3:4,$_86.JPG)


Since /tech/ is still dead and this board doesn't have a sqt like /tech/ does:

What case is this? When I was a kid I had a similar case, but not in bigtower format.

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It's the default case.

const char* f(int x)
switch (x) {
default: return "you're a faggot.";

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it looks like a local server case from the late 90's

but I could be wrong

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more like this, right?

( case ( switch ((x) print(“faggot”))))

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Any Serial Number or information that can listed from the case itself?

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Finding a model would be difficult anon and very low chances of finding something like it new.

If you want a case like that hit up your local craigslist and search for vintage computer and break out the dremel.

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f x = case x of _ -> "faggot"

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File: d3b5cb9e4315218⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,1000x750,4:3,$_86.JPG)




I wish I knew anything more about the case. Does this pic help my fellow /tech/nicians?

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FOUND ONE! Ended up being a complete Pentium III system too.

No idea of the make and model of the case however, but at least I got the computer case I had years ago!

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Sometimes I want a beige case again.. but it sounds like too much trouble to get shit that will match it.

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File: 0d0e009679d6c81⋯.jpeg (133.03 KB,850x616,425:308,8241F455-9504-488B-BB14-2….jpeg)

More importantly, what is that gorgeous faux-oak 4 drive local storage unit behind it?

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