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Recently been shown the light that is Linux, and I'm going to build a new PC for myself soon. So just wanted advice on what Linux based OS I should start off with. I'm mostly going to game, a bit of photo editing and video editing. I heard that PopOS and Solus are good starters

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how much experience do you have with computers in general? and/or are you willing to learn or do you want a distro that /just works/?

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Hardware wise, I'm pretty good, but software wise, not so. And while I'm willing to learn, I'm hoping that I can get it up and running easily since all I just want to is play games

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one of the ubuntu favours - xubuntu being my personal choice of the ubuntu flavours - might be best for you. it's pretty straightforward to get setup and, ubuntu being one of the more popular distros, games are generally easier to install than compared to other distros.

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>games are generally easier to install

Wtf are you blathering on about? You use a package manger to install shit on 99% of distros. Games are just as easy to install on void as they are on ubuntu.

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My colleagues who are strong Linux supporters kept pestering me to install PopOS on my computer, so I guess that's a good choice for gaming.

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Install Gentoo.

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>games are generally easier to install

yup, I use fedora and it's a pain with some gog games at least, missing libraries and such and if you don't know what your doing then you just wont be able to play some of them. If you're gaming go with an ubuntu based distro because gog supports them.

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New to linux? COnsider these distros.




Alot of the essential packages are already installed for you.You don't need anything else in your case. Stick to popular distro, you're more likely to find resources and answers.

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>having fun

Windows. And dual boot with Ubuntu if you want to actually get shit done.

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Mxlinux, knoppix, kali linux, antix, debian, monara, opensuse, #!++, Bunsenlabs, Trisquel, Dyne:bolic, Porteus, Puppy Linux, LFS, Mint, Slackware,. Devuan. Check distrowatch dot org

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If you're switching over from windows, then Xubuntu is the easiest - hands down.

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This thread is ancient but OS's like Ubuntu or Mint or whatever, none of those are the best for any beginner because they have a shitload of addons and other abstractions that make understanding the OS next to impossible for a beginner. Their documentation is absolute shit too.

You want something with full documentation, that tells you exactly how to do shit, like 'The Debian Administrator's Handbook' but not Debian, because dicking around with Backports and shit is a pain in the ass and everything in stable is ancient software.

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Having used Windows for my entire life, I've decided to take a shot at Linux for browsing/simple stuff, at least. Just installed Tails on a USB drive, looks pretty comfortable so far.

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forced 4chan meme is forced

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Ubuntu is a perfectly fine place to start. The benefit of Ubuntu is that EVERYTHING will work on it. I've never had any issue with it. 4channers nitpick the hell out of it for really no reason.

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Try Ubuntu or Mint

If you want new software use Manjaro

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You're either a troll or a genuine neophyte, but may God bless your poor soul for asking this question here.

Look up "TLG // Technology • Linux • Gaming" and "Chris Titus Tech" on YT for some newbie friendly Linux advice.

Also, try Manjaro and Pop_OS.

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Since this is a linux thread and I don't see any help threads I'll ask here. I am trying to install a linux distro from a USB and "root #". The problem I'm having is that im stuck on the "root #" line and dont't know how to get out of that so that I can read the output that extends past the screen.

How do I do that, I need to be able to see what is put out to continue with the installation.

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Sounds like a problem with your USB installation software. What software are you using? Have you tried other software for you to install to USB or do you keep getting stuck on the same problem?

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I just don't know which keys to press so that I can see the text above the "livecd ~#" line. I need to be able to scroll up but pressing the up arrow just pastes the previous command in the line.

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I meant, it seems like something went wrong while you were installing the ISO on the USB. You may need to retry or try a different software.

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most distros have an installer script that should start automatically. either the iso is damaged (check the checksum) or the usb is written wrong. some distros want a specific tool (I remember suse being a bit annoying in that regard) check the distro's wiki for a installation guide, use that tool and try again.

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>linux for playing games

What should I get if I want to make 3D games for linux?

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Then, use unstable.

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gcc or clang, git, make, gdb, SDL, OpenGL or Vulkan, vim or emacs, krita, Blender, audacity, ffmpeg.

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most engines can export to linux. or what do you mean "for linux"?

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Your keyboard should have some special keys labeled "page up" and "page down." Can you guess what they do?

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Install Slackware, or Gentoo. There's a learning curve but there are plenty of good guides to help you get the hang of it and once you learn it you will actually understand Linux which is fucking invaluable for using Linux. The distros that try to autoconfig everything for you and be as user-friendly and windows-ish as possible will succeed 90% of the time but the other 10% you will want to pull your hair out because you have to do things the hard way which requires you to actually understand how Linux works, and those "user-friendly" distros completely suck at preparing users to handle the terminal and do things manually when needed. Slackware is user-friendly in a different sense, in that it works out of the box and guides you through the innards of the Linux ecosystem as painlessly as possible. But Ubuntu tries to hide the innards and once you have to deal with them, you are up shit creek without a paddle.

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Install OpenBSD

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It goes from braindead to read a few pages, ubuntu is on the top, arch is nice but if you want full control, gentoo is the waay to go, Tho Personally I recommend Debian or Manjaro with baked in shit.

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Idk, ever since Proton/Wine+DXVK were available I didn't really needed Windows anymore.

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My experience. Haven't found a single single-player game that hasn't worked, it's pretty nice

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