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Hi. I'd like to hear your ideas on what sort of phone I should get and why...

Hold nothing back.

Tell me everything.

Money is not an object.

Thanks for the help. xoxo

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iPhOnE 47 there'S liTeraLLY nO BetTr phOnE

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>Galaxy s5

because good ROM support and replaceable battery

>nexus 5

because you can put sailfish, ubuntu and kde touch and copperhead on it and its also around 50$

Maybe sony xperia until 5 because decent hardware for around 50$

dude, don't spend more than 50 bucks on a phone, its retarded. Phones break every time before they were worth your money and if you don't root them you essentially pay the price of a netbook or something for an device that's spying on you

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>>Galaxy s5


3 day battery life with heavy usage (constant texting, 10 calls, and 5 hours of shitposting a day) using the right rom and upgraded battery. Keep a spare battery or 3 handy. Can be used with OTG for 2nd wifi and loaded with Kali tools.

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Unusable by 2038

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Fairphone or none

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