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/fur/ - Furry

all fur one and one fur all

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File: b3125a1ff9b8146⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1623x1011,541:337,dragonportrait.jpg)

File: 63d6eb7ae310260⋯.jpg (226.78 KB,737x596,737:596,Didhomosexualitykilloffthe….jpg)

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File: 57d9b7575e504e7⋯.jpg (579.98 KB,622x1200,311:600,dragonriver.jpg)

 No.60888 [Last50 Posts]

Not enough users to split in M/M or straight like the good old times so just post whatever has scales or slimy skin

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File: eae7d5b5336a8f9⋯.jpg (657.5 KB,1347x2000,1347:2000,af9629f6de318f4eeb9483083b….jpg)

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File: 93c3524de61dc86⋯.png (514.31 KB,1280x702,640:351,3b32b96f3a1481ef841ec10526….png)

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File: 20443c053eb6381⋯.jpg (318.01 KB,744x1052,186:263,e8b4f215016d094e5a79a0746e….jpg)


Curvenecks > straight necks.

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where are my 300 posts bitching about knots/external balls/breasts/genital slits + balls/cloaca/paws vs claws vs webbed feet/other sorts of autistic fuel for the endless dragon anatomy debate?


we even already have some tits here for someone to inevitably start seething about how their set of selective anthro traits are the objective best over other set of selective anthro traits

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File: f30058ba7f0ec2c⋯.png (399.1 KB,800x787,800:787,68e140dfa3fd4a49f666c19d22….png)

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of course. i really like the anatomy of DOS2 lizards, they nailed everything. no boobs, curved neck, wide hips to allow tail, digitigrade legs and no boobs.

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File: 848f5ddb75e40af⋯.jpg (75.62 KB,600x600,1:1,peace_symbol_dragon_by_umb….jpg)

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no pls. peace and xenophilia only

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File: 87151a6ce49e782⋯.gif (303.42 KB,687x399,229:133,f9ed7453b49130e1f7fdfa73bd….gif)


I certainly prefer flat chests as well. But, that image is the best one I've seen what really explains why curveneck is better.


I'm not a fan of their look. Too straight, too thin in the wrong places, just ended up lacking for me. That, and the style of color and weird plates made them look real strange.

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>First image.

Holy hell fuck.

It's like they combined the best aspects of snek and smashed it together with lizard. The only thing that would make her better would be if she followed more of a snake's anatomy and was just slightly taller/larger than the male.

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File: a9e988e45e7c55f⋯.png (84.96 KB,440x616,5:7,lizard.png)

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it's reversed

anyway Is Hydrus safe to use? No illegal shit or stuff like that i just want my horny dragons

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File: aa6488bf876273a⋯.jpg (245.8 KB,910x1200,91:120,6fa6c110f99601ff97d0c78e2f….jpg)

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Got some stuff along the line

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File: 7ec4ba5f19cbe56⋯.png (500.82 KB,1100x1602,550:801,8c3d698d9a308b071e311f353f….png)

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File: 85c93e4d753d883⋯.png (1.81 MB,2400x2000,6:5,fdc11356cd77bd4c7b8f12cf7c….png)

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File: bbc79696dd85263⋯.jpg (665.16 KB,818x1158,409:579,1de8b46358c58c3746d6e3c3d0….jpg)

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File: 48d5f8e685947cd⋯.jpg (241.32 KB,1280x1280,1:1,bd9dd8c68fc4464d9f8937f9db….jpg)


nezumi and etheross have a ton of this stuff

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File: 85260c0ca40659e⋯.png (29.27 KB,778x512,389:256,174.png)

File: d16f8d46df172eb⋯.png (345.18 KB,527x346,527:346,licc.png)

File: eece525d80fc759⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,2480x3045,496:609,1492625386.etheross_cage_w….jpg)


want ..

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File: 49eb49f1e254363⋯.jpg (135.34 KB,800x746,400:373,C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppD….jpg)


Also has good actual snakes.

Probably the only full on bestiality thing I'd go for. And that's only because of these works.

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File: c42ec66a78a6673⋯.jpg (220.77 KB,800x600,4:3,7c7dc0a2cb8a9f3bee69ad6ddb….jpg)

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File: 93da4380be899bf⋯.png (2.93 MB,1600x1088,25:17,21901bfe0a0764e27415b4114c….png)

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File: 451776a6ef1353a⋯.jpg (202.22 KB,800x579,800:579,cute flower croc.jpg)

File: 891caed8ccc5bc7⋯.jpg (212.83 KB,800x1018,400:509,1411793197911.jpg)

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File: b7f105aa90b486c⋯.png (502.1 KB,868x1024,217:256,1478051548894.png)

This is a good thread.

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How can people not like crocodiles? They look so friggin happy all the time.

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Might have something to do with that fact that they'll rip your arm off if you try to pet them.

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So do cats.

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File: 31828bd7c8c04d1⋯.jpeg (24.65 KB,435x294,145:98,hatchingalligatorjpg2.jpeg)


Is that a crocodile? I thought it was a baby alligator.

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I hate it when I come home and the fat scaly fucker is chilling his ass out right there on my lawn, those prehistoric assholes can go eat a dick

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But I don't see it driving a chevrolet movie theatre.

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But not mine please.

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The difference is that crocodiles don't like anyone touching them, while cats don't like you touching them because they recognize a retard when they see one.

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File: f25d011e9ad17f2⋯.jpg (205.72 KB,800x520,20:13,160083875cec6d911d7082121f….jpg)


that cutie is just waiting for you to come home

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File: d22c4a787b3e813⋯.jpg (664.23 KB,1200x800,3:2,5f7c8b1f0b97b494e409680296….jpg)

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File: e2ae8c75d0be10f⋯.jpg (5.25 MB,1900x4400,19:44,2344232445.jpg)

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File: 68d7a616980d9f6⋯.mp4 (265.41 KB,800x474,400:237,MmC7MXR.mp4)

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...is that Woody and Rex??

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File: ab95c759bfcaac4⋯.png (1.61 MB,1500x789,500:263,b6f9b7a6afe42b8a36957ae4e0….png)

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File: 5e843ea288a0c88⋯.png (2.48 MB,1920x1484,480:371,1465621195819-2.png)

File: b0a3b6b1f70308c⋯.gif (563.32 KB,256x300,64:75,1468498561066-3.gif)

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File: 8f7bbf61e19bbc4⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,3000x1688,375:211,7aec5a732963e75296a5e7bd16….jpg)

File: 88c50c0db33952e⋯.png (2.46 MB,1650x1100,3:2,6188b61fc8eb499ab2a014212b….png)

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File: 52e54bbce313057⋯.jpg (651.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,99cd1c7a1d0baa60aed8810c97….jpg)

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It's "generic shota with a hat and a gang of big-dicked dinos"

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>generic shota


>with a 12" dick and balls the size of oranges


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File: 6257495679b07f2⋯.png (144.8 KB,1440x900,8:5,Screenshot from 2018-02-01….png)

File: da450624ff4b912⋯.png (2.31 MB,1600x1152,25:18,d47797fc9acf98c3892d5918fb….png)

File: 0e45f25970f9350⋯.jpg (176.28 KB,1280x809,1280:809,cf7373a9884e16c81af963aacc….jpg)

File: 45966e733b5b746⋯.jpg (224.49 KB,1280x962,640:481,scorch_dragon09_clr.jpg)

File: 7cea20b0b393ece⋯.jpg (617.24 KB,1052x819,1052:819,rukis_dnd-bronze.jpg)

was very busy. also rip herpy. i think it's dead for good this time

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File: cd3655f8dff353b⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1680x1050,8:5,49927.jpg)

File: 3ad5febedecf71d⋯.jpeg (162.99 KB,1280x800,8:5,shatter-silver_elvarg.png.jpeg)

File: 62cfaddd3ba38eb⋯.jpg (119.49 KB,900x620,45:31,1440157533314-0.jpg)

File: dccb20d51e737d5⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1050x825,14:11,1440445372615-0.jpg)

File: dc569d2921e76e0⋯.jpg (482.32 KB,927x1200,309:400,dca557e4cee4eedcb408ce80ff….jpg)

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Didn't (((Varka))) kill it because they had dirt on him being a Zoophile or something?

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File: deefb5fb0e80d55⋯.png (174.14 KB,1440x900,8:5,Screenshot from 2018-02-01….png)


he wasnt happy about site security and the hosting of real life images. there were never ever zoophile images or videos. just some material of reptiles mating/genitals. i loved that site and it's really a shame to see it down for the second time

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Wish there was a story to go with that last one.

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File: 3bbd5f860a00dec⋯.jpg (943 B,32x32,1:1,money.jpg)

hi sir

where i can buy dragon ?


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File: 08f468e1ea963e1⋯.jpg (4.93 MB,3892x2586,1946:1293,Crocodile-Lake_animalplane….jpg)


here brother, no need for money, free cuddles

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File: e2eece2870ed67c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1061x900,1061:900,1471479433601-4.png)


Alligators > Crocodiles.

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Is there a significant difference between the way artists normally draw the two?

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Not really, sadly.

But I prefer alligators, living in the south. They're cute, and always seem happy.

Plus, pictures like >>62093 with the classic southern outfits are just pure perfection

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File: 151c01fe13f46e6⋯.png (1.29 MB,1440x900,8:5,gatoreatingcake.png)

File: 1d071f8c4781795⋯.jpg (255.87 KB,960x720,4:3,Alligator Caiman Crocodile….jpg)

File: 05d88bb3a5b7cbf⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,330x257,330:257,healthycroc.jpg)

File: e194a2801e4f24b⋯.jpg (772.35 KB,1280x960,4:3,4324690.jpg)

alligator are fatfucks

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File: 16a00c3f0bb0ab7⋯.png (486.55 KB,953x920,953:920,ClipboardImage.png)

Posting this to contribute but also to ask for source because I am turning up nothing.

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Herp more like hep and by that I mean hepatitis

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File: 5be98d4f84a924c⋯.jpg (362.44 KB,1447x1588,1447:1588,b0139b1f7d7bc978b8d7f146ca….jpg)

File: 5348eef1ae99393⋯.png (1.56 MB,1100x1128,275:282,e962e983729526bb9ed6ece14e….png)


cute! it's surely japanese but i cant find it anywhere, not even in pixiv. it reminds me of Furikake but i'm not sure, maybe check his patreon art packs. Hope this helps

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File: d78cf9677b3bdec⋯.png (817.14 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Well, I dredged up everything he's got, and while I can see the similarities, it wasn't one of his works. Guess it'll just have to haunt me

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File: 2bd0139d1d74197⋯.gif (90.04 KB,500x391,500:391,1467634054289-0.gif)


the booru autists may be your last resort but for some reason i cant upload it to e621. artist:unknown_artist rating:explicit species:barioth species:dragon species:wyvern species:scalie copyright:capcom copyright:monster_hunter general:anthro general:male general:balls general:solo general:video_games general:claws general:penis general:toes general:fangs general:sitting

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File: 6a9fda3cafdbf66⋯.jpg (425.66 KB,2400x727,2400:727,1459116470987.jpg)

File: 1b86a8fd459ee83⋯.jpg (585.98 KB,1920x960,2:1,680998.jpg)

File: 3d8f9d0a2eb5a6a⋯.png (1.86 MB,1024x1280,4:5,c134b5b7c14060cb6ae690687e….png)

File: b5174ee65894906⋯.jpg (796.35 KB,848x1200,53:75,f197bcb005ba6e5f6398b5c53b….jpg)

File: dd200d286d9bedd⋯.gif (379.01 KB,581x316,581:316,1515652846545.gif)

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Now that is a good lizzer. Who drew that?

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File: 52125dafcbbdbe7⋯.webm (3.24 MB,1280x718,640:359,52125dafcbbdbe74aeac2f27b….webm)

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File: 4bfb929c01d045b⋯.png (826.94 KB,1000x1069,1000:1069,1502321990.furikake_freesk….png)

File: 32ee03de08c8809⋯.png (600.38 KB,762x1000,381:500,1504309801.furikake_herek-….png)

File: fddc061307c6c13⋯.png (1.62 MB,1250x1000,5:4,1485919384.furikake_xxthat….png)

File: 8af7cf33e05c729⋯.png (537.21 KB,900x900,1:1,1506823982.furikake_herek_….png)


ho boy, some of this is really good

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File: e56c986e15360fc⋯.png (472.95 KB,1024x532,256:133,Yoshi.png)

ha ha

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File: 37f6280c3d94a72⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,1241x1756,1241:1756,7d38eb2b017b760b141c418d9d….jpg)

File: b35bac21e7d2dd7⋯.jpg (121.61 KB,576x729,64:81,Dragon Silver Fantasy, Sil….jpg)

File: 59c96a3f7abae33⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1920x2510,192:251,34257864.jpg)

File: 3428352736a134c⋯.jpg (139.86 KB,1920x914,960:457,633753421.jpg)

File: 1e141bc851bb0a5⋯.jpg (185.98 KB,841x1200,841:1200,tibor-bedats-rawwad-air-dr….jpg)


called it, should never have posted Y***i. fuck you

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Just a reminder, if you've read this thread at all and aren't checking out Overlord season 2, you are wrong.

Unless you think you're ever going to get fully animated main stream lizard sex somewhere else in life.

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>shitty white "female" lizard "female"




>not lizardgirl or lizardfolk

so it's a tranny?

the eyes are shit too. not even the japs can make a proper reptilian female. at least the males are true reptiloids.

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Present your alternative lizard sex scene in a major media release, if your taste are so refined.

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File: 6feac4f5a763180⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,478x518,239:259,1.jpg)


I quite loved this lizard qt, but unfortunately, Overlord is a really shit anime, and an even shittier comic.

No point to watching it.

Characters are unapologetically garbage, and the only good guys, the lizardpeople, are forced into servitude in the end.

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File: e19d2e14b6605f7⋯.png (273.9 KB,544x525,544:525,Capture.PNG)


She's close at least.

As for the "lizardman" thing, it's just a technicality. That's like saying because we say "mankind", all humans must be men.

One thing I must say this lot got right is tail twisting.

So few people do anything with tails.

Pisses me off.

This is why the tails are great, you cunts. Give me more of this type of deal.

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File: 76b8cde1f39cf32⋯.png (1.88 MB,1366x768,683:384,Overlord_II_EP04_117.png)

File: f066edd25a0e8a3⋯.png (825.22 KB,1366x768,683:384,Overlord_II_EP02_092.png)

File: 90d67a9513a70e1⋯.png (1.68 MB,1366x768,683:384,Overlord_II_EP02_085.png)



What a cute lizard girl. Thanks for posting about her.


Nice. I wholly agree.

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File: 94e1d51fe063a0e⋯.jpg (191.89 KB,987x1502,987:1502,Overlord_Volume_4_Chapter_….jpg)


Truth be told, I'm not much a fan of her design in the anime anyway.

Maybe it's the lack of consistency wth it. Just seems a little poorly done, for some reason.

'Least she still has good egg-laying hips.

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File: 0be8e2a32d21547⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,2592x1944,4:3,Pergamonmuseum_Ishtartor_0….jpg)

>not having a 2.592 years old waifu

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File: dce22c1126253ec⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1920x2393,1920:2393,alejandro-olmedo-dragon-sk….jpg)

File: 304afd82c899aae⋯.jpg (675.92 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,antonio-j-manzanedo-dragon….jpg)

File: e164a568753a8b7⋯.png (1.43 MB,803x1205,803:1205,bd4ae2b5439f416f862bc8e920….png)

File: 139257833097a64⋯.jpg (162.67 KB,1280x998,640:499,ecmajor_89120.jpg)

File: d6e446a421162dd⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,392x451,392:451,checkem.jpg)

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dragons with paws >>>> talons & claws

the shit taste in this thread is astonishing to say the least. post some pawed dragons.

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File: 84535f5f095c95a⋯.webm (7.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,tenguandcherry.webm)

fuck i dont know why it's so big. i'm retarted. if someone can make a better job here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8HzSEk3XQE

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File: 66b19c176a4c787⋯.jpg (290.21 KB,1920x816,40:17,chunlin-yang-blind-dragon-….jpg)

File: 55a4d041dd01c0f⋯.jpg (394.17 KB,800x600,4:3,7246248454_b804669bf5_c.jpg)

File: 9c86f3ccf1f121c⋯.jpg (336.66 KB,800x600,4:3,7246239852_e3ba3dfe0c_c.jpg)

File: cc16797db5d1d38⋯.jpg (300.16 KB,1920x1119,640:373,jeff-chen-dragon-s-lair.jpg)

File: 3442944e6dd17f3⋯.jpg (121.81 KB,600x800,3:4,lagiacrus_slit1.jpg)

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Ah yes, the legendary Testicle-faced Lizard.

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File: f20764cdf14b88d⋯.webm (11.4 MB,640x256,5:2,Ritterschlag.webm)

do not bully the tegu please. anyway is this one fine? any tips to better quality conversions?

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I will bully anything with cheeks that look like a dog knot.

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The Midsummer Knight's Dream will sell you the best you're gonna get.

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File: db2c25c08903a51⋯.jpg (14.66 KB,500x301,500:301,teguskullnoticethegaps.jpg)

File: 1757da2b76817da⋯.jpg (156.5 KB,1000x667,1000:667,tegu-mouth_lrg.jpg)

File: 6820d037fab98c7⋯.jpg (3.35 MB,3888x2592,3:2,redtegu.jpg)

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File: 4cd17c4e1f8de39⋯.gif (92.67 KB,300x270,10:9,slowthread.gif)

File: d51b6e31649ab13⋯.jpg (387.02 KB,1886x1200,943:600,850c74b08f8dfa60bd08c27bba….jpg)

File: def9776109fd289⋯.jpg (430.2 KB,1365x719,1365:719,56425765.jpg)

File: 59de2235e1b0510⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1900x2675,76:107,nikola-yordanov-ala-main-f….jpg)

File: 646737859607d08⋯.jpg (66.42 KB,534x810,89:135,alex-chow-the-dragon-risin….jpg)

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I feel the fourth one would be massively improved if the cloaked man were about one-quarter that height.

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File: 482369100b254ba⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,3015x4578,1005:1526,Vivid.jpg)

File: 491a41e1be2cb6a⋯.jpg (289.91 KB,962x1485,962:1485,Ruins.jpg)

File: 9ea211bbaf8701b⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,4000x6000,2:3,Gold Trim.jpg)

File: 11d6f4b57fdfc79⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,4000x3482,2000:1741,Dont Belong Here.jpg)

File: 4ba4571f8a0059b⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,4000x6000,2:3,Void Break.jpg)

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File: ee7656cd13a4103⋯.jpg (714.02 KB,1920x1450,192:145,paul-canavan-ariss-2560.jpg)

File: 7cc86225a18566a⋯.jpg (130.78 KB,900x1200,3:4,DT8b3OaVQAAiNgq.jpg)

File: 136e8bc1e725908⋯.png (482.03 KB,884x886,442:443,stuckinshitgame.png)

File: ff1ab2d78da0982⋯.png (741.13 KB,1000x600,5:3,p-sebae_sunset-cave.png)

File: f16acfe1792c05a⋯.jpg (858.81 KB,1920x1185,128:79,7445d22864b1a4e0aa39b64358….jpg)

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File: f76a3450ba0be08⋯.png (272.22 KB,1280x1321,1280:1321,tumblr_owyenaFGm81tdv657o4….png)


3rd one is slick. Is there more?

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File: d41fc1e38ee1749⋯.jpg (252.35 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DSrFu54VoAA8Sie.jpg)

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Do you know the source of the second pic?

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File: 47aeca11ca817c9⋯.jpg (194.94 KB,667x1000,667:1000,16968459049304442473.jpg)

File: 01114c16f01a3f2⋯.png (2.57 MB,3129x2037,149:97,326821.png)

File: 6ce015f06335f83⋯.png (2.97 MB,3000x3000,1:1,534163435.png)

File: a3d33b45fb8f624⋯.jpg (269.38 KB,788x597,788:597,fe360c397b64068745ebef626f….jpg)

File: 0c81a9a9b2f62b3⋯.gif (1.52 MB,300x380,15:19,54425245.gif)


i really love spoonfeeding those beasts who cant even do a google search!


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File: eb9d212288ffe6e⋯.jpg (852.28 KB,1920x960,2:1,michael-michera-michael-mi….jpg)

File: 9d09c2084f17261⋯.jpg (120.44 KB,768x960,4:5,Character_Kobold.jpg)

File: 3dda6f35f4b12d9⋯.jpg (278.79 KB,825x1191,275:397,antonio-j-manzanedo-dragon….jpg)

File: 84276b2cd3cfc72⋯.jpg (391.63 KB,744x972,62:81,56564754.jpg)

File: 758965b85c290e4⋯.jpg (264.86 KB,540x973,540:973,0304589.jpg)


please do

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File: ada418d89164ab5⋯.jpg (938.44 KB,1920x1280,3:2,godfrey-escota-crimson.jpg)

File: c8f0593d9fee64c⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,mlem.mp4)

really really nice anon, saved them all, a real reptilian bean

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File: 955a52626b3813d⋯.jpg (623.19 KB,3307x1957,3307:1957,32567475.jpg)

File: b13bbb4adf45f6a⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1394x800,697:400,553105.jpg)

File: 0d5f7727c868bd0⋯.jpg (481.96 KB,1636x900,409:225,-50-small-name.jpg)

File: 7a37a3cd6f728ee⋯.jpg (361.1 KB,2700x1800,3:2,RED.jpg)

File: 4a1124c545842d9⋯.jpg (529.17 KB,1920x1080,16:9,nikola-yordanov-untitled.jpg)


yeah the diversity in artstyles and subjects is amazing. it will take me a while to organize such a huge load of images, thank you very much! if you would like something posted just ask.

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File: b139b930f21a250⋯.jpg (443.22 KB,1920x1280,3:2,12036351079487902672.jpg)

File: 4fbb2579881bf7a⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,4158x6000,693:1000,Bask in Light.jpg)

File: efeda5f03e45378⋯.jpg (353.9 KB,1920x904,240:113,chunlin-yang-ellegance-dis….jpg)

File: 041b5b7572763bb⋯.jpg (488.21 KB,1920x1134,320:189,carlo-arellano-smaug-3.jpg)

File: 565f7ad7d89d95c⋯.jpg (112.62 KB,1024x724,256:181,commission___first_meeting….jpg)


sadly i never had the money for such stuff

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File: 48da7f1ce187af5⋯.gif (223.44 KB,327x478,327:478,trex3d.gif)

did the rulecucks really delete all those posts?

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File: b42aad8495cb88f⋯.jpg (69.42 KB,213x315,71:105,1520453826804.jpg)

>Dylan spamming upscaled thumbnails in 4/scaly

>He gets banned for it

>He ban evades and starts doing it again

>Report one of his posts

>Get banned for "abusing report system"

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File: b87768b6f902001⋯.jpg (138.4 KB,962x699,962:699,crocandfrogs.jpg)


At least you got dubs, feel free to join this dead thread

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File: e077973a537f3a7⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1269x848,1269:848,1523237255547.webm)


Well, I just released an update to Kobold Adventure, which allows you to export and import saves.

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Nice to see you here, great job. We also have a kobold thread, which is more populated

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File: 6ba257aa0355320⋯.png (166.56 KB,1231x790,1231:790,scaly_waifu.png)


Feels good to be here. I'll go check that other thread out.

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Oh, so it wasn't just me. Sucks, I wanted to get hardcore into writing out more of a story I was in the middle of elsewhere but can't post it there now.

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File: 118ba0ef0945417⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,640x360,16:9,Game of Thrones Dragon Sin….mp4)

File: 045f20b628290e3⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Spaghetti in a sweater-4Q9….mp4)

File: 8b55de477157b2b⋯.gif (481.29 KB,500x333,500:333,1470366916559.gif)

File: 721cb5ae42c691b⋯.gif (2.65 MB,321x198,107:66,1466481150977.gif)

File: 62cfaddd3ba38eb⋯.jpg (119.49 KB,900x620,45:31,1440157533314-0.jpg)

Witness our glorious 16mb limit, sounds enabled fifth posting

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Got fucking banned to

It's just 3 days and mobile still works but seriously mods are fucking fags

another thread on qa complaing about it so i don't think it is just mods hating /trash/


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but the right one will shed too

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This is a whole new dimension of comfy snek posting.

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File: 212b09ec0e0025e⋯.png (162.47 KB,192x323,192:323,Screenshot-2018-4-12 Spyro….png)

File: 95e5448c4954562⋯.jpg (596.68 KB,2262x2160,377:360,Thique - by Spedumon.jpg)

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Luckily Dylan will never find this place ^:)

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File: bc2e7104e8dd1b6⋯.png (551.69 KB,1667x1390,1667:1390,tumblr_p6yd74ztcG1ukhe5vo1….png)


Retard's at it again. Went and installed 4chan X to try and filter it, but aside from ballooning the MD5 filter list I can't seem to figure out the 'Regular-Expressions' system to actually filter it. I'd ask in there, but still fucking banned from the spam reporting.

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The images are randomized so the MD5 is different every time ^:)

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File: 4f7090cf949d7a4⋯.png (735.12 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a15dc77a9000cd⋯.png (291.41 KB,1050x1050,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a766ec9c50ea0e1⋯.png (446.57 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: feb19b8b4abe96e⋯.png (410.88 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

posting koopa qts

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File: 9d878caca36db46⋯.png (442.15 KB,1050x1050,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a1980edf25273b⋯.png (673.6 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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>not posting the best qt named Wendy o koopa

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File: 635d7c99e0d26d0⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x631,1280:631,1524353394.greame_yswyrm_1….png)

File: 47836d7015e9190⋯.png (84.93 KB,1080x510,36:17,wip.png)

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She's the one with the penis, right? 'o'

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File: 642cc7f7b26460e⋯.png (159.87 KB,1032x780,86:65,kiss.png)

Kobold Adventure version 2.20 is live!

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Post fanart of Jörmungandr here: https://8ch.net/v/res/14733107.html

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File: a9a889ffd049587⋯.jpg (141.53 KB,1280x896,10:7,1508465374.bastioner_dmwmz….jpg)

File: a2ecc89482abd84⋯.jpg (150.63 KB,1280x837,1280:837,1500843354.bastioner_sefwf….jpg)

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File: 56d728f954e4960⋯.webm (2.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,b54531b37cda3b1340c80e593….webm)

File: a80f95d7d396da4⋯.webm (8.18 MB,1280x836,320:209,f248758ba51bf4ad2a82517ee….webm)

Anyone know of anything like this?

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File: 80fb07364fbd892⋯.png (37.87 KB,1130x704,565:352,1333700820.vinnyvanyiffy_a….png)

File: 611f7b91a632551⋯.jpg (113.73 KB,871x612,871:612,1403658854.serandite_seran….jpg)

File: 83108d774396b9e⋯.png (679.9 KB,642x1080,107:180,1427775362.bgarts_greyscal….png)

File: fd19f9626376499⋯.jpg (611.47 KB,927x1200,309:400,1450901139.sonicsweeti_din….jpg)

File: 85e63572066e697⋯.png (356.69 KB,679x900,679:900,1531351601.dbd_patreoncust….png)

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File: 5e6cf0725005f2c⋯.jpg (255.15 KB,974x750,487:375,d2b4bc636c8d88e5a61eb2dc30….jpg)

File: b1e4968a660ae74⋯.png (565.9 KB,1150x1542,575:771,da4cada176a4d333ab9d137fa1….png)

File: bc6ddaa42abcbf4⋯.jpg (368.12 KB,1054x1280,527:640,f0730f66017a482ac53c2ae34c….jpg)

File: ab332f053e070b1⋯.png (808.44 KB,807x508,807:508,screen-shot-2015-10-13-at-….png)

File: ad8fdaccf97ad95⋯.jpg (80.65 KB,500x500,1:1,trained-mesozoic-ninja-rap….jpg)

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im having very gay thoughts towards these crocs

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File: d0e1792899106a9⋯.png (158.41 KB,1280x788,320:197,1530401739.zephyr42_zephyr….png)

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I want to bone a scaly girl so bad.

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File: 1373dd19e17f019⋯.png (2.51 MB,1099x1436,1099:1436,dino lingerie.png)

File: a9d7226f3f71df5⋯.png (642.11 KB,1500x1600,15:16,dino panties.png)

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File: 4080039f1bbdf13⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,2304x4096,9:16,interstellar demon dino st….jpg)

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greetings friends.

I am a sculptor with some experience making latex masks and i'm thinking of moving into furry to make some munny. Would any of you be interested in, or at least do you think there's a market for, nice handsome, realistic-y scaly masks? like arooki's shit but less shitty and autistic. buying many gallons of latex to fill molds is a little expensive so I'm trying to evaluate whether there IS a demand for scalesuitshit and simply not many makers of it or if there's little demand so little providers.

sage for not porn

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I'd buy one anon

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File: c31a057e3b9b1e1⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,3976x3056,497:382,Saga bull dragon.jpg)

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File: 405baeffffccf79⋯.jpg (737.92 KB,2000x857,2000:857,back2smallpic.jpg)

I've just finished this drawing, perhaps you might like it. It's a fictional species.

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w-why is he crying tho

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he's having a sad cum bb

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thinkign about no cloaca

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File: eb3a3860eaf612e⋯.jpg (255.32 KB,850x633,850:633,sample_fe38b0fcfb618bec4a4….jpg)

File: 598cc957c50a5fe⋯.jpg (253.37 KB,900x693,100:77,eda22f5106d0a6a632b503c004….jpg)

File: 189523b9b51a554⋯.jpg (662.22 KB,1280x1025,256:205,1336315884.ixerin_tened_we….jpg)

So is this herp or avian? I really like this girl's art

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yeah that's me irl then

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More anatomical pics?

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File: 2fb3fc3cfb6ba6f⋯.png (646.16 KB,600x800,3:4,1411509459.ykoriana_mosasa….png)

File: 09db34fb7321503⋯.jpg (381.58 KB,848x1200,53:75,1459923414691.jpg)

File: f91b10a910548d7⋯.jpg (376.11 KB,848x1200,53:75,1459923980896.jpg)

File: ce96c812e075bc8⋯.jpg (125.78 KB,931x1280,931:1280,ankylosaur fem.jpg)

File: f4d9fc733d755ae⋯.jpg (264.7 KB,591x1002,197:334,ankylosaur girl.jpg)

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File: bbb34105b1dfb19⋯.png (1.7 MB,1280x1127,1280:1127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dc672c7d7be914⋯.png (445.72 KB,661x497,661:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: c1e0bc387becf9d⋯.png (363.6 KB,671x768,671:768,daf655829de473eee8cfc32b22….png)

File: 16b40fd279c2e99⋯.jpg (86.82 KB,800x699,800:699,507f3184f0c5d46ad5ddfcc5f9….jpg)

>Majority of females in thread are nobreast mode.

Mah niggas.

Can we get more snek?

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Description that went with this pic:

The clear ringing of silver and gold in the bag was a song of victory for the pair as they put it on the table in front of the constable, who initially looked at it with skeptical eyes.

"Y'want to buy the whole village?" He asked with a look of disbelief.

"Yes." Karston said in earnest, as the dark serpent coiled around his neck and shoulder. Her forked tongue flicked in and out of her mouth.

The constable emptied the bag of gold and silver coins on the table, as the king rested in his throne, arrogant and content.

The constable counted meticulously and before the bag was even fully counted, he stopped. He held a single gold coin in between his fingers and tapped it on the wooden table as he looked at it.

"Two-hundred and nine gilden Liren..." He said in a gasp. "Where did you get such coin?"

Karston merely smiled with an amused chuckle.

"That's impossible. Only kings can muster such coin. They must be fake." The king scoffed.

The constable turned to the king. "They ring of gold, sire.", and before long the kings face turned grim.

"Surely the grand serpent under the mountain can vouch for me." Karston said with an amused expression. "I'm sure he'll have many ills to speak of me, and more likely than not, he will tell many curses for each coin we took."

"That old worm has nothing but lies to tell." The king retorted, but Saelle came forth, her dark scales glistening in the candle-light, and her eye glinted like a diamond. "He will tell you many things, but lies are not among them." She hissed at the king, who rose in his throne.

"What sorcery is this?" The king yelped in fear.

"My compatriot, the wise serpent Saelle." Karston announced.

After having paid off the lands, and their bag of coins now bereft of half of it's content, the two now stood before the very doorstep from whence they sent forth on their adventure.

The worn wooden doorpost, marked by years of rain, sun, and harsh winters, was a welcome sight, and Karston let his fingers trail over it a second time. The wood felt warm, almost as if to welcome him back, and with a quick turn of the key they entered his living room.

The familiar smell and sounds of the house all came back before they had properly entered. A slight smile appeared on Karston's face when even the creaking board on the fourth step into the hall hadn't changed while they were out.

As they walked up the stairs and into the bedroom, he let himself sit back on his bed and tossed the bag of riches down beside it.

He soon noticed Saelle slither towards it, entering it through the small hole where the bag was tied together.

After some rummaging inside the bag she came out adorned in a set of spoils that seemed almost tailor-made for her. Her patterned body now decorated with gold and silver, jewels and even silk.

Her eyes were fixed on him, she looked at him undaunted. "Since you've aided me on my little escapade, I think it's fair to return the favour, is it not?" She asked. Her voice was deep, as seductive in sound as she was in appearance; the silver and gold, and white silk contrasted beautifully with her scales of earthy tone.

Karston sat back on the bed, a bit unsure of what he felt. He could feel his nethers rise in his pants. His mind flooded with thoughts that he never even dared dream while they were out on the road.

With a surprising speed, he pulled the shirt from his back and undid the buckle of his belt.

He kicked off his boots, while Saelle crawled up over his arm, she wrapped her sensual body around his neck. "You've been wanting this for some time, haven't you?" She whispered. Her tongue flicked out against his ear.

Karston was left speechless, unsure of what to say, as he now lay on his bed naked. The serpentine seductress now slid over his chest, stomach, and then coiled around his leg. His member was now standing fully erect as he rested back, his head propped up against a pillow and the wooden head-end of his bed.

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Saelle moved over his nethers, coiling her elegant body around his cock for a bit. Karston had a tough time keeping himself in check, but Saelle took her time twisting her lower body and tail around his member, before propping her tail up a bit, rubbing the tip of his penis with the underside of her still bare tail.

Karston sighed in pleasure when he felt the serpent's cloaca open up, stretching far over the head of his dick. She slid it down deeper. Rhythmic contractions of the snake's muscles pulled his cock deeper and deeper into her lower body. She stretches up so far that her skin was visible under her scales, and the tightness was unbelievable. Saelle coiled back around his leg, over his hands, and looked at him, as she felt his cock twitch inside of her. "You must've really been wanting for a lady's embrace." Saelle taunted him, with an amused expression. Karston blushed, and looked perturbed at the snake, who's cloaca was continually massaging him. Her tongue's flicking motions on his chest and stomach were driving him mad with desire. The young man's hands caressed her shapely body, as she hummed contently.

She stretched out over his chest, bringing her mouth close to his ear and she whispered. "Admit it, I'm far better than any human girl you've lusted over."

Karston sighed. His voice trembled with pleasure as he spoke. "Yes."

He took a hold of her tail quite firmly, and as Saelle pulled back a bit up, he pulled her back down over his cock. Each time he yanked her down, she let out a gasp of pleasure.

The tight entrance and inner-walls of her body, her incessant taunting and honing were intoxicating, addicting and soon Karston found himself moving his hips along with her motions. "If you keep this up.. I'll...!" Karston moaned.

"You'll what? Cum? Go ahead, fill me up with your delicious seed." She hissed, her usually controlled and calculated tone was now almost fully gone, instead her voice was lustful, amused and filled with pleasure. "Only you are worthy to sheathe yourself in my body, and to -" She was interrupted by an uncontrolled gasp of pleasure as she felt his semen shoot into her. She squirmed around on his abdomen in bliss as he did so, hilting herself almost instinctively over his cock, as she could feel wetness drizzle down from her stretched-up slit, and even staining her pure silk lingerie.

Karston panted. Pearls of sweat had formed on his forehead and his chest heaved with each breath he drew. Saelle too seemed to catch her breath, and he supported her neck before she lifted her head.

"That was amazing.." He said in between breaths.

"You're not tired yet, are you?" She said with a grin on her face, and she lifted herself up. "The celebration has only just begun."

And at that moment, Karston realised that this little serpent was far from done with him; and that rest would have to wait.

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File: fc1cf39ab73b9be⋯.png (2.8 MB,3000x1154,1500:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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I tried that drink, the basic variant is pleasent but a little boring, maybe the variants would be more exotic but I'd rather just have the fireball straight or mix it with something else otherwise.

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File: 88f6f8fef7527d2⋯.png (1.61 MB,834x1000,417:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed2cd3c55bdb7d4⋯.png (892.48 KB,1171x1078,1171:1078,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 81322c6f564b233⋯.png (1.6 MB,4832x1140,1208:285,ClipboardImage.png)


Am I the only one who wanted the Indoraptor to win in that movie?

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Keep refreshing for different dragon porn:


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File: f8264c2ab8e0929⋯.png (1.51 MB,1228x1280,307:320,1529121515.phinja_inffa.png)

File: 08267e16e21f375⋯.jpg (218.42 KB,1226x2048,613:1024,blue_indoraptor.jpg)

File: c5b2fcf4613cb9b⋯.png (1023.64 KB,700x867,700:867,blue_portait.png)

File: f187fecbfdddfb9⋯.png (1.32 MB,1400x1000,7:5,rerr.png)


Nah, he was a cool dino, and it kind of sucks that he's just killed off (and speaking of sucking, the movie wasn't good at all). At least we got a lot of nice art of him, and Blue too.


Oh, nice. I wonder how big of a repository the site pulls the images from.

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I like this.

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File: 25169d9b736d9f9⋯.jpg (736.83 KB,905x1280,181:256,1556422104.wolflong_地狱鬼犬h.jpg)

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File: 7f116ad904c32dc⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x640,1:1,snake.mp4)

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File: 5ea5c5c217fd4bf⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,3435x2442,1145:814,f57bbfa0da61c3214eaa68b3dc….jpg)

File: 1368b91c498813a⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,3435x2442,1145:814,d55f0d3df8975496a153fe082b….jpg)

File: 2c8c6ab173c9e8c⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,3435x2442,1145:814,bc79106e82ae997f7a8b9d9ee9….jpg)

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File: fde9d225fdc3a6e⋯.png (983.8 KB,2080x1132,520:283,20190510_161444.png)

File: 9d94dc71cd12e2b⋯.png (958.83 KB,2286x1246,1143:623,20190510_161507.png)

File: d9bcd004a36af75⋯.png (1.27 MB,2286x1246,1143:623,20190510_161537.png)

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File: 64da0df8cc08fa5⋯.png (1.88 MB,2006x1367,2006:1367,07e2a4bf08ade2b24756e87f90….png)

File: f709e348c4bdfc4⋯.png (1.9 MB,2006x1367,2006:1367,04445d3666332b22653e87a1b3….png)

File: 87acef23132e972⋯.png (3.37 MB,2116x2013,2116:2013,9ce8eda766762e34f9b471c050….png)

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File: 133331887c1599a⋯.jpg (331.75 KB,1164x1280,291:320,1541317793.donkles_2018101….jpg)

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File: dd5c14dece8f967⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,900x777,300:259,1547997005461.jpg)

File: 587ba01c1203dc4⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,900x906,150:151,1547996986977.jpg)

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File: cc6eab0929078e1⋯.jpg (748.25 KB,1920x1080,16:9,20190518_210122.jpg)

File: 23763421555eae8⋯.jpg (420.54 KB,1280x690,128:69,20190518_210112.jpg)

File: 3d606354e88d409⋯.png (909.62 KB,1280x688,80:43,20190518_210057.png)

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File: 76565bff716cc8f⋯.png (346.22 KB,680x415,136:83,Rudy ripoff.png)


I love how RickRaptor on youtube pointed out how the Indominus seems to be a ripoff of Rudy.

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That sounds stupid.

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From which Website is this from?

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File: 54f1a49d939cb0a⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,1400x1050,4:3,8c22dfaa01479dc7ff2769e541….jpg)

File: 2e126de32184da4⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,1050x1400,3:4,f8e9e516ef8be3f4b1048242ba….jpg)

File: 5d08a67310749c5⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,1050x1400,3:4,dc772ca3b50f9896409cf1ebe3….jpg)

File: b27c04af18d2a45⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,1050x1400,3:4,40bf6462caa4641ed306ea369f….jpg)

File: 9bd0ac11276c862⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,1050x1400,3:4,63916bec56dc5b432415037d5f….jpg)

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I think the pic itself was from tumblr but I found it on 4chan. It's not RickRaptors tumblr, just another person who noticed the similarity as well.

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reminds me of dracorex from Primeval

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File: 4f57a95644090f9⋯.png (1.51 MB,1040x1280,13:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792bd9cef2b6eb9⋯.png (1.62 MB,900x1125,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9da43d8370e3c4⋯.png (2.57 MB,1791x1200,597:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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someone post more hot raptors pls

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File: eabff6a03802dbc⋯.png (453.06 KB,1155x886,1155:886,1529531162.maxblackrabbit_….png)

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File: 549b5dbf372c29c⋯.png (873.36 KB,1500x1600,15:16,ClipboardImage.png)



>What do you mean Dave got a pair of panties on one of the raptors?

>Wait, they were one of those gift shop panties with the park logo on them too.

>Bullshit. Prove it.

>[phone being taken out and passed]

>Holy shit! The madman actually did it.

>How many fingers does have left?

>All 10 still, ha.

>. . . Why do they have such nice asses?

>Oh fuck you. I know you thought the same thing too.

>Yeah, those science nerds probably did it on purpose.

>What!? What do mean Dave wants to try the T-Rex next?

>That's fucking crazy. The old scarface girl would tear him apart.

>And you know, there are no panties that big.

>Wait. Give a second

>[phone being dialed]

>Hey Bill, you know that favor you owe me?

>How big of a pair of panties could you have made?

>What, no! I wasn't going to do that.

>Why do I want giant panties? Well . . . OK, I'll make sure I get pics if we manage to pull it off.

>Oh and make sure it has the park logo on them too.

>Soooo. What's the betting pool that Dave actually pulls it off versus being eaten?


>Dave somehow manages to pull it off, only he ended up inside the panties once they were on the T-rex

>And now there's an angry (and horny) T-rex rampaging in her enclosure

>No one's really sure if he needs rescuing or not

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File: 76a982ebbcfca28⋯.png (1018.05 KB,1000x707,1000:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09160f2aa8335da⋯.jpg (459.66 KB,1468x1600,367:400,space raptor.jpg)




So a while back there was the interesting theory of how the Indominus converting the raptors to her side was sort of an allegory for teenagers getting enraptured with the bad new cool kid.

I wanted to expand on that by mentioning 2 things. This idea is set up by the fact that despite being their (former) alpha/parent the raptors attack Christ Pratt when he enters the and leaves the cage in the movie's beginning, when before they did not (seen in Jurassic World's sequel), just how moody teenagers will attack and resist control from their parents. Later on Blue and the raptors rejoin Chris to take down the Indominus and reconcile, which is sort of them growing out of their bratty teen stage and becoming young adults, of whom only Blue survives to mature into an independent adult.

> Alternate 'bad' end

> Blue gets defeated, dommed, and fucked by Indoraptor before he runs off into the night

> End scene is the camera slowly panning along the ground and stopping on a nest filled with hers and Indo's eggs while dramatic music swells up before the screen cuts to black

> New world order of hyper-intelligent Blue/Indo raptors

>Turns out, the best way to keep two murderous hybrid dinos from killing everyone is to have them fall in love with each other

>Indominus Rex/Indoraptor/Raptor hybrids become the newest attraction at the park

>Their brains are so intensely wired towards violence that it sort of comes back around and cancels itself out in some weird natural version of a short-circuit

>This makes them flargely docile compared to their parents

>They start becoming popular pets to adopt

> This is how the next Jurassic World movie ends

> Intelligent dinos integrate into human society and Blue finally goes to live with Owen

> Raptors, along with many of the more mentally competent species of dinosaurs, start pursuing college educations

> It starts becoming normal to see dino professionals in all lines of work

> Natural surgeons with claws acting as scalpels, lawyers using critical thinking and problem solving to dole out justice, the list goes on

> Large improvements to many lines of work are seen due to the unique viewpoints that the dinos bring with them

> Space Program revived with new dinosaur abilities

> Raptor Gagarin reporting in

>YWN work with your raptor wife to raise your raptor kids through their bratty teenager phase and help them become mature adults, rebellious bites and scratches be damned

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How the fuck does a raptor wear panties? They'd just fall off.

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Do you not see the THICC?

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I see it, but not only do raptors not have butt cheeks, the way human panties work would not fit on a raptor even if they did have butt cheeks.

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Foxes also don't have butt cheeks but that hasn't stopped furries

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File: b0c3bc298b5f4dd⋯.jpg (802.88 KB,1000x1247,1000:1247,1552132007.totesfleisch8_a….jpg)

File: 95f26059b8661c6⋯.jpg (934.8 KB,1000x1247,1000:1247,14a9d9c43028067966f67fb7f3….jpg)

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File: 9d5bb29b5742116⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,550x400,11:8,ezgif-1-172b25bedb6a.mp4)

This is from herpy

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I'm sorry the fps is fucky

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File: b52660974346c95⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,1050x1400,3:4,cf33c6dac548bfda961affe9e2….jpg)

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isnt't herpy dead now?

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Yes, Varka (Jan Mulders) killed it because people had dirt on him there.

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Yeah but its something I had saved from there

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File: d51b8583d388a97⋯.jpg (138.09 KB,920x518,460:259,thumb_21_u18chan.jpg)

File: 8481cf03fc90784⋯.png (1.5 MB,1500x1061,1500:1061,1558954080.vader-san_tamik….png)

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File: 5005f76c05de8d8⋯.png (1.51 MB,1061x1500,1061:1500,4f3167e758cfe2a7ad1bac1d99….png)

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File: de02eb463f40c7d⋯.gif (1.88 MB,799x472,799:472,1533089091.ajin_bluesietwo….gif)


This will never not be sexy.

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oh hey a nullgirl edit (but with her tailhole missing)

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File: 043534b7b173971⋯.png (849.41 KB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 2279cdb093da89d⋯.jpg (91.2 KB,800x586,400:293,0b2c8221141718b7a4ca531c63….jpg)

I don't get it. I'm a pretty massive homo, but seeing feral raptor and dragon ladies getting creampied and shit makes my dick diamonds. The fuck is wrong with me?

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File: dc70e8ff7e8c223⋯.png (49.76 KB,1130x704,565:352,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39e6d9e290c1219⋯.png (36.67 KB,754x482,377:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: a2b412ba982f23b⋯.png (33.63 KB,405x714,135:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 54748ee1bb7c3d5⋯.jpg (164.12 KB,1052x1250,526:625,WipeOut45_04_2019_024518.8….jpg)

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File: d77704cd5ba88df⋯.jpg (71.97 KB,800x658,400:329,WipeOut33_04_2019_093315.7….jpg)

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When were the good old times?

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File: 35bb3d041aa44dc⋯.jpg (83.85 KB,640x305,128:61,only for 90s kids eyes.jpg)

File: 4f25927499af07a⋯.jpg (46.58 KB,250x250,1:1,1365746808341.jpg)

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File: e2895a29487b782⋯.webm (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,simpler.webm)

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File: a361e8ecbaf6fe3⋯.jpg (226.68 KB,1280x853,1280:853,WipeOut30_11_2019_033006.3….jpg)

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File: 7bc7c947d725ffb⋯.jpg (91.77 KB,905x1280,181:256,WipeOut11_15_2019_041105.4….jpg)

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File: bd272452016ddaf⋯.jpg (103.62 KB,775x1000,31:40,WipeOut28_15_2019_042821.0….jpg)

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File: 0dbb5d8d256c000⋯.jpg (122.61 KB,1280x688,80:43,WipeOut42_15_2019_044226.7….jpg)

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a nullboy owo

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File: 6304c32e7ac8515⋯.jpg (151.67 KB,1280x989,1280:989,WipeOut36_17_2019_093617.4….jpg)

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File: a7606956dcba325⋯.jpg (569.95 KB,2700x3500,27:35,WipeOut49_21_2019_034925.5….jpg)

File: 1d3508ffe16b31d⋯.jpg (491.69 KB,2700x3500,27:35,WipeOut53_21_2019_035330.8….jpg)

File: 2604400df86533c⋯.jpg (525.61 KB,2700x3500,27:35,WipeOut56_21_2019_035653.8….jpg)

File: deb6536c71ac944⋯.jpg (561.09 KB,2700x3500,27:35,WipeOut00_21_2019_040022.0….jpg)

File: d5df2feeb4e88a9⋯.jpg (332.31 KB,2700x3500,27:35,WipeOut02_21_2019_040238.7….jpg)

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File: 194361b6c4c01b2⋯.jpg (767.47 KB,3000x3500,6:7,WipeOut07_21_2019_040752.8….jpg)

File: cec62e26b131418⋯.jpg (946.91 KB,2700x4000,27:40,dc80664c408b9efca186ce2227….jpg)

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File: fc4a2985267c876⋯.png (520.82 KB,640x800,4:5,1549825642636.png)

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Probably as inspirations for his toys tbh

It would be cool to see a proper archive or something of the site again though. I kinda miss reading through some of the stuff on herpy before Varka pulled it.

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>Drawing inspiration from animal dicks for his toys

They're been caught stealing designs from the community on more than one occasion. There's a lot of bad history with Varka, he's not a good guy.

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File: 4cef775bf258022⋯.png (137.49 KB,1200x1280,15:16,1514187021.bastroceive_800….png)

File: ace7cbb3b6680b7⋯.png (175.69 KB,1280x948,320:237,1556781679.bastroceive_853….png)

File: 8547202b20b2c9c⋯.png (138.66 KB,1280x948,320:237,1562668876.bastroceive_942….png)

File: d4e2e70ba559013⋯.png (193.26 KB,1024x1280,4:5,1562668496.bastroceive_f1d….png)

File: e77c76de9e71173⋯.png (179.85 KB,988x1280,247:320,1560422179.bastroceive_638….png)

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File: bfab23938089011⋯.jpg (160.69 KB,800x800,1:1,1307162309.spyketyranno_fa….jpg)

File: a5782926ea60723⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,800x800,1:1,1306426398.sabledrachen_bi….jpg)

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Hi could you post good art instead?

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>good art

>from furries

you have to be joking.

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File: 2404f1b14ca26ad⋯.jpg (69.39 KB,936x590,468:295,2404f1b14ca26add75e02fd7dd….jpg)

Two years ago and this thread is still going, it didnt have to end up like this

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File: e2909d542f5a363⋯.jpg (138.84 KB,1280x1280,1:1,31c245a29691027a399d364a69….jpg)

File: eff29cc38bb536a⋯.jpg (581.35 KB,924x1100,21:25,21cd56e618f7c8e44b93dc4594….jpg)

File: a69170c4a821f21⋯.jpg (959.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,7fc56da195097c5412684bf29f….jpg)

File: af70075429bf92e⋯.png (7.32 MB,1370x3697,1370:3697,593d2ce1fd973e1bd1612e1e84….png)

have some more porn i guess

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That's the majority of threads here. This board could do with a wipe.

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File: b413a77d7a557a5⋯.jpg (477.91 KB,612x952,9:14,rav.jpg)

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File: 420d84a8b3b4324⋯.png (2.69 MB,2000x2271,2000:2271,18c4362b16603b555200418be7….png)

File: 4838490daf23c01⋯.jpg (89.1 KB,800x1000,4:5,15174fa868b38d1f8909077109….jpg)


<not a single fucking ghidorah

<not even a single hydra

Come on now.

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File: 5c8eeeb65f0ce4f⋯.png (975.42 KB,1000x1239,1000:1239,b1cc1f1afe994b2981e1033df0….png)


>pic 1

<Multiple-Personality Anthro Ghidorah from below

Anyone got a pastebin, story, fic or something of the like with Queen Ghidorah?

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File: 79e2769a7185550⋯.png (130.86 KB,446x320,223:160,7c1cfe8c70a2599406843c7f76….png)

>thread is limp for no reason

>discussion dropped

<plenty of posting space


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File: b2cad80eba53f79⋯.png (1.54 MB,1247x1371,1247:1371,b2cad80eba53f7937fc107eec6….png)


board isn't very active and most people moved on. get used to the slow i guess

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File: d8d61a08b7813b9⋯.png (2.8 MB,2000x1428,500:357,Blue needs.png)

Owen scowled and flipped over another pile of clothes in his Rv. Where the heck had he put them? He'd bought the darn things not two hours ago! He stood, tossing the clothes both dirty and clean onto the bed.

"I hate it when things play hide and seek." He grumbled.

Stepping over to the counter, where his other purchases were siting, he made one more look through them. Sure enough, the XL condoms he'd bought were nowhere to be seen.

Where'd they go, dammit...i had them right next to the cheese in the bag....wait.

Picking up the bag gently, he looked it over. He'd been stopped by his security friends at the entrance to the Raptor paddock section of the park like usual. What was unusual was that they'd asked for his Help. The raptors were acting funny and they wanted his advice on how to handle it. SO from there Owen had pulled his bike right up alongside the large cages they had separated the four dinosaurs into. He parked next to Blue's cage and had a look at her first.

Sure enough it wasn't anything to worry about, the girls were merely in breeding season and were getting antsy. He'd assured the staff that everything was fine, and to keep em separate until morning so he could evaluate their actions and see if they needed any medications to help stem the flow of their cycles. From their he'd driven home.

Owen glanced at the bag that had held the condoms...and then he looked out the window to his bike. A thought hit him, a very dirty worrisome thought. One he'd had before after learning that Blue was very much aware what sex was...and what condoms were. He'd done it ONE TIME and from then on her expression and view of him had...shifted. No longer did she look at him like a puppy wanting a treat or to please their master. No, now she looked at him like...well it was hard to describe.

Like she wants me to...do it again...to nest with her most likely. He rubbed his chin in thought and then put his hands on his hips and sighed. He knew where the condoms were most likely...and if they were where he thought they were, tonight they'd be used for an entirely different reason than he'd planned. Originally he planned on using them for a prank, filling the suckers up with water and placing them all in Claire's office drawer. The one she specifically had for important documents and clients. He was childish, but she seemed to like that about him.

Hopping onto his bike, he drove the three miles down the island road to the large gates that housed the raptor enclosure. He waved to the security staff and then asked to use the side entrance. It was quieter than the huge reinforced steel doors, and he knew Blue would hear those opening. If he was lucky, maybe he could get the jump on her. It rarely happened, but he counted it as a victory every time he succeeded. They allowed him in, and then left him to his own devices. They knew he liked his personal space, and the new security guards who didn't know this learned very quickly to just respect him.

Slipping into the area, he spotted the containment cages off on the far side of the paddock. They were shrouded in shadows, but not out of sight of the camera. Full coverage at all times, regardless of where or what was happening. Owen had wanted this because of how easily the raptors had escaped from the previous park. He casually strolled over and around the parked vehicles, making it appear normal that he was there, but he moved with purpose. As he neared the first cage, Blue's cage,he pulled out his phone and texted a numbered code to the security guard in the camera room.

A few seconds went by and a reply came in.

She in heat again?

Owen sighed and texted back "yes, now shut off camera 14, 11, and 5. I'll be out in an hour or so...Probably."

The reply came a few seconds later, as he watched three of the cameras power down.

You got it boss, i'll give it two hours just in case. Blue tends to get snugly with you. Send me pics when you're done will ya?

Owen closed the phone without responding and stepped up to the cage. pulling out his clicker, he sent off a clatter of sound, and received a low purring growl in return. He smiled and pulled out his flashlight, shining it through the door opening and illuminating the female raptor within.

"Hey girl, ya feeling alright?" He murmured. She blinked slowly at him. She snorted and grinned, shifting her legs to a more open position, showing off her swollen dripping vulva. At the end of her toe, pierced through by her largest claw, was a trojan condom. Blue swung her tail in an arc, the light accentuating her wet folds and perky anus. She made a throaty gargling noise, something Owen figured was laughter, and leaned down to nuzzle the box of them, torn open gently and waiting for a user.

Owen sighed, blushing furiously, and clicked off the flashlight. "You're lucky the guy in security gets off to this....and so do I..."

Blue grinned wider and spread her legs.

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Otachi is under-drawn

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File: 6db2d8da07440a4⋯.jpg (335.93 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Ychan - m - pokémon - 1395….jpg)

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File: b6fa894cd66f51c⋯.gif (1.83 MB,447x251,447:251,biteit.gif)

I swear the gyrosphere is vorebait

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Greentext of caption and Indopics

>It somehow deduces that you have a thing for scales

>It starts striking sexy poses for you every time you come by to feed it

>Whenever you spray down his cage he conveniently keeps getting in the way and "bathing" itself as lewdly as possible

>Has smug written all over its face because it can see your frustration, in more ways than one

>Clever bastard could probably smell the emergency jack-off sessions in the restroom on you, too

>You know it could be trying to trick you in order to escape, and you'd also be risking life and limb going in there

>But the dino ass is proving increasingly difficult to ignore

>It's going to be one of THOSE days

>The indoraptor got into another fight with one of the other "assets"

>As his caretaker, that means it's your job to clean him up and get him presentable again for the guests

>Even though he won, you can tell he still got thrashed pretty hard

>He tries to act tough as you approach, washcloth and medical supplies in hand

>You can tell it still hurts though, especially when you set to cleaning his wounds with the cloth and he flinches away with a tiny whimper

>Tough in a fight, but a big baby otherwise

>To his credit, though, he's good at staying still for the most part as you work

>And he seems to appreciate you being around to take care of him

>At least, as much as a dinosaur can appreciate something, you muse to yourself, as he noses you with a thankful-sounding rumble

>You swear, you think he does this on purpose sometimes just to see you more often

>Mustering up determination you enter the cage during a night shift after it blatantly wags its tail just behind the bars

>Indoraptor is waiting, tail up. Whip out dick and stick it in the slit. It's toast, growing confident, you grab its tail and begin plunging in

>As you keep going you feel something hard and long slip past and slickly slide past you penis. Looking down you saw to your horror a cock! You were so surprised you just froze.

>Sensing your lack of moment Indoraptor turns HIS head over his shoulders and chitters something and backs you into the wall.

>Chittering again it pumped its hips against your cock. You didn't dare stop it, knowing how deadly the creature was. Why were you so stupid?!

>To your chagrin your body was betraying you, and within moments you were cumming inside him. HIM, god you're a fag now. (then again you wanted to fuck a dinosaur)

>Your shaking breathing quickened as the deadly reptile whipped around and cocked its head. You could see that his red cock, easily over a foot long, was still hard and dripping.

>Putting two and two together you desperately scrabble away but before you can get near the door his long clawed hand grabbed your leg and pulled you to the floor.

>Shredding your pants, the snarling and sinister monster grabbed you by the sides and lined its throbbing red penis with your back entrance. At that point you were pleading with it to stop.

>It just chirruped in your ear and pushed in.

>Your ass was on fire, you couldn't even cry out as he pumped in and out for what seemed like an eternity before finally you felt something liquid and hot inside you. As you were blacking out from the whole experience you could only dimly realize it was cum...

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File: 42d9980d9c09de0⋯.jpg (310.12 KB,1280x989,1280:989,indoraptor erect back.jpg)


>ywn court a raptor and find out she's a boy when the dick starts sliding against you while balls deep

>ywn fuck him even more furiously, frotting his rapidly growing erection inside his cock pocket

>ywn cum as the tightness goes critical and he's nearly pushing you out

>ywn pop out as he's going wild beneath you, his cock bursting out as well, and his cum streaming out across your belly.

I'm still certain that Dr Henry Wu's only goal was to make the most sexually attractive dinosaur. This whole "ultimate killing machine" was just a smokescreen to get military funding while passing off his modifications as beneficial to the dinosaurs lethality.

Bigger dino-ass and thighs?

> We've increased the muscle mass in both legs to increase locomotion speed.

Dinosaur needs to behave seductively and anticipates the human's actions.

> Using raptor DNA, we've modified the central nervous system to allow for efficient trainer-dinosaur interactions.

Need some tight black skin that shows off all the right curves?

> G-guys, guys, I-it's bulletproof! I swear! And the b-black is for camouflage during n-nighttime operations. Nothing u-unusual about that!

stylish gold stripe to attract the attention of passersby.

>It's an unfortunate side-effect of all the different animal and dinosaur DNA we've put in him.

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File: 0f9baa806106338⋯.png (1.02 MB,1600x1316,400:329,Ychan - m - reptiles - 139….png)

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File: ba8d140d88e31ad⋯.jpg (264.29 KB,1280x905,256:181,accurate viper.jpg)

>What would scaly tits feel like?

Depends on if the scales covering the boobs are small individual scales or wider torso spanning ventral scales.

Former, probably just like regular boobs, though the surface texture's gonna be slightly bumpy, smooth, and maybe slightly prickly in a soft malleable way.

Latter, again much like regular boobs, though they're going to much prefer moving up/down over shifting from side to side, not that it won't have any give, but it's probably not going to be the most comfortable forcing them sideways. Also you're going to feel the horizontal ridges as you run your fingers over the scaly surface.

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Never thought I'd see someone copy/paste a comment I posted to halfchans /scaly/ here, especially so long after posting it originally. Nice to see something I'd post leave that kind of impression.

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Your work is appreciated and deserved a repost, I was reposting my own stuff from halfchan on here anyway so it was worth a post.

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File: 31254cb51b2b696⋯.jpg (737.07 KB,2400x2534,1200:1267,e7ecf6fa14d44364da7a3c3353….jpg)

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File: 7a800a68efcc368⋯.png (576.93 KB,1301x907,1301:907,ClipboardImage.png)

Give me an R

Give me an I

Give me a P

Give me a T

Give me an O

Give me an R


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File: a0779fe26deaf9d⋯.jpg (543.51 KB,1700x897,1700:897,Riptor ad.jpg)


>TFW Riptor will never ultra combo your dick with her hyper-advanced cyber raptor cloaca

Would you buy a Riptor and try to tame her with your dick? Or maybe make her moist through her heart... and THEN fuck her.

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File: 8ca639a0bc974a9⋯.png (463.8 KB,600x337,600:337,riptor fire attack.png)


Posting some official Ultratech Riptor production version guide excerpts.

>Quick Start Guide

>Chapter 1: Unboxing

>[UTL: This entire chapter has been deleted and has to be rewritten in accordance with the Ultratech Safety and Handling department after initial user testing of unboxing process caused 3 deaths and 4.5 dismemberments.]

>Chapter 2: Care and Feeding

>You’ve probably already realized that your Riptor unit eats a lot! This hungry lady consumes about 5% of her body weight daily (up to 50 lbs of meat). That’s a lot of live goats—the preferred Riptor diet. [UTM: Include official link in e-book version to online page for the “Goats On Time, Anytime” Ultratech livestock purchase form.] The most important thing to keep in mind at feeding times are the 3 R’s: Respect, Risk and Reaction Time. Let’s start with the first one.

>Respect: Your Riptor has human DNA, so she’s very smart. Always speak to her in a respectful manner because she most likely knows exactly what you’re talking about, even though she does not have the capacity to respond. Refrain from Jurassic Park jokes. [UTM: Can you please change Jurrasic Park reference to something more generic like “Refrain from genetically enhanced dinosaur jokes.”] This will only confuse the Riptor, and as you learned from Chapter 3 “A confused Riptor is an angry Riptor.”

>Risk: There is inherent risk at feeding time. The Riptor will be incredibly excited about the prospect of eating. Their internal clocks are highly accurate, and they don’t like being hungry. It makes them edgy and irritable. Never look directly into your Riptor unit’s eyes at mealtimes. Their gaze is hypnotizing and this leaves you open to attack. It’s always best to wear your Ultrafyber™ Feeding Gauntlets[UTM: Nice! The Quick Start Guide needs more cross-promotion of UT products like this.] when pushing goats into the armored feeding bins. Riptors have been known to rip through the metal slot bars in a frenzy to get at their dinner.

>Reaction Time: All Riptor owners are advised to partake in physical training that increases fast-twitch muscle responses. A Riptor’s bio-enhanced tail can whip at 5 meters per second. That’s as fast as a Black Mamba strike. While the tail isn’t poisonous, the Riptor’s claw tips are teeming with microbes, [UTL: They’re focused plasma, actually. Cauterizes and sterilizes! A benefit!] and the slightest scratch can cause infections similar to flesh-eating bacteria. So stay back and always be on your toes. Or you might get them ripped off your limbs. [UTL: This entire section needs to be cut. Sets UT up for a major lawsuit and creates an indelible and negative image of maimed Riptor owners hopping around on one foot. We’ve already had enough trouble with the Fulgore Mark 03 Field Manual-L class action suit fiasco.]

>RIPTOID (Riptor Factoid) [UTL: Have we copyrighted the word “Riptoid” yet?] [UTM: Yes!]

>Once your Riptor unit has been satiated by her meal, it’s an excellent opportunity for enhancing the human/dino pack bond. The segments where the Riptor’s tail bionics are adhered need to be scrubbed regularly, and the best way to do this is with a stiff metal brush. The animal’s hide is reinforced with tiny bones called osteoderms, and these serve as a kind of organic chain-mail, making it very difficult to clean. [UTL: No, no, no! We never highlight anything that might lead to a return of the product or a mass recall. Emphasize the fun of scrubbing the Riptor’s tailparts…“It’s just like grooming a pony, blah blah, etc.”]

>The Riptor might show her appreciation for this act by butting you with her head while making a low growling sound. Do not be alarmed! This is the Riptor’s version of a purr. You know that a Riptor has truly bonded with you when they regurgitate their gastric pellet at your feet. [UTL: Please remove the photo of the gastric pellet. It’s unappealing and all Riptor waste has tested as a biohazard and should not be documented. Owner should be directed to Chapter 10: Cleanup Time! and a direct reference to the UT Riptor-Box/Enhanced Litter system.] [UTM: Ditto what legal said.]

>[Note: the following chapters are currently being rewritten and will be available for copyedit soon.]

>Chapter 3: Nap Time

>Chapter 4: What to Do If You See an Egg

>Chapter 5: Fun Places to Take Your Riptor

>Chapter 6: Dino-mites (Hide Infestations)

>Chapter 7: The Liability Insurance Blues

>Chapter 8: How to Housebreak Your Riptor in 14 Days

>Chapter 9: Yes, They’ll Actually Fetch a Car

>Chapter 10: From Egg to Engagement: The Soul of a Living Machine

>Chapter 11: Cleanup Time

>Chapter 12: 101 Riptor Tricks

>Chapter 13: Clicker Training the Safe Way

>Chapter 14: Fast Tourniquet Techniques

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File: dd37b270e3fd512⋯.jpg (176.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,riptor7.jpg)



I remember as a kid, when my brother returned from a summer vacation trip to a place where Arcades are legal (they are illegal where I live).

So he told me of that insane game where you could play a robot, a skeleton, a dinosaur and stuff. I was so hyped.

And then I remember how I figured out there is a SNES version, and my mind was blown when I played it for the first time with Riptor.

Then, years later, after being forced to main Saberwulf in KI2, Riptor finally returned in KI3.

Man I friggin love the 90s-ness of that franchise.

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Zilla is underrated

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>No scales, aside from a small amount on the head

>Sprat painted skin instead

>Human fingernails

>Human dick

>Fairly certain legs are plantigrade

This is literally just a funny colored human aside from a kitbashed on head, why did whoever put that model together and animated it even bother?

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File: 37b8e3c858a7828⋯.png (231.56 KB,1280x959,1280:959,m1563842790_chromamancer_g….png)

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File: 26ffc56ef0aa24d⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1242x1774,621:887,mc0c5f46eea29b77641ab21ca9….jpg)

some gay ghidorah

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File: 989b6c5670ff280⋯.png (1.35 MB,997x553,997:553,01.png)

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File: e92485fec5e3a0e⋯.png (379.35 KB,350x420,5:6,03.png)

>What are you looking at, anon?

>M-ME?! Well cut it out!

>I-it's n-not like I l-like you or anything...

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File: 3bbbfc075461797⋯.jpeg (165.09 KB,633x1200,211:400,EAgMBf3U0AA33dP.jpeg)

File: 2eea5dbcd5c2764⋯.jpg (513.59 KB,855x1280,171:256,King_of_the_Monsters_King_….jpg)

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File: 355563ed28aa0e7⋯.jpeg (599.7 KB,2700x3600,3:4,ED_ZnDJXoAITfuS.jpeg)

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File: db4198189c5414a⋯.png (4.81 MB,2048x2631,2048:2631,d6ktiz2.png)

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File: e0ae14d72ebbf60⋯.png (1.66 MB,1000x1565,200:313,d6ktiz3.png)

File: d79a4accb537fc4⋯.png (2.51 MB,1131x1600,1131:1600,d6ktiz1.png)

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File: c7517455a26d86b⋯.png (2.52 MB,3000x2200,15:11,rayquaza_herm.png)

File: 41af454b7bf62e1⋯.png (2.46 MB,3000x2200,15:11,rayquaza_female_mod.png)

File: 806c2d857c02a04⋯.png (2.39 MB,3000x2200,15:11,rayquaza_dickgirl.png)

File: dbab60a4ce3af14⋯.png (2.34 MB,3000x2200,15:11,rayquaza_female.png)

File: 50efc2c593205df⋯.png (3.4 MB,3000x2200,15:11,rayquaza_rear.png)

Rayquaza is totally scaly material

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File: 085bb293ab8f1ef⋯.jpg (446.01 KB,2000x2500,4:5,f1210ea37de8d5c921d18de2c6….jpg)

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File: 7fffa1dd6cdd6df⋯.jpg (710.27 KB,4096x3768,512:471,dacae61386f01f2279197c0745….jpg)

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File: d21f58cd6bc8326⋯.png (1.26 MB,1273x900,1273:900,d4f668546c1b6b4c618e9408aa….png)

File: 462ee723f1b3bef⋯.jpg (282.47 KB,619x950,619:950,rayuaza_leg_complaint.jpg)

File: 10159b5d2c86b9f⋯.png (919.44 KB,980x1260,7:9,rayquaza_and_cookies.png)

File: 76500d7ac52372b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1273x900,1273:900,rayquaza_female_2_.png)

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File: 900d8549621e636⋯.png (1.31 MB,1010x1280,101:128,Snekmak_the_Second_Slither….png)

File: 840b6398baa5284⋯.png (610.8 KB,823x1280,823:1280,Gooey_Naga_Sssandwich_Skda….png)

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File: d63ac1cf840f632⋯.jpg (333.58 KB,2066x1654,1033:827,215ba4f1d467da67ed2720ccf7….jpg)

File: 38616db9f3a4289⋯.jpg (290.14 KB,2028x1536,169:128,903bf358cf6e7f96bcb4c23d20….jpg)

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File: 53aab665afe8ba1⋯.jpeg (2.06 MB,3000x2500,6:5,_VorusuArts2.jpeg)

File: b72e2b2850004a7⋯.png (971.89 KB,548x974,274:487,Lizard_Crush_by_ZillaStudi….png)

File: db54e0c9213d82e⋯.jpeg (358.54 KB,1179x1654,1179:1654,_HjkmIllust_.jpeg)

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I remember seeing this guys ass somewhere.

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Name is Diesel but they've locked their Twitter


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File: aa2364755400558⋯.png (7.48 MB,1913x2709,1913:2709,ssargin_By_coldgemini.png)

File: 8a8100ca0b13933⋯.jpeg (362.4 KB,2539x1300,2539:1300,_godbirdart_fashion_ref_c….jpeg)

File: 8f461eff8a5df0b⋯.jpeg (908.53 KB,2920x4096,365:512,_nasuno_Posi_.jpeg)

File: dca16321e9b20be⋯.png (4.03 MB,1754x2570,877:1285,Sketch_Commission_for_Dama….png)

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File: 1abdb6081795d2b⋯.jpg (86.83 KB,794x868,397:434,EDujEygXsAELCPS.jpg)


Now this dude (second image) is rad. Snake anthros are always a bit weird to think about, but I like the interpretation that they are simply l o n g lads.

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File: f6c96519e7f12ad⋯.jpg (120.16 KB,1280x1057,1280:1057,Dragon_Curses_by_DestinyAl….jpg)


Very flexible too.

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File: 94215414376cfe7⋯.png (1.84 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Blue_blow.png)

>>115042 Continuation got made (pic related):

Owen slowly stepped closer to Blue, always choosing caution over speed when dealing with the park's critter. Blue watched him, her golden eyes tracking him as he came around her side and slowly crouched a foot or so away from her muzzle. She made a couple little sounds. Chitters, growls, and purring mingled together in an attempt to show she wasn't being threatening. Owen had heard these sounds before with the girls.

"Hey girl...How ya doing?" He whispered, and gently reached out a hand to her . She immediately stretched her neck out to place her snout against his palm, her nostrils flaring to take in his scent.

Fear, curiosity, and slight arousal wafted from him. She chirped quietly. Typical. Her alpha always seemed cautious to stay around them. She knew why of course. He wasn't really their alpha at all. A human among raptors wouldn't last long given their weaker status. Regardless of this Blue found she liked Owen. He was considerate of their health, safety and levels of enjoyment. He seemed to appreciate their existence, when all they got were fearful stares from the other park assistance. Sometimes it was outright aversion.

Owen rubbed up and down her snout with one hand. "You stole my condoms you cheeky lizard." He chuckled, the fear easing off his mind as she purred and licked his palm. She seemed to understand his comment enough to pull away and look at the condom she'd pierced with her claw. A gentle shake and it dislodged itself, falling next to the other ones. She lifted her head up and made a guttural note, musical in nature. Owen couldn't help but feel like she was laughing.

However, it was noisy, and he needed discretion. Quickly reaching up with both hands, he grabbed her snout and pulled it down. Blue immediately hissed lightly, so he started stroking her nose. "Easy girl! Shhh, we need to be quiet." He emphasized this by placing his finger to his lips and hissing lightly back.

Blue cocked her head at the sound, looking from his eyes to his hand...and then she grinned, and looked down at his crotch. shaking out of his hands, she leaned down and shoved her snout into his crotch. The scent of arousal seeping from his pants and into her olfactory senses. he was horny.

She growled and ground her muzzle into his groin area, nipping at it with just her lips. Owen pushed her back with one hand while looking out the openings of the cage for anyone nearby. They were alone. Well, as alone as they could be. The other raptors were peering out of their cages at Owen and blue. Owen could see the need they held for him as well. The downside was that he couldn't really do what he did with blue, with them.

The one time he attempted it he nearly got his head bitten off by Echo, literally AND figuratively.

Blue was more approachable with the sexual actions. She seemed to recognize him as an acceptable mate, and would let him have fun. Like now, She was nipping and gently pawing with her claws at his belt loop in an attempt to get at the treasure beneath. He smirked and slowly undid the belt, and then the button. Blue watched as his cock slipped from his clothes, half hard but growing.

She grinned, nuzzling down against it and nipping it with her lips. That always seem to arouse Owen quickly. The man cupped her muzzle and pulled her away from the cock she craved and stared into her eyes. "Now remember..no teeth, only tongue." He rubbed up and down her snout as she slowly opened her maw, showing off all of her shiny teeth, and a large hot tongue covered in warm saliva.

Owen shuddered. He was going to enjoy this...and so was she.



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File: 4ed9eec20837275⋯.jpg (356.19 KB,2000x1736,250:217,28009c600b5894c3def6ea8591….jpg)

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File: 08b9876976e5789⋯.jpg (266.91 KB,2400x1670,240:167,bfb35376dc432d35b46a548eb9….jpg)

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File: f1eb113f21332dc⋯.webm (4.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,1b64009323448ac45a86a5c4a….webm)

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File: 5d1617cef998f4c⋯.png (954.2 KB,1280x1091,1280:1091,Ridley_Welcome_to_Smash_By….png)

Does Ridley count as Scaly?

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He's essentially a giant, anthro space-pteranodon. So I would reckon he is.

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File: 19aea0a259a2ba3⋯.jpeg (132.94 KB,1111x1256,1111:1256,_OctopusHey_hands.jpeg)

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File: 8f015994e80b903⋯.webm (3.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,e7dc4f2453b11db4a98614277….webm)

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File: cd9efcfa890b3ab⋯.jpeg (99 KB,975x780,5:4,_plus_alpha0427_.jpeg)

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File: be59c2f3285ec9a⋯.jpg (2.18 MB,4960x7016,620:877,71e7f68a8c0dd1a0799b5d7bba….jpg)

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File: a23fe7792466ada⋯.webm (9.52 MB,1920x1080,16:9,097dc634d93075796f82935c9….webm)

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File: 8f2d2b7a4f7dc00⋯.jpg (158 KB,721x875,103:125,cb54735012b5bf0cf5567e8fe3….jpg)


>recolored human bara with a snout and horns is now anthro scalie

FFS the 2nd pic literally copies the arm from DxD's Boosted Gear

Why is bara spam so common on this thread?

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File: 0f17a577728b1af⋯.webm (8.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,9c5c956d102107beae75951ca….webm)

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File: ec311e46272d661⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3840x2660,192:133,e4b375b2f0f7eee021598d0218….jpg)

File: b4245a824dfdafe⋯.jpg (840.2 KB,1698x2400,283:400,77d53f98387c776a9074bdbe7d….jpg)

File: 77cf29a5ff3902b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2880x3496,360:437,806bae5398b8c0a8789b5f1b00….jpg)

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File: 2e4b10247908c7c⋯.png (673.27 KB,700x700,1:1,EUShZwWX0AAeKZb.png)

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File: f3d0f3b4985ab63⋯.jpg (742.56 KB,4096x4096,1:1,b7296466cb98471602beb0130d….jpg)

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Are you trying to kill off this thread through image spam?

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File: 4c4810a5f789088⋯.jpeg (163.4 KB,1350x1416,225:236,_TFiddlerArt_EUSwlzUVAAEn….jpeg)

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An internet cookie to whomever can spot the one that's technically a Sonic character.

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File: aa9a200ef38df48⋯.jpeg (558.58 KB,1339x947,1339:947,_Amaa_arts_ESGvwt_WkAAtHb….jpeg)

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File: db5ccaa4e0a257d⋯.jpeg (13.15 MB,1921x11870,1921:11870,_misodonnburi201_EUa2fq_U….jpeg)

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File: 3547b9ca9ce757b⋯.jpeg (10.05 MB,1921x11970,1921:11970,_misodonnburi201_EUa2fq_U….jpeg)

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File: 24a19214591733a⋯.jpeg (13.17 MB,1921x12983,1921:12983,_misodonnburi201_EUa2fq_U….jpeg)

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File: a5a30f0bfc3135d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1280x3200,2:5,Sudden_TF_by_Barnikan.png)

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File: 939ea2b7280a248⋯.png (103.61 KB,572x660,13:15,_NoMoreBiscuit.png)

File: 2b053bdcd742717⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB,2536x1615,2536:1615,What_a_drag_By_Flookz.png)

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File: cf0d4fe3af47dfe⋯.png (Spoiler Image,3.26 MB,1280x6400,1:5,Sudden_TF_duo_by_Barnikan_….png)

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File: 2604b8abfc2ad60⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,201.53 KB,1024x886,512:443,1545107786_xenominer12_05….jpeg)

File: e9648f39ea9c745⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.81 KB,1024x914,512:457,1545462475_xenominer12_30….jpeg)

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File: f83f063a89f5d62⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,145.53 KB,1280x1257,1280:1257,1549049464_xenominer12_1a….jpeg)

Would Biollante count as scaly? She is technically partially made of Godzilla's reptilian cells and her 2nd form has a crocodilian head.

Also posting some kaiju and reviving this thread

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File: 27de79cfc806393⋯.png (1.83 MB,3787x1699,3787:1699,voluminous_cheeks.png)


Pic 2 related caption

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File: a332cb951b82676⋯.png (960.35 KB,7371x3187,7371:3187,Raptor_Panties_cap.png)


There is actually an earlier caption

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already posted in the thread before, pls delet

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File: 8a997e4ecbf5671⋯.png (6.29 MB,5120x2752,80:43,Ychan_m_reptiles_139432.png)

File: 6ea9c024a7109ee⋯.jpg (614.79 KB,3840x2080,24:13,d1983feea6b31832193a4e9eb8….jpg)

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File: b09753f2531d716⋯.gif (1.93 MB,568x320,71:40,mama_rex_swallow.gif)


here, since someone deleted the thread made for this

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I knew >>118395

was duplicated


Damn that's a throwback

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File: 8029d4fba082ee2⋯.png (2.06 MB,2000x1047,2000:1047,661bc373f175dce223860c49fb….png)

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File: 4d275799ac5c80d⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1322x1500,661:750,08a31ee5cf8116c769dd96f798….jpg)

Kaiju? In a scaly thread!? It's more likely than you think

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File: b0f59c4ba391f54⋯.jpg (389.46 KB,1754x2048,877:1024,86833df1df7d5a0cddcce628da….jpg)

File: 0641112d18fdfe8⋯.jpg (396.2 KB,1754x2048,877:1024,cc2bd9c7e5ae078f0023803e9b….jpg)

File: 096ee8f12bf267d⋯.jpg (417.89 KB,1754x2048,877:1024,af9bd4ab16ee1bf9f04bdb8ff4….jpg)

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File: e1bd864dac942a4⋯.png (6.13 MB,4000x2000,2:1,42b1ed43664e027919d3416c42….png)

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File: 2375f69550f6124⋯.jpg (174.48 KB,971x1348,971:1348,6d58821cb4060266f1cf487b77….jpg)

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File: 97254975bbce7b9⋯.gif (2.04 MB,600x555,40:37,046ded84e978acb969ae5fdb66….gif)

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File: 3e7c3ea179e87e5⋯.png (720.1 KB,914x914,1:1,Dingodile_Oxide_mug_2_0.png)

File: 3767b87b8f84f2b⋯.png (702.25 KB,917x910,131:130,Dingodile_Frosty_mug_2_0.png)

File: 926ff88d7150e38⋯.png (686.2 KB,912x919,912:919,Dingodile_Inferno_mug_2_0.png)

File: 96cffc6cdbad889⋯.png (730.73 KB,916x909,916:909,Dingodile_Nitro_mug_2_0.png)

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File: 182743b4fb7fc4c⋯.jpg (558.22 KB,1713x2048,1713:2048,1c39240f2599b5a5c0be131c3c….jpg)

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That's pretty funny a meme version *cue reptilian breast autism*

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File: 56e7eb5c3f4e67c⋯.png (384.08 KB,1180x1557,1180:1557,143.png)

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File: d9c736c733d81ca⋯.webm (8.69 MB,1440x720,2:1,416712f9c4ad2fd46eefd9cc0….webm)

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File: 2f133fe6ec3fba7⋯.jpg (164.76 KB,850x1000,17:20,E747_w4XoAQrzIH_jpeg.jpg)

File: fee911581a05d73⋯.jpg (528.29 KB,1917x2047,1917:2047,E4CND_FUUAAGwPO_jpeg.jpg)

File: e448c3fa57d3af8⋯.jpg (457.38 KB,2000x1700,20:17,Ettgr0KXcAAEmtb_jpeg.jpg)

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File: 6ae21d3606d66a6⋯.webm (11.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,e7e172779ba576278e83684e1….webm)

File: 93b1e6795f47542⋯.webm (1.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,caed372ae099265ebd769c430….webm)

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File: eed6eb3a356265a⋯.png (6.66 MB,3200x1800,16:9,60b8a256f2322cd1658b1533fe….png)

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File: eb8b6b523b3ee80⋯.png (9.19 MB,2520x4052,630:1013,f8e6de5f7c35962ef285c013e5….png)

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File: 7b53e57033824f5⋯.jpg (250.96 KB,1005x1291,1005:1291,a8f885d231fd97424466a8911d….jpg)

File: bf17c4f8f86a906⋯.jpg (473.96 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,bef18da540b56568407ebe08da….jpg)

File: 40bb7a39de26f1f⋯.jpg (450.54 KB,1830x2048,915:1024,34d7bad4c2efbde943b73292fe….jpg)

File: f9be06df10b6d0c⋯.jpg (280.04 KB,1280x960,4:3,4e174d49c0d11b246259272a6d….jpg)

File: 686e2eb5c6df054⋯.jpg (414.63 KB,2048x1569,2048:1569,20210817_172333_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 70b5d4e3a2ac599⋯.jpg (300.42 KB,2048x1569,2048:1569,20210817_172335_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 4ba3157c9727f4f⋯.jpg (150.99 KB,1100x850,22:17,50b0dc5d52578b9b9f813e2bf5….jpg)

File: 933320473f0ed98⋯.jpg (404.41 KB,2048x1582,1024:791,9d33a730f8c411e8258a0f7b09….jpg)

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File: 0308ef3c435a4b3⋯.png (683.45 KB,2894x4093,2894:4093,Gecko_Girl_Flat_Colour.png)

Having a go at drawing a fat-tailed gecko girl. Not the best at digital art though, got the flat colours down but no idea how to proceed with shading and highlighting. Any good tutorials? I'm using CSP BTW.

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File: b0b9dbfb9de1e33⋯.png (664.97 KB,766x1000,383:500,5baa155de022aadb2264e33d20….png)

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