>You only want people to speak if they agree with you.
>Conservatives have broader moral sense than liberals
>Six themes recur, in varying degrees, across most societies: care, fairness, liberty, loyalty, authority, and sanctity.
>He polled over 130,000 conservatives and liberals on moral issues and found that while conservatives rely on all six foundations equally in making moral judgments, liberals favor care, liberty, and fairness, and were often indifferent to concerns of sanctity, loyalty, and authority. Libertarians, relying primarily on the liberty foundation, had the smallest moral domain of all, which probably explains a great deal - certainly Ayn Rand.
>You lost in 1865
Republicans won the Civil War. It was the slave-holding Democrats that got BTFOd.
>you lost in 1945
Fascism was Italian syndicalism, a form of socialism which is obvious if you bothered to read anything written by Giovanni Gentile. Nazism was a German-supremacist socialism, very similar in practice to Stalinist Russia but with the goal of fighting a race war (for the "German race" not the "white race" because they had no problem killing other Europeans) instead of a class war for the "proletariat".
>you lost in 2020 when Putin chose not to rig the system again
The Arizona audit has already uncovered stacks of ballots marked as 100% for Biden containing ballots for both Trump and Jorgensen. It's not yet clear if the irregularities and deliberate miscounts are enough to have swayed the election, but the stonewalling by major metropolitan election officials and police interference (seizing and refusing to turn over election routers to the audit) isn't a good sign. It also won't do much to change anything at this point since the initial results were certified.
Also, I seem to remember a lot of muh Russia and muh collusion for the entire Trump presidency. And after spending millions of dollars on investigations we found zero evidence of collusion and zero evidence that Russian hackers changed a single vote. Hillary lost because she was unpopular and Trump won because he was famous.
>40% yourself
This is just confusing. The high suicide rate of transsexuals is used to insult the left because most transsexuals identify with the left.
>Pedophilia is not free speech, either, it's a mental illness.
What do you think the P in LGBTTQIAAPZ+ stands for? The right's response to pedophilia is to rent a woodchipper.
>Gamergate had fuck-all to do with videogames
GG was all about games journalism. Games journos were giving favorable coverage to bad games because of personal relationships, not playing the advance copies they were supposed to be reviewing, and trying to spackle over these mistakes with left wing virtue signalling. When gamers called them out for their journalistic malpractice they responded by colluding across multiple publications to attack their audience.
I'm curious. Is this a joke? If not, why are you trying to shift blame for these things to the right? I mean, why now?