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85c19e No.148248

I'm sitting around 5'10 right now but tired of being mogged by 6'2 DYELs. How can I put on a few inches? Idgaf about moral or legal restrictions, just results. Im 18 btw so my growth plates havent closed

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faaed9 No.148256

Fly to Russia to have your shins broken and stretched, it's cheaper there.

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d1574a No.148258


Hang from a bar, and do a ton of stretching

not even joking, but you should see big results in 6 months time

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8db658 No.148260


i think you can get taller by drinking water throughout the day

and add salt to your water

obviously drink milk cuz bones

think yourself that you are taller and repeat it in your head

act taller and have better posture

that's about an inch or two in one year if you practice correctly

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bc4025 No.148262


Too risky, I assume Korea would be safer, though I have no sources.


>my growth plates haven't closed

Get some growth hormone, will even help you bulk, unlike surgery which will make you bedridden for three months.


Stretching works the joints, you can't grow your joints


Calcium in blood is actually not that related to dietary calcium, your body absorbs as much calcium as it can, which is actually not that much, then you excrete the rest.

Also magical thinking is not real and you're retarded for believing it.

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a778d6 No.148268


He's right, though. Russia is the spot everyone gets their legs broken. But that's barely a solution. Just nofap and take zinc

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8db658 No.148269


thanks for bein a moron and polluting this

board with your negativity

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bc4025 No.148273


Keep going, maybe if you make me angry enough I'll manage to kill you with my brain.

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688ee0 No.148280


>think yourself that you are taller

grow, grow, grow…

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