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6686c7 No.148013

Am I gay if I like muscular women? I don’t like men’s faces, but I love a good set of delts, lats, and calves.

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de1b5f No.148015

I don't know but you're gay for double posting anyway

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68e67d No.148018

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99080f No.148019

>I'm not gay, but I like big muscles and buttholes

It's just a matter of time until you turn Greek

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68e67d No.148020


>Does finding masculine figures sexually attractive makes me homosexual?

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abca35 No.148021

>Presumably a man feeling sexually attracted to a specific FEMALE body type

I don't know, man; sounds pretty straight to me.

I also find muscular women attractive – up to a point. Not really into the ladies you posted.

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bb40b5 No.148022

File: 96acd9cf0726c1f⋯.gif (132.66 KB,540x1086,90:181,hereditary genetics comic.gif)

theory: primary attraction to feminine qualities as identifier (of female) and secondary attraction to desirable qualities (physiological and behavioral) for eugenic reproduction

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8dfbbe No.148047


>liking buttholes

I guess I’m already Greek, anon.

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633059 No.148056


Nothing gay about enjoying a fine lady's bootypipe any more than enjoying her mouth or nipples or clit any other body part shared by men. You now realize a clitoris is an unformed penis.

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c78aad No.148059


I think there is definitely something inherently wrong with it. Get people out of porn and see how many will be attracted to dick after 6 months in comparison to now

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633059 No.148060


Other than "clit = pen0r" where did my post say anything about dicks? Reading comprehension, white nigger, do you have it?

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99080f No.148067


>other than penis, where did my post talk about penis?

Gee, I wonder

Anyway, let's not fight. I just meant "men".

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8dfbbe No.148074


What do you mean?

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8dfbbe No.148075


What does porn have to do with liking men? People watch gay porn because they are gay, not the other way around.

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72700c No.148085

Women should be healthy to birth healthy children and strong to manage a household.

Its only gay if you like women with a very very low bf% (see OP second pic), because women stop ovulating at very low bf%.

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6686c7 No.148087


But what if I don’t want kids?

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8dfbbe No.148089


So you’re saying that muscular women are essentially gay men?

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215153 No.148091


You're not an alpha male

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9bedb1 No.148104


then you have been brainwashed by (((them))).

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72700c No.148112


then you're a cuck

unless you have a serious inheritable genetic issue, like being black, in which case you shouldn't have kids

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6686c7 No.148113


Ever since I was 14, I didn’t want kids. Don’t even go there. And why do you care?

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6686c7 No.148114


>you’re a cuck

Good job using words that you don’t understand. And talk about being edgy with the black comment.

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687750 No.148555


How insecure are you to ask other people about yourself.

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