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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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File: f4793250027cd5e⋯.jpg (48.15 KB,633x758,633:758,me.jpg)

eda769 No.147232

me, 16 yrs old, 6'5, 112kg & 29 bmi with beer belly, no muscle. Parents have no care for my physical or mental health. Never worked out in my life and have no access to gym or any kind of equipment except floor matt. Can't do pushups or run for more than 5 minutes. What can i do besides eating less?

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c79e5a No.147236

File: b53a4f2583dbdd1⋯.jpg (341.55 KB,736x1041,736:1041,1510235994838.jpg)


Eat PROPERLY. Cut out sugars, and excess fat. No cake for fatty

Keep doing cardio and doing pushups. Run 4x a week, and pushups 5 days a week to failure.

Pic also related. You gotta push yourself, weakling. Oh, and underage b&

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ef9380 No.147239


Run for 5 minutes.

Then 6.

Then 7.

Then 8.

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9f5845 No.148157

File: ac7f7e90890f310⋯.jpg (179.1 KB,706x692,353:346,PastedGraphic-1.jpg)


Been 120 kg when 14yo.

Don't shift the blame on your parents you are the one who got fat.

I can bet my money on the fact that you live in a dysfunctional family.


0. Losing fat is a routine thus go to sleep at regular times.

1. Eat regularly (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

2. Avoid snacking.

3. Remove all simple sugars from your life.

4. If running is hard start walking ( e.g. walk to school).

5. Ask yourself why you want to get leaner.

6. Find some fat friends and work your weight together.

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0f21af No.148158

If you don't drink water every day, start drinking it.

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