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File: d0d2bfdae415d51⋯.png (252.52 KB,500x1083,500:1083,too-late-to-cut-for-summer….png)

213bf9 No.143904

Finally benched 200 lbs for 10 reps.

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566298 No.143905

File: 29943116ecb4937⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,427x287,61:41,29943116ecb4937c3e4c872c38….jpg)

Congrats man. I got my brother to start going to the gym with me. Hes always spent his time behind a desk and hardly ever moves so its good to see him moving.

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21128f No.143914

File: 75119b489a14f6c⋯.jpg (57.92 KB,1080x720,3:2,75119b489a14f6cc3aa1ce64a8….jpg)

Over the course of 3 years, completely natty and working my ass off 4x a week in a gym and sometimes even more, strictly sticking to a graphic, switching exercise day order every season and pushing myself to the limits

>been hitting gym already for 2 years

>football season starts, 163 lbs

>end of the season, got a knee injury, weight 152 lbs, could run for days prior the injury

>devastated, decide to not give up and work on other muscle groups and slowly build back up leg strength

Fast forward 2 years and a bit

>scale now shows 192 lbs

>bench 254 lbs, dl 355 lbs, squat 220 lbs for reps, 150 lbs ohp, 190 lbs rows for reps.

>have cleaned up my diet

>nice jaw

>good physique

>need to make a new hole in belt, because pants are falling down all the time

Life is a bit better now, bros. Keep on lifting and we will all make it one day.

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b95fc1 No.143917


Good work leaf, I hit a bench press PR this week too. Thanksgiving is the time of big lifts.

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d4d2d4 No.143953


so do u guise bulk first and eat a ton, then later on in the year try to cut and go keto?

I try to just eat all around good and keep up my weekly cardio levels.

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7b3e58 No.143957

File: 75b01047c3280f8⋯.jpg (43.96 KB,640x642,320:321,221119.jpg)


I wouldn't say that I'm on a bulk. Just set your diet right, cut out unnecessary carbs, eat fruits and nuts here and there and go with a small calorie surplus following the training intensity during the week. Don't forget to get 1.5 to 2 grams of protein over a days course, from milk, cottage cheese, oats, eggs or meat, or whatever you prefer, for every body mass kilogram. Keep yourself hydrated and you are set to grow lean muscle mass cleanly. It won't happen over a night, nor over a month, but in the long run, you should see some results. That's what works for me, anyway.

If that's what you actually do, you have a good starting point. Tbh, I've never followed any specific diet, and I don't even know, what's a keto diet. Maybe I will cut a bit for summer, but I'm more into strength, not aesthetics. Not here for roasties.

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2b0f50 No.143980


for me its easier to bulk in winter anyway. I'm indoors more, lots of rich food, holidays and whatnot. And cold weather makes me eat a lot more and crave denser foods.

In the summer and when it gets really hot I just lose my appetite. I just want to drink cold water and stuff, even ice cream makes me feel sick in the summer because it's too rich. In the summer I end up eating a whole lot less, and more light foods like fruits and salads, maybe some fish and rice.

So for me it just seems natural to bulk for winter and cut for summer, but I'm not really doing it on purpose, at least not completely and I'm not doing it for aesthetics or anything.

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d4d2d4 No.144023


I dont really cut out carbs because of all the extra energy I have. keto is just making your diet less than 5% carbs so you can eat things like bacon and your body uses globules of energy from your blood stream rather than glycogen from your muscles.

I only eat like 40-60 grams protein per day. >>143980

same. im doing it more to be more limber and supple.

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2f0ced No.148122

File: a494ef33499a22c⋯.webm (380.85 KB,1920x1080,16:9,YEAH LadyBaby.webm)


I love telling my doctor how many eggs I eat on the daily followed by her horrified expression hastily ordering a blood-cholesterol test, only for a few days later her nurse calling and telling me my results are perfect all across the board.

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e7c256 No.148141

>Finally benched 200 lbs for 10 reps.

What a coincidence, I just wanted to post that I did the same with hand expander. Well, it says 200 lb, I have no idea how hard it actually is.

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df9c22 No.148187


>I love telling my doctor how many eggs I eat on the daily followed by her horrified expression

Well there's your problem.

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2f0ced No.148188


>Well there's your problem.

Yep. Unfortunately with my union's shitty health insurance (which is still less shit than my work's insurance) I'm extremely limited in who I can see without paying in full – which could be from the low hundreds to the high thousands, possibly multi-kilobuck for surgeries. And this is on top of paying close to $100/mo.

Warning: incoming blog. Since you're in Upsidedown-Land you're probably unfamiliar with the horrors of Burgerstani healthcare: there are "in-network" doctors/specialists/etc and "out-of-network" blahblah. In-network accept your copays etc, the rest do not. Mine happens to be $40 to walk in the door, $60 for specialists, $80 for "urgent care" visits, $350 to enter the emergency room, etc. None of which cover any additional costs like some drug tests (ie pee in a cup to show you're a good goy who doesn't weed/etc) or uncovered bloodwork (eg my insurance company will cover to check cholesterol levels but not testosterone). Ironically my best healthcare provider was Obamacare a couple years back before they suddenly doubled their monthly prices for no apparent fucking reason.

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2f0ced No.148189


…about that same time I qualified for my union's healthcare (have to work 9 consecutive months on full-time before they decide you're a good enough goy to earn the right to a doctor without racking on decades of debt) and I was like "lol fuck Obamacare xD" … and then a few months ago my union's healthcare recently doubled monthly costs AND copays/etc. Perhaps it's time to look at Obamacare again?

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1666a6 No.148193


Man, healthcare in the US is crazy expensive. I have family there and at times they'd come to Brazil to get the needed medical care because it would be much cheaper. And they make a LOT of money.

Depending on your problem, it might be worth it to go to Spain or a country like that and do whatever you need to do. You'll pay half and have a nice vacation

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dd6353 No.148195

good feels…

i've gotten 2 guys to complement me on my physique within a single week…so thats kind of gay but w/e

i've had a lot of other indicators of interest

from women and also felt a lot of better confidence wise.

and oh yea not to mention feeling healthier and much stronger

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