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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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Does anyone else like to keep up with the Japanese side of the fanbase? Like Japanese Sonic events, Japanese Sonic artists and Sonic meetups, and other assorted Sonic things that go on in Japan?

I love to keep an eye on that stuff even if I don't understand shit.

Anyway, if anyone else does that I'd love to share discoveries and cool things. There's a lot of interesting stuff.

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No, but if I were to learn Japanese I would make an effort to try and keep up.

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File: 405af2ac37fe148⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,674x280,337:140,D0j6iDJUcAAY4po.jpg)

File: 3811089147095db⋯.jpg (23.78 KB,680x453,680:453,D0zaz-lVYAEQQX3.jpg)

>mfw I was about to reply to OP but then it slowly hit me

>I am OP

Damn, this was a long time ago.

In more recent news, Sega announced a Japanese fan meetup for the end of the month. I think I remember them doing this thing before where they hold an event in JP or the west to announce things and then they hold an event in the other part of the world to do the official announcement in those territories of the things previously announced elsewhere. I think that's how they did it with Sonic Project 2017, for example, so maybe that's their plan for SXSW and this event and we might get a bigger announcement than expected at SXSW, thought the lack of bigger names at the panel would seem to indicate not.

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>Japanese fan meetup

Nice. I don't keep up much with the JP side of the fanbase but I have heard some neat things about them.

They also make some pretty cool fanart, which I always appreciate

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