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File: 1467628525659.png (140.03 KB,993x927,331:309,Sonic_Heroes_Logo.png)


Hello there. Let's say that hypothetically, they decide to make a sequel to Sonic Heroes. What characters would you like to see in such a hypothetical game? What would said character's ability types be and why?

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I can't think of any actually. They had good teams so I don't want the previous teams to be changed either.

It's hard to put other characters in those 3 categories. Like Fang, Bean and Bark… well, both Bean and Bark seem like power types. and Fang doesn't attack physically. he snipes with his cork gun and rides on the hoverbike, which doesn't easily translate to any type. He could be a special zone enemy instead of the chao balloon, he shoots mines at you over the shoulder while a loot bag leaks those star ball things

the babylon rogues might be interesting. maybe their gear got stolen and they're going to get it back?

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OP here. I would like to add my take on what a Sonic Heroes 2 would look like. First we'd get to see the return of Team Heroes, Team Rose, Team Dark, Team Chaotix and Team Babylon since they're already established.

As for the new teams, we'd get the following:

Team Metal:

>Metal Sonic (Speed Type)

>Tails Doll (Flight Type)

>Metal Knuckles (Power Type)

Team Hooligans:

>Fang the Sniper (Speed Type)

>Bean the Dynamite (Flight Type)

>Bark the Polar Bear (Power Type)

Team Witchcarters:

>Focke-Wulf (Speed Type)

>Carrotia the Rabbit (Flight Type)

>Bearenger the Grizzly (Power Type)

Not sure if Sega would use the Team Hooligans name themselves or come up with a different name for the team altogether. Though if I were Sega, I would make Bean a Flight Type just to have him fit in with the characters he's commonly associated with.

I also made Carrotia a Flight Type because if Cream can do it, why not Carrotia herself? Now let's move on to team formations I'm not so sure about myself:

Team Future:

>Silver the Hedgehog (Speed Type or Flight Type)

>Gemerl the Gizoid (Flight Type or Power Type)

>Blaze the Cat (Power Type or Speed Type)

Team Relic:

>Marine the Raccoon (Speed Type)

>Ray the Flying Squirrel (Flight Type)

>Mighty the Armadillo (Power Type)

Team Past?:

>Honey the Cat (Speed Type)

>Tikal the Echidna (Flight Type)

>Shade the Echidna (Power Type)

Now for some explanations. Part of the reason why I made Silver and Blaze a Speed Type and Power Type respectively was because that's what was done in that Sonic Runners game. The other reason is because I like the idea of all three Super Saiyan Hedgehogs being Speed Types better than Silver being the odd man out. Perhaps they could introduce a mechanic where some characters have secondary ability types at their disposal.

As for why Marine is a Speed Type in addition to being on the same team as Ray and Mighty, that's because I heard that Marine's stats in one of those Olympic Games implied that she would be a Speed Type despite her lacking an ability type in said Olympic Game.

Now to address the third and final team on this list, Team Past. I'm not really sure if these characters should be included in future games or not, let alone a Sonic Heroes sequel. Think about it, Tikal is dead, Honey is just a hidden character largely based on an obscure fighting game character from Sega and Shade probably won't show up anytime soon due to the whole clusterfuck that is the Ken Penders lawsuit.

To conclude this post, here's an idea. What if the game mechanics of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes were combined together to make Sonic Adventure 3 Heroes? Kind of like how the re-release of SA1 and SA2 was titled Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, yes?

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Here's some ideas for teams I would like to add or change up:

Team Heroes, Team Rose, Team Dark, Team Chaotix, , Team Wild, Team Hooligan and Team Babylon are all the same.

Team Future:



>idk some guy from the future who Silver knows or something

Team Guardian:




Team ????:




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Metal Sonic (Speed) Chaos (Power) Eggman (Flight) Since he'd be in his little machine from the classic games.

Sad thing is when I was little I thought I could unlock them, too

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File: d2bd96c94634f42⋯.png (190.9 KB,329x246,329:246,Sonic_and_Vector_Band.png)

What would the ability types of Sharps the Chicken, Max the Monkey and Mach the Rabbit be?

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Sharps would be flight, obvi, only bird in Sonic that I can think of. Max is a primate, so most likely power- and that leaves the quick ol' jackrabbit. It'd be cool to have a team 'Music'.

I'd unironcially fucking love that.

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But the Chaotix already have a music related team blast. What would theirs be?

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I'd like to see DIY teams. You'd have a pool of speed/flight/power characters and can pick one of each to form a custom team. Maybe some characters can be fit for multiple roles. An example would be Amy being a speed/power character. If you select her as the speed character for your team then she'll preform the same way she did in Sonic Heroes, but if you select her as a power character then she could use her hammer to smash large objects and smack the other teammates into foes. Another example would be Knuckles preforming as power/flight character, where you trade vertical elevation for horizontal glide and wall climbing.

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I'd just add chaotics as one "character" with team gimmick in a new sonic game. Team autism must die.

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Ramp up the autism to eleven and make it possible to create avatars and teams with their own unique combinations

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What kind of music do you think they'd perform?




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i think we need to branch out a bit from the standard team category formation and brainstorm a bit and mix things up, each team has their own set of stages designed for them so theres really no need to make them all play the same and the control scheme for sonic heroes is fairly simple so simply adding different abilities and obstacles for a few new categories shouldnt cause too much confusion

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i wish in a game like adventure instead of just collecting things for the chao garden you could also collect clothing accesories as unlockables to customize sonic and co. going so far as to even let you put shirts and pants on him as well as glasses hats etc, i wish they did this in a modern game instead of the avatar wich i think was a dumb idea, maybe i would have liked it if they added more customization options and if the furries weren't designed so ugly

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