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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: 1430691932707.png (2.46 MB,3100x2500,31:25,a7d2a50cd9495c15ec3dcff3fa….png)


Tamest picture you've ever been b& for?

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File: 1430795157666.jpg (1.13 MB,1270x1406,635:703,d0acbddd21ed86c2529f5f660f….jpg)


>implying it takes much of anything to get roboticized from Special Stage

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I could post an official bio with young nude Bunnie and it get deleted

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File: 1432595560815.jpg (125.41 KB,1024x695,1024:695,tails_in_bunnie_rabbot_out….jpg)

Just got it for this completely clean pic

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Well, we know they ban for Tails, and we know they ban for Bunnie. Seems to me like you were just asking for trouble.

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I'm not surprised at all.

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Okay so this time I get blocked from posting for five minutes, but then hours later get a three day ban. Mood swings?


I am. It does not violate any rules.

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Janitor gave you the block and put in a ban request, which a mod later accepted and roboticized you.

I had that happen to me during the ride.

>I am. It does not violate any rules.

They delete almost anything on /vg/, other generals have complained as well. They're more strict there. My guess for Special Stage is that things fall under the furry category, so they're more willing to ban/delete.

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I don't understand why it's a ban from all boards, that just cuts my traffic to the site entirely

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What is furry supposed to mean?

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The janitor that patrols Special Stage is well known for deleting anything that gets reported, no matter the reason. All it takes is one spiteful little bitch to go on a reporting spree and boom, deletions everywhere.

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>all boards


why the fuck is it all boards

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Go back to /sonich/ or /d/

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File: 7832dc8ed9384a4⋯.jpg (71.14 KB,500x500,1:1,7832dc8ed9384a4a3b1ac36a83….jpg)

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File: a9483d3d4ae396a⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,635x629,635:629,sssss.jpg)

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