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File: 1424746556470.png (360.38 KB,787x1016,787:1016,sonic_boom_amy_render__by_….png)


>is totally okay with nepotism
>says her friends can't discriminate against an obviously evil man
>Drops her friends to work with a villain because she craves attention for her efforts
>claims someone is sexist because she gets a shitty job

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So she's a conservative?
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File: 1424901610516.png (325.98 KB,400x471,400:471,474.png)

Don't you even start.
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A less interesting character than the main cast because she's stuck with the role of "The sensitive one?"

That and she's not the only one who has joined up with Eggman or bailed him out.
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File: 1425023648601.jpg (61.97 KB,602x396,301:198,I think.jpg)

Okay, lemme see if I can explain all this.

1. If I'm not mistaken, nepotism plays a huge part in show biz. Amy… erm, interviewed like a performer. Yeah, that one's a bit of a stretch.

2. He was (apparently) out of a home due to the storm. Being a good Samaritan, Amy prodded Sonic to let him stay. She wasn't aware of his true motive.

3. C'mon man, she was feeling unappreciated, and Eggman just happened to desire her help in redecorating. And again, his intentions weren't outwardly evil.

4. Poorly handled and out of character. Yeah, I can't defend that one.
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What episode is this?

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I think they're talking about different episodes. Second point of >>404 might be the first episode while the third may be episode 6 of first season, Fortress of Squalitude.


>post 404


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