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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

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File: eafb004c6625c9c⋯.png (864.54 KB,977x767,977:767,pao86u79kyz41.png)


How come they didn't just make all the humans have Eggman's overall style (with obvious changed to fit their sexes, builds, etc.)? Eggman didn't fit with the other humans overall in Adventures, had to get his design radically changed, and Unleashed had the humans be Pixar rejects.

Even Puyo's humans would be better.

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i wish they made a super powered human playable in a sonic game with an art style that suits the world

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We could get that if there were no e-celebs and Westfags who want the franchise to be some abomination mix between SatAM and My Little Pony. I'm sure Eggman only gets away with being a human since he has a Grandfather Clause.

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i really need to pry myself away from this franchise

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I wouldn't say "super powered", but playable humans with future tech would be cool. Something like a G.U.N. super solder with cybernetic enhancements or a civilian from an era where hover boards, laser guns, and exosuits can be purchased from almost any electronics store.

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The games needs more humans who are legit villains. G.U.N. doesn't count.

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File: 4e803908dd93832⋯.jpg (37.63 KB,651x748,651:748,4002912932_654bafae43_o.jpg)

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>and Unleashed had the humans be Pixar rejects


the unleashed humans were designed by the Japanese art duo GuriHiru

Their designed merged japanese cutesy mascot art with western UPA/Silhouette focused cartoonyness. If you take it at face value, yeah it looks like Ratatouiie, but I feel like you can easily put Eggman next to them in a 2D world and it works 100%

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File: 556aa2e00203de8⋯.jpg (205.91 KB,1169x827,1169:827,Eqj32xDUUAEqJdi.jpg)

File: 581a11c889916a9⋯.jpg (670.23 KB,1032x1566,172:261,ETOkbYnUYAEeRbp.jpg)

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File: 90e9e2f68de9b1a⋯.jpg (676.46 KB,1249x1920,1249:1920,thumb_1920_383304.jpg)

File: ba5221b5b1993d7⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,602x425,602:425,w_168.jpg)


Also, I feel like if Sega called GuriHiru back for another game, the dup could expand upon the human designs more since their art has improved in the past 10 years

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