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File: cbb127e998b9d02⋯.jpg (119.41 KB,432x768,9:16,g34rq8gn55551.jpg)

 No.21984 [View All]

Alright, I went through to trouble to.put up some notes I had for a "reimagining" for Sonic Lore. The trick is that it goes with Genesis Era lore with implications and similar (see the OVA) first then ignores or remakes the rest.

>The talking animals are ultimately more or less a cross between DnD’s elf varieties and the indigenous inhabitants of places like Hawaii or pre-Roman France. They’re nature’s beings who largely live in forested land, caves, islands etc. They do use modern tech when they need to or it interests them, have modern enough homes, but they don’t have any notable “civilization” (as in huge cities like Starlight Zone, armies like the Resistance in Forces) whatsoever. That’s really a humie thing. That said, enough of them do come over to visit the humies (hence Ricki and Co. being in that Sonic the Cop game) or have been integrated into human controlled land.

>Characters like Vector the Croc or Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat or even Ms. Whisper were raised in human-ran areas.

>Angel Island was the remnants of an overall human-ruled empire that employed Echidnas as a warrior class. The Echidna warriors under Pachacamac pulled a Mamluke and hijacked the empire, then they tried to seize the Chaos Emeralds leading the empire falling to trash (guess who did it).

>Dr. Eggman wants to mechanize the whole world since he thinks it’d make the whole world into one giant playground where everyone has fun. Especially including him. He doesn’t really realize the harm in what he’s doing. He sincerely believes what he’s doing helps the world.

>Sonic is a friendly lone drifter all the way from his home in Christmas Island. He’s a hero to the world. Perhaps he’s a runaway. Perhaps he fled to protect his home.

>Tails is a little boy who suffered bullying for his tails. He got into tinkering from getting his hands on a ditched British sports car.

> Little Planet is a thing, a human-ruled lost civilization (see statue).

>Blaze is a princess from a world that’s the other-way around from the “main” world (the animals hold all the major civilization while humans live in islands and stuff). Captain Whisker is there but Nega isn’t since Nega is bleh.

>Eggman invades Christmas Island since he noticed its magicalness. He catches wind of Sonic’s speed and plans to use him.

>No Black Arms and much of 06’s plot never ever happens.

Rough draft. I can post more if wanted.

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I can accept them being furry Mesoamericans and that the ME is on an altar WHEN THEY'RE ON THE GROUND. But Angel Island ought to be more like Laputa in Castle in the Sky. The old shrine could still be there, but it should just be a relic. The ME ought to be somewhere else. Have more techy stuff to imply time passed between Tikal's time and Knuckles. Angel Island should have stuff like the Ancient tech in Zelda BOTW, with rusty, broken down robots guarding the island that Eggman maybe corrupts and repurposes.


Perhaps. I even have an idea for SA1 ending with the ME shattering completely, meaning it's no longer a half-assed plot device for SA2.

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Classic Angel Island had tech going from Knuckles' traps and Sky Sanctuary.

>Perhaps. I even have an idea for SA1 ending with the ME shattering completely, meaning it's no longer a half-assed plot device for SA2.

I actually had notes for rewriting Advenute 2's plot

to be more in line with a Classic universe.

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File: f70bcc0772feda3⋯.png (12.67 KB,158x129,158:129,G_U_N_Logo.png)

What do you all say about G.U.N.?

On one hand, I do think something like G.U.N. is narratively neccessary to both do Shadow's backstory and represent Sonic's freespirit nature of his characterization. As well, it helps avoid making Sonic and Posse into the "Freedom Fighters" who are more or less the only ones who actively try to keep their world nice and not burning.

On the other, I think G.U.N.'s usage in Adventure 2 is too on the nose. I don't mind them framing Sonic to distract attention from Shadow, but I do think them gunning down the little white terminal girl was too over-the-top in making them too "evil." You could just change the way Maria died or have her alive but real old or even change her personality/history so she's not just a way to motivate Shadow to commit genocide while letting him still be sympathetic but that has deeper impact just for how it'd impact Shadow.

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Players (and SEGA, evidently) tend to believe that GUN works for the benefit of humanity and are simply people doing their jobs, and that they're not necessarily evil.

But back when SA2 was written, they were very much intended to be a corrupt military government. The President is a figurehead, while GUN are the ones truly in control. It's a very common trope in Japanese media, as it's based on how Japan operated during the Edo period with the Tokugawa shogunate.

So I reject this notion that they shouldn't be evil, and I also reject the notion that after SA2 they should get reformed into being good guys. If anything, power should redirect back to the President, while GUN is disbanded entirely. Team Dark would be part of the President's secret service, rather than GUN agents.

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I counter that the "well meaning if seriously flawed men doing their jobs" interpretation was the one ST went with in both the games after Adventure 2 and Sonic X until they just removed it from the series. One could then say that ST either didn't intend the depiction of them as some power behind the throne running their schemes or walked back on it. Mind you, I strongly suspect ST regrets G.U.N. being a thing now and if there is ever a legit reboot for the franchise that Shadow having alien blood has a notably higher chance of carrying over than G.U.N. and the non-Eggman Robotniks.

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That's largely Iizuka's interpretation, who incidently also ignores the whole "mad psycho scientist" thing with Gerald and chooses to portray him as a great, noble man. Shiro Maekawa, SA2's writer (who also wrote Black Knight…makes you think, huh?) largely had his own ideas about how Shadow and GUN were portrayed. But if GUN really wasn't intended to be portrayed as a military superpower pulling the strings, then…why are there so many scenes in SA2 that heavily imply that?

It's more likely that they walked back on it, as they didn't want to give young children any negative feelings towards the military or police.

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Alright, I have questions for a sorta survey here. What are your stances on:

1. Humie and Furry Relations (Two-Worlds, how they interact)

2. Sol Dimension (namely if it should still be a thing)

3. Super Forms (who can have them, what they can do)

4. Time travel's use (namely if Silver is still.a.thing)

5. Space aliens

6. Characterization things like Eggman's morality (what he won't do to win) and attitude towards Sonic (sheer loathing like in Western interpretations, hidden fondness and certain respect as shown in X and told in sources like Sonic Channel, other), Tails' role as a sidekick (namely where he leans more between being "a little Sonic", and being a "good guy Eggman"), how Sonic handles his enemies (like whether he's fine with capping them even when they aren't monsters), whether Rouge is more of a criminal or more of a MCU Black Widow, Knuckles' position as a guardian…

7. Shadow's backstory and ong-term arc.

8. What to do with the likes of Cream, the Chaotix, Babylon Rogues, etc.

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1. Both humans and furries can co-exist, but humans should densely populate man-made cities, while furries should densely populate forests and other naturesque environments, with some very minor overlap inbetween (Furries down with city life in the former, treehuggers in the latter).

2. Sol Dimension should be dropped. It only serves to make things more convoluted, and it's not a very interesting setting to begin with (it's literally just Sonic's world, but the CE's are now the SE's and also there's a recolor Eggman walking around).

3. Both Sonic and Shadow should get Super forms from the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic's would behave as we know it, and Shadow's would behave like Scourge's Super form in the comics, draining him of his energy when powering down. Knuckles should be able to draw power from the ME when in close proximity to it for a pseudo-Super form (this would help for its last line of defense). Silver doesn't really need a Super form considering his psychokinesis already allows him to fly, and he has near-limitless amounts of strength to lift things several-thousand times his size in both 06 and Gens. I don't think anyone else should go Super, really. Sonic is able to go Super because he's the ultimate life form and the "chosen one". Shadow is able to go Super because he's an attempt to replicate Sonic, but it isn't perfect. Nobody should be able to go Super just by gathering the emeralds and making a wish.

4. Time travel must not create a paradox. No "it's a cartoon" excuse. Going back to the past must be a one-way trip.

5. Unless Sonic goes into space, no aliens, and no invasion. Sonic's world is not so plain and uninteresting that we need an alien invasion to spice things up.

6. Eggman can warp time/reality, trap animals in robots, and do extreme damage to the environment, but he will not go out of his way to try to kill human beings, nor will he do actual recognizable real-life grimdark shit like torture, lobotomies, cybernetic implants, basically the kind of shit Ian Flynn loves to make him do. I hate that shit. He can respect Sonic as an adversary but still want him dead.

Tails should be the Peter Parker to Eggman's Tony Stark. He can create respectable tech with whatever he can scrounge up, but he shouldn't be making stupid levels of genius tech. He's a child-aged Sonic fanboy first, and a boy genius second. I can't really comment on Sonic and the others.

7. Shadow should die and stay dead. His character simply doesn't work long-term. There's no justification for him sticking around other than to be an edgelord.

8. Unless it's a sports title, either drop them or make them actually relevant to the plot with actual character development on their end. Don't just have them show up for the sake of fanservice, do some random thing in a cutscene, then act like that made their inclusion worth it.

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Here's the last set of questions:

9. Do you think Sonic and Co. can be shown to have estasblished families?

10. Yes or no on there being other Echidnas in the present?

11. What should be done with Metal Sonic?

12. Would you incorporate ANY non-game characters?

13. Would you have a place for currently Classic Only characters (Fang, Bean, etc.)?

14. Use anything from games like the Sonic Storybooks or Chronicles?

15. Infinite?

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9. Nope. Them having parents reinforces the idea that they're children instead of independent characters. Only the likes of Tails and Cream should have parents, since they're actual children, and the former is an orphan, so…

10. Knuckles being the last of his kind is kinda his thing. No, there should not be other Echidnas.

11. Metal Sonic should not be reused over and over. It needs to be a threat again and not become eye-rollingly redundant.

12. Only if they were relevant to the plot. Sonic fans have been conditioned to want all their favorite characters to show up, but Forces proves that it's stupid for them to do so most of the time. I would like to see Sticks and Tangle show up though. And even though I said "no Echidnas" earlier, Dr. Finitevus is a great villain.

13. Fang and Honey would have their place. The former is a bounty hunter who Eggman could work with, and the latter could manage all the cosmetic items in the game.

14. Chronicles and Storybook games are spinoffs. They shouldn't carry over to main games, let alone be canon.

15. Sucks. Into the trash he goes.

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>Going back to the past must be a one-way trip.

To add to this, here's how I'd like time travel to work in Sonic, and it's not unlike other series:

Let's say you have 3 points: Present (Point A), Prehistoric times (Point B), and Silver's future (Point C).

Sonic can go from A to C, assuming that C operates under the condition that Sonic vanishes at A, but the C that Sonic goes to cannot be the same C that Silver comes from. From there, he can go back to A, at the point immediately after he first vanished. He can go back to C, but only if it's right after he left C and he didn't influence events in A any further, otherwise it would be a different C entirely. Silver, on the other hand, cannot go back to C from A, because him interacting with Sonic would immediately pollute the time stream and create another timeline. If he were to attempt to go back to C, it wouldn't be from right where he left. It would be a separate timeline entirely where he'd likely meet another version of himself, thereby creating another paradox.

Now let's assume Sonic goes from A or C to B. The same rules that apply to Silver now apply to him. There's no way he can go directly back to A from B, unless he does not influence any events in B AT ALL. If he does influence events in B, then the only way for him to return to A would be for some deus ex machina shit to occur that restores the timeline to equilibrium, and plops Sonic right back where it all started, allowing for the time travelling to never have occurred (or needed to occur) in the first place. Sonic's memories, battle damage, and anything he had in his pocket/hammer space would be retained.

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So what are the biggest changes that came to the plots of the Adventure games?

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1. Nothing against it. I believe >>22127 has the best idea for it. It has massive potential for racist segregation undertones (in order to teach the kids not to discriminate).

2. It's one of those things that could've been done better. In the end it feels pointless as apparently there's technically Two Blazes (one who stayed in Sol, and one who "never existed" in the prime dimension). Here's my chance to go back to my >>22067 theory.

3. Anyone could do it with enough willpower (they stopped giving a shit about the rules aeons ago, so why not just make it a basic rule that all 7 can't be in the hands of one single individual, Eggman didn't think to do this earlier for the same reason he apparently didn't torture Sonic for those 6 months (he's an idiot)).

4. "Multiverse theory's a bitch!"

— Cell

5. If it's going to be part of a plot, don't force it. I'd be creative and have one side of them be the good guys. Imagine a crossover with Freedom Planet. Clichéd, but full of potential.

6. While I'd like Eggman to have some moral standards, I think it needs to be built up over time like a deep-rooted character analysis. It's already somewhat established that the reason he's evil is because his family was always given shit for the things his Grandfather tried to do for the better of humanity (skewered by the government that he was a mad-man who tried to kill the planet). You could have him be an individual who was bullied and put down by nearly everyone in his whole life just for being a Robotnik, until the day he simply decided to forsake the humanity that never gave him a chance (like Tails if Sonic never found him on that island).

7. I think the only thing they need to change is NOT giving him amnesia a second time. His moral conflict in Shadow the Hedgehog wouldn't be the result of memory loss, but being split between saving the humanity he so hates for Maria (the only being he cared about), or simply leaving them to rot because he thinks she was wrong (it feels much deeper in the sense that he's letting go and following his own ways). I always did imagine that Maria would somehow return in "Mobian" form after Shadow The Hedgehog (Best Ending). It's a bit retarded, but the epilogue (after he saved the planet) could be the Master Emerald "summoning" him and pulling him inside in order to thank him for saving the world by fulfilling his greatest desire: "To see her again." (because it's established multiple times that the ME can do basically anything (on it's own accord), and that it has a mind of its own). I just think she'd make a great character in the cast as "the sister" of the bunch.

8. Basically, only use them if they're relevant to the plot. Pointless cameos are just that, pointless. The best they can do is include a picture/reference like Mighty, Fang and Ray in Generations.

9. Outside Archie? No… It's already more or less established that most of them are orphans for valid reasons (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). Giving them parents means making massive alterations to their characters and plots (that's why Archie works in this case).

10. I like what >>22079 said. It would teach kids the risk of learning the balance between conservative and progressive. Both Shade and Knuckles have their own responsibilities, and they can either follow all of it (in respect of their ancestors), or only the important of it (in respect of themselves, and the possible future of the planet). When you're a bad guardian as he is, of course you need to establish some changes. Don't stick to the old, or do everything new, just find what works.

11. What >>22129 said. He's a good villain, but reusing him is getting tedious for everybody.

12. If I've seen one OC, I've seen them all. Once again, I agree with >>22129

13. I would. Along with what >>22129 said, I'd also make Bean and Bark Fellow Bounty Hunters, I'd even find a place for Tiara Boobowski (from that cancelled Saturn mess). Maybe as another potential hand-puller for Sonic besides Amy just to have some comedy in a love-triangle (once again, it's clichéd, but much better than how they handled Sally).

14. As far as I'm concerned, The Books happened in every dimension in their own way (as to not influence the main plots). Chronicles was a great potential that was not only poorly executed, but also poorly handled once that Fat Fuck decided to pull a "Karen-suit" on it (basically, milk it until it's dry).

15. They could've used a mind-controlled Shadow in his place, and it would be 1000x better (then fan-comics like "Ghost of the Future" would be just a tad bit cooler). As far as I'm concerned, he's about as pointless and underwritten as the rest of the game is.

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Alright, I went and made some characterization notes for here:


>Less non-offensively nice. More standoffish. More of a temper. Sonic was designed as something of a loner and a traveler. Therefore he shouldn't really want to acquire some big cast of friends and rivals. Since he has, he can get impatient with them. It's not that he's mean, and it's not that he hates them, but he doesn't have to be Jesus to everyone all the time. Shadow's a more extreme Sonic, Rouge is shady, Amy's clingy, Knuckles ends up making trouble for him or just rubs him wrong, and sometimes he even wants some time away from Tails. Also since he's the type to do things on his own, he's not always going to stick around for the plot dump, at least if he has an idea of what needs to be done.


>Mostly as he is in Adventure One combined with Sonic OVA. It showed off his drive to be like Sonic and his tinkering without making him an outright "Good Eggman" while OVA let him be a little kid. And quit trying to make him into some post-Luigi's Mansion Luigi (more obviousky flawed sidekick).


>Make him being an outdoorsman/savage more noticeable. Before Eggman he lived in the ruin of his civilization. He should be uncomfortable around parts of modernity with just enough tech experience from AI to improvise. Let him be a guardian for all the Chaos Rocks, not just the Master Emerald.


>She was designed to be a reckless fangirl. Stop trying to "remake" her. She's not level-headed, not some wise mature warrior, and she doesn't have to be Princess Sally. Let her have Cream as her sidekick/BFF.

Metal Sonic

>Getting the better of Sonic is just about all what he cares for most. Whether it's surpassing Sonic, destroying Sonic, being Sonic (in a sense). He will (mostly) follow Eggman's orders, but with great reluctance if it means not getting a shot at Sonic


>He's a more extreme Sonic, or at least was introduced as such. Let him be this regardless of his origin. Sonic is a bit of a loner so Shadow's aloof. Sonic doesn't respect authority so he's an outright enemy of governments around the world since he's the Ultimate Lifeform.


>Make the lore from sources like Technical Files be more relevant to his character. He'd be a manchild who finds a beauty in machines and doesn't care about pollution but doesn't revel in inflicting it and suffering. He has fun running his schemes, but more so from him finding something worthy to challenge his supreme mind. He wants to mechanize the world since he believes it's for the best and opposes Sonic but comes to appreciate his talent, wishing he and his little bro could just cooperate.


>Keep her status as a career criminal who happens to be employed by a higher authority more obvious rather than her being some furry Black Widow. Have her "city girl who's dazzling" element from Sonic Battle be bigger to let her contrast with Knuckles shine brighter.


>Make them more rooted in their Classic era portrayal and not a team. The team gimmick has been overused (even if I appreciate Heroes being a rare example of Canon Sonic having the cast fight over conflicting interests).


>Make the characters more disconnected, not a furry Justice League. Sonic alone goes off somewhere, Tails does something in his lab, Amy and Cream are doing whatever. Etc. The cast aren't one big army of friends.

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>It has massive potential for racist segregation undertones (in order to teach the kids not to discriminate).

Oh god, no. No, no, no, that is not what I was going for at all. I was simply going for a thematic separation between technological environments and naturesque environments. I do not want ANYTHING in Sonic to touch upon real-life controversial social issues. In my "dream Sonic utopia" there's no segregation, just a preference between furries and humans on where they like to live.

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I was just messing with you guys.

I'm just being ironic by pointing out the fact that even we can come up with better ideas than the morons at SEGA who think they need to be hip and dated.

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Why are so many of you hooked on making the only female lead a mindless fangirl? Do you know how polarizing this is? The Sonic fanbase has a higher female % than most Nintendo games besides Animal Crossing and maybe Splatoon.

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Make them like 6-10 years older cause 17-25 is more of a "fun" life range to write for than 6-15 range

Double bonus because 17-25 year olds aren't super mature like they were in the past, today.

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Why does it have to be "one of the guys" or "mindless fangirl bimbo"? Is there not a middle ground we can work with here? Female characters can want to bone the male lead without being "polarizing". See Jessie in FF7R. I'd like Amy to be more like that, but a little more exaggerated and cartoony about it.


The problem there is when they're teenagers, they're hip, they're cool, and they're role models for the younger kids while not being older fuddy-duddy adults.

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Sonic fits better for a universal age range, imo. 17-24 is still "hip". That's the age range executives target when they aren't targeting kids.

Hell, Mario and his friends aren't even teenagers.

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Nah, I don't like 'one of the guys' trope either. My problem is Amy is clearly designed with the purpose of being a girls' girl, so having her existence just linger on as a male's side without actually getting his D is pretty disappointing. Even if she isn't a high femme fatale like Rouge or a super sweet innocent kid like Cream, she looks more natural and relatable which is kinda how Sonic and Knuckles were designed like. She needs more foundation and ground to stand on her own, without being Princess Sally 2.0, or yet another male character in a female body typecast, independent of being just Sonic's fangirl. That's what good writers can and will do.

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>only female lead

She wasn't intended to be a "lead" in the same way as Sonic and Tails and Knuckles. And we already have Blaze now so there's really no need to force Amy into something she's not from Sonic Team trying to flatten the setting.

>Do you know how polarizing this is?

Stop using Amy as a tool just from you/Sonic Team refusing to engage with other characters.


Again, there are other characters than just Amy. The whole notion that "Amy has to stop being a fangirl" roots in demands that she be some master heroine when she wasn't meant to be such.

You expect me to believe that Amy took some college course on military strategy so she's some army leader now? Please.

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>She wasn't intended to be a "lead" in the same way as Sonic and Tails and Knuckles. And we already have Blaze now so there's really no need to force Amy into something she's not from Sonic Team trying to flatten the setting.

She was the only visible female character for awhile, so even though she wasn't treated like a "lead" that was her primary function considering Blaze still doesn't get any attention from Sonic Team. Even Princess Peach had several starring roles in games despite being damsel-in-distress game filler for most of Mario's life.

>Stop using Amy as a tool just from you/Sonic Team refusing to engage with other characters.

Making one character not a boring, unfunny trope that is "lol fangirl" is not "refusing to engage with other characters". It's correcting an unnecessary oversight that was Amy's character from day 1. Considering "lolz Amy chasing Sonic" came from SEGA being too dumb to differentiate Tania from Amy in the manga, it's safe to say that it was a mistake and hasn't done much to make the character more likable or needed in general.

>Again, there are other characters than just Amy. The whole notion that "Amy has to stop being a fangirl" roots in demands that she be some master heroine when she wasn't meant to be such.

>You expect me to believe that Amy took some college course on military strategy so she's some army leader now? Please.

I don't need her to be overly-competent or super responsible, she can still be goofy, she can still have a crush on Sonic, I just don't want or see the purpose for that crush on Sonic to be her entire character. Can you not chew gum and walk at the same time?

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>She was the only visible female character for awhile, so even though she wasn't treated like a "lead" that was her primary function considering Blaze still doesn't get any attention from Sonic Team.

The Genesis Era only used Amy after CD to fill up rosters. The Adventure Era only had Amy as anything like a lone protagonist with dialogue in Adventure and Battle.

And even ignoring Blaze there's at least Rouge. It's silly to demand Amy be some major heroine who's all mature n sheet when you have other characters who fill that void even if Sonic Team refuses to more with them.

>Even Princess Peach had several starring roles in games despite being damsel-in-distress game filler for most of Mario's life.

>Comparing Amy to Peach in importance.

Peach was there since Day One as Mario's goal. Amy was only in CD and the spinoffs within the Classic Era.

>Making one character not a boring, unfunny trope that is "lol fangirl" is not "refusing to engage with other characters". It's correcting an unnecessary oversight that was Amy's character from day 1. Considering "lolz Amy chasing Sonic" came from SEGA being too dumb to differentiate Tania from Amy in the manga, it's safe to say that it was a mistake and hasn't done much to make the character more likable or needed in general.

She was designed to be an Anti-Princess Peach in that the hero (Sonic) actively avoids her with her chasing him

>I don't need her to be overly-competent or super responsible, she can still be goofy, she can still have a crush on Sonic, I just don't want or see the purpose for that crush on Sonic to be her entire character. Can you not chew gum and walk at the same time?

Amy needs nothing more than how she is in Adventure.

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Nah, you're boring.

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>It's silly to demand Amy be some major heroine who's all mature n sheet

>I don't need her to be overly-competent or super responsible


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File: 3b7208817cc5d1e⋯.png (630.22 KB,1200x1078,600:539,s0qoyfo7a6641_1_.png)

I don't understand why Sonic fans want every single character to be a competent badass with only a few minor character flaws that are never elaborated on. Some of you even want Eggman to be a tortured, complicated villain. I know this is a difficult concept to accept, but characters can be flawed, goofy, simple, and endearing/charming, at the same time. Pic related hits a lot of notes for how I'd like Eggman to be portrayed.

The problem with Amy isn't that her character is a fangirl, or that she's a damsel in distress. The problem is she's not funny. At all.

She's clearly intended to be funny. Her chasing after Sonic and threatening him with violence if he doesn't marry her is clearly meant to be funny. And it WAS funny, in Sonic CD, when she was 8 years old, because it's cute and completely understandable for a small unsupervised child to act that way to a celebrity. Not so much when she's older, where she ought to know better. In addition, the whole "fangirls chasing after popular celebrity" thing is only really funny when it's a group, and not one single girl. That makes all the difference in preventing Amy from looking like a stalker.

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> I don't understand why Sonic fans want every single character to be a competent badass with only a few minor character flaws that are never elaborated on.

I think the reading comprehension on this board is really bad, or that people here purposely get defensive and therefore don't read when their points are being challenged. Nobody said that here.

> And it WAS funny, in Sonic CD, when she was 8 years old, because it's cute and completely understandable for a small unsupervised child to act that way to a celebrity. Not so much when she's older, where she ought to know better. In addition, the whole "fangirls chasing after popular celebrity" thing is only really funny when it's a group, and not one single girl. That makes all the difference in preventing Amy from looking like a stalker.

Accurate, but mind you in most anon's head Amy is around 12-16, which just makes it seem unfunny. Honestly, to me it's so overdone that you might as well throw it away. I thought early STC Amy was cute. She was goofy and teased Sonic about her crush but clearly had a personality about that.

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Not an argument.


Amy gets it extra hard since now there's this notion ladies need to be all-powerful role models so that childless women can live through them and coomers can coom until death. It's what gets bad characters like Rey and Capt Marvel and Korra.

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>wahh women

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Not an argument.

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File: 0f94b772cc3211c⋯.png (413.53 KB,640x480,4:3,President_Shadow_the_Hedge….png)

I know this sounds like a weird idea, but one character I want reworked is this guy. The President.

He's basically an afterthought in SA2's plot, and what little personality we see from him makes him look like an incompetent leader who gets inspired by Sonic or some shit like that by the end. Sonic could still inspire him on some level, but I honestly think in the exaggerated world of Sonic, he should be more of a badass. I mean, this is the leader of the fucking UNITED FEDERATION. As in he's not just President of whatever Sonic's equivalent of the US is, he's President of the WORLD.

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Sure that the UF is just Sonic's version Murica. Shadow's Hard Mode even talks about Japan.

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No, it's not just Murica. All information from sourcebooks I could find points to him being THE Chief Executive Officer of the United Federation. It's not like this is a dictatorship. Murica is still his country, and other countries have their own leaders, but all signs point not only towards GUN being literal world police, but also the President being at least part of the top brass managing the world's nations, if not the highest-ranking government official in the world.

And yet not once is he ever portrayed as a man of action.

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File: c4e569d9be06f5f⋯.png (38.5 KB,939x134,939:134,lywy792l25651.png)

File: 8c944d5a140011e⋯.png (129.4 KB,906x390,151:65,uo8d8rsucba51.png)

Some Two-Worlds posts

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File: f0f51caa53ea859⋯.jpg (6.09 KB,223x226,223:226,images_1_.jpg)


Sonic is like the avatar and his main thing is being neutral while all the others really like their colours kind of like a gang

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>“A very selfish self-proclaimed evil genius scientist. He loves mecha’s more than he does three meals a day. Because he places such value on his aesthetics, his design philosophy regarding mecha often focuses on design and gimmickry more than is necessary. His goal is to build “Eggmanland”, his ideal city. The numerous actions he takes to achieve this goal just so happen to be “bad things” in light of common sense. In any case, he doesn’t actually mean any ill will”

Neat how Eggman legit thinking what he's doing is for the best is supported by Adventure's canon.

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File: b566fbe72dfedcd⋯.jpg (114.36 KB,1024x702,512:351,sonic_and_tails_by_zer0fin….jpg)

>Sonic is a young drifter who has spent most of his life up to age 14 raised by people across the world. Jungle lions, southern rabbit cowboys, mountain wolf tribes, polar bear societies, even spent 3 seasons in a British like city making friends there. He's a cocky but earnest guy, always there for the little guy, and always with the jokes

>People across the world have a lot to say about him, and some see him as a real life folklore legend

>A couple years back, Sonic befriended a little 2 tailed fox named Tails, he's really smart but doesn't have a lab. So he makes a lot of handheld material to keep in a small backpack. Translators, transforming airplanes, little radios, and built in weaponry. He and Sonic call each other brothers and Sonic helps Tails be more fearless

>Knuckles is a stubborn guardian of the master emerald, and begrudgingly is friends with the Chaotix. They hang around the emerald from time to time make Knuckles open up, and sing songs during those times. He wishes he could leave the emerald

>Amy is around Tails' age, she is sonic's biggest fan and would love to meet him. She's always going to places she hears rumors of Sonic being in. And is always getting in trouble because of her Sonic obsession. After Sonic and Tails have a crazy adventure where Sonic get's corrupted by a magical hammer, an ancient hammer spirit tells him to give the hammer to someone who has a pure heart yet obsesses over something they shouldn't. So Sonic gives it to Amy. As time passes, Sonic teaches Amy to be more mature and less dependent on him. But she still has a lot to learn

>Ivo Edmunds is a talking Egg, a rarity in the sonic universe. As egg laying sonic worldians have their eggs hatch. But when edmunds was an egg waiting to hatch, he opened his eyes and spoke in his shelled form. Seen as an abomination, edmunds had to discover language and intellect on his own. So he has a vendetta towards Sonic worldians, so he searches and hunts down the most powerful elements and worldians to consume their power so that he can become what he calls, "The boiled egg". Edmunds is a murderous jokester who has the heart of Theodore Roosevelt

>Rouge the bat is a thief turned secret agent for G.U.N, she embarks on journeys to find material for GUN to get a hold on. So she maybe apart of some geology expedition, or in a gala banquet in a foreign city, or she maybe in a heist plan with some criminals. But it's all in the name of GUN. She runs into Sonic and Tails during public special operations, so she always tells them to do the dirty work. While she runs into Knuckles during those incognito missions, and she always grows infatuated by the echidna always having a hard time doing her mission. She is some woman

>Shadow and Silver's story is the exact same, but after 06, an interdimensional organization saw potential in both of them and assigned them as interdimensional "zone cops". Shadow, a rough warrior with high hubris for himself, and Silver, a young dorky telepath who overthinks things, must work together as they jump into alternate universes. Some familiar and some unfamiliar, meeting new, old, and alternative friends on the way

Sonic and Tails are more like drifters who happen to get into heroic situations, not your superhero types looking to save the day. Sometimes they stay in an area to have fun, and sometimes they run into secret agent conspiracy business. Whatever happens, they'll always be true to themselves

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Alright, be honest:

>How many non-Eggman humans should be around and relevant?

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File: c1ef74f02a3d125⋯.jpg (80.86 KB,297x497,297:497,1413847807035.jpg)


I think it could be useful to have characters like Gerald and maybe the president be around for certain plot points but in very limited cases and I'm not sure how much prominence I'd give them, so I'd say keep them in the smallest amount possible. The only character that deserves to be featured in every game is Chuck Thorndyke anyway.

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A collection of Sonic Twitter posts going over Two-Worlds and other Sonic matters.



















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File: 0cc3de372ad138e⋯.jpg (213.69 KB,1280x1094,640:547,EgOekh6WoAAL91Y.jpg)


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File: 85f622ba1e42072⋯.png (120.64 KB,842x281,842:281,EgylB6_U0AAigSM.png)

File: 0a1a175fa7b2a92⋯.png (36.42 KB,787x209,787:209,EgylDALU0AA4uEh.png)

These posts really tell an issue I have with Current Sonic Lore. It's now the case that the animals are just Zootopia characters but from another planet. And that's just weak.

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"Be who you are, and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

—Theodor Seuss "Ted" Geisel

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File: f4a1add551e1d21⋯.png (176.55 KB,851x513,851:513,EgzIl1HVoAcZAs1.png)


Regardless, it's obvious that there was stealth retconning going on that made the animal characters just furry humans ala Zootopia with the "Wild vs the excesses of the modern world " toned down more and more until it's an afterthrought.

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There being so many branches would be fine if they commited to it instead of just trying to appease backlash.

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File: ae54d9d24b8eb3b⋯.png (1.58 MB,766x983,766:983,Zonic_NoZone.png)


The point is that my theory would be a better (and cooler) excuse to curb that "backlash" than anything those idiots they call "marketing executives" could ever come up with to try and pointlessly tie it all in together.

It would automatically open the future games up to different interpretations by different people thanks to the multiverse gig (not every game needs to have a consistent continuity since we can just assume that they could take place "in another dimension").

They had a perfect chance to confirm that when classic showed up in Sonic Forces (and seemingly confirmed that Classic Sonic from a separate dimension the whole time, and that they happened differently in this timeline).

By paradox logic, older Sonic should've remembered how all of this happened. Even the 2 Tails's confirmed back in Generations that they traveled through "time and space".

They just don't want to make up their minds to the easy and obvious (even after they confirmed that IDW takes place in another dimension where Forces happened a bit differently).

In short, just use the multiverse theory you dumbasses, you'll save time and a bunch of headaches!

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It's a Japanese thing. Giving the audience more options is more Western.

To put it another way, if DC was Japanese they'd only put out Teen Titans Go! And an edgier Teen Titans Go!

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