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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

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File: 9eabb0257c66716⋯.png (24.31 KB,154x181,154:181,Sonic_Rivals_2_-_Shadow_th….png)


Just here to inform you that Shadow's blood is green. Carry on.

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Damn ESRB ratings.

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File: 371d7fe11eb5aed⋯.png (27.03 KB,181x170,181:170,Sonic_Rivals_2_-_Shadow_th….png)

Just here to inform you that Shadow has AIDS. Carry on.

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File: f6c1a765960f6c4⋯.png (24.28 KB,153x180,17:20,Sonic_Rivals_2_-_Shadow_th….png)


Fuck off. Shadow does NOT HAVE AIDS.

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File: 7995c45c1482707⋯.jpg (7.25 KB,181x183,181:183,aids.jpg)


Shadow is FILLED with AIDS from all the *schlorp*ing he's done.

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File: 405943b94b914b9⋯.png (24.37 KB,142x179,142:179,Sonic_Rivals_2_-_Shadow_th….png)


Shadow has:



>The Black Arms equivalent of AIDS

His blood is tainted with disease.

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File: cd98114709c1d27⋯.png (18.43 KB,102x159,34:53,Sonic_Rivals_2_-_Shadow_th….png)


*schlorp*ing is PURE and NOT AIDS ridden.



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Does Shadow really have AIDS?

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He could have NIDS.

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But he's immune to diseases.

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I dunno, the anon in >>1585 raises a good point about Shadow having AIDS from too much *schlorp*ing

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As the OG *schlorp*anon, I can say that you are objectively wrong. Shadow does not have AIDS. Rouge might, though.

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Yeah, but if he was gonna be a cure for Maria's NIDS, wouldn't he have to have NIDS and be a test subject?

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He was probably tested on. He could be kind of like a vaccine of sorts, I guess.

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Shadow's green blood can be the vaccine!

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File: ffcf342314100fd⋯.png (101 KB,237x231,79:77,Possesed_Shadow.png)


Shadow is supposed to be immune to all diseases. He probably has every disease on the planet.

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I like the way you think! Does green blood have any side-effects?

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Hold on hold on, what's this Shadow has green blood nonsense?

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Side effects may include:



Uncontrollable urge to use swear words

Sexual thoughts towards guns

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File: d2c12d9c8673f5a⋯.gif (207.42 KB,559x403,43:31,g_u_n_shadow_by_kekani-d4m….gif)


Due to the E10+ rating of Shadow the Hedgehog, SEGA changed the color of the Black Arms' blood from red to green. Since Shadow is part alien, there's a chance he also has green blood.


Did Shadow lose his virginity to a gun?

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>Did Shadow lose his virginity to a gun?

That's… not a living thing, so I don't think it counts.

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>Not a living thing

That's what you think.

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Guns becoming a living thing would probably be a very bad thing.

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File: 04a9d346325de3c⋯.jpg (18.71 KB,255x233,255:233,132454534234.jpg)



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Shadow is adorable.

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I want to hug him.

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what is this mess

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File: d64d248b720c317⋯.png (4.35 KB,1000x1000,1:1,just-white.png)

File: 33826f180409dad⋯.png (4.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,one-black-pixel.png)

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