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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: 07ade3eef4289cd⋯.gif (1.79 MB,245x285,49:57,giphy.gif)


I honestly can't get enough of this.

I was 10 when SA2 came out.

And over the years, Rouge's breasts have grown with me.

Does anyone else suffer from Rouge Fever?

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Big Fat Bat Tats are great, but Rouge is pretty awesome. Her interactions with Shadow, Omega & Knuckles are really underrated imo & i really wanna see her team up with other characters more often.

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Same. They keep putting her on the backburner but she really is a great character.

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We all need this

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File: b977b2658d0ce7f⋯.gif (10.93 KB,565x275,113:55,1470278355495.gif)


This is a Christian imageboard anon.

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What faggotry is this?!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme

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File: 6d2bd45e1fb5e9b⋯.png (135.08 KB,310x250,31:25,smooch.png)


>Does anyone else suffer from Rouge Fever?

I'm Rouge Fever patient 0. I've had a hard-on for Rouge since 2001 and I've only grown to love her more as time went on. Her amazing tats and sexy "the world is mine" personality assured my adolescent heterosexuality. My love for Rouge is second only to that sperg that punched his mom over her. Lani Minella might look like a disgusting swamp hag, but I'd fuck her god damn brains out just to have had sex with Rouge by proxy.

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File: b77e6769cb5b3a4⋯.jpg (182.43 KB,284x660,71:165,Free_thinking.jpg)


>My love for Rouge is second only to that sperg that punched his mom over her.

Tell me more.

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File: db62c0107d793e5⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,2305x4145,461:829,fag.jpg)


It's all right here.

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We can't even spoiler? Damn.

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I'm pretty sure that the image didn't have a spoiler, but I'm confused on how >>1102 has its images still there.

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Yeah, the pic wasn't spoilered.

Also chances are, the new BO never really got around to those posts in the OP of that old thread.

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40% of my sexual frustration alone comes from that I will never be able to fuck her so violently that she needs a wheelchair after

one can only dream we get another game with bouncing bat tats physics like SA2 had

<HHHNNGGGGGGFfff dat gif


I want to become his disciple

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File: 8e8e2173bac1e8a⋯.jpg (109.51 KB,1200x1016,150:127,1555259400783.jpg)

File: 8d1b4ab851adc7a⋯.gif (275.19 KB,904x712,113:89,1556483871415.gif)

File: fbf3d1e7bf4a055⋯.png (126.8 KB,540x650,54:65,1559247470244.png)

File: 420843a93248bcd⋯.png (2.48 MB,1300x908,325:227,1566528149732.png)

File: 7a12da3b86af581⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,1132x1500,283:375,1569009001796.jpg)

Rouge thread has been revived. Post jazz and bats.

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File: 260d9a23d95808c⋯.png (448.13 KB,981x1359,109:151,1449934194685-1.png)

File: 5d69c00b22d2c88⋯.jpg (74.85 KB,500x800,5:8,fc6a060ea26aaf1927767d6934….jpg)

File: ba852a99bf49f9e⋯.png (306.72 KB,680x800,17:20,0c78d056b1054aae7d04fd8752….png)

File: a0f45a13691fd15⋯.png (421.05 KB,498x795,166:265,ef4e6db9b0e4b910a8ed606228….png)


what do you think she smell like?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cheap perfume, cigarettes and guano

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That's a really awful combination. I'm going to keep imagining she smells like candy like all sanics.

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What kind of candy?

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Where's the porn?

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Marshmallows or other fair candy.

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maybe in Saudi Arabia?

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There. Now cut it out.



And you please stop writing like a nigger.

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Post last edited at


Kinda wish Rouge got a song other than Fly In The Freedom, or at least a remix. What was the last game to even use that theme?




Can you guys not shit this board up with this garbage? Thanks

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File: f1dad7adf8512ed⋯.jpg (111.54 KB,531x582,177:194,EA9oHtSXsAMQWxY.jpg)


I think it actually hasn't been reused again after SA2. TSR uses a fragment from Security Hall as her theme.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: c6adc2daa27bcf8⋯.png (1.32 MB,2050x1080,205:108,1558651150645.png)


This is an absolute banger.

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>Rouge Fever

uhhh… are you okay dude, you're not coughing up blood or anything… right?

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Kek. This thread aged perfectly.

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File: 54b4892ca885820⋯.webm (3.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,12_gameovers.webm)


You can say that again. Even the /v/ BO allegedly has it now:


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Oh, wow. That sucks.

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As a bat, she probably smells like fruit. I'd guess strawberry.

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I thought so, too. But does she smell like that naturally or does she use perfume?

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It would be artificial of course, no being smells like strawberry naturally unless they're a walking talking strawberry. I was thinking it was more like a fruit scented lotion she would rub on herself, something to keep her skin smooth as well as smell nice.

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File: 3d35463c11646f3⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,Bat_Tat_Jiggle_Physics.mp4)

Forgot this video with my last post. Flat chested girls on suicide watch.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


y did they add da boob to children olympic party game.

At least there will a better model for lewd and non-lewd blender/sfm animations, if a rip is uploaded


What in chaos's name am i reading

She'll most likely use expensive perfume, you're overthinking this.

Also there is actual bat perfume, which is just Guava, Night Blooming Jasmine, myrrh & bat musk and when i was looking into this, i found a rabbit hole of perfume videos.

At least that man will be overjoyed much as you, when smell batwoman with your olfactophilia

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Bats eat mosquitos. If a mosquito bites your dick and then Rogue eats the mosquito, is that an indirect bj?

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File: 6a06b2466418187⋯.jpg (80.2 KB,1024x652,256:163,me_irl.jpg)


Whatever you're hoping for, it won't happen man

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I want to touch her ears. With a little bit of yanking

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File: b98c2f0f09b5a57⋯.jpg (48.49 KB,374x325,374:325,b.jpg)


That's sickening!

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