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/faero/ - Frutiger Aero

Welcome to the Frutiger Aero board


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File: 5609472a1b14085⋯.jpg (6.43 KB,275x183,275:183,images_7_.jpg)

 No.3 [Open thread]

Hey! I’d love to help out, but I’m not sure where to find Frutiger Aero pictures specifically. Are you looking for images of the Frutiger Aero typeface, or something related to Frutiger Aero design? Maybe try searching through design forums or websites that specialize in typography and graphic design. If you have a particular use or style in mind, let me know, and I might be able to offer more targeted suggestions!


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File: dc1a1365ecc1baf⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,4080x3072,85:64,17024783152475238944462903….jpg)

 No.1 [Open thread]

Can anyone send some frutiger aero pictures?

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File: c29a50ed5feb854⋯.jpg (6.48 MB,3840x2160,16:9,splash_into_bliss_a_frutig….jpg)

frutiger aero

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