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/ebola/ - Ebola

Next Stop: Uganda

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3427 confirmed cases, 2246 confirmed deaths in ongoing 2018-19 Congo outbreak
Other fun boards to visit: >>>/desu/ >>>/2hu/ >>>/canada/ >>>/liberty/ >>>/vvv/ >>>/zika/
Friends of Ebola: >>>/monster/ >>>/fringe/

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1493da No.30531

A few months ago myself and some internet fwens got together and began doing synchronized rituals and offerings for Ebby every Friday. Now we've got what looks like a decent little outbreak on our hands in Uganda. Not to take credit of course, the glory belongs to Ebola-chan. I can only hope that our efforts aided her in some way. That said, I'd like to invite you to join us.

We aren't doing anything special, every Friday we all just do what each of us is able. Some of us try to aim for 6pm EST, but if you cant manage that, no problem.

Even if all you can do is light a candle dedicated to Ebby, then that would be fine. The greatest and smallest gestures of love and sacrifice are all welcome.

If you need any advise, or have any to share, please don't hesitate to make use of this thread.

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