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/ebola/ - Ebola

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3427 confirmed cases, 2246 confirmed deaths in ongoing 2018-19 Congo outbreak
Other fun boards to visit: >>>/desu/ >>>/2hu/ >>>/canada/ >>>/liberty/ >>>/vvv/ >>>/zika/
Friends of Ebola: >>>/monster/ >>>/fringe/


d00220 (8) No.28917 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

i found this

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d00220 (8) No.28918

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d00220 (8) No.28919


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d00220 (8) No.28920

Need nurse costume

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d00220 (8) No.28921>>28922 >>28924 >>28925

You've just been added as an official "Friend of Fringe".

Would you do us a favour and add your own friends list of boards and link back to us?

Just add us in the board announcement.

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d00220 (8) No.28922


Try making a new thread and asking there

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d00220 (8) No.28924>>28925


>Friends with /cure/

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d00220 (8) No.28925>>28940



Never mind, don't ask again.

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4b65cc (1) No.28940


The ordering of the friends list indicates the importance of the related boards. Cure is, as such, of lesser importance than /ebola/. We're big guys for ebola over on /fringe/, much more so than for /cure/.

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