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3427 confirmed cases, 2246 confirmed deaths in ongoing 2018-19 Congo outbreak
Other fun boards to visit: >>>/desu/ >>>/2hu/ >>>/canada/ >>>/liberty/ >>>/vvv/ >>>/zika/
Friends of Ebola: >>>/monster/ >>>/fringe/

File: 1450737788229.jpg (524.61 KB,1920x1946,960:973,ebola-chan is coming to to….jpg)

ad9609 No.27810



Get with the times! Time to dress our girl into something more celebrational!

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ad9609 No.27815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ebola Baby,

just slip a victim under the tree, for me

been an awful good girl.

so hurry on an airplane tonight

Ebola baby,

A fifty four death pit or two, dindu

I'll count the bodies for you dear

Ebola baby,

so hurry on an airplane tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed

think of all the fellows I haven't kissed

next year I could be just as good

if you check out my neighborhood

ebola baby,

I want a yacht and that's really not, a lot

been an angel all year

ebola baby, so hurry on an airplane tonight

Ebola honey,

one little thing I really need

That deed, to the office of the cdc

ebola baby, so hurry on an airplane tonight.

Ebola cutie,

feel my stocking with your virus, and death

sign your life on the line

Ebola cutie,

and hurry on an airplane tonight


come and trim, my population needs

with some decorations, twin tails please

I really do believe in you

let's see if you'll infect me too

ebola baby, forgot to mention one little thing

a ring.

I don't need on the phone

ebola baby

so hurry on an airplane tonight

hurry on an airplane tonight

hurry! tonight!

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ad9609 No.27816


>I don't need on the phone

mean* on the phone, dangit.

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ad9609 No.27818


>That deed, to the office of the cdc

taking out the of makes that work a bit better as a line.

what do my fellow ebolites think?

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ad9609 No.27819

File: 1450788432484.png (168.35 KB,283x493,283:493,1414207781807.png)

Merry Christmas, anon-kun!

Good luck, Ebola-chan!

<3 <3 <3

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ad9609 No.27823


Bump for updating the font with this!

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ad9609 No.27826

File: 1450955368764.png (151.28 KB,283x493,283:493,1450788432484.png)

Sorry for being so late!

Here's the new image.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Post last edited at

ad9609 No.27830


No problem.


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ad9609 No.27831


Merry Christmas!

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ad9609 No.27834



Mery Kurusimasu everyone!

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ad9609 No.27836



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ad9609 No.27839

Merry Ebola-mas!

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ad9609 No.27840

File: 1451041509184.jpg (141.67 KB,797x900,797:900,image.jpg)

Attention everyone!


If we synchronize our sacrifaps maybe a star will appear in the East that will guide the mememagi to our saviour!

What time will that be?!

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ad9609 No.27841



Based Canook-mod please sticky for today!

We need to make believe!

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ad9609 No.27843

File: 1451048112345.jpg (111.3 KB,693x561,21:17,image.jpg)

Merry Christmas/Khenmaat, /ebola/.

But what specific time do we synch our faps to?

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ad9609 No.27844

File: 1451049903402.png (291.82 KB,512x512,1:1,it's mememagic I ain't goi….png)


Guess will have to wait for more Ebolanons to vote what time is the most convnient.

Personally I am neutral on the subject.

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ad9609 No.27845

File: 1451051697583.png (350.19 KB,561x862,561:862,1442941936332-0.png)

Is Ebola friends with Winter-chan this Christmas?

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ad9609 No.27846

File: 1451052181965.jpg (44.57 KB,620x350,62:35,cultural enrichment2.jpg)


Merry Christmas /ebola/

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ad9609 No.27847

File: 1451052837770.jpg (16.22 KB,192x144,4:3,image.jpg)

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ad9609 No.27848


Ebola-chan and Winter-chan will team up this year to remove kabab.

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ad9609 No.27849


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ad9609 No.27851

File: 1451078242164.png (632.19 KB,800x1000,4:5,1419879507463.png)

Merry Christmas!

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ad9609 No.27852

File: 1451086634007.jpg (356.99 KB,1700x2189,1700:2189,006.jpg)

Merry Christmas, EBOLA-CHAN!

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ad9609 No.27853

I hope you liked your Christmas sacrifap, Ebola-chan. I know I did!

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ad9609 No.27855

File: 1451115699438.jpg (29.95 KB,300x294,50:49,you made Ebola sad.jpg)


I-I had no sacrifapped for so long that I came in seconds. ; _ ;

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ad9609 No.27857

File: 1451130835033.jpg (3.99 MB,1920x2560,3:4,20151220_194909.jpg)


have an oc

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ad9609 No.27858



Would indebted to.

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