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3427 confirmed cases, 2246 confirmed deaths in ongoing 2018-19 Congo outbreak
Other fun boards to visit: >>>/desu/ >>>/2hu/ >>>/canada/ >>>/liberty/ >>>/vvv/ >>>/zika/
Friends of Ebola: >>>/monster/ >>>/fringe/

File: 1416339872829.webm (192.99 KB,256x256,1:1,terror.webm)

1f6e8e No.20973 [Last50 Posts]

She comes.
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1f6e8e No.20974

that freaked me out

now im spooked cattle
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1f6e8e No.20975

Why am I listening to dial-up noises?
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1f6e8e No.20976

Or am I receiving a fax? I'm conflicted.
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1f6e8e No.20977

File: 1416347114233.png (193.22 KB,512x512,1:1,1347269597866.png)

Am i printing love?
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1f6e8e No.20992

Holy shit.
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1f6e8e No.20998

Is the Third Impact finally happening?
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1f6e8e No.21391

yes please
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1f6e8e No.21411

dont mind me just getting my daily dose
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1f6e8e No.21412

Greatest string of comments ever.
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1f6e8e No.21416

…on my dick.

My bloody, bloody dick.
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1f6e8e No.21449

File: 1416834180263.jpg (39.94 KB,640x512,5:4,1403067695498.jpg)

>can't decode this
What mode is this in?
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1f6e8e No.21727


not until 2015 or 16, didn't you even watch eva bro
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1f6e8e No.21759

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1f6e8e No.21760

File: 1417314809833.webm (1.8 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA01.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21765

File: 1417319297511.webm (1.84 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA02.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21767

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1f6e8e No.21768

File: 1417324006569.png (65.11 KB,534x664,267:332,rape.png)

Kill the president.
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1f6e8e No.21769

>You will never be faxed ebola-chan

It hurts to live.
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1f6e8e No.21770

File: 1417325897135.webm (5.91 MB,854x480,427:240,ebola3.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21775

File: 1417331179951.webm (1.29 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA04.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21781

File: 1417338286748.png (150.08 KB,403x467,403:467,1410251174644.png)

>mfw listening to Noise / girl - Honeyfunk then click on that video

It's pretty good.
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1f6e8e No.21782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Honeyfunk not on jewtube

Oh well, this is just as good.
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1f6e8e No.21785

File: 1417343054842.webm (5.36 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA05.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21794

File: 1417357407362.jpg (292.67 KB,500x667,500:667,1403849925934.jpg)

I can feel the Love overtaking me.
It is a good pain.
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1f6e8e No.21801

File: 1417376309144.webm (7.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA06.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21831

File: 1417417371514.png (444.54 KB,320x496,20:31,2spooky4me.png)

>the fuck, am i looking at



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1f6e8e No.21832

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1f6e8e No.21834

File: 1417422006041.webm (1.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA07.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21836

File: 1417426692513.png (595.38 KB,1000x999,1000:999,1416974466220.png)

I'm going to post one of these on facebook everyday for a week just to see how freaked out people get.
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1f6e8e No.21841

needs more russian woodpecker
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1f6e8e No.21845


/r/ing a webm of them all playing at once, kinda like the GAAAAH flood.

can't do it on this shitty work comp
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1f6e8e No.21858

File: 1417465046197.webm (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA08.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21889

File: 1417533324492.webm (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA09.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21896

I love this pic, there's so much love here <3
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1f6e8e No.21897

File: 1417561932247.webm (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA10.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21898

To love, or not to love, that is the question…
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1f6e8e No.21911

File: 1417584864333.webm (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA11.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21913

uhm… what's the purpose of that?
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1f6e8e No.21915

File: 1417591603219.webm (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA12.webm)

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1f6e8e No.21949

File: 1417655354603.webm (1.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA13.webm)

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1f6e8e No.22011

File: 1417757446198.webm (1.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,EBOLA14.webm)

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1f6e8e No.22027


Can I get the original pic used in this by chance Anon?

Google is of no help this time.
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1f6e8e No.22046

File: 1417871081890.png (542.19 KB,1024x1454,512:727,ebola_chan_by_drawfag_in_t….png)


Nevermind, found it today with a bit more googling.

I like your coloration better though ;_;
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1f6e8e No.22071

File: 1417930082826.webm (1.02 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA15.webm)

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1f6e8e No.22077

>Ebola-chan mutated into Ebola Onee-san! (lvl 666,666)
>Ebola Onee-san is incredibly drug-resistant. Virologists have had to throw almost everything they know about her out the window; Zmapp-tan only gets raped every time she is sent into combat. Ebola Onee-san now has increased communicability, a greatly reduced incubation period and short-range airborne infection capabilities, raising both her infection rate and her mortality rate.

What's the matter, anon-kun? Don't you want to play with your Onee-san?
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1f6e8e No.22088

File: 1418001420400.webm (1 MB,854x480,427:240,EBOLA16.webm)

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1f6e8e No.22098

B-b-b-but of course I do! ;_;

Why would I not? XD

Also nice chain dubs with >>22088
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1f6e8e No.24274

File: 1422137266726.webm (3.82 MB,320x240,4:3,EBOLA17.webm)

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1f6e8e No.24278

Actually, a longer incubation period increases infection rates, so long as the person is contagious. Polio was (and I suppose still is) notorious for this, having a six week incubation period during which the infected person is spreading it everywhere.
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1f6e8e No.24503

File: 1422841565963.webm (2.19 MB,352x240,22:15,EBOLA18.webm)

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1f6e8e No.24511

How Are you doing those static/corruption artifacts on the images. I forget how, but I recall it being simple on Paint.net
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1f6e8e No.24583

Is this actual SSTV modulation, and if so is it actually this image?

"Add Noise" filter, probably.
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1f6e8e No.26000

File: 1430875253861.webm (4.31 MB,320x240,4:3,EBOLA19.webm)

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1f6e8e No.26001


Noice trips, m8.

Again I ask if the audio is the actual SSTV signal to be transmitted.

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1f6e8e No.26002

File: 1430890811545.gif (347.03 KB,255x255,1:1,1417790572213.gif)


i came

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1f6e8e No.26007

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1f6e8e No.26015


The double zeros are what I couldn't understand, and using them seems to generate nothing so I used them for filler.

52 65 62 69 72 74 68

5c 22 4e 75 6c 6c 61 6d 20 66 61 75 63 69 62 75 73 20 72 69 73 75 73 20 70 6f 72 74 74 69 74 6f 72 20 70 65 72 70 65 74 79 6f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5e 22

4d 6f 72 62 75 6d 20 44 65 75 73 20 63 00 6e 75 00 65 62 00

Which gives me

Rebirth\"Nullam faucibus risus porttitor perpetyo

So… Latin? I know the last two words aren't nearly correct.

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1f6e8e No.26023


I edited it to try and get more text. Still can't see too much because of the static. I'll try the other ones later.

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1f6e8e No.26025

File: 1431046475466.png (256.33 KB,320x256,5:4,edsstv.png)

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1f6e8e No.26027



52 65 62 69 72 74 68

5c 22 4e 75 6c 6c 61 6d 20 66 61 75 63

69 62 75 73 20 72 69 73 75 73 20 70 6f

72 74 74 69 74 6f 72 20 70 65 72 70 65

76 79 6f 2e 00 61 6e 6c 6f 73 5c 22

4d 6f 72 62 75 6d 20 44 65 75 73 20 63

00 6e 75 00 65 62 00

Translated, now with 0's in the gaps, and actually complete.

Rebirth\"Nullam faucibus risus porttitor perpevyo. 0anlos\

"Morbum Deus c0nc0eb0

Rebirth \ "no jaws laughter innovative perpevyo. 0anlos\

"disease god c0nc0eb0

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0a737f No.28944















































































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