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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 6877d1f7bfabd6a⋯.jpg (181.72 KB,954x1024,477:512,image(2).jpg)

617f6d No.8403

I love this pope

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3d0812 No.8414


Gotta give credit to Pope Francis, he's given Roman apologists a run for their money.

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2d70b2 No.8432


Even better when it is pointed out that papists are protesting against their church

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a3ebb3 No.8434


Yup. If you dont like church and call yourself a "trad catholic" then you are a sedeventist and an apostate. Sorry sweetys :)

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a13111 No.8438

File: fa4468419508270⋯.jpg (68.87 KB,778x345,778:345,20190515_174759.jpg)


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2d70b2 No.8450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Frank the Hippie Pope Bans All Weapons

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adee10 No.8451


>racemix since we're all the same

>race is skin deep

Present-day Christianity is a bad influence on Europe. Christians are doing their best to turn it into Africa.

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adee10 No.8452


It's like he has the mind of a slow 10 year old child.

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bfd9a7 No.8454


Whore for jewish terrorism, facilitating the genocide of every race on earth by miscegenation, a sodomy enabler, a thief, a liar, a deceiver, a war criminal, a traitor to religion, race, and country…and not a real pope.

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a13111 No.8458


Liberals and Catholics aren't Christian

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bfd9a7 No.8459


>real communism was never tried…

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a13111 No.8460


That would be a clever joke if I believed nobody gets Christianity right like e-commies think about their backwards system

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bfd9a7 No.8462


>if I believed nobody gets Christianity right

Now let's talk about how many get it totally wrong…how many denominations can a religion take before it becomes pointless. You know, muddying the water and all that?

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cbf354 No.8465


He really is a great argument against papism, along with his fellow faggots too:


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a13111 No.8466


An infinite amount of false Christian denominations can pop up without changing the meaning of Christianity, because Christianity is defined by an unchanging sacred text.

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2d70b2 No.8468


>Present-day Europe is influenced by Christianity

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adee10 No.8477


Yeah, to a certain extent. When the Pope talks about how wonderful open borders and socialism are, tens of millions of Europeans listen. European Christianity has been heavily influenced by the left, so that explains why they're so fervent about the self-destructive behavior.

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3d0812 No.8491


>the Pope


>not that man of sin

>not that son of perdition

>not that antichrist who exalts himself against Christ

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