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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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c19272 No.8070

Jesus son of Mary is but a prophet, far be it from God to take a son. Say not three, but one. Jesus said, "O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord."

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a0cc83 No.8076


Muhammad and his eleven wives are in the pit of hell.

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309469 No.8088

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Was Jesus Crucified?

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409dbb No.8120


No. God lifted him up with the help of angels. God made Judas look like Jesus and he was crucified. For some reason you Christians gave into Jewish lies and started preaching that our prophet was killed in such a humiliating way. God would never allow that. Instead Jesus will come back and kill the Anti-Christ alongside the Mahdi. Don't be foolish and give into Jewish lies.

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a34ba0 No.8122



nice fanfic bro

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26d2fb No.8135

Christ's story is about God becoming as we are in all ways except sin, that we may be closer to Him and to atone for our sins. Nothing about Christ's life and teaching makes sense if He is just another prophet.


The crucifixion and resurrection are a triumph greater than any other in history, not a humiliating defeat. Christ enters into death willingly and in so doing overcomes it.

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6c9e06 No.8140


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6c9e06 No.8141

no book i have to see it otherwise i ignore it no time for this

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309469 No.8195


But Allah deceived people and made people think Jesus was crucified. Therefore Allah made Christians in his deception

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