dfbab9 No.8012
If you're on this site you're probably at least sympathetic to the white identitarian cause, and as students of church history and theology we are in a good position to contribute to metapedia.
Metapedia is an alternative online encyclopedia that intends to avoid the leftist historical revisionism and bias on Wikipedia. Their pages on religion are deficient and we can help, to the benefit of any reader who wants to know more about Christian topics.
If you affirm the metanarrative of the encyclopedia, please help.
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fa7abc No.8021
>If you're on this site you're probably at least sympathetic to the white identitarian cause
It is true that we on the chans don't react to identitarianism ike screaming normies with their manufactured outrage. But that doesn't mean that many of us outside of /pol/ actually support the cause. . . heck I know there are plenty of posters even on /pol/ who don't support it.
I don't have any problem with your movement, I don't care. However the preservation or the extinction of the white race, the black race, or the Jewish race, are not Christian concerns. I look forward to the day when god rains fire on all races and then brings us back in the resurrection as united.
As Steven Anderson said, I have more in common with someone of a different race that believes in Christ and serves him, then I do with someone of the same race that is reprobate
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dfbab9 No.8023
The very premise that God is the causal agent of the different races by His design makes the preservation of any race a Christian concern, especially considering the white man's superior work in Christian theological history.
You do not have more in common with an African Christian than a white agnostic, but your sentiment is correct. A Christian of any race is a brother or sister, and that Christianity is the single most important aspect to human existence. That doesn't discount the biological and cultural reality that a member of your race needing the gospel has more in common in every other respect.
Even ambivalence on the survival of your race is evidence of communist programming on you.
Steven Anderson is wrong here.
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fa7abc No.8025
Races have come and gone all throughout history. The Scythian race no longer exists, the Greeks and Romans of today look nothing like their ancient ancestors.
Heck even ancient Jews, when God recognized non-Jews who converted to Judaism as Jews and as part of his chosen people
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dfbab9 No.8028
Proselytes were not racial jews. They were children of God by faith just like us Gentiles after Christ.
The historical fact of the replacement or breeding out of ancient races is not an argument on the morality of the thing.
Just imagine if we were having this conversation about the Japanese, honestly. Even worse if we were talking flippantly about the unimportance of the continuing existence of negroes.
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fa7abc No.8044
>Just imagine if we were having this conversation about the Japanese, honestly. Even worse if we were talking flippantly about the unimportance of the continuing existence of negroes.
Let's actually think about this issue. Imagine if Hitler had decided he wanted to get rid of the Jews by breeding them out. Imagine he sent as much Germans as he could into Jewish areas and encouraged race mixing for the specific and stated purpose of breeding out the Jewish race.
Question: Would anyone have cared? Would Christian organizations have had a problem with that.
I don't think so. I mean exactly this is happening in Tibet now with Chinese sending as many people as possible there to try and dilute the ethnic Tibetan population. This is their express and stated and obvious purpose. No one seems to care. I've yet to hear a single Christian or Christian organization speak out about this.
Survival of the races seem to be a matter of great moral indifference both to the world and to Christians
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f127b2 No.8058
>the preservation of the Israelites as declared by God is not a concern of Christians
Holy fuck the heresy.
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f127b2 No.8059
>Would anyone have cared? Would Christian organizations have had a problem with that.
Nobody cared period. Everyone hated jews. People only pretended to care retroactively after the jews won WW2.
>No one seems to care.
Lots of people care. People have been doing "free tibet" protests for longer than you have been alive.
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742f00 No.8060
Supposing the narrative of Hitler wanting extermination of the Jews, yes breeding them out would be tantamount removal by execution. As a matter of historical fact Hitler's Germany had a definite criteria for determining if an individual was non-Jewish enough based on his proportion Jewish ancestry.
>Would anyone have cared?
We don't have to speculate because this occurred in Brazil
There was debate on both sides
Mohammed Ali (in)famously spoke against miscegenation to a bunch of limp wristed egalitarian liberals on BBC for the express purpose of maintaining a future for his race
This is the natural, healthy view that has been overwhelmingly dominant across cultures for history. Cultures only deviate from it as a result of postmodernism.
>Tibetan ethnic dilution
> No one seems to care. I've yet to hear a single Christian or Christian organization speak out about this. Survival of the races seem to be a matter of great moral indifference both to the world and to Christians
The absence of apparent public outcry is not an argument for objective moral permissibility.
I'm not an expert on this one but there appears to be a movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinicization_of_Tibet
One cited writer on the wiki makes a case against the presence of an issue.
I went on a long summer mission trip with a certain missions agency to East Asia and we were specifically instructed to never bring up the three T's of Taiwan, Tibet, and Tiananmen.
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fa7abc No.8079
It's only valuable to preserve them until they gave birth to Jesus, after that their continued existence is a matter of indifference. If Jews converted to Christians and intermarried out of existence that would be something to celebrate not cry over
>The absence of apparent public outcry is not an argument for objective moral permissibility.
There are other Christians in this world, who are faithful and follow the spirit. If none of them are saying anything about it I am going to assume it's not a problem.
Yes Christians are speaking out about the mistreatment of Tibetans but no Christians spoke out when China built a railway into Tibet and started shipping their people there by the thousands
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acb79f No.8090
>white identitarian
What is the white language? What is the white cuisine? What are white facial features? I support national identity, but there is no white nation.
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742f00 No.8092
That is exactly the point of using the term "identitarianism" and not "nationalism". You are not highlighting an issue with identitarianism.
White is the higher order umbrella term for the many european nations (ethnos, not nation state), like genus to species.
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9727a4 No.8423
I emailed requesting a login but their email is down. Site might be dead.
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f127b2 No.8455
>It's only valuable to preserve them until they gave birth to Jesus
That's not what God said.
>after that their continued existence is a matter of indifference
Not according to our Lord.
>If Jews converted to Christians and intermarried out of existence that would be something to celebrate not cry over
WTF do jews have to do with anything? Kikes can race mix all they want, we're talking about the Lord's repeated, direct order to the Israelites not to race mix. And look at what has happened to the nations of Israel since we abandoned Christ and allowed miscegenation. Our nations are collapsing, being invaded by beasts of the field who rise against us exactly as the bible says. We are becoming infertile, and dying out, exactly as the bible says.
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9551d5 No.8471
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f127b2 No.8472
Kikes are khazars and arabs who converted to pharisaism/talmudism/judaism. They have nothing to do with Israelites or Hebrews. Why do you think they spoke yiddish?
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d840c9 No.8473
Isn't it possible that those khazar and arab Jews are the result of Israelis mixing with the people of those lands in the diaspora, and so they still have ethnic connection to Abraham?
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f127b2 No.8496
No. Both scripture and DNA confirm kikes are frauds.
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730d58 No.8505
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d98489 No.8526
I've been considering more carefully the issue and come to realize that the idea of purely genetic identitarianism is necessarily reductionist. That is, it reduces us to a population pool of a perceived collective that isn't actually in principle based on (only correlated to) the relationships between people (which turn out to be better predictive of collective capacity) such as the family or nation but is defined itself purely based on phenotypical similarities.
I have started to think this really limits our thinking if we're to be serious and detracts from much more robust ways of categorizing relationships which also accounts into other factors such as epigenetics, effects of environment, geographical and climate, even the ongoing culture of education and its effects on mental state, and so on. While genetics is closely tied to the bonds we're trying to characterize, it isn't actually identical to it, unless you take a highly reductionist view that doesn't account for genetic inheritance in its true systematic complexity and the effects of interactions with the environment around it to shape individuals. This isn't meant to be blank-slatism, not at all; yet it's also not hard determinism, which is reductionist.
When I say there's a complexity that is too often lost in simple genetic or phenotype definitions of proximity, I mean there are factors such as the fact that an ancestor, if you go far back enough, has a greatly increasing likelihood to not have influenced even one gene themselves, given that there are only finitely so many genetic possibilities to be determined— a fixed finite number— whereas the number of ancestors doubles over each generation. Basically, the greater proportion of where your ancestors were has a compoundingly stronger effect on how their offspring's genetics were steered on a big enough time scale. This environment (broadly speaking), and whether and to what degree we're still in it, in turn can conceivably grow to outweight, in behavioral significance, the random fluctuations that might occur in a single step due to any selected individual reproduction. And this undoubtedly occurs in ways that we can't measure or are cognizant of.
Yet at the same time, having been very distantly related to somebody and yet inherited through epigenetic and environmental influences (which could be any mixture of cultural, nutritionary, geographical/climatological or other unknowable epigenetic influences based on the common state of knowledge passed down from generation to generation) undoubtably also has a major effect on whether and to what degree a person is functionally inside of a nation-group.
It's basically that the effects of common history can in a physical, equally real way with direct genetic heritage, interfere with the uncontrollable effects of genetics, which are both near-term due to the mechanics of meiosis and long-term as a result of changing environmental pressures onto population genetics. Cultural and therefore national connections can be passed through more means than pure genetics, and these non-genetic heritages in turn epigenetically and environmentally influence genetics in likely unseeable ways, but phenotypical reductionism fails to account for this. Therefore a group-definition that only accounts for personal proximity based solely on genetic factors fails to incorporate a more robust functional model of social cohesion, because it explicitly chooses not to incorporate those things that indeed will have and have had a marked effect on long-term genetics.
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f127b2 No.8535
You appear to be suffering from satanic delusions. The lies of Satan's minions the kikes have seeped into your heart. I will pray for you.
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9727a4 No.8540
Identitarianism doesn't reject the notion of the individual, it only recognizes the reality of race. The mainstream today rejects the reality of race.
Rejecting the individual to only see race as relevant is some kind of genetic determinism
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