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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 0991844dec867a5⋯.jpg (78.87 KB,800x450,16:9,MeALongTimeAgo.jpg)

96d7b7 No.6847



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a3f689 No.6850

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96d7b7 No.6851


You're a leftist insurent I see

I erased you from my afterlife along with the rest of your bloodline

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96d7b7 No.6853

Scary isn't it?

You cultivated encryption derivative off of me to communicate against me hoping I wasn't the real thing and wasn't ever going to discover it

I decided to send all you leftist insurgents to Hell for all eternity

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534fd9 No.6854


This is blasphemy, mods should absolutely ban you for this.

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96d7b7 No.6857


>using a 3 word string before a comma derivative of my +++ sigil, the comma indicating you are radicalized by Ariana Grande's (Thank You, Next) white genocide laced music video

You really think a person that calls genocide on my people is going to get into Heaven? You are gravely mistaken and for that you will burn in Hell for all eternity

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a3f689 No.6861


No, your should just sage and hide it for yourself.

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96d7b7 No.6864


I stroke a cord with you cause you know I am saying the truth you evil excuse of a human being

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c8d5f3 No.6874


what's the off chance that OP actually believes that,?

there are obviously tens or even hundreds of people in the world who actually believe they are

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7639a1 No.6878

File: 5b155018645e6b1⋯.png (107.56 KB,162x311,162:311,wew.png)


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7639a1 No.6879

File: 3bff8b7d049d6f6⋯.jpg (70.08 KB,1320x754,660:377,gh.jpg)

commencing nun spam

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7639a1 No.6880

File: 235b0d70886ab76⋯.jpg (54.8 KB,481x667,481:667,et.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6881

File: c0b6bc33903d571⋯.jpg (81.7 KB,1024x576,16:9,bn.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6882

File: 778678ce489f135⋯.jpg (16.71 KB,351x234,3:2,2134123.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6883

File: e4d0cf6f14406fc⋯.png (51.49 KB,450x450,1:1,6u.png)

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7639a1 No.6884

File: 3574654ce93c2b9⋯.png (390.98 KB,820x465,164:93,happy-nuns.png)

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7639a1 No.6885

File: 911f60cd237a434⋯.jpg (55.63 KB,1180x664,295:166,jh.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6886

File: 740e6015eea5989⋯.jpg (52.27 KB,933x445,933:445,jk.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6887

File: 34c3e1b73c60c0f⋯.jpg (48.62 KB,720x473,720:473,l.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6888

File: e936c0f1d49b16c⋯.jpg (26.94 KB,450x433,450:433,lk.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6889

File: fd7db0f215e5762⋯.gif (452.2 KB,500x386,250:193,nunya buisness.gif)

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7639a1 No.6890

File: 4a1971940770ec1⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2406x2749,2406:2749,sdsdsdsdddd.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6891

File: 2a3f314af698932⋯.jpg (26.61 KB,397x334,397:334,sdsdse.jpg)

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7639a1 No.6892

File: c27873e6583a94f⋯.png (533.96 KB,847x478,847:478,serveimage.png)

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7639a1 No.6893

File: 52b10551fba6cef⋯.png (151.38 KB,329x336,47:48,Untitled.png)

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7639a1 No.6894

File: f246f62d50504ee⋯.png (292.93 KB,612x447,204:149,Untitlesd.png)

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7639a1 No.6895

File: 6b76c6f92b50a43⋯.jpg (62.03 KB,800x520,20:13,winnie the poo.jpg)

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96d7b7 No.6923








>spamming triplets derived from my world famous +++ sigil

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96d7b7 No.6924

I don't care for the faith of shitskins

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96d7b7 No.6925

1488 gas the kikes

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96d7b7 No.6939

File: 09be4b9d8c80b27⋯.png (115.48 KB,304x308,76:77,kekinspace.png)

File: 359940e96f8466c⋯.png (3.31 MB,1080x1920,9:16,5a5lnmalcji01.png)

File: ce5609805fc7ddc⋯.jpg (133.49 KB,1199x673,1199:673,basedandgodpilled.jpg)

File: 91907dbe8e7c382⋯.png (36.6 KB,595x189,85:27,1548134355545.png)

File: 6ca38848901cf0d⋯.gif (139.65 KB,203x116,7:4,ThisIsWhatICouldDo.gif)

the media has suppressed my reality for way too long

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96d7b7 No.6943

this is some of my check list

>I have an omniscient strand you know as Kek

>I can summon meteors

>I have omniscience

>I can telepathically talk to animals

>I can manifest storms

>I can make earthquakes happen

>I have future foresite

>I have a spirit gun

>I could summon angels

I am

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753aa1 No.6944


This spammer is from /christian/. He doesn't think he's Christ, he's schizo posting because he doesn't want people leaving the hugbox.

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96d7b7 No.6945


>disrespecting God

Get lost shill

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96d7b7 No.6983

you thought I was joking kek

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96d7b7 No.8378

sinners go to Hell

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