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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 3d80e0ce30da4c5⋯.png (14.84 MB,4944x5928,206:247,apuwalkwithchristyuge.png)

f479da No.6044

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47e850 No.6047

Just bump the old thread, no need to make a new one

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f479da No.6113



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f479da No.6179

another bump

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b82899 No.6180

File: 0cf9509b1672f9a⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,4749x3234,1583:1078,Komodo_dragon_with_tongue.jpg)

Please stop promoting that spyware platform Discord. It's not for anons.

See here:


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9dc9eb No.6191

File: 01847d42704c43b⋯.png (315.81 KB,600x955,120:191,AGRH.png)


This. They dox people that aren't PC and give your name and picture to Huffington Post and other leftist outlets. Has happened to lots of rightwingers. Use gab instead.

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f479da No.6196



this is silly

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beadbb No.6198



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f479da No.6199

File: 02d1281a9b2c2a6⋯.gif (2.85 MB,200x234,100:117,1541780817091.gif)


that'd be you

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f479da No.6258


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f479da No.6306


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f479da No.6366


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923ee8 No.6391



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f479da No.6481


thanks fren

another bumperoo

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f479da No.6537


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9001cd No.6546



Sage and hide

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f479da No.6596

File: 3e50cb6721da4e2⋯.png (473.04 KB,748x338,374:169,creationofapu.png)


dumb fren

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ed9896 No.6614

Got banned for discussing dating. Strange people.

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f479da No.6646


this did not happen

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f479da No.6778


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9dc9eb No.6848


It's true, you shill.

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9dc9eb No.6849

This thread and the discord are honeypots. The dude that's bumping is probably from leftypol.

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f479da No.6869

File: 31517e8d8d35c63⋯.png (889.95 KB,980x1188,245:297,andersonangeltransparentwi….png)



get ye behind me satan

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f479da No.7060


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f479da No.7202

File: 7f25c7f675d6a13⋯.png (702.53 KB,1049x463,1049:463,kjvgang.png)


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f479da No.7295

File: e6f97e5b0d40ccc⋯.png (611.38 KB,646x858,323:429,kjvglasses.png)


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f479da No.7633


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f479da No.7989


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f479da No.8182

File: 6f1b4cb9901c291⋯.png (238.93 KB,1444x518,722:259,autisticscreechingg.png)


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f479da No.8532


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