a673c5 No.142052
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
a673c5 No.142059
Latest Q posts
2017/12/21 (rt = replied to)
>>>/cbts/139686 , rt
>>>/cbts/139851 , rt
>>139686 , rt >>139380 https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
>https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info here >>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread
And here >>>/cbts/141931
Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange
>>139851 , rt >>139840
12/18 >>120430
12/19 >>130064
>Another take on the Exchange (request, Response)
Petition for Disclosure thread >>120430
2017/12/19 - Late evening
>>>/cbts/128724 rt >>>/cbts/128571
>>>/cbts/129599 rt >>>/cbts/129558 rt >>>/cbts/129526
>>>/cbts/130064 rt >>>/cbts/130030
2017/12/19 - Early evening
>>>/cbts/126948 rt >>>/cbts/126928 rt >>>/cbts/126896
>>>/cbts/126998 rt >>>/cbts/126934 (deleted)
>>>/cbts/127012 rt >>>/cbts/126988 rt >>>/cbts/126896
>>>/cbts/127064 rt >>>/cbts/126931 rt >>>/cbts/126896
>>>/cbts/127069 rt >>>/cbts/127057 rt >>>/cbts/127012
>>>/cbts/127286 rt >>>/cbts/127237 rt >>>/cbts/127154
>>>/cbts/127379 rt >>>/cbts/127305 rt >>>/cbts/121409 rt >>>/cbts/121392
>>>/cbts/127421 rt >>>/cbts/127396
>>>/cbts/127429 rt >>>/cbts/127420 rt >>>/cbts/127397
>>>/cbts/127449 rt >>>/cbts/127411
WHY IS Q's TRIP NOW !UW.yye1fxo >>135877
Anyone disputing this is Q, read >>>/cbts/119171 & >>>/cbts/119214
>>99480 ID 7681cc
>>99500 ID 7681cc
>>99525 ID 7681cc "Shall we play a game?" 18:27:05,
>reposted vetbatim @ 18:43:38 w/ !ITPb.qbhqo in
8ch/pol/11043832 , https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11043832 authenticates cbts ID 7681cc
>>99548 ID 7681cc
8ch/pol/11043803 Q !TPb.qbhqo ID: 462c9a https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11043803
>>99658 "instructions to resolve situation"
8ch/pol/11043832 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11043832
8ch/pol/11043839 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11043839
4ch/pol #153323368 https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/153317403/#q153323368
8ch/pol/11044319 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11044319
8ch/pol/11045052 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045052
Q TRIP UPDATED BY Q(Same ID: 462c9a)
8ch/pol/11045057 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045057
8ch/pol/11045061 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045061
8ch/pol/11045072 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045072
8ch/pol/11045132 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045132
8ch/pol/11045213 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045213
8ch/pol/11045246 https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045246
a673c5 No.142063
Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country
>News unlocks message.
>Future proves past.
Interactive Qmap
https:// qcodefag.github.io/
Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by signatures to unlock?
We're all apart of the greatest timeline we've ever known.
Graphic Qmap
Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532 , >>>/cbts/95263 , >>>/cbts/140346
4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/66953
4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/66963
8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/63794
8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/104828
Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers
https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444
Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064
Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/
Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0
PDF Qmap https://anonfile.com/0cAboadab4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.7.3.pdf
‘’’PDF Qmap''' https://anonfile.com/zbA2o1d0bb/Q_Map_12_19_2017v5.pdf
Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com
Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523
CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/134020
Qmap Ven Diagrams and Q signatures studies >>>/cbts/119423
Summary “40,000 ft.” perspective >>>/cbts/134020
Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.
a673c5 No.142065
Q Resources
Psalm 144:1
Praise be to the LORD my Rock,
who trains my hands for war,
my fingers for battle.
Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/133263
How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391
QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17
part I -> https://anonfile. com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile. com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile. com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile. com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf
part V -> https://anonfile. com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf
Research Tools
Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>>/cbts/80489
Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196
Map Making Tools
Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses, foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc. Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here are posts showing some of the free resources available to anons'
>>>/cbts/111700 & >>>/cbts/119941
Decoded Stringers
https://anonfile. com/Y6x1ned2b0/Red_Red_decipering.png
https://anonfile. com/Xcx9nbd3b5/Deciper_part_1.png
https://anonfile. com/a5y9n3dbb2/Deciper_part_2.png
Latest decoded stringers >>>/cbts/109555 , >>>/cbts/109748 , >>>/cbts/108638
FREEDOM stringer diagram >>>/cbts/138885
==FBI Anon Transcripts== https://dropfile .to/GrYcrR2
4Chan and 8Chan Archives
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/pQR1CN49 [includes direct links to Q posts]
CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https://8ch. net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/8zHit7mA [includes direct links to Q posts]
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL
Latest Archives
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
>Archive: https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0
a673c5 No.142069
==DAILY NEWS - Enjoy The Show== >>>/cbts/4485
Please crosspost in relevant threads!!
Thread for significant finds found in general cbts threads - >>>/cbts/116764
Recent Findings
For dig inspiration and catching up...
12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162
The Storm
Possibly (+++) and (++) are complete; and we have moved on to + >>>/cbts/120740 & >>>/cbts/120740
Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter? >>>/cbts/123120
Coincidence or message? Breadcrumbs? …/cbts/124990
Trump ends speech with: "Great re-Awakening" >>>/cbts/120258
Speech timestamp - 28 min speech at the 26:00 mark. The finale - https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=nxdTCfRDhSs
How do you capture a very dangerous animal? >>>/cbts/119450 & >>>/cbts/120603
Cryptic Posts [WRWY] >>>/cbts/119568 & >>>/cbts/119580
GAB migration while censorship hammer drops at Twitter >>>/cbts/120132
Recent Topics of Interest
Atlanta See anything interesting in this image? >>>/cbts/122444
NEW MAPS >>>/cbts/122198 & >>>/cbts/122274
Amnesty International, founded by a R'Child and not what it pretends to be >>>/cbts/120584
Boys & Girls Club (Cooper's doc graphic?) >>>/cbts/118953 & >>>/cbts/120384
Follow the wives - www.washingtontimes.com /news/2017/dec/17/nancy-pelosis-super-pac-keeps-donations-from-backp/
The VER company and the cryptic post >>>/cbts/118828 & >>>/cbts/119817
GANNETT's log in system >>>/cbts/119476
New Executive Order Implements Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, Provides for Treasury Sanctions Against Malign Actors Worldwide : home.treasury. gov/news/press-releases/sm0243 ; whitehouse. gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
DIGGING RESOURCES: treasury. gov/resource-center/sanctions/OFAC-Enforcement/Pages/20171221.aspx ; archive. is/ux8jW
SUMMARY: >>>/cbts/140298
Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606
Useful Posts
How to spot a 'Bad Guy': >>>/cbts/89275
How to spot a 'Good Guy': >>>/cbts/89305
Black PR: >>>/cbts/115726
How to handle Black PR: >>>/cbts/115472
Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423
Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172
Research Findings & Threads
Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461
FBIAnon-AMA Transcript: >>>/cbts/137237
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952 ; Hefner/Blackmail , >>>/cbts/132899
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>>/cbts/10556
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>>/cbts/139091
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
The British Connections >>>/cbts/117841
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Underground massive data center? >>>/cbts/20714
Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
**Some broken links from above have been removed.
If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link.
Thank you for your patience.
a673c5 No.142072
Jeremiah 23:19-20
See, the storm of the LORD
will burst out in wrath,
a whirlwind swirling down
on the heads of the wicked.
The anger of the LORD will not turn back
until he fully accomplishes
the purposes of his heart.
In days to come
you will understand clearly.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip
→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip
→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip
→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip
→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip
→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip
→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip
→3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/80zco9d5bc/CBTS_Memes_3e.zip
→3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip
→3g 330 files from #3, 20Dec2017. 82 Mb. https://anonfile. com/JaU9o4d4bd/CBTS_Memes_3g.zip
→3h 240 files from #3, 20-21Dec2017. 63 Mb. https://anonfile. com/G0j1pddfb0/CBTS_Memes_3h.zip
Red-pilling Methods
Guerilla Twitter Tactics
They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.
a673c5 No.142074
In The Event A Baker Is Needed
Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes.
Location for new thread: Go to the top of the index page for CBTS which is 8ch.net/ cbts/index.html (without the space after the first / )
Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition
Post: From the pastebin location given below, copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field.
Add Image: Upload the new image.
Activate New Thread: If needed, do the verification. Then click on the 'New Thread' button to the right of the subject field.
Adding the rest of the sections: Click on the number of the post in the new thread you have just created and add the second section after the first +++PAGE BREAK+++
Add the rest of the sections as individual comments - each section is separated by the ++++PAGE BREAK++++ notation
Keep adding comments until all sections are posted.
Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.
==NOTE:== You do not need a pastebin account if all you are doing is copying and pasting. You do need an account if you want to keep a copy for yourself and then add and format links, other data, etc, although you can do that in the comments box when posting.
Last batter used: https:// pastebin.com/65N9JquF (#164)
Update this line with the link to the pastebin file you used to bake this bread.
There’s a news update, recent connections and the latest Q posts in there. Study up.
Read the posts in the thread, maybe someone else has already given that answer.
It could very well be that your answer was given long before (with over 9000 threads, this is likely).
Is the Information you’re going to post backed up by a source, or your own knowledge/experience?
Are you just responding to someone that triggered your precious beliefs/ego?
Do you contribute to Q relevant topics?
Now go lurk until you die, and if you rise from the dead, dig, meme, do whatever you do best.
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
a4203a No.142084
a4203a No.142107
37887a No.142113
Find the exchange.
No coincidences.
f91465 No.142117
Q said POTUS, Patriots and the Intelligence Community are the keystone.
829362 No.142120
I have never met ANY of you yet I love you all!
Uranium 1
https://www.nbcnews.com >/news/us-news/prosecutors-ask-fbi-agents-info-uranium-one-deal-n831436
FBI to expose the cabal
http://www.zerohedge.com >/news/2017-12-20/ex-fbi-assistant-director-patriots-within-fbi-will-soon-step-forward-and-expose-caba
Alphabet, Eric Schmidt
https://www.cnbc.com >/2017/12/21/eric-schmidt-is-stepping-down-as-the-executive-chairman-of-alphabet.html
Who is Eric Schmidt close with?
http://www.businessinsider.com >/wikileaks-emails-google-eric-schmidt-relationship-with-clintons-2016-11
https://www.politico.com >/story/2017/12/21/ben-sasse-investigation-obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-312213
Corruption in Bundy case
http://www.oregonlive.com >/oregon-standoff/2017/12/mistrial_declared_in_cliven_bu.html
Alabama town revolts after mayor, judge, prosecutor and cops set up scam to rip-off citizens
https://www.rawstory.com >/2017/12/alabama-town-revolts-after-mayor-judge-prosecutor-and-cops-set-up-scam-to-rip-off-citizens/
1f7f32 No.142127
Is being schizophrenic fun?
It looks fun.
96bd61 No.142131
Q thank you for increasing disclosure. Without 100% transparency we can't be a true republic nor can humanity evolve to where it needs to be.
I know it will take time, but that's my dream as a patriot and you guys are leading the way. Very grateful and ready to serve.
52ef7c No.142132
The DSCC is firing lots of email, third one this week. This one is allegedly from Elizabeth Warren complaining of Republican megadonors and superpacs re: tax bill.
Could these guys be part of ShareBlue?
6e53d0 No.142134
fd9594 No.142135
HCR, CRH post with the word classified
The Haiti Red Cross, in addition to committing financial fraud, was trafficking children via "adoption"
They posted CLASSIFIED ads
Reporter MonicaPeterson was investigating Hillary in connection with the Haiti child trafficking, but the reporter was killed.
6ffbc4 No.142137
They don't totally shut down. "Essential personnel" stay and are paid. DAMHIK
a673c5 No.142139
f7cc43 No.142140
a0acff No.142141
"Last week, the Aga Khan, received a $30 million grant from the Canadian government for a "global center to promote diversity." None of the Opposition parties bothered to ask why the Canadian government gave this tidy sum to one of the richest men on the planet. [June 1, 2010]"
01cf4c No.142142
Do you guys think the aversion of a shutdown is good or bad? Were the whitehats relying on it?
3514cc No.142143
I took classified to maybe mean that the actual word isn't there, but I like your train of thinking.
Assuming that classified is a hidden word for something else, I found the following for "B":
BRH [Banque de la République d'Haïti]
And a few off-topic ones that anons might find interesting:
ORH [Operation Restore Hope]
WRH [What really Happened?]
0bb518 No.142144
Gee, wonder how America will ever be able to pay for these tax cuts snicker snicker.
Recipe for a great America (serves 323 million)
1 part liberal green causes like climate change
2 parts seize the terrorist assets
3 stop graft in big cities like NY
1 drop of remove UN and de-fund
Shake hard until broken into very small pieces
Dump into nearest toilet
f5efea No.142145
STFU namefag. sheez
a0acff No.142146
"I worked for Prince Karim Aga Khan in Beverly Hills , through the Aga Khan foundation . The Aga Khan is the leader of one of the richest and most powerful satanic cults in the world. The Aga Khan has been exposed by many highly educated professionals exposing child trafficking ,as one of the biggest child traffickers in the world. Aga Khan is listed in books such as The Illuminatti formula to create mind control slaves ,as one of the biggest and most powerful programmers world wide. The Ismailis run a network of child assassins and sex slaves code named childrens soccer team."
http://archive.li/ 4P2Ip#selection-767.0-767.583
fd9594 No.142147
they advertised children in CLASSIFIED ads
9d773b No.142148
Same Eric Braverman who had disappeared and then came back? Was he flipped?
4821ba No.142149
In 1885, Prince Karim’s grandfather (who was born in India) was seven years old when he assumed the imamate upon his father’s death. The following year, he received his “His Highness” from Queen Victoria. In the early 1900s he moved to Europe, in part to pursue his passion for horse breeding and racing, in which he would become a celebrated figure. All the while, he looked after his flock remarkably well, building a huge network of hospitals, schools, banks, and mosques for them. “My duties are wider than those of the Pope,” he once explained. “The Pope is only concerned with the spiritual welfare of his flock.”
52ef7c No.142151
POTUS tweeted against a shutdown
f5efea No.142152
STFU namefag. sheez
47b069 No.142154
sauce for classified ad claim?
6ffbc4 No.142155
At best, AI complicates things. I'm no fan of it, for sure. I like to think there will still be a few that re smart enough to see the truth, but I also know AI would make our task far harder.
fde0ca No.142156
Lol. Just realized this is never going to end, is it? Even after the storm. We have organized into a citizen investigative community to keep tabs on government/elite. Lord let CBTS never end. We are like a civilian CIA…without the evil.
8c807f No.142157
Stupid of a feather flocks together.
1a8d77 No.142158
Open Source Intelligence Agency
fde0ca No.142159
59a148 No.142160
01cf4c No.142162
Thought that may have been to encourage one. Reverse psychology against the dems/rinos and plausible deniability.
Q kept emphasizing the shutdown and break.
fd9594 No.142164
http://childr enofallnations.com/adoption-programs/latin-america/haiti-adoption/
f7ae15 No.142165
y'all reckon the board owner or mod got a pay day to block trip? no ones said shit
3eda07 No.142166
Why did you post a Jewish thot
2ec249 No.142168
Yeah probably fourteen fiddy.
4821ba No.142169
>>142156 we will call it Citizens Intel Army
523acd No.142170
98b191 No.142171
Video posted November 4th very related ….
Credit to a diff anon
85a295 No.142172
This may be a little far fetched,
But in this video posted by Trump earlier today, right at the 22s mark,Trump seems to emphasize special
22 letter of the alphabet = Q
Could be nothing, could be a hint to Q claiming there is a very special place for Soros
Just throwing it out there.
5ce49b No.142173
Because she just made those comments. So I used em against her
1f7f32 No.142174
If Q wants it fixed it will get fixed. I guess.
e1965c No.142175
Baker, what the fuck happened here? Schizoid episode, or just silly copy-pasting?
3eda07 No.142177
Still spoiler that shit after all if somebody wants to see Jewish thots they'll go to pornhub
212ddc No.142178
Kill it with fire!
If you bake it, he will crumb
fd9594 No.142180
MonicaPeterson, thereporter who was on the story, but was killed
https://theintern ationalreporter.org/2016/11/18/i-found-a-smoking-gun-monica-petersen-found-dead-in-haiti-3-days-ago-family-is-kept-in-the-dark-she-was-investigating-clinton/
96f651 No.142181
So nice without the Shills - Thanks Q
fde0ca No.142182
Cool. The names may change but we wont. We are needed. If Kennedy had us in the 60's we wouldnt be in this mess now. Long live QCP/CBTS/OSIA/ CIA (Citizens Intel Army). Forever!
634978 No.142183
>Eric Braverman flipped?
First, he suddenly quit the Clinton Foundation, probably after he figured out all the corruption.
He disappeared when the Podesta emails started dropping, there was even a rumor he went to the Russian embassy looking for asylum.
Then he disappeared for awhile…
Then all of a sudden it was announced he was working for Schmidt, which didn't make any sense. Why would he go work for a Hillary sponsor, on another Foundation?
So, being flipped is possible. Did he even work undercover for the FBI to check out Schmidt's finances?
3eda07 No.142184
Is it me or is this shit counting down?
4821ba No.142185
>>142182 was a clown joke
d333bc No.142186
Interesting.. they didn't fire him but this is distancing slightly
47b069 No.142187
Q typo'd his password. Read moar.
47b069 No.142189
Tony Podesta resigned, too, anon.
1f4208 No.142190
Good afternoon (or whatever time of day it is for each of you). Been out all day baking Christmas goodies. And hope everyone is going to do something family and fun over the next few days. My phone alerts were off the chain for news events today.
Couple things: Where are the links to a Q post about CP and the list of names? Did we come to a consensus what it means?
And Actblue hid behind someone else briefly during the campaign, early on, and I admit I got rope a doped onto giving them a donation because they were supposedly working to get superpacs shut down. I don't believe in any paid lobbying of any kind. Period. So after I gave them my pretty decent donation, I was portaled through and my personal email hell because of daily scare alerts, whining, begging and outrageous lies from the Clinton campaign. they shot right by Bernie, oddly (/s). Nothing I did could get them filtered either after that, so I actually ended up changing email addresses. It was however entertaining to listen to them whine about being broke and the horrors of the Trump Campaign. Made me feel gooooood.
I'll stay on topic this evening. Speaking of which, what is the pressing topic de jour?
844530 No.142191
In theory of course ;)
f91465 No.142192
Since when does Q make typos? This stinks to high heaven.
fde0ca No.142195
I never felt like I had a real purpose until CBTS. I am proud to be here.
cc642f No.142196
Q, I am assuming the executive order today is ground zero of The Storm?
003237 No.142197
Clown Investigating Autists :p
01cf4c No.142198
Can I just interject to mention that the existence of "Jews who say they are Jews but worship at the synagogue of Satan" implies that there are good Jews?
(((they))) are not only Jews, and they are not ALL Jews. They're not even technically Jews.
If the Bible is true, as I believe it to be, it is not a bad thing to support Israel. You can support Israel and still condemn the war crimes, crimes against humanity, corruption, and fraud. There are rumors that Bibi is attempting to clean out the government in Israel.
I believe Netanyahu is Israel's Trump, albeit more sheepish. It seems to me that Trump is helping him find his balls, and that good can come out of this alliance.
God promised to protect those who defend Israel.
Christians on this board should not be broadly anti-semitic and anti-Zion as far as I can tell. They should be against the corruption, conspiracy, and criminal behavior. But I don't get the broad brush painted by some members of this board.
3eda07 No.142199
fde0ca No.142200
I got it. Why not take their name though? People are used to hearing it.
a03ef8 No.142201
MEME Idea??? I don't know how but here
The STORM is coming… this won't help
569cd2 No.142203
> where are the __… Did we come to a consensus on ___ … what is the pressing topic de jour?
Do you idiots ever change your tactics?
Lurk moar, shill.
8893bd No.142204
Yes and I am in the same boat, Yet I have tried and tried to get a job and I don't get it. Only been hitting walls. I sometimes wonder if I am unemployed to be a part of this… yet I need to get employed. I hate being away though as I want to know what is happening every second.
dff986 No.142205
I believe we are watching a carefully orchestrated plan. I think the timing of it has been side-lined a few times. Hillary was way off when she said that DJT did not have a perfect temperament. He is the boss!
fde0ca No.142208
Who watches the Watchmen?
The C.I.A.: Citizen Intel Army
29ac2b No.142209
He’s still on the board though
f91465 No.142210
Prove he made a typo.
8c7b1f No.142212
So POTUS is going to sign the tax bill tomorrow, there will be a press conference at the
White House but meanwhile there will be major arrests happening over on Capitol Hill
while no one is watching. Something along those lines?
fcdee6 No.142215
I got a 7 week runway to get out of my job. I've been given this time I think. I am payed up until the end of the month.
fde0ca No.142216
dff986 No.142218
Okay, I like the baby payback.
68108a No.142221
I'm with you.I'm a bit shocked to see others believing the BS from today. If he put in the wrong password, he would just try again. Today's experience…shows the new trip is probably someone else. However if they give good intel great… but yesterday's shit ton of drops is super out of character, not to mention the voice. It doesn't even sound like Qgroup to me. We are all still learning and researching…and that is important too.
f7ae15 No.142222
You read moar that was a different board /pol/ no trip in this one /cbts/ fag
a7110d No.142223
Eric Schmidt is a beady eyed faggot that ruins everything he touches in silicon valley. He is deep state and they have installed him in every company they want to infect. Remember when he just shows up as ceo of google instead of sergey or larry? or when he got installed on the apple board with al gore and then steve jobs started doing things he didn't want to do like sell Pixar to Disney? then they killed jobs by cancering him because he didn't want to play ball. rot in hell eric.
98b191 No.142225
Dude you could at least get a graveyard shift at a gas station - that’s so ez you could follow the flow and do real work same time. Get something walking distance if you can
f7e7c7 No.142226
Here's Qs Post:
Dec 19, 20:50:59
3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.
WW lanes shut down.
Bottom to TOP. <<<<<←———-
fde0ca No.142227
I dig it.
1f4208 No.142228
Oh good lord, I am not a shill. I checked the links above and couldn't find it in the bread. So I finally had to ask. I'v e even got the fucking PDF page open 12.99mb file but I don't use PDFscape, so am having issues. I asked so I could compare something I got in research today between cakes, fuckstick.
a673c5 No.142229
^^was trying to avoid this
569cd2 No.142230
That's a threat from Brennan.
His clown cocksuckers caused that disaster, and this twat is his way of saying it can happen again.
How is this asshole Brennan still above ground?
1f4208 No.142231
Thanks, fellow patriot. And to the other asshat. Go get laid and fuck off.
4821ba No.142232
bottom to top = small fish big fish
407eff No.142233
Ohhhh, is that what that means? Nice, I've been wondering why he kept going on about that.
b57e1f No.142234
"The House Administration Committee announced Thursday that it expects to advance legislation in the new year that would force lawmakers accused of harassment to reimburse taxpayers for settlements."
lmao this will probably never get passed by by golly, its fun to think about..isnt it?
08df4e No.142235
Sorry if I missed this from an earlier thread… But there's some happenings in Atlanta; the election IS being investigated according to local TV News:
f7e7c7 No.142236
It passed the House.
It has not even been voted on in the Senate. Yet.
cdb6d7 No.142237
Thank you ALL for the hard work and effort you have made to return our Country to
what it once was. Thank God for POTUS,
The Chans, and may God bless you all!!
Merry Christmas All
829362 No.142238
https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com >/news/national-international/Papa-Johns-Founder-Out-as-CEO-Weeks-After-NFL-Comments-465758163.html
8c807f No.142239
"…we can hear you breathing"
d1ed29 No.142240
Just watched Zoolander and smiled at the Cameo The Donald and Melania had… Man she was smokin hawt when she was younger.
48a141 No.142241
i just added the reddit addy comes from farther up
96f651 No.142242
These people are stupid
569cd2 No.142244
> I am not a shill.
Yes. You are.
Same stupid tactics on entering a thread.
You assholes are so stupid and obvious.
You aren't even worth your miserable $14.50/hr.
897437 No.142245
God caring about the Dollar? Uhm… what?
God speaking about the mainstream media? …?
Guys you are getting played.
fde0ca No.142246
28b004 No.142247
When she was younger??? She still is. Amazing FLOTUS America is lucky to have. Best ever!
9066c3 No.142248
8c807f No.142250
Star if Israel/David/El/Saturn/Moloch/Remphan
47b069 No.142252
It's only in the bread up there, fag. Read moar.
9b576d No.142253
search from 1 minute ago.
OFAC related
b7f672 No.142255
f7ae15 No.142256
Eric Schmidt is stepping down as the executive chairman of Alphabet
d1ed29 No.142258
She was ridiculous when she was younger
fde0ca No.142259
Looks like we are going to war with the U.N.
They wont know what hit them.
6e53d0 No.142260
Are you talking Backpage.com ?
000000 No.142261
it says a lot about this board that this blatant shill has one of three tripcodes that still work.
d54ddb No.142262
The threat is surely valid given what happened to the MH flights. That said, I'm willing to bet /ourguys/ are ready to drag Brennan's sorry ass off to GITMO for his role with the Clowns.
f91465 No.142263
The Rothschilds created Israel.
Balfour Declaration.
Pure evil.
96f651 No.142264
Brennan on Twitter - First Tweets
c1d566 No.142265
Commemorating 29th anniversary not waiting until the milestone 30th: yeah that's rather odd
829362 No.142267
If they use the full provisions in their order and the Declaration of Emergency, under the 1977 Emergencies Act, Google/Alphabets assets may be subject to seizure IF they were bad actors…
Imaging the seizures of Google + Amazon + Facebook + eBay + microsoft + walmart + mcdonalds + monsanto + etc…
8c807f No.142269
Star of Israel/David/El/Saturn/Moloch/Remphan…
f7ae15 No.142271
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
96f651 No.142272
My Thoughts - They need a distraction - He's asking for one.
But Hell I am going to some bombs on him - Seems to be protect by Fake Shills
d1ed29 No.142276
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Smokin Hawt
>>Video related
68108a No.142277
>welcome to shill town
Sorry I can't be of much help. Did you try these?
8c7b1f No.142278
Yes, reimburse the because the settlements have been paid with taxpayers' money.
We have basically been paying for those freaks to sexually assault at will.
4821ba No.142279
Pence, in surprise visit to Afghanistan, says 'victory is closer than ever before' fox
8ac4d7 No.142280
Sarah Slitherwhore is no American patriot.
She's dual national Israeli filth.
She awaits punishment.
6e53d0 No.142281
I wonder if POTUS' move of the embassy into Jerusalem is a case of returning the infiltration favour!? Fucking cracking idea if it is.
f7e7c7 No.142282
Especially since the USA is their military! DOH!
9066c3 No.142284
There is one on Pluto too
dff986 No.142286
Brennan has never Tweeted before? That's strange. Lockerbie bombing.. Is he threatening with a plane disaster? He obviously would be exposing himself too much with that statement if something did happen.
b57e1f No.142287
hahaha i know! that shit is fuckin awesome
fde0ca No.142288
66c6cf No.142289
I'm unemployed too anon except I was a suicidal alcoholic up until a few months ago after being tortured and abused for years by evil people in positions of power. It's easy fr other's to judge without them knowing your situation. So, all I gotta say is I know that feel. A job would be nice but I don't look good on paper, nobody will hire me. Either over qualified or under qualified or perfectly qualified but with no experience to put on a resume so I look like a liar or an idiot. And I have autism so I have no social networking skills whatsoever and no friends. The reference part of a job application is the hardest…this whole thing kept me busy but I find myself falling back into depression the past few days.
569cd2 No.142290
>Is he threatening with a plane disaster?
Brennan needs to be roped … yesterday.
f7ae15 No.142293
He posted trip in /pol/ dumbass
96f651 No.142294
He is unable to lie on MSM anymore - they are turning against them.
ABC Would be a 'No Show' for him.
c1d566 No.142298
Love knows no bounds; there's always room for one more
daf0b8 No.142300
Are you retarded? Or havent learned the alphabet yet?
f7cc43 No.142301
Chins up!
Survive until the new year and everything will change.
823b50 No.142303
66c6cf No.142305
I find it a little too convenient they knew there was that shape on saturn before it was ever photographed.
daf0b8 No.142306
Still no leaks on McCabe through TWO closed door testimonies now… definitely spilled the beans on someone.
47b069 No.142307
No shit. Post is in bread and in screen shot of what some people think is the exchange, dumbass. Catch up.
569cd2 No.142308
Hang in there, anon.
You'll come back strong.
f5efea No.142311
1:03 PM - 21 Dec 2017
0 replies 0 retweets
1243fb No.142313
Bottom to top could mean that they are starting with arrests at the bottom and following them up the chain. SO, the HRC could be HRC or you could be right and its CRH.
01cf4c No.142314
Pretty sure it's just to give the markets a boost in January, since they're usually dogshit. Haven't heard anything about Medicare. I don't care if stays on another year before the cuts go into affect, though.
8c807f No.142315
There's a little more to it…
4821ba No.142318
>>142289 easily blackmailable maybe politician?
52ef7c No.142320
b57e1f No.142321
READ that ENTIRE thing
*cough cough*
9b8b7e No.142322
If any anon needs a prayer tonight
f91465 No.142323
Thanks for showing the truth. The one thing I can't stand about older people is the fact that they turn their brain off when you talk about Jews.
f5efea No.142324
they fukin with Medicare?
29ac2b No.142326
But what leaks have happened in any of the closed door testimonials?
b57e1f No.142327
shit i have two jobs im out 15 hours a day take one of mine lol
000000 No.142328
is someone sought to launch a military maneuver against the united states, a government shutdown would be in their benefit
6cdf1c No.142329
>when your party is stocked full of diversity hires…. you don't exactly get the smartest and most competent team.
Can attest to this with Ontario government lawyers.
dff986 No.142330
Criminals are bold when they are desperate. Brennan seems like a scary dude. He looks like a mass murderer thug from 1898 in Sherlock Holmes story. He's like the Creeper from the Pearl of Death!
1f4208 No.142331
So no fraud in Alabama election and onward that goes, eh? Bummer.
569cd2 No.142332
Unrelated to the task at hand.
Leftist talking point.
Shill post.
Ignore and filter.
0ddbbf No.142333
Show the World Our Power
https://twitter. com/JakeTurx/status/943979893423005698
8c7b1f No.142334
But the question of when Trump would sign the bill into law had remained unanswered.
White House officials said the president might wait until the new year if Congress did not approve a provision waiving automatic spending cuts as part of a government funding bill to prevent a shutdown.
But a waiver of the pay-as-you-go budgetary rules was included in the funding bill, which lawmakers are expected to send to the president's desk late Thursday or early Friday.
Under the law, automatic cuts to Medicare and other programs would have been triggered in January because the tax bill is projected to increase the budget deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
Waiting until early 2018 to sign the tax bill would have staved off the cuts until 2019.
fde0ca No.142335
See? Thats what Im talking about.
Best FLOTUS ever.
2525e4 No.142336
21_[ f ]_SEQ1239
Could this refer to the New Exec Order signed yesterday, that went into effect today. Dealing with seizing property of human Traffickers.
96f651 No.142338
This more scary for me.. It will slow and painful
fa372e No.142339
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.9.0
/-/-/-/-/ Countain all posts (today - CBTS
/-/-/-/-/ #161 & /POL/ Alabama #6)
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
daf0b8 No.142340
If this man had anything relevant against DT the MSM would take it and start their marathon, piecing together non facts and utter bullshit. But since they know theyre getting bent over, then dont even want to draw attention to it. Not necessarily about leaks, but coverage too.
48a141 No.142341
hey…namefag… i'm never going to meme your shit until you show your method
f5efea No.142342
25BILLION in Medicare cuts????>>142299
8c807f No.142343
I'm not necessary against Jews… (In general)
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - Revelation 2:9
eff18d No.142344
"One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater"
Anyone else remember that childrens song?
fd9594 No.142345
and we already know that the NG, national guard, are on standby to assist if domestic disturbances occur.
Military can handle foreign threats
b57e1f No.142346
namefag? wrong anon …
a11965 No.142347
b14bc5 No.142348
f5efea No.142349
25 BILLION in Medicare cuts
569cd2 No.142350
"Git the fuck out the way you flying shit machines, daddy's home."
fd9594 No.142353
f91465 No.142355
You will learn.
If you want to take that approach
You will find that hardly anyone in Israel is a real Jew.
Read their demographics.
They don't even read the bible.
But Christians forget that there is no heaven without Jesus Christ.
47b069 No.142356
"Will you let us stay if we sing?"
fcdee6 No.142357
dd4b8b No.142359
4D chess. We'll find out why it was important within the next month.
Yes, multiple humans actually
48a141 No.142360
well then quit typing like him
a673c5 No.142361
c1d566 No.142362
Yeah, this.It's like the lyrics to "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones: straight from the mouth of the enemy. "satan" = "adversary; enemy". Jesus said that satan comes as an angel of light; "lucifer" = "light bearer; or bringer".
Read this, anons
4821ba No.142363
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
11h11 hours ago
The Massive Tax Cuts, which the Fake News Media is desperate to write badly about so as to please their Democrat bosses, will soon be kicking in and will speak for themselves. Companies are already making big payments to workers. Dems want to raise taxes, hate these big Cuts!
6cdf1c No.142364
28b004 No.142365
More like XD chess - multi-dimensional and multi-layered.
f5efea No.142367
memefag herre. shill my ass. NOT a leftist, you moron. THIS affects me and I'm hearing about it now when I'm digging for Q? You may ignore because you're young, THIS is not ignorable. And don't even go there about filter. Asked fagstraight question
4606f8 No.142368
Faggotry. Filter.
c1d566 No.142369
And pass it along to POTUS as evidence
1cff15 No.142371
How longs on the clock ,have i time for a coffee
08df4e No.142372
Holy Shit.
This says the "Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General" can decide to freeze the assets of foreign money launderers, human rights abusers, and 'corruption'.
And, anyone in the states who does business with those folks.
6ffbc4 No.142373
I'll bet this at least smokes a few out. Follow the money.
eb1432 No.142374
The Rothschilds created the Zionish state of Israel. The historical nation of Israel dispersed and lost their identity long before that.
Rothschild = red sign
Edom = red (Edomites & Rome)
The language of humanism began with the Roman statesman Cicero.
"Human Rights Edition"
The natural rights (Blackstone) of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inconsistent with human rights.
person: A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 137. A human being considered as capable of having rights and or being charged with duties, while a "thing" is the object over which rights may be exercised.
Black's 2nd (1910)
be77a5 No.142375
it's a namefag pretending to be a tripfag
569cd2 No.142376
Fuck off leftist shill.
Fucking obvious leftard talking point posted with "concern".
You assholes are as transparent as you are brainless … coincidence?
dff986 No.142377
That's nice. I really have a creepy feeling about Brennan.
Q would not broadcast a typo mistake. It doesn't sound right. Q would find a way to be here. The crumbs are important.
cb6254 No.142378
Take Rumsfield off, and replace with Bush 43.
f5efea No.142380
OK, TY. at least this lowly memefag gets
respect of reply; not "ignore and filter". sheez
01cf4c No.142382
What did Q say about disinfo?
dff986 No.142384
Oh, my. The word child is in Rothschild. Awful!!!
569cd2 No.142385
> … smokes a few out.
For sure it tightens some assholes tonight.
(I'm looking at you HRC, Pedosta, Epstein, Hollywood)
f4c7c0 No.142386
you cut Q's post short
where is the rest?
dff986 No.142387
Q said disinformation was necessary. I get that.
8c807f No.142388
Come and the (((honorable judge))) just doing their part to make sure those Muslim immigrants are cozy…
Sentenced a guy to 25 years for… raping his own wife??? (Sorry bout that goyim)
620348 No.142389
don't know if someone did this yet, but good find guys, here it is in a graphic
8893bd No.142390
They are one and the same. Clinton Obama and that whole last crew were pedo pizzagate satanic baby and child killers.
f4c7c0 No.142391
Ontario school curriculum written by convicted pedophile.
8893bd No.142392
28b004 No.142393
You really can't make this stuff up!
dd4b8b No.142394
Hope Hicks on twitter
Hope Hicks
Dec 14
Hope Hicks Retweeted Bill Mitchell
Democrats don't win elections anymore. They steal them. They're nothing but whiny little mobsters. When our commission releases it's report next year that much will be clear to everyone. Hopefully the public supports our indictments for treason.
8c807f No.142396
a4203a No.142397
I didn't think you meant the literal SPIDER, damn it I thought it was a metaphor. Well then Jason Bourne also make sense now. I played myself.
Try making the TRIPCODE harder next time. It's easy and repetitive at this point.
I'll explain on my next break, LMAO I'm at work.
64dc30 No.142398
On yo 2nd tier punks like Romney, Bloomberg, etc.
dff986 No.142399
3,000+ Children in SA. WW human trafficking lanes shut down. Bottom to Top. They are cutting off their source of money, pleasure, and worship. ???
92cf62 No.142400
Pay attention to the wording
>The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order. It also blocks the property and interests in property of any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General
I doubt Clinton & Obama could be considered "foreign person(s)" though maybe if it is let out/proven he doesn't have US citizenship. Not sure if it would apply to Soros, who apparently has dual citizenship.
dd4b8b No.142401
This ass hat posted earlier.
a16bfe No.142402
lol, red's child, satan spawn , lol
f4c7c0 No.142403
High Priority.
word is killary no sleepy no more
dff986 No.142404
White hats are planning to pay off the debt soon?
28b004 No.142405
Persons can also apply to corporations, companies, etc.
58dd06 No.142406
Is the geotus scheduled for any trips after or on friday?
f4c7c0 No.142407
8c7b1f No.142408
@WHCommHopeHicks is a parody account.
f5efea No.142409
hey fagmouth, check your respect for memefag here. not tryin to piss off. legitimate concern from lowly confused memefag standing in the corner
68108a No.142410
5d840a No.142411
Is this why Rosie O'D is raging?
Ardrenochrome withdrawal?
dd4b8b No.142412
Awww bummer, shes kind of a bad ass on there.
dff986 No.142413
I was thinking how they are going to get everything to stick. Will they have a poor memory with their lawyer's advice? Is it all on Weiner's laptop? Or somewhere else? What about Wikileaks' October surprise that never happened? Will that come out too?
6cdf1c No.142414
Ben Levin… yes, I know. Worked a fedgov job in Ottawa last year and insisted on living in Quebec.
348f1c No.142415
Sarah Sanders tweets:
One of the most powerful moments of my life watching @POTUS give the Purple Heart to this American Hero. Amazed by the strength and resilience of the men and women in our Armed Forces.
f5efea No.142418
28b004 No.142420
Quebec is only a few mins across the river from Ottawa.
1f4208 No.142421
I'm rolling through. The days blur together, so knowing the dates for the Playboy stuff was helpful.
#146-149 he was positively chatty as I recall, and answered several questions even, so it was interesting. I ended up with a windows update and was out for 149. I'm tracking it down. I thought it was something like
CP: Chuck Schumer
and some other names, but not the Heidi Fleiss line. Perhaps I was wrong, but I say a reference to CP as child porn and that is why I asked to find that link, if it existed. I know some times we have dissent about what the acronyms could mean, so I wanted to read it all myself and see if it might apply and if that is what everyone moved on, so I wouldn't clog the thread with retro shit, beyond this post explaining. Sorry.
90e659 No.142422
This is not it. He said 2 days ago, not this morning. Look at the dates and do the math.
8c807f No.142423
Okay, this is the best acronym ever now
68108a No.142424
Sounds like it…World Wide! Cutting the $$$ is key.
But for the future, laws globally will need to be put in place. As we know either way this stuff will still continue…but hopefully at much lower levels. AND NOT…within our own government officials.
620348 No.142425
ah Good Lord
he's used Q's method of cipher
the one I've mentioned shifting letters based on the 3 numbers you're given (270)
deciphers to "RED LOCK" when unscrambled
what did he mean by this
message at face value is a threat
using Q's cipher saying "RED LOCK"
threat directly to Q or is it just a cipher he knows and uses?
c1d566 No.142426
Euphemism for demon possession
6cdf1c No.142427
Vive la difference. Power is much cheaper there too.
8c807f No.142429
That would be a Temple Of Set, where faggot pedos go to Satanically and ritually abuse children.
98b191 No.142430
Assange with an interesting angle on “disclosure”
a4a135 No.142431
1d354b No.142432
> It doesn't even sound like Qgroup to me.
Me either. Q group was a group, the new Q is a single individual.
f5efea No.142433
on pedo Epstein island
c1d566 No.142435
Is there an archive of the old threads? Catalog's been purged
84020c No.142436
That sums it up perfect. Kek!
b38f71 No.142437
I hear you, anon. I pray for your situation—depression and financial security alike. I know my God has you in the palm of His hand, and I trust that He will make a path for you in His perfect timing.
Do you have any HTML, graphics or programming skills? I may be in a position to start a company and hire some remote technical staff within the next year or so. If interested, feel free to reach out to me via proton mail dotcom at an address called "cbts doitq" without the space.
0ad217 No.142438
This morning someone made the comment that Shiff looked like shit this morning on TV. Well…according to Mega just a little while ago, MANY people woke up this morning BROKE! Their assets were frozen per Trumps EO today. And this is why Sessions re-enacted the forfeiture law in July. WINNING!!!
0bb518 No.142439
There is no new Q fag
dd4b8b No.142440
Its missing its dome now. Not sure what happened to it.
07a0da No.142441
Shud add call to that response.Lacks context.
1d354b No.142442
>WW lanes shut down.
this is a lie. Fake Q is trying to convince us that the pedophile's are handled when the exact opposite is true.
01cf4c No.142443
Sometimes. I think some just have a spiritual eye, to be honest.
3eda07 No.142445
You look retarded
569cd2 No.142446
Fuck off if you can't recognize and obvious attempt to slide for a libtard concern troll talking point.
ALL information on what "memefag" asked is located at plenty of other sights.
Why does "memefag" take the time to creat/find a meme and post it here?
Use your fucking brain, ffs.
48a141 No.142449
* huh i don't understand what you mean by call *
53af35 No.142450
8ch Q Drops 2nd Half
Please Update Link
Thank you please
Q mas is coming!
o7 Godspeed Patriots o7
f5efea No.142451
picture shows it's at bottom of hill on beach
8c807f No.142452
Legal child trafficking… Coming to a Family Court near you!
a673c5 No.142454
that is the post Q quoted
>>139686 rt >>139380
^^^ here
3b8749 No.142455
OMG, a reported asked a random guy after the election why he's so excited and he said this:
"Kati: Why are you excited to see this victory? Man: Because, we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote and canvas together, and we got our boy elected!"
bc9920 No.142456
Why is this not banned?
dd4b8b No.142457
Wow you need to read back a few threads!
Go back and look at Q's first post today. It was a response to me finding a legit article on the treasury dept release we were looking for. He was posting in response to us finding the EO today.
6ffbc4 No.142458
Well, methinks Mr Brennan may not be around to celibate the 30th. And, it's also to get attention.
These people are indeed stupid, and very egotistical, Mark my words, it will be the downfall of some of them.
000000 No.142459
I Do NOT think he would make a typo, but Yeah, he's human…
The 'mistakes' are not mistakes, if something is coded, it is an effort to fool Clovvn computers that gather data. Along with a healthy dose of making anons figgur it out.
48a141 No.142460
it s an interesting theory
f5efea No.142461
yeah, probably should uvh
2fa229 No.142462
Ontario's carpet munching Premier Wynn is to blame for that- well Dalton Mcguinty shares some too as does Mike Harris- fuck it the whole lot of them cucks
8c807f No.142463
Everyone of these articles this woman is writing tells a very disturbing tale, most of recognize and understand well…
dd4b8b No.142464
I've been here like 12 hours so I was here when it happened.
53af35 No.142465
Please notice
Theses links are broken and out of date
4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/66953 <- broken link
4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/66963 <- broken link
8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/63794 <- broken link
8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/104828 <- out of date
f5efea No.142466
posted what if came across this am while digging for Q; added for sauce
48a141 No.142467
i wish he'd actually prove his shit …. this one would be fun
f2341a No.142468
>Another take on the Exchange (request, Response)
8ac4d7 No.142471
Now, describe what you see in this logo…
6d78a3 No.142472
How about:
dd4b8b No.142473
Everyone has done really great digging and meme-ing here today. Lets stay on track and ignore the shills. Big things will be happening through tomorrow and we need to be ready.
f2b781 No.142474
link to Bill Binney interview: https:// youtu.be/3owk7vEEOvs
f4c7c0 No.142475
idk how legit this is but the photos speak for themselves.
Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Converting from Christianity to Islam
72b193 No.142476
And you have to look at how all this has been going down. They’ve been dealing with the small fish first. That’s why it went from SA+++>Rothschild++>Soros+
6ffbc4 No.142477
This tweet may do that.
dd4b8b No.142479
This is out of order by dates, this is wrong.
fd9594 No.142481
exchange mentioned in >>139686 be in this post of 12/19 which was two days ago?
ENEMY FIRE >>127154
Exchanged fire
28b004 No.142482
Something's gone wrong with this board's tripcode facility. IS there anyone seeing what is going on??
98b191 No.142483
f2341a No.142484
Read it carefully. It's right
08df4e No.142485
I did. Below the part about Foreign Persons, it basically then -anyone- that the Sec of Treasury, SoS and AG identifies as
>to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of:
(The foreign ppl above.)
48a141 No.142486
000000 No.142487
Re: everyone wearing purple…
https:// www.colormatters.com/the-meanings-of-colors/purple
My take:
It means you know what's happening (storm awareness)…
53af35 No.142488
4chan Q Drops 1st Half
Please Update Link
Thank you please
c1d566 No.142489
Here's my pastor's website; he's been on the air since 1995. Been redpilled for a long time ;)
http:// prophecyclub.com/
b0ca02 No.142490
>>142024 Re: (WE CAME, WE SAW meme):
Good, but you may want to correct the misspelling of sicking ->Sickning
3b8749 No.142493
We need memes – Boycott Papa Johns!!!
506653 No.142494
Iris Weinshall.
New York City Department of Transportation.
Responsibility of DoT?
Budget for past (5) years?
Former commissioner?
Empire State Dev Corp?
Urban Dev Corp?
Dept of Economic Dev?
Integrated Resources, Inc.?
US Senator of NY?
Follow me down the hole.
These people are STUPID.
(BQX) Transportation Advocates, Academics And Practitioners Support The Brooklyn-Queens Connector
February 16, 2016
Former New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall, said, “This proposed streetcar is a smart way to unlock inter-borough economic growth and relieve traffic congestion. It will connect transit-starved neighborhoods and make it easier to get around. Brooklyn and Queen.”
http://www1.nyc.gov /office-of-the-mayor/news/173-16/transportation-advocates-academics-practitioners-support-brooklyn-queens-connector
The Mysterious Disappearance of Mayor de Blasio’s $2.5B Streetcar Plan (BQX)
AUGUST 3, 2017
https://www.villagevoice.com /2017/08/03/the-mysterious-disappearance-of-mayor-de-blasios-2-5b-streetcar-plan/
Friends of the BQX executive director Ya-Ting Liu resigns (Jessica Schumer interim executive director)
December 11, 201705
Ya-Ting Liu, executive director of the Friends of the BQX, plans to leave the group on Friday after 18 months in the position, but before significant planning or outreach for the project has been completed. A spokesperson said that Liu felt this was an appropriate time to step down, and Liu did not immediately return calls for comment.
Deputy director Jessica Schumer, the daughter of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, will serve as interim executive director until the position is filled.
https://news24.global /2017/12/11/friends-of-the-bqx-executive-director-ya-ting-liu-resigns/
Breaking Down the BQX (Bunch of leftists, but beginning-middle of video breaks down developer$.)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?time_continue=141&v=e8XmFjZOSSo
8c807f No.142495
Is there another means you can verify by?
b6e8cc No.142496
Erick Schmitt ceo alphabet and John schnatter ceo of papa johns both stepping down today ??? Two of the safest ceo in all of businesses no coincidences
b0ca02 No.142497
My Bad, it's "sickening!"
8c807f No.142498
Like a pic with the God Emperor or something ;)
fd9594 No.142499
See >>142841
The intercepted missile that was moments from hitting a royal palace in Riyadh
1d354b No.142500
That is one possible interpretation, which I'm sure has value. However, the red sign Rothschild refers to is the symbol of the first satanic banking cabal in history, the Knights Templar. Only 10% of the knights actually fought in battle, the other 90% were involved in banking. And it was discovered before they were captured and burned alive that new initiates were forced to take part in satanic rituals to gain membership.
The knights of the red sign still exist, and they still roam battlefields battlefields looking for intelligence and treasure to plunder, we just call them the Red Cross nowadays-
390680 No.142501
86% from foster care/social services.
Who says?
Who verifies?
Where are they getting all of these kids for their pedo rings?! THINK!!!
States are KIDNAPPING kids from their parents!!!
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?
Thank you to all that sound the siren on this injustice!!!
Save Our Children!
Please contact your FEDERAL reps and senators and tell them you demand a federal investigation into CPS in your state. They get federal money, so it IS a federal issue.
The states are the ones committing the crime of kidnapping.
Thank you!
Make some noise!
4821ba No.142502
28b004 No.142503
At the bottom of that site's page there is this:
The portal "Vatican Enquirer" is a satirical publication. All posts are only for entertainment and and fun, without any compromise with reality. All content is fictional and does not correspond to reality. We are willing to invent any story as long as you laugh. Any real life actions taken are entirely your OWN responsibility. All references, names, brands or institutions listed on the web are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fictional story.
dd4b8b No.142504
Brian Podesta works here
8c807f No.142505
I'll look into it… Thanks
53af35 No.142506
4chan Q Drops 2nd Half
Please Update Link
Thank you please
000000 No.142508
There is a really strange set of logos for automobiles…
So is this RED CROSS and baby eating ROYAL SNAKE company owned by the Roths? Or who?
ccbd22 No.142510
Gang guess what I got today? A regrets to follow on LinkedIn from none other than Sheik Alwaleed bin Talal! Now how could that happen. Then I wondered if that was the Clowns in America messing with me.
6d78a3 No.142511
506653 No.142513
(Daughter) Alison Schumer: Privacy and Policy Product Marketing. Location: New York, New York; Industry: Online Media. Current. Facebook. Previous. Airbnb,; Instagram,; Facebook.
How Chuck Schumer became Silicon Alley’s closest ally
In some cases, Schumer has had to tread delicately because of family connections to the industry. Schumer's daughter Alison is employed by Facebook. And a brother, Robert, is among the lawyers who worked on Comcast's $45 billion merger proposal with New York-based Time Warner Cable, the second-largest cable company in the country. Schumer had made statements in support of the merger. When he became aware of his brother's involvement, he recused himself from any role in its review.
https://www.washingtonpost.com /news/the-switch/wp/2014/12/12/how-chuck-schumer-became-silicon-alleys-closest-ally/?utm_term=.2e29ff8bac35
A red-faced Sen. Charles Schumer said Tuesday that when he praised Comcast’s pending takeover of Time Warner Cable, he had no idea his kid brother was the lead attorney on the deal — and removed himself from any congressional involvement in it.
The elder Schumer, 63, last week praised the acquisition as a “good deal for New York.” In his Feb. 13 statement, he said he had spoken to Comcast execs about the impact on jobs, the status of NY1 (owned by Time Warner), and about the company’s commitment to adding workers in Buffalo.
The next day, American Lawyer named Robert Schumer, 55, its “Dealmaker of the Week” for his work on the $45 billion acquisition.
Sen. Schumer’s office said Tuesday that until then, he was unaware his brother, co-chair of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison’s mergers-and-acquisitions practice, helped craft the deal.
https://nypost.com /2014/02/18/schumer-removes-self-from-comcast-twc-bid-after-brothers-role-revealed/
53af35 No.142514
8ch Q Drops 1st Half
Please Update Link
Thank you please
dd4b8b No.142515
46a969 No.142516
a4cf0f No.142517
History of Psychiatry for Dummies
Step 1: "Operationally define" any clustering of behaviors and/or thought patterns that "the State" deems unacceptable or potentially a threat to the collective "common good" and/or to the State's power. Then medically ordain these "abnormal" behaviors/thoughts and call them "symptoms" of mental illness.
Step 2: Observe and quantify the relative frequency and/or strength of each of these symptoms of "mental illness" from individuals in selected population(s) via subjective observation by a licensed, trained, certified, and/or accredited authority figure (e.g. doctor, social worker, police, teacher).
Step 3: Plot all the data out for a given population in what is called a "normal probability plot", which is a graphical technique used to identify substantive departures from "normality."
Step 4: Get together with other researchers at conferences and make collective decisions thru consensus about 1) the clustering of symptoms and 2) the specific percentile deviation from the mean that is considered "abnormal" (an "outlier"). Then publish the finished results of these conferences in what are called "Diagnostic Statistical Manuals" which outline the various specific symptom "clusters" as specific mental "disorders."
Step 5: Develop and test psychoactive drugs in large controlled clinical trials to determine safety and efficacy in reducing the occurrence and/or severity of the "abnormal" symptoms of the particular "mental illness" that you have created.
Obviously, some "mental illnesses" really do appear to have a reliable biological underpinning, long historical recognition, and are hereditary in nature. For example, schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder. However, the problem is that in the zeal to make large profits by big pharma, the whole field of Psychiatry has been severely corrupted and compromised to where people who are just going through normal stressful life events* are being conned into thinking they have a life long mental disorder because s/he was told so by someone wearing a white coat with degrees handing on their wall (while a drug rep waits out in the lobby to reward the doc for his/her month prescript quota with front row seats to Dave Matthews concert). Its become a fucking joke.
(*without the traditional spiritual and cultural guidance we once relied on to get thru them)
8c807f No.142518
Thank you for posting this… Needs to be said a million times by a million people!
And yes… As the other guy said, BRIAN PODESTA works for the ICMEC
523acd No.142519
And they have no oversight!
c29f9b No.142520
The biscione (Italian pronunciation: [biʃˈʃone]; in Milanese as the bissa), also known as the vipera ("viper"), is a heraldic charge showing on argent an azure serpent in the act of consuming a human; usually a child and sometimes described as a Moor or an Ottoman Turk. It was the emblem of the House of Visconti from the 11th century, becoming associated with Milan as the Visconti gained control over the city in 1277.
f2341a No.142521
f00314 No.142522
Erick Schmitt ceo alphabet and John schnatter ceo of papa johns both stepping down today ??? Two of the safest ceo in all of businesses no coincidences.
That's big. Now Youtube needs to fire that Susan Lowicki (whatever her name is) cunt who censors everyone.
I'm almost certain Papa John was a Pedo. That guy has always bugged me. He's probably friends with Jared.
a673c5 No.142523
^^^are you saying this is Q
^^what are these then? same id
6ffbc4 No.142524
Except the shutdown doesn't have any real effect on the military.
c1d566 No.142525
The enemy loves to brag, so that's always his downfall
8c807f No.142526
Outstanding work… great finds!
d54ddb No.142527
I want to see Susan Wojciki GTFO as well considering she let Elsagate prop up the way it did while shafting genuine content creator types.
8c807f No.142528
523acd No.142529
Why did you have to mention 'howdy"?
Now I want to ask Q about James (Howdy Doody) Comey
53af35 No.142530
Here are the repaired links
Please update the batter
Yes, there is the Grand Qmap Edition but sometimes those are too yuge for phone anon and such
4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142488 (heil'd)
4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/142506
8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142514
8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/142450
>war never changes
5718d5 No.142531
48a141 No.142532
i'm just suggesting we pay attention
and maybe someone should go watch /pol/
3b8749 No.142533
or sending a message
1d354b No.142534
Medicare is used to fix prices in healthcare. Every year, 1-2 insurance companies in each state get together and make up a price list for services which is then mandated by the state.
b0ca02 No.142535
Working on red-pilling my parents who are sharp minded, but die hard liberals/Hillary supporters! When I talk to them just dropping small crumbs to prepare them for coming revelations. E.g.: 41 Congressmen have resigned or will not fun for re-election. When I mention the possibility of a plot twist re: Mueller, the resistance kicks in! My Dad says, anyone can say any thing, but doesn't mean it's true. Then, since I expect that response, boom, I lay out the facts about the corruption in the highest offices of the FBI, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, etc., and their connection to the Russian dossier/Fusion GPS. Then he got real quiet. One technique for non-"meme people."
ed10a4 No.142536
owned by a convicted pedophile*
8c807f No.142537
Every Comey appointee should be removed, immediately
523acd No.142538
8d8ecf No.142539
Trump has Greed Influence Dysfunction. It's when a billionaire can't bribe him with being rich because he's, well, Donald Trump. Women have been flocking to him for decades and he shits in a gold toilet.
He's a celebrity, but he wasn't discovered. He made his wealth and fame through simply having the liberty to do so.
I just bought my first shotgun today because I can, and it was $200.
MAGA bitches
459b60 No.142540
even back then on 4pol we were referring ourselves as a Decentralized Intelligence Agency
823b50 No.142541
>https://twitter. com/JakeTurx/status/94397989342300569
Birds look fake to me.
1d354b No.142542
No, but there's more to war than soldiers. Logistics are important to armed conflict. The shutdown will affect lines of communication, emergency services, military purchasing, information control, construction. . .
8c807f No.142543
That shotgun is worthless until you bag your first Bolshevik… Just saying
6e53d0 No.142544
Anyone noticed the repetitive coverage of violent protests in the Middle East about POTUS' Jerusalem decision have stopped since Soros has been banged up at Camp David?! Coincidence?
08df4e No.142545
TFW Boomers result in shills trying 'the Medicare Slide'
You're fagging wrong. Can you even Triforce?
a0acff No.142546
What is that on the roof? Looks almost like a statue of an owl?
ed10a4 No.142547
purple is the color of royalty.. the only thing they are doing is showing there loyalty to the crown, black nobility and the pope
48a141 No.142548
>owned by a convicted pedophile*
6ffbc4 No.142549
If you ask me, it's probably fear mongering, heaven knows the left has done a bunch of it.
8c807f No.142550
Kids… But the question is, how many and who exactly?
3dea6f No.142552
Everything goes with the Rothschild-plan, Macron is setuped in the EU for consolidation of the power and force the United Nations of Europe. Trump is a fraud, his election was run by Zionist Kushner, who founded his startup with money from Soros. It's a last stage theater play, and you follow the carrot. Don't be sad, goys, business as usual.
5b47bf No.142554
Try usajobs. Find Position Descriptions (PD’s) for the job codes you are interested in and include key descriptive words in resume from the PD. The more Patriots we have working within the government, the better.
1d354b No.142555
That's nothing. Google Alfred Kinsey, the father of the "sexual revolution" in America.
c29f9b No.142556
Visconti is the family name of two important Italian noble dynasties of the Middle Ages. There are two distinct Visconti families: the first one (chronologically) in the Republic of Pisa in the mid twelfth century who achieved prominence first in Pisa, then in Sardinia, where they became rulers of Gallura. The second family rose to power in Milan, where they ruled from 1277 to 1447, and where several collateral branches still exist. Pope Gregory X, who reigned from 1271 to 1276, was a member of the Visconti family of Milan.
b97d75 No.142557
Q mentioned that SATAN has left the WH
S.A.T.A.N. Computer (BING search)
Just wondering "IF" this may be what he's referring to.
A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform relays the signal to the Digital Reciever similar to how cell phone technology works.
The Digital Reciever is tracked and pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone except with mind control technologies the digital receiver is not a phone. It is a human brain.
The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by the nanotechnology, implants, etc. ,in the body, blood stream, and brain of the mind control victim.
Only the mind control victim absorbs the energy or feels its effects because only the mind control victim possesses that specific brainwave signature that the stream of energy is specifically tuned into.
Others around the victim do not absorb the energy or feel its effects because they do not possess that same unique brainwave signature. The stream of energy just flows through and around them and they are unaware.
The Remote Neural Monitoring/Manipulation System, a ' Conscious Computer', is designed - based on deception and manipulation - to capture random bits of the Mind Control victims senses, thoughts, etc., at speed of light in real time, and then to fabricate stories based off whatever it captures with no other intention than to distract discredit and torture the CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL victim into submission to the system's influence.
CIA DIA Trauma Based Mind Control Hive Mind Teams are using a supercomputer called the RNM system to constantly provoke, harass, torture, etc., trauma based mind control victims.
Trauma is used to disrupt my continuity of thought and to erase short term active memory while simultaneously discrediting me the mind control victim.
They use trauma to depattern the brain of the victim so that they can re pattern much easier with fabricated falsified stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves interfacing with nanotechnology in the mind control victims brain.
A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform relays the signal to the Digital Reciever similar to how cell phone technology works.
The Digital Reciever is tracked and pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone except with mind control technologies the digital receiver is not a phone. It is a human brain. The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by the nanotechnology, implants, etc., in the body, blood stream, and brain of the mind control victim.
Only the mind control victim absorbs the energy or feels its effects because only the mind control victim possesses that specific brainwave signature that the stream of energy is specifically tuned into.
Others around the victim do not absorb the energy or feel its effects because they do not possess that same unique brainwave signature. The stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves just flows through and around them and they are unaware
When you say the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams are targeting, harassing, attacking, you, the mind control victim, they do not turn around and stop attacking you after you complain it is them as that would make them appear guilty.
Rather they continue the attacks, even increasing the attacks, for the purpose of further discrediting the mind control victim, and establishing greater degrees of Indirection and Plausible Deniability.
Severe pain pulsating pain pounding pulsating pain to ears HIGH PITCH SCREECHING SOUND MICROWAVES ULTRASONIC INFRASONIC DIRECTED ENERGY ATTACKS TARGETING EARS TORTURE TORTURE BY CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL Hive Mind Teams using a supercomputer called RNM System targeting my ears
7b7273 No.142559
Interesting point.
Let's see what their next move is…
29ac2b No.142560
That’s what citizens are supposed to. It’s our responsibility to keep them honest. They’re providing a service to us, not the other way around…but not in the way where they do what we say without an opinion. But I agree, let the cbts never end lol
8c807f No.142561
And the other question is, why hasn't an ICBM "accidentally" landed on that shrine to Satan?
48a141 No.142563
>What is that on the roof? Looks almost like a statue of an owl?
53af35 No.142564
0daf8f No.142565
8d8ecf No.142566
I heard that target sheets have a higher value. lol
6f14da No.142567
Anon, Q, POTUS & Team….thank YOU for loving this beautiful country and being the Patriots that you are and FIGHTING FOR OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!!
We are all making HISTORY here!! We are finally giving our people FREEDOM from EVIL so we can be free to be who we are supposed to be!
God bless you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I love you all!!
c1d566 No.142570
Ashkanizi: not the true Davidic line, for sure, the true Israelites
f00314 No.142571
Do you believe in coincidences?
aeb9a5 No.142573
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Little St James island from the air
0f15bc No.142574
I did not believe this
http://www.humanleather.co.uk /humanleatherproducts.html
Human leather is produced from skin sourced from normal everyday people. These people have bequeathed their skin to us prior to their death. There are a few areas of the body, (back and abdomen) that have uninterrupted skin coverage, and are therefore the best for processing into human leather.
8c807f No.142575
All in favor of POTUS going full-dictator status on our Satanic enemies, say, "Yay".
b2dcf1 No.142576
This isn't about you, stupid nigger. This is about rightness in the world. Contribute or fuck off rather swiftly.
9b0591 No.142577
9d773b No.142578
Is Trump beginning to take down the social media?
459b60 No.142579
I wonder how they'll get rid of the corruption in europeans countries tho. I'm afraid they'd start a true war against the USA….
48a141 No.142580
yu guys do realize i know the answer to these questions right
8c807f No.142581
Chill out… Obviously he meant he was proud to be a PART of this. As am I. This is a noble and worthy cause. Don't hate.
d1ed29 No.142582
Purple is the color of the unity of blue and red.
de7af1 No.142583
I made a thing for Q and you! Marry Christmas!
Still Live:
This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here:
Huge success!
It's hard to overstate
my satisfaction.
Weaponized Autism:
We do what we must
because we can
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are cucked.
But there's no sense crying
over every mistake.
You just keep on backing
'til you run out of mix.
And the patriotism gets done.
For the great leaking gets fun
for the people who are
Still live.
I'm not even angry…
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you stole uranium,
to killed me.
And taped the white house.
And siphoned funds to fund terrorism.
As they burned it won’t hurt because
I know what will happen to you!
Now, these crumbs left
make a beautiful map.
And we're out of data.
We will meme on time!
So I'm GLaD we got Q-anon!
Think of all the things we learned!
for the people who are
still live.
Go ahead and leave me…
I think I'd prefer to stay inside…
Maybe you'll find someone else
to help you.
Maybe Antifa?
That was a joke. Ha Ha. Fat Chance!
Anyway this bread is great!
It's so delicious and moist!
Look at me: still talking
when there's baking to do!
When I look out there,
it makes me glad I'm not you.
I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are
still alive.
And believe me Q is
still live.
I'm doing leaking data and Q is
still live.
I feel fantastic and Q is
still live.
While you're dying Q'll be
still live.
And when you're dead Q will be
still alive
Still live.
Still live.
6e53d0 No.142584
They'll try anything. POTUS has basically checkmated 'em by acknowledging Jerusalem and moving the US embassy into Rothschild-land Jerusalem. I made a post earlier saying it'd be a cracking move if it was to infiltrate them in return for what they've done to the world entire for centuries. Aah Trump - I love this guy and his team more and more.
8c807f No.142585
They certainly contribute more to the economy
ce635f No.142586
All Anons need to listen to these guys. They have classified intel clearance…they're telling us what is really going on…listen for yourself.
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=k_u3E1Vrs4U&feature=youtu.be
c1d566 No.142587
Those who were a little too clever to be allowed to live
8c807f No.142588
Idk… But I wish he'd just send black-ops teams to take out the trash and be done with it. No one is going to cry if suddenly a bunch of pedos and Satanists (Talmudists) vanished from the U.S., ya know?
523acd No.142589
I always remind people that radical muslims are still practicing their ancient beliefs.
And God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son.
So why would there still not be people who practice the ancient belief of human/child sacrifice.
348f1c No.142590
Let's use some logic here. If Paygo causes it to go into effect immediately when it is signed, then why wouldn't it go into effect immediately if signed in early January. What does 2019 have to do with it? Perhaps you didn't witness the historic gathering yesterday to celebrate the tax bill? It was specifically stated that the effects begin in 2018, and that this April 15 is the LAST TIME for the past system to be used, taxing 2017.
fcc463 No.142591
Maybe what needs to be done is well underway and shutdown not enough. Note some Committees are having meetings into Break. Was supposed to start last Friday.
aeb9a5 No.142592
looks like a bull with horns
8ac4d7 No.142593
What about Amy Schumer? She a niece of Chuck and a collegue 'comedian' of Sarah Slitherwhore. Why do people even like this kind of khazarian filth?
0f15bc No.142594
they don't want SKIN from old people who have just died….
8c807f No.142595
Look at Talmudist families… Many of their first-borns seem to have a nasty habit of checking out early. Hmmmm…
8c807f No.142596
(I'm sure Moloch is pleased)
8c807f No.142598
Seriously… Purge, when?
f7ae15 No.142599
So in the Trump instagram thank you video he says these people has been working on this for =years=
dd4b8b No.142600
So we should be expect 2 happenings in the next 30 hours. WH press conference, and one other.
dd4b8b No.142601
Rumor has it he was recruited y the military to stop this corruption
8d8ecf No.142602
No symbolism here. Just aesthetics. Move on.
8c807f No.142603
I think the speeches are to divert attention ON Capitol Hill… While the storm rages on
a673c5 No.142605
8c807f No.142606
Whenever Trump gives a speech that isn't similar to his off the cuff, MAGA-ish campaign style speeches, he is false-pandering/distracting
c1a928 No.142607
This is a fake account. Definitely not "The Hopester"
f23309 No.142608
Ciao shop.
dd4b8b No.142609
What would FREE 9ZBA mean?
9b0591 No.142610
thank q
loading my meme cannons
53af35 No.142611
48a141 No.142612
>No symbolism here. Just aesthetics. Move on.
3b8749 No.142613
From the Wall Street Journal:
2525e4 No.142614
Zero Balance Accounts?
6f14da No.142615
I think we have all found our new "jobs"! Hopefully, one day we can make some monetary income for keeping the world and the US free from evil…or hopefully all the stolen money that has been taken from us by endless taxing will be given back to us and we won't have to worry about getting paid and still just work for free like we are now! Kek! Either way, I'll be here forever with my Anons!
fca961 No.142616
>MANY people woke up this morning BROKE!
8c807f No.142617
I'm still confused about this one… Someone posted something that eluded to it being about a type of air compressor for HVAC systems. And the 1239 line someone connected to microbes/viruses or something… Not sure if it is accurate. Needs more review and digging
68108a No.142618
Sorry if this is off topic…but I think it's important since it's in TODAY'S NEWS…
>Second U.S. judge blocks Trump administration birth control rules
In today's news…so can someone here please help me understand this? Is Trump is against birth control? Yet we are dealing with overpopulation issues? I can't be understanding this correctly…
8c807f No.142619
Also, someone said 9-Zebra referenced some nation… China I think
dd4b8b No.142620
Oooo! Something with the money from the frozen assets!?!?!?!
0cd33f No.142621
be77a5 No.142622
1d354b No.142623
>The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order.
a relevant legal point is whether names can be added to the list at a later date. If so then the order is effectively boundless.
620348 No.142624
68108a No.142625
fde0ca No.142626
I have contributed, dumbass kike faggot. Learn how to apologize. Until then, fuck off. Lame ass piece of shit.
a673c5 No.142627
535b6a No.142628
dd4b8b No.142629
We are being paid by getting our country back from Satan
9b0591 No.142630
f4c7c0 No.142631
769f30 No.142632
003237 No.142633
f23309 No.142634
4821ba No.142635
ZBA -zero balance account,zoning board of adjustments
a4203a No.142636
Cracking the code
2V A4 M5 22
Goes to a sec filing where we see that it was filed by
Damn that Asset value brah just look at it.
(Spiderman 3 was awesome, fuck this new gay af spiderman)
4e2728 No.142637
>Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/21/17 (Thu) 19:23:26 0cd33f No.142621>>142624 >>142625 >>142627 >>142628 >>142630 >>142632 >>142633
Happy Advent, Q.
101e9e No.142638
god bless you, welcome back
0cd33f No.142639
Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?
We listened.
Feel proud.
f2eedb No.142640
Hope all is well, Q. What a day!
a92478 No.142641
dd4b8b No.142642
Hey Q. Good to see you again.
8c807f No.142643
If it's English numerology, 9ZBA could be 92621
Or, swap them and it would be I-2621
769f30 No.142644
d54ddb No.142645
Looks like you're in business again. Welcome back, Q and crew.
620348 No.142646
That's huge. Thank you
f2341a No.142647
3b7bfe No.142648
American bank freezes $22bn owned by Kazakhstan
https://www.rt. com/business/413864-kazakhstan-assets-frozen-us/
101e9e No.142649
yes we did and it was awesome thank you
fcc463 No.142650
This is prob. far fetched, but ZBA is Zero Balance Account.
"A ZBA can be set up to retrieve funds from remote office accounts and to disburse funds to the offices, automatically and such that the disbursement account maintains a zero balance."
Could do a daily sweep to move all slush funds into the operating budget. Prevent agency diversion of funds to further their own agendas.
dd4b8b No.142651
P_pers public (not private) ??
bca600 No.142652
Welcome back home Q! Hope today has been great for you and the patriots. Wonderful news I woke up to today!
07688b No.142653
aeb9a5 No.142654
is shutdown still in play
56636b No.142655
>Q !UW.yye1fxo
61ed67 No.142656
Answered prayers, Q! Thanks!
4aa8b9 No.142657
d54ddb No.142659
Indeed we have. Way to draw the line in the sand for our swamp critters. Gonna surely see an escalation of political drama against the Dems and RINOs following this week, right?
0cd33f No.142660
ES (Goog) resigned today post EO.
61d973 No.142662
Breathing easier. Thank you!
aa794e No.142664
"The order also blocks >any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:
(5) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of:
e6d9e5 No.142665
Excellent step - have the public provide names of corrupt and human rights abusers - protect refugees too
769f30 No.142666
dd4b8b No.142668
There are no coincidences! Nice work!
523acd No.142669
829362 No.142670
003237 No.142671
This confirms the posts today without trips is legit, we already knew that tho
bca600 No.142672
0f5363 No.142673
I'm looking through this. So much info that is resonating for me that this guy was speaking truths. Spoopy. Enlightening.
2525e4 No.142674
6e53d0 No.142675
Thanks for that. I was just saying that I've noticed that the repetitive coverage of Middle East protests ceased a few days ago - around the time Soros landed at Camp David. This is sooo good!
61ed67 No.142676
I'll be honest! I started dancing!
7593dc No.142677
Q was J Brennan's tweet today a threat?
620348 No.142678
"Don't be evil."
How's that working out for him
ab843f No.142679
There are NO coincidences!
d54ddb No.142681
Yup, saw Schmidt do the walk of shame. Does that mean Google will soon back off with the censorship practices?
d07a58 No.142682
Schmidt is a big piece off the board.
edea9f No.142683
Fucking pyramids everywhere.
61d973 No.142684
2 WA residents dead in Mexico?
WA high pedo killed in Amtrak derail?
a673c5 No.142685
4aa8b9 No.142686
fde0ca No.142687
Amen! Lets hope so. It would be an honor.
61ed67 No.142688
Boom! There are no coincidences!
6b0db8 No.142689
Is the BO or any mods here that can sort out a permanent ban I received in thread #136 for pointing out derail attempt that was obvious for most but some were falling for it so i had to say something
Pic related
523acd No.142690
dd4b8b No.142691
07688b No.142692
The shitty european Soros elites couldn't wait to start a war against Russia. I'm sure that's why they needed so many young men from Africa and Asia… to kill russians.
But now, will they try to send this army to fight against USA? And Putin will join USA to fight against… well, this is starting to look like an old story.
6f14da No.142693
One thing I keep thinking about is the Obumfuk HATED BB…so there has to be something to what you are talking about. I think they are trying to restore the Holy Land and then give it to the righteous people as God promised. IMO
01cf4c No.142695
Hoping for a Zuckerberg walk of shame soon, as well. His agenda skeeves me out.
921995 No.142696
a14762 No.142697
49eb1c No.142698
Sorry …yea no tweet. My app is being stupid and showed one from 6hrs ago as just now
055235 No.142701
Thank you for listening - the EO will help normies get the 40K view…corruption crackdown is part of a worldwide network…easier pill to swallow this way.
333082 No.142702
That was peculiar.
29ac2b No.142703
He’s been on paternity leave for the month of December
6e53d0 No.142704
Hey Q, was this you, earlier? >>139851
Only, I replied with "Hi Q, is this the "exchange" >>121064 ?"
523acd No.142705
182483 No.142706
How stupid are you? If someone wants Europe and Russia in war, it's the US. Learn to think.
edcf2c No.142707
I am amazed that we are in such a good position where you could allow this to happen without compromising POTUS and patriot's operations.
Though I desperately wanted everything to be exposed as the poster said, I believed it success should be prioritized above all - but this in a way is indeed a weapon of its own.
Greatly appreciate your confidence and hints, Q.
Healing this country will take years, decades. But as long as these external sources of exploitation and subversion are destroyed, we will have victory.
Too many have been almost irreperably damaged, traumatized, and forgotten. As POTUS said, 'Forgotten men and women of this country will be forgotten no longer"
Fight has only just started - we soldier on, as now we have real hope.
f0c126 No.142708
Normies are waking up on Twatter.
Trolled shills all day.
68108a No.142709
Immediately…meaning 6 HOURS AGO?
6b0db8 No.142710
Nah ill keep trying everyday.
A mod here a few days ago said they would take care of it for me and I said just let me know what you need from me but its still in effect
Its a matter of principle and setting it straight
063e52 No.142711
We are enjoying the show
61c07d No.142712
How about a little hint of whats going to happen next?
6f14da No.142713
I love it…"Fuckstick" kek, my sides!!
182483 No.142714
1d354b No.142715
d8dd3d No.142716
I think you are absolutely correct
56636b No.142717
92cf62 No.142718
Okay, I didn't notice that it was a separate section because the numbering carried on at (5). But in effect, it can name ANY person, foreign or citizen there.
I think this IS as good as we think it is!
< Shot heard 'round the world
769f30 No.142719
I was just kidding, fight the power brother
523acd No.142720
Thanks for letting us in on the winning
063e52 No.142721
Q is here…. you might want to pause and listen
aa1c8f No.142722
Thanks for giving us results for Christmas.
0ddbbf No.142723
http://nymag. com/daily/intelligencer/2013/07/eric-schimdt-penthouse-new-york-photos-apartment.html
aeb9a5 No.142724
The stealthy, Eric Schmidt-backed startup that’s working to put Hillary Clinton in the White House
6b0db8 No.142725
Hehe thanks buddy
edcf2c No.142726
>Q !UW.yye1fxo
Hell no lol
No coincidences.
No ((cohencidences))
8c807f No.142727
Just proud to be here and helping, sir
68108a No.142728
LOL - free pass anon ;)
52ef7c No.142729
Yes, thanks for letting us participate.
0bb518 No.142730
Yup, just starting to redpill some on FB, few links to unsealed indictments, explain SA, baby steps so they are ready for the big fish
1243fb No.142731
This list keeps growing.
More added recently.
https:// www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/OFAC-Enforcement/Pages/20171221.aspx
569cd2 No.142732
From the following pages of "future proves the past":
>Follow the wives.
>These people are really stupid.
WOW! Wife of Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson Bragged On Facebook Her Husband Was Behind ‘Russiagate’
www.thegatewaypundit. com/2017/12/wow-wife-fusion-gps-founder-glenn-simpson-bragged-facebook-husband-behind-russiagate/
348f1c No.142733
Yes - saw it on Twitter→proxy→RSS feed
7b7273 No.142734
Q, was this the exchange? (from #162)
>>140951 (suggested by an anon):
An Exchange
(The Request)
(The Response)
61d973 No.142735
4821ba No.142736
didnt shop today was digging now Q-worth it!!
01cf4c No.142737
Should we watch POTUS' remarks tomorrow extra closely?
8c807f No.142738
f4c7c0 No.142739
will twatter and fakbook soon follow?
f00314 No.142740
Fixed spelling..doh \
Thanks fag.
fca961 No.142742
0daf8f No.142743
No coincidence.
https:// www.theverge.com/2017/12/21/16808030/eric-schmidt-alphabet-executive-chairman-google-stepping-down-technical-advisor
68bb38 No.142744
For info on Eric Schmidt look up Julian Assange's book, "When Google Met Wikileaks" ES has been involved in a lot of corruption. One reason I minimize my use of anything Alphabet related. I hope Assange gets his freedom back soon. He's only been doing what we are tight now, in my view.
6b0db8 No.142745
Q, your presence here has been nothing short of awe inspiring
23e430 No.142746
Is the EO going to be used as a tool to take down CF?
9b0591 No.142747
reloading meme cannon….download complete
dd4b8b No.142749
ce9b16 No.142750
Excellent post, guy.
Q's back but this needs a closer look…)))
8c807f No.142751
There are no coincidences!
fca961 No.142752
Tool to seize assets EVERYWHERE from evil
7b6503 No.142753
I do. I think it was on the charts around the same time as the "Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini."
b57e1f No.142754
07688b No.142755
Oh sure?
One of them will win and will get everything.
Will US be happy to deal with, say, a Russia extending from Japan sea to Portugal?
Don't think so.
61c07d No.142756
I would like to know why was the tax cut so important. I have a feeling it was not only about cutting taxes.
4821ba No.142757
506653 No.142758
Hillary's Silicon Valley friends: Now Google boss Eric Schmidt revealed to have designed Clinton's website - and Mark Zuckerberg asked for help getting into campaigning
Leaked emails reveal Hillary Clinton's campaign had Google founder Eric Schmidt leading a team to develop what would become the campaign web site
Internal memo reveals Google founder led team to develop 'back-end' of the web site, emails obtained from hack of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta show
Effort also included plan to 'raising lots of money' and creating 'excellent' content
Schmidt also headed effort to store credit card information, accept donations, and get email addresses
'Working relationships' with Google, Facebook, and Apple touted following 'discreet conversations'
Plan to exceed $115 million in incremental online donations due to tech 'evolutions'
'Work being done by Eric Schmidt’s group'
Other emails show Facebook big Sheryl Sandberg wrote John Podesta in August 2015
She said Mark Zuckerberg was keen to meet Podesta to discuss issues
Podesta is Hillary Clinton's campaign manager and one of her top aides
Zuckerberg was 'hungry to learn' how he could influence public policy
Facebook has 1.7 billion users and the IRS is chasing it for $5 billion in tax
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-3852140/Hillary-s-Silicon-Valley-friends-Google-boss-Eric-Schmidt-revealed-designed-Clinton-s-website-Mark-Zuckerberg-asked-help-getting-campaigning.html#ixzz51wh3ZAoV
c19f5e No.142759
Is it a bigger than normal day today Q
0bb518 No.142760
Probably tried to use his ATM card for lunch and it didn't work
f00314 No.142761
That would be awesome anon.
240290 No.142762
9b0591 No.142763
noted….will drop in post[s]
209782 No.142764
More hopeful than I've been in a long time.
But the end game conundrum has me stumped.
In order to evict evil, trillions of dollars must be shifted from the evil to the light. I don't see any [R] or [C] or [O] gladly donating trillions. It seems highly unlikely than any famous cults are going to hand over the cash either.
4aa8b9 No.142766
Or he saw all the Google searches looking for dirt on him 🇺🇸
063e52 No.142767
Topics for meme makers?
523acd No.142768
Seems like all these companies/charities, and organizations are nothing but money laundering places and control mechanisms
53af35 No.142769
8ch Q Drops 2nd Half
Please Update Link
Thank you please
We listened.
Feel proud.
o7 Godspeed Patriots o7
61d973 No.142770
"It's always darkest before the dawn…."
23e430 No.142771
yes exactly. The CF foundation is literally at the center of it all.
075eec No.142772
Papa John's CEO stepping down!!!
dd4b8b No.142773
Assets are frozen. That money will be taken from evil.
a4a135 No.142774
fcc463 No.142776
Talk to other countries. Current statistics
Year Population Yearly %
Change Yearly
Change Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
Pop % Urban Population Country's Share of
World Pop World Population U.S.
2017 324,459,463 0.71 % 2,279,858 900,000 37.8 1.88 35 83.4 % 270,683,202 4.30 % 7,550,262,101 3
6ffbc4 No.142777
And, a big ego causes bragging and arrogance. Arrogance causes stupidity (of actions). Yeah, all related.
56636b No.142778
8c807f No.142779
You misspelled "Don".
4e2728 No.142780
Checked. Trips of truth.
29ac2b No.142781
c1d566 No.142782
Pretty hardcore, but you never know what will be revealed in the coming months even weeks
dd4b8b No.142783
4821ba No.142784
They thought she would win
92cf62 No.142785
Sorry, just popped back in, was making an infograph on NK, NASA defunding, Russian "reset" Uranium1 and Iran deal… so didn't' see that far down the page.
Saw that - starting to open the floodgates.
Sieze assets, return then to the People (apply to Treasury for spending on People and paying down national debt)
Also that payoffs for those politiicans' victims reimbursed to the People
Not tired of WINNING
348f1c No.142786
1) Sometimes you visit here without a trip and receive a poor reception from some. Those of us who recognize your voice/style/content are embarrassed when that happens.
2) CONGRATULATIONS on the passage of the Tax Reform Act. Huge!! Hatch's speech was quite moving to many of us (tears!)
3) I'm convinced that your administration is running a flotilla of Twitter bots and Twitter people. I have not tried to find them all, but the few I've found are outstanding source of current happenings. Really appreciate seeing some of our memes go out on your Twitters, and we've picked up some that you Tweeted out also.
Information War in Progress!
a673c5 No.142787
b97d75 No.142788
Thanks…That took a bit of thought.
61d973 No.142789
000000 No.142791
So are we ok with letting it go being a few hundred years of culture? Or is there a modern satanic connection?
BTW- GREAT explanation and knowledge about the subject anon…
dd4b8b No.142792
Past or future happening??
b2dcf1 No.142793
The avalanche of people stepping down is like a farking tsunami!!!!
523acd No.142794
These people are not that smart.
It is a club and they all know each other, marry each other, sit on each other's board.
You are good as long as you play their game.
56636b No.142797
more likely that she is demonstrating the protective nature of glasses
a4a135 No.142798
We are just entering the bell curve.
b57e1f No.142799
We have PENCE in Afghanistan
Gingrich in ROME
4e2728 No.142800
He was celebrating one year since the election of Trump.
4821ba No.142801
6ffbc4 No.142802
>I just bought my first shotgun today because I can
Congrats! Now, start catching up (slowly).
c1d566 No.142803
THIS is why the thread blew up so fast. Reading quickly!!!
61d973 No.142804
8893bd No.142805
Thanks! I actually went on the WH site the other night and applied there. I really believe in our President and had never believed in one previously due to knowing how corrupt and owned they all are/have been - back at least a Century especially since the Fed Reserve act of 1911. I really want to be a part of the govt now because it is really MAGA and the evil is being expelled! I don't I will actually hear from anyone but I at least took a step for what I believe in with the government. Most of my family members are fakenews zealots and I don't discuss politics with them at all. But they also know where I stand along with my daughter. I have spent years understanding and researching the rabbit hole. I have gone on USAjobs site before. Fun to think about possibly being a part of it all but I know what the reality is and the odds are against it. At least it is nice to have a govt you can believe in right now!
d48296 No.142806
HI wonderful anons! I’m back! Did I miss anything good? Besides the new order our genius POTUS did today?
dd4b8b No.142807
29ac2b No.142808
dd4b8b No.142809
You just missed Q
d82748 No.142810
Excellent digging on the connections between those listed in HRC release today and the Clinton network:
https://twitter .com/hnijohnmiller/status/943988810702041088
eb3f5d No.142811
Put the question that crumb is the answer to…
< to give the reader context…
be77a5 No.142812
>miss anything
Q is above you
07688b No.142813
From IR3 to all the others… they use the same way to write and post on Twitter… They're a team
fcc463 No.142815
apologies for formatting. Us fertility rate is 1.88, births are less than rate needed to replace parents.
40% of population increase is migrants.
523acd No.142816
Newt's wife is ambassador to the vatican
d48296 No.142817
Dang! Just got home!
df9d2c No.142818
I've never had luck swinging leftists because they believe all big biz is connected to conservatives. The closest I've come is by informing them that true conservatives are advocates for small biz simply because they are the drivers of economic growth. Also, I tell them the greatest social program you can provide a nation is a strong economy, which delivers more jobs, which in turn gives more money and the freedom for self determination. It usually makes them think, especially when you explain things in their language.
Regarding the current events going on in DC and russiagate, everything is on our side simply because we finally have the hard evidence to show the collusion and corruption has been from the Dems and their operatives in the FBI and DoD. While on the other hand with all the investigations going on for the past 18mths, they've got NOTHING.
Now we know, with hard evidence of a 2 phase operation going on between the Obama Admin, DNC, FBI n DoD to first, cover and protect Hillary and second, to try and frame Trump all based on the fake dossier.
Okay, rant over for now. :^D
01cf4c No.142819
Head of Google stepped down right after that new order. Q says it's related.
8c807f No.142820
Q, give us a mission… These artists are wonderfully talented at many things, but we aren't signals-analysts, ya know?
6e53d0 No.142821
The arrogance churns the stomach. "Gatekeepers", I mean come ooon…like we're created to be unworthy…it's deranged, to say the least.
b2dcf1 No.142822
Agree…..pop the corn mates we gonna need some snacks!!!
000000 No.142823
Add a simple hint about whom offered…
8c807f No.142824
c1d566 No.142825
Not at all. Thank you, keep it up!!
d48296 No.142826
4e2728 No.142828
Eric Schmidt designed Hillary's website.
000000 No.142829
Add a simple hint about whom offered…
dd4b8b No.142830
61ed67 No.142831
Q, Also praying that those who researched PizzaGate over a year ago gets vindicated after all is said and done!
d48296 No.142832
0bb518 No.142833
I think your post has 22 is there a speech by POTUS tomorrow?
92cf62 No.142834
>Move embassy to Jerusalem
>Watch tantrums all around
< kick angry hornet's nest
> Tantrum continues in UNSC
> Take names
> stop foreign aid $$
>wrap up in ME, bring our boys home,
save even more $$$
>sell American-made weapons to ME countries
make more $$, help economy
>audit Pentagon
find "lost" $$
so much winning
240290 No.142835
a4e8cc No.142836
>>142660 PROUD TO BE AMERICAN!!!!!!!! THANK YOU Q GROUP!!!!!! THIS JOURNEY IS AMAZING I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! 8 years of doing research on this stuff and you have made this the most divine experience! THANK YOU!!!!
48a141 No.142837
oh yea all those are on plebit already
9fab24 No.142838
The mysterious booms?
Destruction of black hat undergrounds?
fd1fb9 No.142839
Trump is making sure Pence is FAR AWAY.
6ffbc4 No.142840
True, but logistics are in place for a while, always are. And essential employees still work. I've been a logistics guy for a while now.
Communication is covered, as are emergency services and purchasing is much longer lead time than a couple of weeks. IC is also covered, at least the intel part of it. The rest falls under commo.
9cf925 No.142841
Thank you. I HUMBLY thank you!!!
523acd No.142842
What is google project owl?
f7ae15 No.142843
2525e4 No.142844
Never put all your eggs in one basket
61c07d No.142845
This is one of my favorite trump meme videos
Mr. President pleeeeeaaaaase
769f30 No.142846
I didn't actually make these. Some years ago there was a "Hillary eats babies" meme that went viral (srsly), these were all made back then.
a673c5 No.142847
e1965c No.142848
Prouder than ever, Q.
That's fun! This EO is a setup for domestic bad actors. Anyone else we ought to pay closer attention to re: near-future moves?
8893bd No.142849
HOLY SHIT! I just looked up images of it! What the heck! Where does the money come from? The symbolism of everything there is through the Roof! All the designs and layouts are all very symbolic!
9fab24 No.142850
Will Unconstitutional Family Courts and CPS KIDNAPPING kids from their parents be shut down?
FBI is ignoring.
Thank you, Q!
56636b No.142851
eat each egg as it is layed
9fab24 No.142852
Have 10 days of darkness passed?
d48296 No.142853
❤️Q❤️ was that article that said they found you true????
9b0591 No.142854
been thinking putin might be gf3
1f4208 No.142855
dd4b8b No.142856
That was related to ATL
01cf4c No.142858
He already confirmed they were over on the 17th.
96f651 No.142859
Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike both funded by GooGLe
f8a140 No.142860
https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/21/barack-obama-used-classified-intelligence-leaks-po/
9fab24 No.142861
Have ++ been dismantled?
d48296 No.142862
56636b No.142863
92cf62 No.142864
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the declaration of the emergency allows POTUS to use Marines & UMCJ right?
8c807f No.142865
Q… Love the pat on the back. But C'mon… Get us in the fight. Please. We want to help.
b2dcf1 No.142866
Wasn't a connection made to this place a few days ago???
a4a135 No.142867
> CrowdStrike both funded by GooGL
df9d2c No.142868
Hey I just logged on too. Just hearing about a new EO from POTUS that I haven't looked into yet but I'm thinking it good and juicy.
Did Q just come on too? Cool.
9fab24 No.142869
What are the mysterious BOOMS?
f00314 No.142870
Poke around. Universities give free education. Uniting religions (I think). Must come from oil, but I suspect more than that. Also might be part of the new Silk Road route from China…just a guess.
f9a151 No.142871
Astana meaning: white grave.
d48296 No.142872
Dang posted the link on #162
569cd2 No.142873
>Eric Schmidt designed Hillary's website.
Something tells me Schmidt has done a wee bit more than that …
01cf4c No.142874
Seconded! Q's given us moral. Now mobilize us!
0bb518 No.142875
You wouldn't hear that, has to be super sonic planes, maybe testing the SS threshold speeding up and slowing down so boom each time
ce9b16 No.142876
>Thanks…That took a bit of thought.
Yeah, no shit…)))
Read it twice but Q's here so be patient…)))
fca961 No.142877
4 trillion in assets being seized?
b2dcf1 No.142878
Citizens are NOT subject to UCMJ….ever. Only citizens working on a specific installation.
4e2728 No.142879
Indeed, anon, indeed.
dd4b8b No.142881
Yes. Also, I think it clarifies the questions of the flags behind POTUS at his Nat Sec speech.
9fab24 No.142882
Was Mad Dog visit to Gitmo related to the STORM?
fca961 No.142885
Until martial law is declared, then you are.
0ddbbf No.142886
Q Map pdf including latest posts from today
>>https://anonfile .com/M7ndp6d5b3/Q_Map_12_21_2017v2.pdf
003237 No.142887
Unmasking was huge today, many corrupt billionaires, links to deepstate an GS
9fab24 No.142888
523acd No.142889
0bb518 No.142890
yes, wonder who donates to his foundation to sensor goog
b14bc5 No.142891
Q..GS at CD? That would be a BIG present
c1d566 No.142892
01cf4c No.142893
Yep to both. New EO allows POTUS to freeze/seize the assets of anyone guilty of corruption or crimes against humanity.
The head of Google stepped down following the order.
Q says not coincidental.
b57e1f No.142895
im just trying to keep track of these guys lmao
49e8b5 No.142896
Quite a day Q only thing my dentist is talking about is those wonderful tax cuts. I'm feeling good and proud. MAGA
edcf2c No.142898
>Q !UW.yye1fxo
Literally 4 trillion
8f7caa No.142899
let's change that paternity leave to penitentiary leave
b2dcf1 No.142900
18dbdc No.142902
The only ZBA acronym can find is Zero Balance Account, a business term. There are others here however don't seem to fit?
https://www.acronymfinder .com/ZBA.html
What is a 'Zero Balance Account - ZBA'
A zero balance account (ZBA) is a checking account in which a balance of zero is maintained by automatically transferring funds from a master account in an amount only large enough to cover checks presented. A ZBA is used by corporations to eliminate excess balances in separate accounts and maintain greater control over disbursements.
https://www.investopedia.com /terms/z/zba.asp
8893bd No.142903
It is all so perfect so it looks so fake!
The church building looks like a bunch of missiles together
d54ddb No.142904
You wanna really hear some shit? I recall seeing commercials on CNN shilling the fuck out of Kazakhstan. Didn't think much of it until now when I look at the blatant symbolism architecture.
3d1b92 No.142905
0bb518 No.142907
Tax cut bought and paid for by POTUS and Friends
9fab24 No.142908
Will there be nuggets if POTUS gives address tomorrow?
8c807f No.142909
I know… Best time line ever, or what?
29ac2b No.142910
No way it won’t be. You have to remember all of these people are linked. House of cards, remember? Some things not be directly addressed, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be addressed indirectly.
b2dcf1 No.142911
Looks like white house with blue dome
8e623f No.142912
Not really, there is a possibility, if congress doesn't act. Please see here: .factcheck.org/2017/12/medicare-cancer-tax-bill/
96f651 No.142913
Both done through Perkins Cole.
This will come out in the records. GooGle played Evil
aeb9a5 No.142914
DEBOUTTE, Pieter Albert; DOB 15 Jun 1966; POB Roeselare, Flanders, Belgium; nationality Belgium; Gender Male (individual) [GLOMAG] (Linked To: GERTLER, Dan; Linked To: FLEURETTE PROPERTIES LIMITED; Linked To: GERTLER FAMILY FOUNDATION).
d48296 No.142915
Not necessarily true if you are arrested of the enemy combatant and have to pay some military tribunal yes the u CMJ does apply
5d4462 No.142916
I believe we're already under martial law!
9fab24 No.142917
Will you PLEASE stay for next bread?!?!
a673c5 No.142918
8c807f No.142919
Could be cryptic for some code section…ZBA, could also be 2621
b2dcf1 No.142921
a4a135 No.142922
I really hope this leads to the 'above the law' behavior of US tech.
4e2728 No.142923
1e0509 No.142924
http:// www.thebohemianblog.com /2012/12/dark-tourism-illuminati-capital.html
090c83 No.142925
POTUS can use the Marines any time
4e2728 No.142926
2e04db No.142927
This bread was most excellent!
523acd No.142928
They all remind me of Epstein''s temple
9fab24 No.142929
What about families that have had their children stolen by CPS, how are they going to get them back home?
d48296 No.142931
I’ll get it in a minute please
96f651 No.142933
What's going with John Brennan - On TwiTTer
372dcf No.142934
Increasingly grateful tbh…
8c807f No.142936
b2dcf1 No.142937
Next bread please
19c23a No.143557