[–]▶ 817352 (22) No.119253>>119313 >>119370 >>119384 >>119772 >>120067 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119261
Latest Q posts
NEW - Tripcode Whitelist; only Q and whitelisted trips can trip now >>>/cbts/105223
==Q TRIP UPDATED BY Q== (Same ID: 462c9a)
==CONFIRMED BY Q== ID: 462c9a
==CONFIRMED BY Q== ID: 462c9a
--These are the only real Q posts--
Anyone disputing this is Q, read >>>/cbts/119171 & >>>/cbts/119214
>>99480 ID 7681cc
>>99500 ID 7681cc
>>99525 ID 7681cc "Shall we play a game?" 18:27:05,
reposted vetbatim @ 18:43:38 w/ !ITPb.qbhqo in >>>/pol/11043832 , authenticates cbts ID 7681cc
>>99548 ID 7681cc
Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country
>News unlocks message.
>Future proves past.
Interactive Qmap
Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by signatures to unlock?
We're all apart of the greatest timeline we've ever known.
Graphic Qmap
Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532, >>>/cbts/95263
4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/66953
4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/66963
8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/63794
8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/104828
Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers
https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444
Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064
NEW - Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/
NEW - Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0
UPDATED TODAY - PDF Qmap https://anonfile.com/N9I4n5d2bc/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.5.0.pdf
Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com
Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523
CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/62967, >>>/cbts/62971 Extremely useful 40K-ish view
Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119264
Our Memetic Ammo. Meme Dumps
Spread them far
Spread them wide
Leave (((them))) nowhere
Safe to hide
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile.com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile.com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile.com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile.com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile.com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile.com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip
→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile.com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip
→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile.com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip
→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile.com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip
→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile.com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip
→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile.com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip
They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119265
Latest Findings & News - It's All Happening
(Newest at top - OP's please crosspost in relevant threads)
NEW Thread for significant finds found in general cbts threads - >>116764
RAF Mildenhall, a US Air Force base in Norfolk placed on lockdown - https://www.express.co.uk /news/uk/893835/raf-mildenhall-norfolk-lockdown-us-air-force-base-security
Was the RAF Mildenhall intruder trying to get to a PLANE? - http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5191109/US-airforce-base-Suffolk-lockdown.html#ixzz51eGFzJHh
"Follow the wives" - www.washingtontimes.com /news/2017/dec/17/nancy-pelosis-super-pac-keeps-donations-from-backp/
NEW MAP DROP - Boys & Girls Club >>>/cbts/118953
Sealed Indictments Press Reports - >>>/cbts/110870
Update on current reps and senators not running for re-election - https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_U.S._Congress_incumbents_who_are_not_running_for_re-election_in_2018
UNMISSABLE - Read the map as a game of chess - >>>/cbts/112732
Tarrot Backfired on the Cabal - A Reading of the 2017 Economist Cover - >>>/cbts/112933 & >>>/cbts/112972
Previous Recent Findings & News
12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162
▶ 817352 (22) No.119266
Q Resources
Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/33814 >>>/cbts/36225 (can anyone find these to re-link?)
How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391
QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf
part V -> https://anonfile.com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf
Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606
Research Tools
Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>>/cbts/80489
Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196
Map Making Tools
Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses, foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc.
Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here is a post showing some of the free resources available to anons
Decoded Stringers
Latest stringers decoder >>109555 >>109748 >>108638
Compilation of stringers >>95463
Obama’s Presidential Library RAID stringer. >>109748
4Chan and 8Chan Archives
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/pQR1CN49 [includes direct links to Q posts]
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/Qk2B3K5s [includes direct links to Q posts]
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL
Useful Posts
How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>>/cbts/89275
How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>>/cbts/89305
Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423
Questions & Requests: >>>/cbts/1401
Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172
Research Findings & Threads
Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613
Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984
A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422
Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705
CERN /LHC / AI >>>/cbts/1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking >>>/cbts/1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families >>>/cbts/1357
Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952
Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102
Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398
Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/
North Korea >>>/cbts/1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249
PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) / IPCE (International Pedophile and Child Emancipation) >>>/cbts/113080
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>>/cbts/10556
Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198
Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300
Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362
Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths - >>>/cbts/114171.html
Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327
Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409
Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367
Titanic >>>/cbts/106
Underground massive data center? >>>/cbts/20714
Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346
**Some broken links from above have been removed.
If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link and we'll add.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119269
Latest Archives
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
Updated Archive: https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49
120. >>>/cbts/105464 -> https://archive.fo/2XXiY
121. >>>/cbts/106285 -> https://archive.fo/FKwFV
122. >>>/cbts/107138 -> https://archive.fo/wNMrF
123. >>>/cbts/108024 -> https://archive.fo/KNAsF
124. >>>/cbts/109005 -> https://archive.fo/Hv4Zo
125. >>>/cbts/109881 -> https://archive.fo/n8IEc
125. >>>/cbts/109881 -> https://archive.fo/n8IEc
126. >>>/cbts/110721 -> https://archive.fo/ehrE1
127. >>>/cbts/111656 -> https://archive.fo/qQWtm
128. >>>/cbts/112573 -> https://archive.fo/mePed
129. >>>/cbts/113439 -> https://archive.fo/Ivihm
130. >>>/cbts/114324 -> https://archive.fo/uNwe0
131. >>>/cbts/115178 -> https://archive.fo/E9dek
132. >>>/cbts/115972 -> coming soon
133. >>>/cbts/116784 -> coming soon
134. >>>/cbts/118462 -> coming soon
135: >>>/cbts/118462 -> coming soon
136. >>>/cbts/ -> coming soon
>Archive: https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49
Archive has been updated
In The Event A Baker Is Needed
Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes and upload new version.
Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition
Post: From pastebin copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field. Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.
Last batter used: https://pastebin.com/Db6pw5Un from #133
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
▶ 403300 (1) No.119281>>119373 >>119900 >>120069
Posted to 4chan 6/14/2016 2:13:38 No.77200224
It will happen when the weather cools. = December/January 2016
That's when they'll make their move. = NWO/SatanicCult/Cabal
The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition. = Rothschild Family/NWO/BabylonianCult/Semiramis/Tower of Babel
They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
Three branches will become one. = HRC consolidates USG (Judicial, Legislative, Executive) absolute control
An island will drift away. = Brexit
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill. = NK (CIA) nuke test
The star will gorge itself on clay. = Yinon Plan/Greater Israel
Idols will speak and move about. = Political/Entertainment Figures spouting nonsense to influence the people: shutdown 4chan/8chan/persecute evil nazis/praise degeneracy
The black flag will fly above the dome. = ISIS flying flag above dome of the rock in Jerusalem--ISIS on payroll Israel control operation to assume full control on Holy Land.
The belly of the dragon will drip water. = China will lose territories in South China Sea/Warfare NK (CIA)
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear. = ? most likely HRC/Macron
A rock will stand on seven hills. = ? Destruction of Vatican
The ravens will starve. = ? IC/NSA members being killed --whistleblowers can no longer whistle
The bear will leave its cave forever. = Russia engaging in full on warfare in ME
The rod and ring will strike. = Israel attacking Iran/Syria WWIII begins
As we all know by now HRC was suppose to win. She was to fulfill this prophecy given in no particular order. Potus won which is why this prophecy has not come true it only appears to have come true by forcing certain events into them. Potus gave us (((their))) plan on his birthday. He and his fellow patriots knew all along.
Everything is connected. No coincidences. Just cause and effect. Know the cause, know the effect. Know the effect, know the cause.
God Bless Q.
God Bless the People of America.
▶ c16add (4) No.119293>>119299 >>119303
Baker, your "consolidated findings" post from the last bread should be part of the batter. If you're baking again, consider adding it, it's good shit.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119299>>119311
Thanks for feeding back. It's yesterdays news, so I consolidated to add todays. It's still in the batter though. It would be hella long if we kept it and added new…. however what's the consensus?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119302>>119310 >>119324
So I was out most of the day, tried to read last 3 threads but didn't' see any mention of this in particular
How many people have been banned from twatter today, since it's the day that their new ToS comes into effect.?
▶ 817352 (22) No.119303>>119311
It's here, at the foot of the findings section. Maybe it could go at the top?
Previous Recent Findings & News
12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162
▶ e2526e (26) No.119304>>119373
"13 cars jumped the track"
You cant make this shit up
▶ e2526e (26) No.119305
▶ 537090 (17) No.119306>>119312 >>119317 >>119362
Shills trying to derail with old questions
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119309>>119312 >>119345
Should we go back over all the Q posts with Speed now that the ATL/Amtrak stuff has happened?
Maybe these happenings can shine a new light on those crumbs?
▶ 774aef (9) No.119310>>119561
Put it one way, a load of randoms are following my gab account now, even though I haven't posted anything. Speaks volumes me thinks…
▶ c16add (4) No.119311>>119323
Up at the top would work, highlight it so other could see it, that sort of thing.
Also nothing wrong with deleting old news and replacing with new. That's what archiving the thread are for, after all.
Only concern is future bakers keeping up, but all it takes is one anon to sperg out and fix it, so it should be fine.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119312>>119335
Would Q allow this to happen 2 weeks in advance?
▶ 0aedf9 (1) No.119313>>119320 >>119350
>>119253 (OP)
Are you fucking serious?
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119315>>119352 >>119702
Posted in last bread, here for posterity.
Speed is a film about public transport being rigged so as not to be able to slow down.
Fox news reported the train was going too fast for the bend it was approaching and went off on a "tangent".
Lots of people can't remember the full plot of Speed.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119317
We finally got to the Clowns In America and Heart Progress/NAMbLA enough to have them send everyone they got to this board.
Great work everyone, let us continue
▶ f66666 (10) No.119318>>119339 >>119400 >>119423 >>119591 >>120089
12/11/17 - For God & Country
11/12/17 - US risk this week God & Country
also includes:
A. C. attacked
▶ 6d1822 (1) No.119319>>119421 >>119429
I don't see that LDR tweet anymore that was posted in the last bread, was it deleted?
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119320>>119350
▶ b3839c (6) No.119322>>119332
The U.S. government contracted with BlackRock to help clean up after the financial meltdown of 2008. According to Vanity Fair, the financial establishment in Washington and on Wall Street believed BlackRock was the best choice for the job.[14] In 2009, BlackRock first became the number 1 asset manager worldwide.[11] In April 2009, BlackRock acquired R3 Capital Management, LLC and took control of the $1.5 billion fund.[15] On 12 June 2009, Barclays sold its Global Investors unit (BGI), which included its exchange traded fund business, iShares, to BlackRock for US$13.5 billion. Through the deal, Barclays attained a near-20% stake in BlackRock.[16] BGI was headquartered in San Francisco, with research and portfolio management teams in London, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, and other cities.[citation needed]
2010--2017 Edit
In 2010, Ralph Schlosstein, the CEO of Evercore Partners and a BlackRock founder, called BlackRock "the most influential financial institution in the world."[17] On 1 April 2011, BlackRock replaced Genzyme on the S&P 500 index.[18]
In 2013, Fortune listed BlackRock on its annual list of the world's 50 Most Admired Companies.[11] In 2014, The Economist said that BlackRock's $4 trillion under management made it the "world's biggest asset manager," and it was larger than the world's largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China with $3 trillion.[5] In May of the same year, BlackRock invested in Snapdeal.[19]
▶ 817352 (22) No.119323>>119334
Okais, I agree. Consider it done anon, and thanks for your help.
▶ 29aa96 (3) No.119324
not sure how many but i heard they ban people based on web history (cookies). they are facing lawsuits for censorship already.
▶ 944750 (4) No.119325>>119346 >>119357
Yup, brought up before.
Interestingly it might be two "III"'s Q was referencing.
I think it is also interesting Q also emphsized he could not say his name more than other dirt bags. "His" and why cant he say his name more than others is a clue.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119326>>119360 >>119639
Newfags, oldfags just coming over out of curiousity, pic related is for you. There are resources you can use to bring yourself up to speed (no pun intended) in the OP. One of these is the spreadsheet. Use it. It's there for you. No really, read it.
▶ aa4ffb (2) No.119327
I came across this last night, don't know how important it may be for right now, but I do think it should be made a note of for future reference.
▶ 537090 (17) No.119328
Save the few or save the many?
▶ 9b98f9 (2) No.119329
Semi-related, but do we know if the NTSB is still currently pozzed by Deep State stooges or will they actually get off their asses and find out precisely why this derailment occured now that GEOTUS is cleaning house?
▶ 944750 (4) No.119330
http://www.thegatewaypundit .com/2017/12/doj-warns-imran-awan-still-flight-risk-transferred-300k-pakistan-knew-investigated/
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119331>>119383
Maybe a little off topic but how come all the talk in the news about UFOs and space is being ignored and called /x/ tier?
Wasn't the Bible kinda /x/ tier? Angels, and giants, and unicorns, and Jesus dying and coming back to life and floating up into heaven?
I just don't get how if you're a Christian you don't think Jesus is kinda weird but Aliens aren't?
Future proves past and past proves future and news unlocks map, we have a lot of space stuff in the news lately. Just my .02
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119332>>119343
Great work, I suppose this is the same time Cheryl Mills was on the Board of Directors
▶ b1ff97 (1) No.119333>>119498 >>119683
You guys are micro managing every fucking thing that happens ….This is not what Q started , nor does he want out of all this …..Go back and start over again on the stringers and quit the pety shit
▶ c16add (4) No.119334>>119366
Eh, it's not so much "help" as it is "pissed off emergency baking because anons can't get their shit straight", but sure. You keep up the good work.
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119335>>119347
I'd suspect not, good point. Still might be worthwhile given the insane amount of relevancy. No casualties on the crash, for whatever that's worth.
▶ 9f5c32 (3) No.119337>>119365 >>119372 >>119420
The train … they knew.
There was a post (it was in a photo) last night about watching for action on the West Coast ….
▶ e2526e (26) No.119338>>119351 >>119355 >>119530
Guys, I dont thnk Q or GEOTUS would ever allow the train derailment, knowing we would never support ANOTHER flase flag, especially from the good guys.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119339>>119378
All those 6's…
The tags are linked. Future proves past.
We've been shown how they've caught the bastards, and for when they try to spin it, they've already printed the plan and proofs before and anons are all over it. Ready to meme and calm when shit and fan collide.
▶ ad8921 (1) No.119340>>119851
4 more days to the "10 days of darkness" promised…
▶ b3839c (6) No.119341
Black Rock is [10]nth largest Hedgefund manager.
Find 10 largest shareholders.
▶ 9f5c32 (3) No.119343>>119412
>Cheryl Mills
Missing as far as I know.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119345
>Should we go back over all the Q posts with Speed now that the ATL/Amtrak stuff has happened?
YES - we should do this every day. Q specifically asked us to do this.
>Maybe these happenings can shine a new light on those crumbs?
PRECISELY. There is now a NEW COLUMN on the Spreadsheet so anons can enter news items that are relevant, to include:
>original link
>archive link
if not immediately obvious a short quote or statement why it's relevant
<future proves past
<news unlocks the map
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119346
His name means "Son of Cain." Very relevant in Masonic tradition/history/theology.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119347>>119388
6 people dead= casualties
▶ 843672 (2) No.119348
truth, thats why everything is cyclic
▶ fd453a (1) No.119349>>119356 >>119617
In 1941, aged 17, Vanderbilt went to Hollywood, where she married Pat DiCicco, an agent for actors and an alleged mobster; she was his second wife.[25] They divorced in 1945 and had no children together.[26] She later alleged that DiCicco was an abusive husband who called her 'Fatsy Roo' and beat her. "He would take my head and bang it against the wall," Vanderbilt said, "I had black eyes."
▶ 817352 (22) No.119350>>119374
Isn't it the bakers job to reflect the zeitgeist of the hive mind and board?
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119351>>119354 >>119364
Who controls the narrative?
▶ a47e38 (4) No.119352
Lurking. I think they confused >>speed<< with >>silver streak<<.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119353>>119881
Well shit. Fast and Furious. Obama shielded terrorists drug deals… via POLITICO?
▶ 6a4bbd (1) No.119354>>119361
▶ 9b98f9 (2) No.119355>>119367 >>119417
It's kind of why I'm banking on it being a cock-up by ANTIFA with their recent news bragging about sabotaging rail tracks around Washington state. If it really WAS them, it opens a can of whoop-ass by DHS.
▶ 9f5c32 (3) No.119356
And dead baby art on the wall
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119357
>Interestingly it might be two "III"'s Q was referencing.
Recall Q mentioning some duality or something like two meanings for some things.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119360
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119361
Let's not go off on a tangent though
▶ e46fc6 (3) No.119362
▶ 537090 (17) No.119364
we have to see how it plays out
they may have known antifas plan of attack but not the location?
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119365>>119399
The Bangladesh bomber guy yelled out Engine number 9, 45 Trump! Why is everyone ignoring this? The song is by Black Sheep and says 'if my train falls off the tracks!!!!"
▶ 817352 (22) No.119366
I'm with you. Imho we need more bakers, esp over the festive, to cover. I could do a nightclass. Kek.
▶ df0862 (1) No.119367
From initial common sense analysis, engine suddenly slowed, since engine is still on the track, and 1st 3 cars are over the side that is upstream of centrifugal force of curve, and trailing cars momentum went over the other side following centrifugal forces. Lines up with ANTIFA track obstruction suddenly slowing the engine.
▶ b3839c (6) No.119369>>119412
Didnt see Cheryls name….
However assets controlled 5.7 Trillion.
Potus talked again about returning 6 Trillion dollars back into the country.
Blackrock connections worth looking into….
▶ f8e88a (3) No.119370>>119379 >>119405 >>119476 >>120007
>>119253 (OP)
Why the FUCK is this walnut sauce shill derail material in the fucking title
Q would be disappointed in all of you
▶ d5cfa6 (3) No.119372
▶ 67c565 (6) No.119373>>119411 >>119446 >>119487 >>119660
becoming way too obvious now!!!
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119374
No. It's to keep shit moving with minimum fuss so anons can dig. You sound like a namefag. There is a Special Place for you.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119375>>119394 >>119914
You know what? If Q knew about this and allowed it, Q isnt on the right side. No more fucking false flags. This is supposed to be a revolution. A re-enlightening. If this cant happen without putting lives at risk, I want no part of it.
▶ e46fc6 (3) No.119378
>>119339 f is the sixth letter :D
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119379>>119392 >>119468 >>119509 >>119640
You seem upset about this. Perhaps a little too upset.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119382>>119438
What is a false flag? Who controls the narrative?
Tangents..? This is all the shit getting dropped since October. Your eyes are wide shut.
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119383>>119387 >>119391 >>119410
Bible /x/tier stuff isn't less weird than aliens. But aliens don't fit into the cosmology as neatly.
My personal suspicion, as a Christian, is that if we were going to interact with aliens as a species, some hints would have been dropped in the Bible. I believe aliens exist, but not humanoids that evolved on other planets.
Rather, inter-dimensional entities such as demons, alt-genealogies like the Nephalim.
I do not think there are beings that will present themselves as aliens who are /ourguys/. My belief is that non-human entities who are in humanity's corner identify themselves by identifying the God they claim to be in service of.
I will forever be suspicious of any non-human entity that shows up to our planet, or is pushed by the mainstream, that does not affirm Christ.
NOT because it is more weird than anything in the Bible, but because it contradicts the Bible, which I have independently come to accept as infallible truth.
▶ a90645 (4) No.119384>>119393 >>119491 >>119632
>>119253 (OP) (OP)
antifa link to tacoma train
www.projectrepublictoday. com/2017/12/18/amtrak-crash-antifa-cause-train-crash-washington/
www.thegatewaypundit. com/2017/12/flashback-antifa-terrorists-sabotaged-train-olympia-two-weeks-ago-today-train-wreck-kills-6/
www.cbc. ca/beta/news/canada/british-columbia/train-derailed-tacoma-vancouver-portland-1.4454248
…and state of emergency.
thanx leafs
▶ 843672 (2) No.119385
that is halarious
▶ 25c611 (2) No.119387>>119409
wtf do you think angels were bro?
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119388>>119398
Shit, my bad. Thanks. Last I heard there were hospitalizations and no deaths. Thanks for the correction.
▶ 537090 (17) No.119389
Anarchists Bragged in April about Sabotaging Railroad Tracks to Block Fracking
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119391>>119402 >>119428 >>119895
Rob Skiba's stuff is very good.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119392>>119509
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119393>>119491
Please cross-post to the News thread with archive links
▶ a47e38 (4) No.119394>>119406
You are why they have a filter button.
▶ 0982ef (1) No.119395
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119396
Fucking PUSSY! You think war is settled with a glove slap off?
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119397>>119403 >>119408 >>119479
Amtrak: 77 passengers and 7 crew on train.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119398>>119422 >>119674
No problem. The point is, Q and GEOTUS wouldn't advertise a train derailment weeks in advance that would put innocent American lives at risk. Not to us, anyway. If they did, I want no part of it.
▶ 25c611 (2) No.119399>>119893
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119400>>119423 >>119516 >>119528
only works if you cobble them together.
how do you know WHICH ones to cobble together?
▶ e2526e (26) No.119402>>119415
▶ 537090 (17) No.119403>>119414
▶ c16add (4) No.119405>>119509
>sees trigger word in thread title
>is triggered
>doesn't notice that topic shills are gone
> doesn't notice only he is talking about it now
>lives long enough to see himself become the villain
▶ e2526e (26) No.119406
▶ 29aa96 (3) No.119407
total walnut sauce at her house ldr
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119408>>119449
Revelation kek!
Shadilay homies it's going down.
7 lamps 7 candlesticks 7 stars etc etc
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119409>>119419 >>119437
I believe in non-human entities. I don't believe that angels were simply biologically evolved lifeforms from other galaxies. I believe them to be created beings. I would use the words "spiritual," "inter-dimensional," "higher vibration," etc. interchangeably.
But I believe they are from another part of our reality. Not far away in this domain. That is the Biblical claim, and I have come to accept it.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119410>>119433
Take this out of here please. Otherwise you'll be banned for being the shill you might not be.
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119411>>119418
And 77 people went to hospitals….Way too obvious.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119412>>119445
On the topic of Cheryl Mills, the clout around her seems to revolve around having Special Government Employee status between Jan 22 and May 24, 2009. During that time she had received almost $200K from NYU, while working with the William J. Clinton Foundation, and an Abu-Dhabi funded group.
It appears she joined BlackRock in 2013
>gop. com/more-special-treatment-for-cheryl-mills/
▶ 00a28a (2) No.119413>>119425 >>119431 >>119432 >>119436
Last thread I made a post regarding the USS HUMAN. When I made the post I had no idea that a train had crashed and a ship collision occurred. I've been working on a different aspect of CBTS and not following the news.
My post had a unique format which caught a lot of people's eyes. Sorry I didn't mean to disrail anyone. That post had nothing to do with any real ships, missiles, companies or physical distress.
If the post didn't make perfect sense to you exactly as written, it wasn't intended for you. Please don't waste time on it.
And don't go guessing if it should have made sense to you. Those it was intended for know exactly who they are, so if you are still reading this, it wasn't meant for you.
(Last thread I said I wouldn't post again in that thread. It was hard not to while seeing people following hints that were not there.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119414
Reported live on FOX by Amtrak official.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119415>>119424 >>120011
Chances are we'll be discussing that in the breads before long. If this is going where it might be. Get comfy, work in love
▶ e2526e (26) No.119417
Good point. Agreed.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119418>>119608
Did the train make any stops? Or was it direct? Everybody going to the same hospital? Hmmm
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119419>>119457
Bible says they had sex with women bro….explain that one. Not from earth means alien point blank. His name wasn't Jesus in Aramaic either. Different words, same meaning. Think about it harder.
▶ 7239a6 (4) No.119420
>There was a post (it was in a photo)
this one?
▶ b5388b (13) No.119421>>119429
Lol looks like she deleted it…hmmm interesting
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119422
Agreed. Great points, especially in light of the 6 casualties.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119423>>119435 >>119828
Look at these and see what you find from other anons who present it in a different way
Hopefully it will help
▶ e2526e (26) No.119424
Agreed. Im ready.
▶ d5cfa6 (3) No.119425
thanks for clarifying, and other stuffs
▶ bc14f4 (1) No.119426>>119447
Amtrack line just referred to on the news as "Speed Train Line"
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119427>>119440 >>119482 >>119496 >>119723
Aliens are off-topic in here. You have the whole board.
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119428
I'll check him out. I find myself agreeing most with Chuck Missler's line of thinking on the subject.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119429
This is why Q admonished us to ARCHIVE EVERYTHING
▶ 6a387c (2) No.119431>>119473
You wanna drop a bit of information about just exactly it was you WERE talking about? You invested a lot of peoples mental faculties into a farce if so. Time to apologize.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119432>>119473
You're an asshole.
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119433>>119441
Don't mean to derail, sorry. Just wanted to answer the question posed. If this is BO, I'll refrain from this discussion in main threads.
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.119434
My friend, what I am saying is that virtually all American Indian communities have a high youth death rate. Somehow the money is found in these places. Googling images of Natuashish, one sees a whole lot of "family" going on. Could nefarious things be concealed under this facade? You know they could. But it sure doesn't look like it.
Also, you will see a lot of young people with guns & other weapons. If Chester the Molester took a run there, or some of their own elders, I think somebody gets their brains blown out real quick.
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119435>>119442
We already cleared up that those are called the graphic by Q they aren't the map. The map is different. It's the stars guys. Confirmed a few days ago.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119436>>119473
/cbts/ is not your personal lab.
▶ a47e38 (4) No.119437
GEOTUS can take the time to explain shit to me in plain language. God can only communicate through prophets. God needs a Twitter account or fuck off.
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119438>>119460
Why is the MSM so hostile towards POTUS?
Who controls the MSM?
Why, each and every day, is the MSM pushing a particular topic?
Who sets the narrative for the day?
How is the narrative communicated to the MSM?
What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows for data collection?
Think Snowden.
Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?
Who sets the narrative?
US persons?
Who can violate this rule?
Who cannot violate this rule?
Why is Adm R so important?
Who wanted him fired?
Why wasn’t Adm R replaced by POTUS when taking office?
Why is this relevant?
Who has the ultimate power to designate classification?
Who ultimately sets classification?
Why is this relevant?
Fantasy land.
Q also gave us Tangents. He gave us all the info- this part of the map will help us unlock others. How do they get the story out? Thats what we need to focus on. We see AC having full proof they send press releases. There have to be more. They are coming from a site. Does anyone have any friends high up at an MSM that this question could be asked?
▶ 48e99c (2) No.119439
Seriously Gannett may be one intersection of the VAST WEB that shields pedophilia & child sacrifice
Don't play into it OP!
I don't even think that journal said Gannett. There's not a single matching example. People should be looking deeper. It's not Gannett on that paper.
This Anons work looks closer, but may still be no cigar
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119440>>119448
what about gannett or walnut sauce? lolol
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119441
Checked and thank you. Shills incoming, need to identify real ones.
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119442>>119496
Not this fuck again.
▶ b3839c (6) No.119445
Time to dig.
God Bless Patriots.
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119446>>119463
"A Total of 77 people were sent to hospitals,"
77 people
77 planes (yesterday, some Anon said)
Gannett 77 (or whatever that Russian word is77, or Baphomet77)
▶ 537090 (17) No.119447
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119448
Do you know what that pic is from?
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119449>>119454
▶ 3c4632 (3) No.119450
>How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
>Do you attack it from the front?
>Do you walk through the front door?
>Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?
>How do you distinguish between good and bad?
>Who do you trust to keep secrets?
>How do you prevent leaks?
>Who do you trust to complete the mission?
>How do you prevent warnings being sent?
"Best way to do a mole hunt: convince all the moles they are now part of a special team doing important work on a fake project. Now that they where they can't do any more real damage, investigate them all and find out which ones are dirty."
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119451>>119458 >>119466 >>119467 >>119474 >>120078
its a song about a train going off the tracks
wake up
▶ 48e99c (2) No.119452>>119471
Pedophilia is Their ACHILLES HEEL
There's NO DEFENSE for it!
▶ 9bcb9c (4) No.119453>>119697
The power of illusion - all the world's a stage. The mixing of false flag with theatrics.
1. Train derailment 12/18/2017 Washington
2. SOS post cbts #135 (pic attached)
4. VER global provider of production equipment and engineering - the most
advanced technology to clients in TV, cinema, live events, broadcast and corporate
markets. Delaware corporation, registered foreign in CA, TX, FL, & NV. Owned by Vincent
Dundee III, grandson of boxing legend Vince Dundee. Can't find financial info but is
very wealthy. (2 pics)
ver. com/
5. Acquired in 2014 by L Catterton, private equity firm 30 years building brand equity. Focus
on category investments - rapid tech transformation, growth of Chinese consumer, polarizing
economics ("sell to the masses, dine with the classes"), diversity, etc.
lcatterton. com/index.html
6. Senior Advisor: Tommy Mottola, Chairman and CEO of Sony Music Entertainment Worldwide until
2013, married to Mariah Carey. Board of Directors of the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children, the Police Athletic League, T.J. Martell Foundation for Cancer, Leukemia
and AIDS Research, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation and Museum, as well as being an
annual sponsor of the National Fraternal Order of Police Foundation’s Peace Memorial and
supporter of the New York City Police Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
7. FEC reports Mottola donated $10,000 on 10/27/2008 to the Obama Victory Fund.
8. Sony Music Entertainment parent Sony Corporation of America has ties to the Clinton Foundation
and the Council on Foreign Relations. (pic attached)
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119454>>119462 >>119465
▶ c43eca (9) No.119455>>119456 >>119461 >>119488 >>119820
so i was touching my dick and thought,
maybe the train + that guy screaming + occult numbers all around,
then i got distracted and focused on my dick again,
it could be ((them)) with that antifa shit, and we,
while sucking each others dicks,
are just to aware at this time and are witnessin a enemy FF, but now i think about tits, and connecting it falsly to Q instead of ((them)).
Did i just cum ?
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119456
why are you even here bro?
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119457
Melchizidek implies to me that there are biological aspects to non-physical beings.
Angels were able to take human form, and often.
Happy to agree on the word "alien," my position is just a little off-center to the usual association of the word.
When I think of a spiritual/higher-dimensional being, I think of it in the style of a 3D object still possessing 2 dimensions, and then another. I would suspect an angel/demon has some bio/physical aspects to their being and then another or many other aspects to their being.
I'm going to tap out of this discussion, though, since I received a ban warning for forum sliding.
▶ d5cfa6 (3) No.119458>>119464
i've paid attention all three times…. what do you expect me to do with it ? and why don't you do whatever it is yourself and than tell us what you find
▶ 774aef (9) No.119459>>119547 >>119724
My beautiful autists, 'artists'
Could some one meam this for me. Something along the lines of, so weather modification doesn't exist? Chem trails are a conspiracy theory?
You decide. Thanks and peace out.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119460
Indeed. The hymnsheets are being distributed somehow. Ideally someone in the MSM who fancies draining a little swampiness could confirm. If not, it would have to be some high-level access stuff. But that doesn't make sense if everybody has to know their points.
Non-disclosure agreements?
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119461
Lol. Victory is almost in sight folks. If this is worth 14.50 an hour, we'll be fine this week.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119462
▶ 164f8c (5) No.119463>>119472 >>119545
and 777 is a number associated with POTUS inauguration date. Could this be a false flag by /our/guys?
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119464
i dunno lets talk about the keystone?
i'm outie you guys are lost souls
▶ 537090 (17) No.119465>>119469 >>119481
The meaning of 501 is Drunk Driving
▶ a47e38 (4) No.119466
So find a connection to this accident. Dig.
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119467
FINE! Lets here it. I dont know SHIT about the derailment, so, was it called engine number 9, or, something about 45?
▶ f66666 (10) No.119468>>119477 >>119509
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119469
10 codes are not uniform in any respect
501 is the area code of Arkansas
where the Clintons got their start
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119471>>119637
Philadelphia - Pedophilia
Philadelphia Eagles….
#FlyEaglesFly from LdR
It just flashed into my head, may be nothing..
▶ e2526e (26) No.119472>>119478 >>119480 >>119492 >>119504
If /our/ guys pull another fucking false flag that results in innocent Americans dead or hurt, they arent /our/ guys.
▶ 00a28a (2) No.119473>>119494
Won't happen again. I apologize.
CBTS isn't anyone's "personal lab," but there are a lot of different angles being worked on.
Don't want to waste anymore of anyone else's time in the main thread. If anything worthwhile comes from it I'll post.
(Banned. This is not a game. )▶ c87a96 (33) No.119474
/cbts is not your personal army. Make it so.
▶ 01f301 (5) No.119476>>119486 >>119490 >>119493 >>119502 >>119505 >>119507
OK, think I might have found something which explains what it was that Anderson Cooper had printed out in that pic Q drew our attention to.
Since the pic was circa 2012, I searched "Gannett daily report 2011 (images)" and came across this Gannet document about how employees are to use their "NewsGate fit client":
https:// www.scribd.com/document/238787576/CoPDF-trypy-Desk-Basics
It informs users how to look for, and create stories - on their internal system.
Username and login are required.
(See pics)
It also informs users how to create a PERSONALISED HOMEPAGE within the client.
*This* is what I think AC had printed out -
His OWN personalised homepage from the Gannet NewsGate/NewsDirector
or Gannet Wire
I didn't download the doc (as not a member of Scribd) just took screen caps, but some other anon could, and then archive/upload here).
▶ b5388b (13) No.119477>>119500
But why is that the title of the thread? It’s wrong and all the legit anons know it
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119478>>119485
Did you just figure this out?
▶ f66666 (10) No.119479
and 77 injured and sent to hospital
▶ 164f8c (5) No.119480>>120011
But you don't know if anyone is really dead, right? They all knew about it, could be a cover.
▶ 1985dd (11) No.119481
▶ cfed05 (1) No.119482
>don't expand your thinking
>t. mod
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119483
▶ 29aa96 (3) No.119484
hey forget all the negatives. think about this: all this wicked shit has been going on so long, but for the first time we have amazing tech and we are all working on fixing shit and spreading the word like wildfire. isn't that awesome! we are doing it together.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119485>>119495
Im getting VERY impatient.
If we dont see something before Christmas, I can promise we will see something before New Year's. Believe that shit.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119486>>119490 >>119507 >>119558
Good diggin, anon!
Could this be a secret social network for bad actors/Ys/owls and the rest?
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119487
Their signs will be their downfall. These people are stupid!!
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119488
Hahahahahahahahaha, thank you for that. Much appreciated. Pretty much sums it up.
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119489
Tom Hennegen and Stew Webb Report: Information on the AMTRACK DERAILMENT
https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=zHgTJGnbylo
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119490>>119507
Can't wait to find out… I just might install… but I'm not sure.
▶ a90645 (4) No.119491>>119507
▶ 537090 (17) No.119492>>119504
Antifa Idiot they planned this months ago
our guys new of plot not the location
Get it?
▶ b5388b (13) No.119493>>119499
Gannett is Gannett Foundation. Gannett Co. charitable organization
▶ cb443b (22) No.119494
For you to post something worthwhile would require a lobotomy.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119495>>119508 >>119522
I will be hated for this but Q said "graphic" at top IIRC. Are we even looking at the correct thing.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119496
Yeah, that shit again… apparently spamming a pet theory that everyone ignores (probably filters) counts as agreement? kek
Thank you
▶ 537090 (17) No.119499>>119501
One more time that one fag didnt get it
▶ f8e88a (3) No.119500
Coordinated effort to derail and add misinfo in official research
(Coordinated effort to derail a shill)▶ b5388b (13) No.119501
▶ 3c4632 (3) No.119502>>119558
Nice find. Please post to the Gannett thread, anon.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119504
SOMETHING will happen before New Years. Believe it. I can promise you that.
Get it?
▶ 817352 (22) No.119505>>119558
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119506
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119507>>119543 >>119558
Thank you! did you also post them here (together)?
Definitely worth investigating
▶ e2526e (26) No.119508>>119514 >>119515 >>119541 >>119589
Q is cryptic on purpose. Why?
▶ f8e88a (3) No.119509>>119537
Your tactics are so obvious
You guys need retrained by your handlers..
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119510>>119887
Revolution = War. Unfortunately, there have always been and always will be casualties as long as there is war. Many have given there lives already and it's very possible that many more, too, will perish. No one on our side wants people to die, but that is exactly what they want. Remember, they want to depopulate this planet - nuclear war, famine, etc. This, what Q team is doing, is the better option for all of humanity.
▶ dcb730 (1) No.119511>>119536 >>119623
Retired USAFanon here…providing context regarding security incident at base in England:
The base is RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk. The USAF has operated out of this base since at least the mid-60s when F-111s sat nuclear alert. There are probably still tactical nukes stored here for deployment by modern aircraft.
Because of the nukes, USAF security personnel are AUTHORISED TO SHOOT TO KILL intruders to the base who cross into the buffer areas where the nukes are stored.
Pic related (bonus info: lookup ‘El Derado Canyon’)
▶ b66d02 (1) No.119513>>119518 >>119523 >>120014
It definitely said GANNET.
▶ 774aef (9) No.119514>>119519 >>119521 >>119533 >>119536
To avoid detection by A.I and quantum computing
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119515
A word is not necessarily a graphic. Maybe Gannet and almond juice is not the "graphic". Both have been payoffs, btw.
▶ f66666 (10) No.119516>>119818
because Q put brackets around [US] [t] [h] [i] [s] [w] [e] [e] [k] [God & Country]
▶ b5388b (13) No.119518
▶ cb443b (22) No.119519>>119527
Do you really think that's true?
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119520>>119526
California Walnuts advert on Fox.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119521>>119529 >>119534
Why not print fliers and drop them over major cities for all to read?
▶ 1964d6 (3) No.119522
No you aren't….the map has been found but you are all looking down rather than up bc its the stars mkay?
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119523>>119525 >>119526 >>119546
GANNETT IS 100% VALID. No argument. So is the other guys. Fuck off
▶ b3839c (6) No.119524>>119544
In December 2014 a BlackRock managing director in London was banned by the British Financial Conduct Authority for "not being a fit and proper" person, because he paid £43,000 to avoid prosecution for dodging Train Fares.
No Coincedences.
This company managed cleanup of real estate collapse as well. Probably received big part of Obams stimulus.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119525
▶ cb443b (22) No.119526
This means something.
Or not.
Sounds like there's an argument.
▶ 774aef (9) No.119527>>119535 >>119538
Oh yes, very.
You wouldn't believe how advanced A.I is.
I was working that 20 years ago (ish)
▶ f66666 (10) No.119528>>119551
sorry… forgot risk… because Q put brackets around [US] [r] [i] [s] [k] [t] [h] [i] [s] [w] [e] [e] [k] [God & Country]
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119529>>119531
Do you believe every flyer dropping from the sky on the street? especially one you need a tinfoil hat to read.
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119530>>119713
Q would not say we are safe and then purposely have train derail and kill people just stop people from fleeing.
We have to remember who is team good and who is team evil.
▶ e2526e (26) No.119531
No, but access to a plane or helicopter is harder to get than 8chan.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119532
Lots of docs at scribd from Gannett anons.
▶ a0b497 (1) No.119533>>119561
Dig that! That sucka is fast.
Get this, a lady was replying to my tweet about twitter censoring users in Great Britain, she just finished saying they deleted the person who tweeted the muslim 3 tweets that Trump retweeted.
I was on another screen, and a notification appeared in bottom left, it was her, I glanced at it. then I went to tweetdeck to see what she replied, and IT WAS NOT THERE. I waited and it never appeared. so in between me getting a notify and twitter adding to the replies, it was deleted.
I found it on her timeline in her tweets & replies, but it never showed in MY reply chain
get it?
got it!
▶ 774aef (9) No.119534>>119552
They have tried that / done that it's called 'propaganda'
We are now in a digital age, why print flyers?
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119535
Advanced enough to control humans like robots.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119536
Thank you, that is appreciated.
Also because both friends & foes monitor this board, and he can ask questions without violating NDA & NS. The Socratic method being used by Q is proven to be very effective. Pay no attention to the ones attempting to undermine any/all confidence, they come in waves.
▶ f66666 (10) No.119537>>119540
he who smelt it dealt it…. you must be handler yourself
▶ cb443b (22) No.119538>>119548 >>119627
The only artificial reality here is in your head.
▶ 537090 (17) No.119539>>119542 >>119549
Pleiadians really?
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119540>>119673
He was. He's gone.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119541>>119595
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119542
Jesus rose from the dead and just floated up into the sky really?
▶ a90645 (4) No.119543
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119544>>119572
from Reuters:
>TARP watchdog probes Goldman CDOs, maybe Blackrock
>TARP watchdog says U.S. taxpayer could be affected
>Audits into role of BlackRock in TARP may expand
This was back in 2010 so there's a good chance BHO stopped any progress on the investigation
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119545>>119555 >>119565 >>119604
I was unaware of this.
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119546>>119566
Only issue is Gannett doesn't end in 77. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD KIDDO
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119547>>119557
7000 pounds of water used as ballast tanks
830+ gallons
would require 9 100 gallon tanks approx 43" x 29" x 27" each
matches what's seen in the photo
but that could be because they figured up how much water could fit if they called them ballast tanks
interesting that the ballast tank room has a fuckton of wasted space on the dreamliner
▶ 774aef (9) No.119548
The limit we stumbled across against vr and augmented reality was space limitation. In a room , surrounded by walls. Now u FUCK OFF and leave me be. Move on.
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119549
Mary was a virgin really? Angels fucked a bunch of humans really?
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119551
▶ e2526e (26) No.119552
So fags like me can know at least whoever is promoting this Q has access to an airplane or helicopter. That shows a concentrated interest and financial prowess in getting the truth out when compared to 8chan.
▶ ea7d2f (1) No.119553
Both of those guys seriously need to get back on their meds.
▶ a52da9 (1) No.119554>>119581
501=train number or route
▶ b5388b (13) No.119555>>119565
Well look at that…
▶ bab052 (5) No.119556>>119559 >>119560 >>119571 >>119573 >>119582
Saw the plane and trails outside, so came inside to check it out and this is what I found???
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119557>>119746
>interesting that the ballast tank room has a fuckton of wasted space on the dreamliner
Not really - they're distributing the weight evenly.
▶ 01f301 (5) No.119558>>119585 >>119714
Just found this article giving an overview of the project to overhaul front and and back end of Gannett:
https:// www.poynter.org/news/case-study-gannetts-monumental-task-content-management-system-all
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119559>>119593
What is this website?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119561
Interesting - I asked earlier if anyone was having any experience with the twitter shoah and from this >>119310 apparently there is an expected uptick at Gab. Other than that, no other input, and of course nothing in the Mockingbird media…
▶ 817352 (22) No.119563
Searched for Boys and Girls Club newsletter and found a raft from all over the country including this one. Check out the logo, is it similar to the xx on CA's one?
http://www.charlottetownbg.com /about/newsletter/
▶ 2ef728 (1) No.119564>>119567
Too many happenings as-of late…
▶ 164f8c (5) No.119565>>119575
Nice Post #'s.
There must be a reason for all the 7's showing up for this event. The questions is "why"?
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119566>>119569
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119567>>120047
Very deliberate. Designed to distract POTUS and all allies, including us. Focus. Pick something. Finish it.
▶ 60ca5a (2) No.119568>>119580
72 SECONDS @55true4u · 19h19 hours ago
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
#followthewhiterabbit #QAnon
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119569>>119577
I don't buy the paper saying gannett.
▶ 1964d6 (3) No.119570
"The worst is yet to come! Astrologers warn that the Winter Solstice will be the most AWFUL day of 2017, thanks to a rare cosmic occurrence that hasn't happened in 350 years"
more space news
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119571>>119576
Next to a highway. Probably looking for speeders.
▶ b3839c (6) No.119572
2010 was BHO's time.
Now is Our time.
What a tangled web we weave when we attempt to deceive.
I'm learning. Thank you for patience.
Going to lurk moar. And follow this Blackstone crumb…
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119573
Horry Shiiite….They are now targeting by IP address!!!
▶ b5388b (13) No.119575>>119583 >>119584
7s typically used in reference to Christianity
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119576>>119579
Or just a pilot practicing turns / logging flight hours.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119577
nor do i, but it was a productive find
▶ 1964d6 (3) No.119578
nothing is anonymous anon. nothing.
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119579
▶ 537090 (17) No.119580>>119587
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119581
You a DERP or low IQ?
▶ 3c4632 (3) No.119582>>119615
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119583>>119586 >>119594 >>119774 >>119861
No. 77 is a Luciferian reference and signal. Crowley specifically.
▶ 164f8c (5) No.119584>>119588 >>119590
I know. So how does that relate to people dead?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119585>>119618
Interesting - you should definitely post all your findings into the Gannett thread here:
▶ b5388b (13) No.119587
None of Qs posts ever referenced follow the white rabbit. Follow the white rabbit is used in monarch and mk ultra programming
▶ 95201d (3) No.119588
(((they))) use all good symbolism and make it mean something bad like pedo hearts and swasikas and butterflies and everything else.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119589
Bad people watching too. Can't broadcast plans in the open. Leaks designed to get us to turn on our autism and get to work redpilling normies. But future proves past.
▶ b5388b (13) No.119590>>119624
Maybe a warning to Christianity
▶ ad4a26 (1) No.119591
Snow White [and the Huntsman]
Godfather III
All are references to movies.
▶ bab052 (5) No.119593
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119594>>119600
▶ e2526e (26) No.119595>>119603 >>119610
I ask because I'd like to know.
8 chan is supposed to be anonymous, so why not tell us what we needto know insteat of forcing us to agrue about GANNETT or Russian Walnut Sauce.
You dont make cryptic claims to your warriors of where to find bullets or weapons when in a war. You give them the shit they need to defeat the enemy.
We are all over the place with speculation. We need focus. Or at least I do.
Now we are argruing about if Q/GEOTUS would purposefully derail a train resulting in 6 deaths and multiple hospitalized. Arguing about GANNETT vs Russian word for Walnut Sauce…
This is destructive.
We need focus.
A surgeon doesnt operate unless he knows what to operate on.
Soldiers dont go to war without knowing who to shoot.
Look at us. We are all over the fucking place.
We need more guidance.
Puzzles are good for games. Not wars against elite pedophile vampires (literally).
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119596
CVN = 3 22 14 = 39 = 3 x 6
▶ 537090 (17) No.119598
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119600>>119606
▶ 000000 (13) No.119601>>119605 >>119607 >>119642 >>119679
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119603>>119609
We hear you. This is how it works - being all over the place. Very difficult to adjust. But it works. Ask Shia Le Beouf. Pick something. Work on it. Share it. Get called a fag. Lather, rinse, repeat.
▶ 944750 (4) No.119604>>119650
Fucking aholes try to spin the "he is old" bs in this story. MSM kikes. But failed to tell the nation Hitlery is the SAME age.
But is interesting the 777. Definitely the chosen one.
▶ f6c18d (1) No.119605
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119606>>119613
Oh…. GHWB is your sauce? LMFAO
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119607
Get out of here you stoned nigger.
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119608
I don't know. I have been comparing notes on what I'm finding online to what my friend is seeing on local television coverage there. Not sure what the route was to have been.
▶ 5d6a88 (3) No.119609>>119612
It's not an efficient process, but it's effective.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119610>>119638
Your spacing and grammar shows you do not get this. Apart from the bit saying (you) need focus.
News is supposed to be links to the old crumbs for proof, so speculation on new news events is rational.
Lurk moar, notice the patterns
▶ 944750 (4) No.119611
https://mobile.twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/942883507868782592
Thank ypu POTUS!
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119612>>119616
No it's VERY efficient. Large groups of paid people have no chance fighting us.
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119613>>119620 >>119671
If you look into George SR with the number 77 you will find more fucking links than you can shake a stick at. Fuck off.
▶ bab052 (5) No.119615
>>119582 possible, but what the long trails, other airplanes fly over with none. Here is site https://www.flightradar24.com/CL30/fe02789.
▶ 5d6a88 (3) No.119616
That's being effective (=results).
▶ 45db78 (2) No.119617
I saw Gloria Vanderbilt in an episode of Love Boat when I was a little kid in the early 80s. I think she actually looks younger in that pic than she did back then.
▶ 01f301 (5) No.119618>>119630
Have now posted links (to these posts here) over there, thanks anon.
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119619>>119629 >>119639
Why is everyone here called a autist? Preference for boards instead of face to face?
▶ 95201d (3) No.119620
funny how these are supposedly the same people who think kek and 777 won the election now they get all butthurt about symbolism and meme magic. im with you tho anon. the 7s mean something
▶ e2526e (26) No.119622
What is the difference between Soldiers and Warriors?
Soldiers take orders.
▶ ba9c0a (1) No.119623
We Americans put a z in authorized
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119624
Watched a show the other night…..the cities WE nuked in Japan were the most Christian cities. Also the areas most heavily destroyed in Middle East are Christian…….hmmmmmm
▶ 95201d (3) No.119625>>119626 >>119634 >>119641 >>119644
mods are on discord doxxing people be warned! just got an inside tip.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119626>>119641
▶ 774aef (9) No.119627>>119809
No come back?
Have your fkin sheckle u cunt. I heard they've stop paying you……
Enjoy a peice coal for Christmas.
▶ 24df57 (5) No.119628>>119633 >>119641 >>119700 >>119759
I was just Perma banned for calling out the walnut disinfo in the title
This board is compromised big time
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119629
Focus on impossible tasks. Long hours alone.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119630>>119690
Actually it's better to post your actual findings in the dedicated topic thread and then post links in here to them. This way, when the general thread falls off the catalog, the posts with the actual topic info will remain in the dedicated topic thread. Does that make sense?
▶ 9f6a0d (1) No.119631>>119668 >>119695
▶ 551dfd (1) No.119632>>119669
This makes the 3rd democratic controlled state in state of emergency right now
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119633>>119663
Yeah, you called the mods disinfo. OH NO WE'RE COMPROMIZED!!!!
▶ 817352 (22) No.119634>>119675
In the spirit of Christmas, the door is over there anon. May ye fare well.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119635>>119647
Reposting - I will look at that again- refresher
Saw this in last thread.
Focus on papers on table.
Graphic at top.
They all belong to the same sick cult/club.
Image at top: boy, boy/girl.
What else do you see?
Archive - watchers will now erase from web.
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119636>>119672 >>119692 >>119736 >>119756 >>119793 >>119870
A few bakes back the baker asked people to post about what responses they were getting when trying to 'redpill' normies.
Well, here is my experience with trying to do this with a particular friend of mine whom I have known since I was 4 (I am now 54!!).
In a nut shell she thinks that Trump is 'evil'.
When trying to get her to open up about why she thinks that way all she would say is that people of color are having a harder time under Trump then they were having before (she is of Jamaican/Chinese/Scottish descent).
When I tried to point out the good things that Trump has done in the past but it has never been talked about in the MSM she then says that there are things that other politicians have done too that are good that no one has talked about.
Her sister thinks that Trump is narcissistic(!) and there was nothing I could do to persuade her to maybe have an open mind to possibly think otherwise.
When mentioning to both that there are things going on behind the scenes that Trump is doing for the American people it seems to go over their head.
Mind you, the first friend I mentioned thinks that Trump becoming president is, paradoxically, a good thing to have happened as all the corruption is now being uncovered for all to see. But I don't think she made the connection that it was because of Trump that this was happening.
I asked her is she would have preferred Hillary and I actually can't remember her response because I was so saddened and disappointed.
This first friend also mentioned the sort of stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth (the derogatory comments, crude remarks, comments about women that have been caught on tape, etc) which seems to cause her to think that he is a bad person.
This is what I , and no doubt all of you, are up against.
The MSM have done a bang up job on portraying Trump as the worse sort of slime there is, which is actually just the opposite of the truth.
I have been aware that this friend thought about Trump that way, but to have her be so adamant in her belief that he is this way despite any evidence to the contrary causes me some distress. There does not seem to be anything that I can show (about Trump) or say (in his defense) which will get her to even look at the possibility of changing her mind.
If any of you can figure out what show, say or meme to deal with people that think this way please do.
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119637>>119643 >>119651
You do realize that Philadelphia is the "city of brotherly love", right???
▶ e2526e (26) No.119638
Im drunk motherfucker. Been followin this since Oct. I FUCKING GET IT.
Still, Im getting impatient.
This shit takes a toll after a while…family, work, life…everything.
Get it?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119639>>119703
lurk moar
lurk moar
do this >>119326
lurk some moar
post if you have something to contribute
▶ e0a336 (3) No.119640
they don't understand human emotion
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119641
TOLD YA! they are all doxxing and banning anyone they don't agree with right now!
notice how quiet it got?
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119642>>119645
we need TOR for this?
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119643
That means niggers not actual brothers you glowing faggot
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119644>>119653
maybe doing their jobs?
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119645
probably. I don't use it b/c im running a honeypot and got all the mods and BO ip addresses lolol
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119647>>119657
Can we verify if the AC image is still on the web? Did they infact scrub that image?
▶ 8de927 (3) No.119648>>119655 >>119656 >>119738 >>119823 >>119983
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119649>>119661 >>119694
That's a good question Brooke… ???!
"What’s going on with the 6 train uptown?
2:38 PM - 18 Dec 2017 "
▶ 537090 (17) No.119650
Trump 777 Jackpot
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119651>>119665 >>119680 >>119775 >>119833
Holy shit. I do realize this, but didn't think about it until just now. Also the Bell… Ties to satanism.
Baal = Bel = Bel Air
Philadelphia has the Liberty Bell
▶ e2526e (26) No.119652>>119819
Anons, I can PROMISE we will hear SOMETHING about these vampiric sociopaths getting taken down before New Years.
The unthinkable.
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119653>>119664 >>119666
doxxing isn't part of their jobs sweetie. try again. i'm watching it real time tho and Q team probably is also so that's fun
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119654>>119836
notice im not banned yet. they're too busy doxxing people.
▶ 164f8c (5) No.119655>>119749
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119656>>119659 >>119676 >>119677
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119657>>119670
just downloaded it from this site. idk otherwise
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119658
From the Washingtontimes article:
>Pelosi, other Democrats pocket campaign cash from owners of sex-trafficking website
>After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of Backpage.com --- a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC.
archive. is/GKBux
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119659
▶ 45db78 (2) No.119660
And 100-77 = 23 which has also always had occult significance.
"I first heard of the 23 enigma from William S Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed him and everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida, USA. The pilot was another Captain Clark and the flight was Flight 23."
▶ 2774aa (1) No.119661
If only I were a reporter I'd investigate that
▶ 2a09eb (1) No.119662
transcript of Trumps speech on national security 18/12/2017
▶ 24df57 (5) No.119663>>119846 >>119892
Hey shill, I called out the derail misinfo in the shill bakers title and was Perma banned
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119664>>119667 >>119681 >>119691 >>119742 >>119751 >>119968
Q was here today twice. I chatted with him for a while. No-one noticed.
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119665
Yes anon the liberty bell is Marduk aka Ba'al and all that bel babylon stuff. you got it!
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119666
proof of dox, please
▶ 774aef (9) No.119667>>119688
Proof - didn't see myself?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119668>>119695 >>119878
Oh yeah, it's big.
▶ a90645 (4) No.119669
Three steps closer to
martial law
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119670
>just downloaded it from this site
No, it was on someone's Instagram - a friend/photographer of AC. When I tried to get to it, I was unable but that could have been anything at the time.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119671>>119854
You mad? 77 7 6 501
▶ f66666 (10) No.119673>>119747
▶ e0a336 (3) No.119674
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119675>>119779 >>119781
I don't celebrate Christmas thanks tho.
▶ 537090 (17) No.119676>>119685 >>119693
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119677
Yes he is a mason. No hes not in on it. Hes a pawn. Everything is so compartmentalized, much like a special or dark OP. Need to know is it. He was giving his part to play (and he believes this stuff so hes an easy target)
▶ 67c565 (6) No.119678>>119682 >>119706 >>119733 >>119767 >>119866 >>119919 >>119970
I pulled The Clinton Foundation 2013 990 tax statement and it places the Clintons, Greg Cortes of (The Cortes Foundation) out of Puerto Rico in Haiti with the Clintons in 2010. As well as what was posted earlier this morning about the same subject. These statements tie USAID, Peter Strzok, Catholic Relief Services, Greg Cortes, and The Clintons all together in 2010 working on Haiti Relief together.
This needs to be added to those materials….
▶ 711d21 (8) No.119679>>119696
Post it! Want to see what you got.
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119680
realized this months ago
taco bell
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119681
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119683
No one listens to namefags here… If you have a name not one fucking thing you say matters faggot. Go take your newfag nigger ego to another pulp method, papier-mache crafting board.
▶ 164e1c (8) No.119684
we have autism anon…it's gonna take more than that hahaha
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119685>>119686 >>119689
He literally has another band with a masonic logo
▶ 9cd653 (11) No.119688
Check the last thread (maybe the one before that?) and ctrl+F for "you have my attention." I saw it happen. Did seem to be Q as an anon.
▶ 774aef (9) No.119689>>119704
Kek, another black eye.
▶ 01f301 (5) No.119690>>119719
Ok, have posted the first one in full as you suggest. I have tried various edits/renaming of files to try and post the second one but it won't let me - keeps saying "this content
already exists".
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119691>>119705
I saw a couple of posts and had a couple of replies that were strangely worded. A lot more lucid than other posts anyway. Spoopy
▶ 7239a6 (4) No.119692>>119736 >>119932
you need to watch Yuri Bezmenov's description of subverted people
it gets good about 2:10
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119694
What 6 train. Which uptown What!?
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119695>>119736
why are you both posting links already in the bread? read the bread losers!!
▶ 000000 (13) No.119696>>119869
▶ 417d8e (1) No.119697
>VER Locations Worldwide
Secaucus, NJ?
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119698
LOL - FOX reporting on DoD UFO crap. This is just FAIL.
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119699>>119709 >>119788
PLEASE for the love of all things holy. STOP saying GEOTUS. It is Blasphemy to worship false idols.
▶ b82e73 (1) No.119700
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119701
Saved, thank you anon
▶ 795c32 (4) No.119702>>119708 >>119826 >>119967
Don't think it was sabotage, looks like they were going to fast, you can see where it went off the start of the curve, hit the cement and dirt wall
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119703>>119764
Ive read it all. All it does is paint a visual pic to connect the players, the tactics, and things to come. Ultimatly these are only crumbs, perhaps a few chunks (MI involvement). Everyone here is waiting on revelation type shit, just not going to happen.Probably some minority type tech working in the background in all this (above all else i know this to be the biggest truth of all)
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119704
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119705>>119717
What if Q is a chick guys. Spoopy woaaahhh
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119706
ZOIKS!! Please post these in the Foundations thread!
▶ 1da323 (2) No.119707>>119710 >>119728 >>119821
Atlanta Airport Blackout fully laid out. Flights to Mexico and Cyprus DURING blackout. Please read this thread…graphics included: https://twitter.com/ScottAnthonyUSA/status/942829062392774657
▶ 3b523f (9) No.119708>>119940
That's a pretty tight turn and it was speeding and it was wet.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119709>>119715 >>119734
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119710>>119768
Don't forget the CAL flight to Liege, Belgium.
▶ 795c32 (4) No.119711
Guess people were dying to same 10 mins, what a waste of money and life. "a new higher-speed service intended to shave 10 minutes off the trip from Seattle to Portland."
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119712
News paints map lolol
'I lost my virginity to an extraterrestrial with a very nice body': Divorced part-time deli worker, 74, who claims he has fathered hundreds of babies with alien lovers after being visited by 'beings' since childhood paints his encounters
this is weird, i thought they liked eachother hmmmmm
"Russia and China are our RIVALS says Trump as he labels them threats to national security, pledges to take 'all necessary' steps to stop North Korea and trashes Obama's legacy"
▶ 49d4aa (5) No.119713>>119716
You are making an awful lot of unsupported assumptions.
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119714
▶ 49d4aa (5) No.119715>>119734
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119716>>119720 >>119721 >>119722 >>119754 >>119769
Q could very well be an asshole. Meganon thinks so. You guy trust too easily. Just because someone predicts some stuff doesn't mean you invite them over for coffee and let them gold ur baby.
(Well we certainly don't trust you. )▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119717>>119726
Then a whole manner of requests involving sharpies would probably be posted
▶ 1eff8c (2) No.119718>>119727 >>119743 >>119990
New Redpill aid for people to use - Thought?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119719>>119898
IIRC there is a board-wide rule that you can't post the exact same image more than once. Other anons can correct me if this is wrong, but I think you have to also change something in the image itself (even just one pixel) and then it is considered different by the system so you can post it. The reason is because otherwise we will be spammed by some grisly images no normal man (or woman) would ever want to see and it would destroy the board (ty BO for that). So any inconvenience we may experience is balanced by saving us from truly awful things.
▶ c43eca (9) No.119720>>119739
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119721
Anons aren't analyzing the character/s. Crumbs and how they relate to all this is the only concern.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119722>>119730 >>119748
Are you seriously fucking kidding me?
Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
Why the fuck are you here? Go the fuck away.
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119723>>119735 >>119740 >>119741 >>119773 >>119799
Actually I was thinking about it last night and I don't think the UFO disclosure is off topic at all.
Q's last message said "enjoy the show" and the next day that UFO footage hit the whole of MSM along with government admission.
IMO that was the start of official disclosure and probably the biggest news of our time.
The govt finally admits UFOs exist.
Q said "enjoy the show" and I think that was part of it, especially considering the timing.
Everyone including myself nearly missed this huge news.
▶ 142fd0 (2) No.119724>>119949
Where is this from?
▶ 537090 (17) No.119725
BuzzFeed Editor: ‘All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism Now’
▶ dfcbcd (6) No.119726>>119732
I get that reference and think that your swamp needs to be drained as well. Degenerate filth mongerer are you one of (((them))) who likes to abuse women too? tsk tsk tsk
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119727
Too long. Think of our best memes. Short too the point and effective. Keep up the work though!
▶ 795c32 (4) No.119728
Belgium, home of the EU wonder if we had some diplomats escaping
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119729
I swear if I could reach through the fucking screen there would be a lot of dead motherfuckers up in this bitch.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119730
Checked. Don't engage. That's how he gets paid his 14.50 an hour. Focus. Work on something.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119732
Was i speaking for myself? It was humour about the board. If that went over your head then lurk moar. Or have you just started glowing?
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119733>>119899
here's doug the presidente
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119734
▶ c43eca (9) No.119735>>119796
ok stupid fuck ever heard of project bluebeam ?
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119736>>119770 >>119793 >>119858
The meme guy has posted some links to posts detailing different methods of "red-pilling" people, all very effective.
Apologize, sometimes things get glossed over, so I missed that. Frankly, that isn't getting the attention that it should IMO. While it's not a Q question specifically, c'mon, anon
horry sheeit
▶ e0a336 (3) No.119738
Blue Beam is defunct
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.119739>>119745 >>119761
banned for what? why are you banning people for having an opinion? guys i think board owner is glowing.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119740>>119765
You've almost convinced me anon. I think TPTB will try something alien-related. My problem is the COMPLETE SHIT that comes with discussing aliens which slides the board.
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119741>>119785
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119742
Have the thread link?
▶ 1eff8c (2) No.119743>>119956
Baker, can i get feedback…then Archive final please?
▶ c43eca (9) No.119745>>119758
and you are glowing stupid ;)
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119746
the ballast allows them to shift the weight for balance
it is not a mechanism that limits weight
so why all the open empty space that's wasted?
▶ 24df57 (5) No.119747
I'm here buddy.
Your efforts here are laughable
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.119748>>119753 >>119762 >>119763 >>119783
whats wrong with pointing out what meganon said and saying you shouldn't blindly trust someone you never met? i think this is all important and interesting but you all act like Q is your lord and savior when you should be saving yourselves.
▶ 8de927 (3) No.119749>>119757
▶ a80dd3 (4) No.119750
You bastards are doing awesome keep up the good work!
▶ 885a25 (5) No.119751>>119771 >>119968
I noticed, and spoke to him
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.119753
1984 thought police i see
▶ 49d4aa (5) No.119754
This is a pointless debate. There are likely hundreds of ops in dozens of agencies happening. The idea that white hats don't hurt people is ludicrous. The idea that innocents won't be hurt, likewise. See: eggs, omelette.
▶ 6ad2d3 (1) No.119755
That Amtrak spokeswoman from the crash scene looks very similar to that woman from other false flag events that have happened. Blond this time.
▶ 5d6a88 (3) No.119756
The MSM have created a class of Shia LaBeouf people that yell at the sky. My experience is by no means representative of the whole---it's just my experience—but I find two groups of people: those that love/support Trump and those that hate him. Very polarized situation, not much middle ground. The haters block out any information that doesn't support their hatred. Trump supporters tend to see the big picture, the realities.
Red-pilling people is needed, but as a priority I think we need to consolidate our power, finish defeating the enemy (+++, ++, +, Clowns, MSM, et al.), then with the worst of the evil largely removed, complete the red-pilling process. Easy for me to say.
We got our work cut out for us. In the meantime, meme away, and pray.
▶ 6a387c (2) No.119757
Fess up w/ credentials or fuck off with your larp. Bluebeam is very real and if its happening we need clear info faggot.
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.119758
formerly glowing ;)
▶ 85b259 (2) No.119759
My frozen dinner took 6:45 to cook in the microwave…It usually takes 5, Tops.
This board is totally comp'ded, guise.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119760
What topics aren't the shills talking about?
▶ 24df57 (5) No.119761>>119786 >>119794 >>119857
I was Perma banned for telling fellow PATRIOTS of the coordinated effort to derail and muddy the waters in official research with this walnut shit in the title of bread
▶ 9bcb9c (4) No.119762>>119863
and you've met meganon have you? no. so you blindly trust someone you never met?
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119763
No. You go do something instead of trying to stop other people from doing something… Where you are coming from is wrong from the get go. Fuck off and die.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119764>>119808
>All it does is paint a visual pic to connect the players, the tactics, and things to come
Yes. Our task is to
>answer the questions
>make the connections
>build the big picture
>break it back down to manageable, bite-sized chunks
>make memes to educate and calm the public
That is what we are here to do, that is our task.
Regardless whether anons are waiting for a HAPPENING or when/if HAPPENINGS happen, we will have our task. Are we doing it? Are we doing it effectively?
Let's get on the stick and get it done. How can you help?
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119765
I agree and is why it's taken me a while to decide whether to post it here - cuz sliding.
And I'm not even into UFOs and aliens.
It wasn't complete disclosure but it was a start, catering to normie audiences.
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119766
Oops: www. zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-18/corker-kickback-confusion-grows-orrin-hatch-suddenly-misremembers-when-provision-was
▶ 142fd0 (2) No.119767
I always felt like the Haiti earthquake was man made.
▶ 1da323 (2) No.119768>>119778
It is listed in that thread!
▶ a80dd3 (4) No.119769>>119879
We are not here to state our opinions snowflake. We are here to Decider unlock the map.
▶ 7239a6 (4) No.119770>>119793
>The meme guy has posted some links to posts detailing different methods of "red-pilling" people, all very effective.
I'm quite aware of the various methods of de-programming / red-pilling or whatever you choose to call it.
I was trying to bring a bit of information forward about the 4~6% Q mentioned. Yuri also talks about them.
>you can present them with all the facts and they will simply refuse to see them, you cannot change their minds at that point
Anons will have to realize that 1 our of 20 will not be able to absorb the information.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119771>>119777
Erm, has bread 135/4 disappeared or do i need to hydrate?
▶ 5b71bf (1) No.119772>>119814
>>119253 (OP)
> Walnut Sauce
Somebody please explain this fucking meme
▶ 8de927 (3) No.119773>>119841
▶ f66666 (10) No.119774>>119791 >>119802 >>119807 >>119886
The use of the number 77 is thus core to Crowley’s cult beliefs.
Flight AA-77 on 11th September 2001, which impacted the Pentagon.
Bush wears his American Legion Post 77 Texas pentagram hat … because he is so patriotic of course.
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119775
Yes, Philadelphia is a masonic stronghold as well historically. That town has some very weird vibes.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119777
False alarm. Currently pouring water
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119778
> in that thread!
"Follow the wives."
▶ b26c31 (3) No.119779>>119850
Merry Christmas anyway. But because POTUS said so and POTUS just keeps winning.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119780>>119789
Pussy ass, faggot, snitch, punk bitches.. If you aren't here to help solve Q shit then go the fuck ye yonder. Nigger.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119781
My Dad was a church minister/pastor. I left the organized church because of the politics. “The Saints” of the church were not SAINTLY.
▶ 3fe0bf (1) No.119782
There was a small plane crash in Indiana Saturday night that my local news keeps reporting on. They aren't identifying the names yet, just that the pilot (63), his daughter (31), both from Potomac,MD, a friend/co-pilot (61),from NOVA, and a dog died. Another dog survived. Plane was going from Kansas City, MO to Frederick, MD. No specific reason to think it's anything- just thought I should mention it.
▶ 49d4aa (5) No.119783>>119797
Your concern is noted.
Adults talking, now.
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119785>>119792
▶ c43eca (9) No.119786
tell me more ? how do you feel about it ?
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119787
On the topic of BAM
We have the Baikal-Amur Mainline:
>The Baikal--Amur Mainline is a broad gauge railway line in Russia. Traversing Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, the long BAM runs about 610 to 770 km north of and parallel to the Trans-Siberian railway.
▶ b26c31 (3) No.119788
▶ a80dd3 (4) No.119789
▶ fd165a (7) No.119790>>119816 >>119858
did POTUS make that security statement today? All I can find is a statement on the train derailment in DuPont
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119791
>aren't the
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119792
▶ 1862ac (2) No.119793>>119867 >>119874 >>120049
Has a lot of great advice. I can give some specific pointers/thoughts about your field report however.
>I asked her is she would have preferred Hillary and I actually can't remember her response because I was so saddened and disappointed.
Consider that offering Hillary as the better option corners you in responses. Consider asking who she would have preferred to be president. If it's Bernie, remind why that didn't happen. Indicate that the people behind that were behind a whole lot more, including the media blitz against Trump. Determine if they are aware of any of the other things Trump has done. Good OR bad in your opinion (or the other's.) Point out that it's kinda weird that they don't know about those things when it's actually something happening versus this pushed conjecture for months. Remind them how CNN+MH370 was another example of the same behavior by media. Get some info put together on how the investigation is falling apart. Ask these people to consider WHY/HOW this shitshow was allowed to happen. Because whether they like him or not, they can agree that it is a shitshow.
Actually, FUCK people. The biggest point here is to get these people to START thinking and START asking questions. Yeah that's harder than just throwing infographics out there, but if you just get them to do some memorization, it'll get wiped the next time MUH DRUMPF goes on CNN. Also remember two things. 1: trying to turn someone clearly against your views is already a huge, slow, uphill battle compared to someone, say, already right wing or center (i.e. people who actually voted for Gary Johnson in the last election.) and 2: There's probably more than a couple politically interested people out there than you think. Think more about who DOESN'T talk than who does. Especially when the conversations/jokes come up. I followed the election very closely, but make a point to only discuss politics with family or people who bring the subject up and didn't seem the type to REEEEeee out. They tend to be shocked that I read anything on the subject. A lot of them are far better to talk to even if you disagree on certain subjects.
any idea which bread or a link?
>Anons will have to realize that 1 our of 20 will not be able to absorb the information.
Practically programmed to change the subject altogether. Cognitive dissonance is a BITCH, speaking as someone who's dealt with a lot of it both on the giving and receiving end of breaking it. Like dilbert merchant says, the dissonant(?) either has to do ANYTHING to not admit they were wrong about something, or they have to admit they are wrong. And the longer a lie is around, the harder it is to shatter that lie.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119794
Run along little gamma. Grown ups at work.
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119796
Yes, but I think this is the real deal.
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119797
▶ 000000 (13) No.119798>>119801 >>119806
▶ aa4ffb (2) No.119799>>119890
Yeah but as a side note, turns out Harry Reids pretend diehard interest in ufos wasn't exactly what it appeared to be. Pic related and article it came from
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119801
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119802
▶ 331775 (1) No.119803>>119812
▶ b26c31 (3) No.119804>>119832
Just a side laugh for Anons…
More proof women arent that smart.
▶ d499c3 (1) No.119805
Biggest reach I’ve seen. Shill
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119806
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119807
CVN = 3 - 22 - 14 = 39
39 - 77
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119808>>119815
What i can contribute cannot be dug up or researched. Personal expeirence, on going ops. PS: your speaking to one of the hunted.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119809>>119810
Life is an illusion.
▶ 5d79ef (11) No.119810>>119918
Your life is a tragedy.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119811
Considering ships are irradiated I wonder how many train cars in Asia would set off a Geiger counter, specifically on the Baikal--Amur Mainline
▶ a80dd3 (4) No.119812
No one knows, we shall see maybe in 10 day.
▶ 5dbd97 (1) No.119813
▶ add917 (2) No.119814>>119829
It's misinfo shills used to derail from GANNETT company research
Shills coordinated and told everyone the word in the A.C. pic was actually something you can translate to Russian meaning walnut
Walnut sauce is a code word used by pesos
Shills mixing some fact with complete made up research dead end, and i was Perma banned for calling it out
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119815
Well, get to memeing then, fire up your own meme-cannon, impart what you know in any of the dedicated topic threads. Do something to help us, anon, otherwise why are you even here?
▶ 8d4c90 (2) No.119816>>119840
https://www.liveleak. com/view?i=16c_1513631198#J2SQdkVqGm44KrUo.01
Dupont Training Exercise
▶ 19e124 (3) No.119817>>119827 >>119844 >>119924
- - -
(Board Owner, Janitor and Mods. This is not a shill post. Please cut me some slack. This is the only post I'm going put in this thread. I promise. This has meaning relevant to CBTS.)
Searched "USS Human ver two and got this among other things:
USS Nathan James is a fictional guided missile destroyer of the United States Navy, used as the setting for the 1988 post-apocalyptic novel The Last Ship and the television series of the same name.
Armed with two 61-cell Mk 41 Vertical Launching Systems, the Nathan James carries a payload of 28 nuclear-tipped Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles for each Vertical Launching System, for a total of 56 nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles rated at 200 kilotons each.[1][2]
What with Atlanta yesterday and some of the speculation surrounding possible trans shipment of nuclear materials, this might be a real tip.
All guided missile destroyers are named after humans, usually famous navel personnel.
>May day
>May days
Plural, two May Day events involving guided missle destroyers.
>SOS and … ___ …
Two calls for help, two events.
Yes, it was all over the news. The guided missile destroyER's, (PLURAL) Fitzgerald, and John S. McCain were involved in collisions. Stupid, avoidable, ridiculous collisions.
Two incidents.
Two Vertical launch missiles?
Find two missing vertical launch 200kt nuclear tipped missiles?
Find out what happened to the two ships involved in accidents and determine if two missiles are missing, and if so, where are they?
I don't think this was a random drunk at the keyboard. A 200kt warhead is a metropolis killer, the "Sum of all Fears". My first trips, 666.
▶ c1852f (1) No.119818
>that ID
Kek speaks through thee, anon.
Meme responsibly.
▶ d4c02d (1) No.119819>>119965
I do so absolutely hope you are correct.
▶ cce6aa (1) No.119820
LMAO Funny kek right there
▶ 795c32 (4) No.119821
After research, me thinks they were looking for people, hence they let the cargo planes go they were probably already on the tarmac as were the mexico flights being international. Or it could be obama did the operation to get his gold out to the EU and his MS13 friends home in time for Feliz Navidad :O
▶ cb443b (22) No.119823
Thanks for the tip, nutsy.
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.119824
More Natuashish. 2 cases of missing teenage boys at different times, but they were both found dead on the sea ice at different times. The guy below, James Poker, was 17. Found 30K from the village, during the winter after a 10 day search. WTF was he doing out there? Nobody knows.
This community was moved to its present site in 2002. In the first 2 years, there were 6 suicides. Continued at that rate. Most Indians in Labrador are Inuit. But these are Innu.
Right on Hudsons Bay. People there are going to get money the same way rural people do everywhere. Fishing. Logging. Forestry. Gov. assistance. So money is there, but hard to come by.
Now for the suspicious thing. Turns out that the elders are the ones suspected of running drugs. If they would do that, they might do other bad stuff too; once people start down that road it is hard to get off.
This is one miserable place to exist. Not far south of the tree line, but at least it isn't barren snow.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119825>>119897
Oh Hi you fuking shills. 2017 = 0
My Bad.
▶ e46fc6 (3) No.119826
Not hard to understand how 13 carts would lift off at the same time with that pic there… >>119702
▶ 537090 (17) No.119827
▶ 817352 (22) No.119828>>119877
Thanks for these anon, added to the dough.
We really need to learn to *read the map*.
▶ add917 (2) No.119829
The struggles of getting banned by the enemy Satanists and being forced to phonepost
You monsters
This is all they could conjure haha
▶ 1b42a4 (1) No.119830>>120046
Mayo Clinic has these, there should be no reason he can’t show up; iRobot’s “RP-VITA”
▶ 64d5f1 (6) No.119831>>119962
▶ 9bcb9c (4) No.119832>>119838
fututus et mori in igni
▶ cb443b (22) No.119833
>Fresh Prince of Ba'al
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119834>>119842
▶ cb443b (22) No.119836
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119837
Bel Air, prince of the air…. woooooo Bel Air burned by directed energy weapons recently.
▶ 64d5f1 (6) No.119838
These are great times!
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119839
Go watch I Am Jane Doe. The heads of BP didn't even show up to trial- McCain was so pissed.
▶ fd165a (7) No.119840>>119845 >>119860
That's cool but like three threads ago there was someone saying that at 2PM EST POTUS would make a national security statement.
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119841>>119847 >>119882
I don't know enough about the UFOs to give opinion. All I know is that the world finally got disclosure the other day straight after Q said "enjoy the show" and we all missed it.
▶ 64d5f1 (6) No.119842
Bye bye…They are admitting Mueller cant find shit on POTUS
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119843>>119875 >>119883 >>119913 >>119928 >>119933 >>120088
I think this is all wonderful.
People doing their own research and waking up is great!
But I also see people lifting Q up to prophet status and that's alarming.
Maybe it's time to ask yourselves some questions.
Why didn't you all ask yourselves all the questions Q asked before this started?
Most of the answers were already there waiting to be found.
Why do you need Q?
Why do you trust Q?
Do you trust yourself?
Why didn't you seek the truth before?
Were you under a SPELL?
If so whose fault is that?
Do you have free will?
Were you all hostages?
Is it possible that Q posts without the trips to join in the discussion as an anon?
Is it possible Q as an anon is called a shill because you disagree with his/her opinion?
Is it possible Q has been banned a few times?
Should we keep an open mind or blindly trust someone we don't know?
"These people are stupid"
Who? You?
How come you never questioned the narrative before Q came along?
Do you need Q?
Does Q need you?
What are the implications of 'disinfo is necessary' and 'disinfo is real'?
Q said both things.
So why ban?
Why filter?
Y tho?
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119844>>119880
Digging! Great work, Anon!
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119845>>119862
he did make that speech today.
go check msm and you would have known it.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119846
We have known that for over a week. No one cares. Try to take the hint and enjoy the show ;3
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119847
Is disclosure just the NYT article claiming they only spend 22mm on the budget? The cost of ONE F35a will be 85mm per unit. So think what would antigravity cost. This number is way low.
▶ 60ca5a (2) No.119848
this guy on twitter thinks he is on to something …sound hopeful
#QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit
UPDATE: Cracked (!)
#ATL - Power out [10] hours
- Dark.
_Conf_term[5] =
Concourse F
Term(inal) [5]
Private OP=private owned plane
TO CHECK IT OUThttps://twitter.com/MAGA_KAG/status/942775429462724608
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119850>>119853 >>119859
He also said Happy Hannukah
▶ ad00a0 (3) No.119851
Supporting info please. Consensus was 10 dark days started following Q's last post.
▶ 64d5f1 (6) No.119852
Was Bruce Ohr on a flight out of Atlanta yesterday?
▶ 85b259 (2) No.119853
▶ cb443b (22) No.119854
What are these numbers. I recognize the Arkansas area code. Is this a Clinton reference?
▶ 000000 (13) No.119855
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119856
*if* the darkness and ten days are suppose to be 'the ten days of darkness' was there a consensus as to when it was suppose to be over?
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119857>>119942
The board is an absolute monarchy. There is a lesson in all of this.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119858>>119867
I'm really sorry, anon, I don't have those handy. He usually posts an update in the general every night when he /harvests/ the memes and makes zip files of them, he (I think) includes links to posts for the different methods of red-pilling.
So tl;dr night time generals, sorry I can't be more specific.
>did POTUS make that security statement today?
Yes, link in the News thread
▶ 64d5f1 (6) No.119859
Yes, Merry Christmas and Happy H!
Fuck anything else.
▶ 8d4c90 (2) No.119860
That video is proof that they were ruining mass casualty training exercises the same day as the train wreck. Everything is connected.
▶ f66666 (10) No.119861
The Georgia Guidestones are built on the ‘Double 7 Ranch’ on Highway 77
▶ fd165a (7) No.119862>>119873
I'm sorry, did you just tell me to go check msm?
Like they're not peddling outright propoganda and lies nonstop?
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119863
No. You proved my point tho so thanks.
▶ ad00a0 (3) No.119864
Nice work anon! . . . Nail on the head.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119866
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119867
Damnit, was meant to reply to >>119793
▶ 711d21 (8) No.119869
Alright then fucker let’s see it!! I’m all eyes!
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119870
Thanks to everyone who responded to >>119636
▶ 24df57 (5) No.119871>>119891 >>119909
I won't stop posting these until fellow patriots realize the mods are compromised
(Banned for being a namefag)▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119872
yep, too many weak soyboys in here with no balls or courage to help
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119873>>119901
can you not look at an msm site and read trump made his national security speech today, and think ok, he made a speech today?
▶ 7239a6 (4) No.119874
>And the longer a lie is around, the harder it is to shatter that lie.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119875
I think Q confirmed all of our theories about the narrative, which has got people's minds turned on.
We're being showing how to link all of this, at last, so all a bit excited maybe. But still comfy :)
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119876>>119906
Wind up? Not in the sense that you think. Glow nigger, i have to tip my hat at the witty humor here. Lets just say, i have sleeper programming. I was selected out of "boot camp" because of "desired traits". Although, one is not aware they have strings, more on the lines of wireless. Im being watched like fucking crazy. Im being babysitted to make sure the wireless signal doesnt come in. How do you think "we can hear you breathing" is possible? Everyone is being lied to about the advancement in technoogy, theyve got scary scary shit.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119877>>119910
You are welcome. I don't think they have been updated - the last Venn diagram was on 12/3, so some industrious anon might help out and update it (hopefully)
▶ b3cf08 (6) No.119878
This one is personal. Heavenly Father, I want Pelosi and Harris to pay for this. I ask that there be Divine Justice. Let it be done.
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119879>>119941
Please show me the map. Make sure you don't confuse the graphic with the map tho. What you all call the 'map' has never once been called the map by Q. Not once. Q calls it the graphic. Now ask yourself why? Perhaps b/c the graphic IS NOT THE MAP.
That would just make too much sense tho…
▶ 19e124 (3) No.119880>>119885
I have things I have to do irl for a while. If I don't get back, could someone copy pasta this in the upcoming threads until it gets totally shit on or gets traction?
I've got a bad feeling about this, really bad.
▶ 5974f1 (5) No.119881
u wont see that on cnn.
i watched cnn yesterday.. they were ripping on hannity. telling ppl yhere is no coo .. even taking segments of fox and putting their own spin.
▶ daf9f3 (1) No.119882
That was not disclosure that was a dot on a thermal camera.
▶ 49d4aa (5) No.119883>>119922
They didn't ban or filter on half. How did that turn out?
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119885>>119889
Will do my personal best as such
▶ 4f5a5b (6) No.119886>>120013
ding ding ding we have a winner. This is a sigil war. Good sigils vs bad sigils. Your job is to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Good owls with military insignias. Bad owls at bohemian grove. And so on and so forth. Now you're getting it!
▶ 0d11df (2) No.119887
We still have to liberate Europe….
▶ 000000 (13) No.119888>>119912 >>119931
▶ 19e124 (3) No.119889>>119903
Gracias Amigo, Semper Fi.
▶ 43ec3a (6) No.119890
Yea I'm hearing different opinions across the internet about it but I'm taking it as a start to official disclosure, especially with the footage that was released.
This is how I always thought disclosure would happen because it has to be to normie audiences.
It will be interesting to see how far they actually go and up to us to continue pushing for more disclosure.
Also as another side note, there were rumors flying around inauguration time that Trump planned on releasing information such as alternative energy sources and other hidden technologies.
Time will tell and these are indeed exciting times on many fronts.
▶ 0d11df (2) No.119891
and the entire split with the baker namefags wasn't obvious to you? thats why there is a large number of people over at /thestorm now.
▶ e3c8bc (1) No.119892
You are fucking hopeless at shilling. You're better off telling us about your bosses.
▶ 5974f1 (5) No.119893
▶ bd88c9 (1) No.119895>>119960
Skiba was great until he went flat earth on us
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119897
Wake the fuck up my brothers and sisters. There are only 10 single numbers and it begins with nothing.
▶ 01f301 (5) No.119898
Ahhh, thanks! I re-screen-capped and it's posted fine.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119899
Doug Cortes is Greg Cortes' adopted son. All these people are close to orphans.
▶ 43c88b (1) No.119900
▶ fd165a (7) No.119901>>119911
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
could you not have simply linked to a video?
oh look! I just have!
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119903
MAGA, and Godspeed
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119904
Thanks very much for this. Have saved it to study.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119906>>119964
STFU. Satellites can point fucking lasers at your windows and hear everything… Cell phones can be used to hear everything…. Why don't you just neck yourself? Do humanity a favor Patriot… take one for the team.
▶ 52a8f8 (1) No.119909
And they doxx anons to make their peepees feel big. >>119871
▶ 817352 (22) No.119910
That would be good. Let's hope some super-anon/s do that and we can hopefully crack the map.
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119911
got you to look for yourself, didn't it.
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119912>>119952
Hillary's dad. Soros?
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119913>>119916 >>119921
>Is it possible that Q posts without the trips to join in the discussion as an anon?
Yes - he's done it today.
>Is it possible Q as an anon is called a shill because you disagree with his/her opinion?
It is.
>Is it possible Q has been banned a few times?
He wasn't banned per se. He was prevented from posting on the board as himself.
>How come you never questioned the narrative before Q came along?
Speak for yourself. I've been chasing this for 25 years. Longer than some baker's moms have been alive.
>So why ban?
The board comes first.
▶ 53892e (2) No.119914>>120015
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119915
The darkness of winter is brining on the blues. I need some of this scum to face justice to cheer me up!!!
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119916>>119955 >>119969 >>120039
How do you know he's posted anonymously today?
▶ 53892e (2) No.119917>>119945
so LDR likes getting blacked. Her twatter photo must be 50 years old. She looks like shit.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119918
Stop staring in the mirror.
▶ 1d6544 (1) No.119919>>119953 >>119966 >>119970 >>119994
GREAT STUFF, ANON! I just knew Guidestar would be helpful. I posted the link yesterday but haven't had time to dig in there at all so I truly appreciate all you're doing. God bless you, Anon. Thank you. This is YUUUUUGE.
▶ 5974f1 (5) No.119920>>119927 >>119944
stop with the ick/wilcock those guys r frauds.. just becuase those guys tell the truth about the cabal/deep state doesnt give them credit for aliens/shapeshifters
Q has never hinted nor acknowlwdge aliens.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119921>>120024
I think he means, could he have been banned since after Tripgate? BO could confirm how many bans have been handed out, and what for
▶ 005624 (1) No.119922
Of course they did silly.
▶ 43f10e (1) No.119923
been working all day no access to internet where is the congress scandal haven't heard a peep anywhere today i've been looking forward to that scandal all day
▶ cb443b (22) No.119924
You're pretty funny
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119925>>120024
Hey look at me 'I'm important!" O yeah?! "I'm more fucking important than you look I have a name!… It's about me!… no it's about me!… Fuck you bitches…
▶ f88791 (4) No.119926
McCabe and our both refused ..to speak today… in other news this…www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/18/ex-dem-it-aide-imran-awan-could-flee-to-pakistan-if-restrictions-lifted-doj-warns.html
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119927
Seconded. David Ike is a level 2 gatekeeper. Corey Goode is busted as a luciferean bitch, and Wilcock… Loves the cock. Mother GIA luciferean new age fuckwads
▶ 885a25 (5) No.119928>>119934 >>119943 >>119946 >>119977 >>120024 >>120070
Forgive my bad english.
Looks like you don't understand what's happened.
People here ask themselves most of questions a thousand time. Many of us researched and digged, too.
But Q was the very first time, in many years of truthseeking, we had proof of "white hats" out there helping us.
Do you know what is that feeling of helpnessless, knowing the bad guys are taking the world day by day and country by country, and never ever see anyone opposing them? Do you now what is digging and digging and knowing it's totally useless, because there's nothing you normie or autist can do to stop those evil?
Then Q appears. Then a tiny voice whispers on a web corner, and it's like a miracle: someone is doing something! The white hats exist! Someone is going to oppose those evil, and the good guys have power and maybe they can win!
This is what Q represents. Not the big revelations, not the secrets, not the riddles.
Q is that hope we all had lost many years ago, appearing in front of us like a miracle.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119929>>119936
Grudge fuck you right down a hole into hell.
▶ 711d21 (8) No.119931>>119963
Shutdown, how, when, how bad.. knowledge maybe. The deep plan
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119932
Will watch this tonight. Thanks for this.
▶ cb443b (22) No.119933>>119938
People really aren't ready to wake up. They want convenience and television, comforting lies.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119934
"They said I was crazy…"
▶ a6882b (1) No.119935
Does anyone know where to spot the latest Q posts if he did post today?
▶ df5c54 (1) No.119936
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119937>>119951
This happened the same day as that:
Did we ever ask who is snowwhite?
Ten days.
Scare tactics (MSM).
D's falling.
R's walk-away/removed.
SA → US → Asia → EU
Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary.
Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).
POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).
Why is this relevant?
What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?
Why is this relevant?
SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).
Where is POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Military operations.
Operators in US.
Snow White
The Great Awakening
Godfather III
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119938
Tough fucking shit. Triple checked.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119939
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.119940
Train crash today…DUPONT Washington!!!!
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119941>>119950 >>120006
I keep pointing out that MI intel dude (on 4ch) said they (he and other intel guys observing the threads) were making circular flow diagrams/maps from the Q drops and THEY COULD SEE WHAT HE WAS SAYING CLEARLY. I looked up what that was (ignorance now cured) and have posted examples (was in the dough, not any more), even made a few myself in the meme thread.
Pic related are what they can look like. Q is asking us to show RELATIONSHIPS between people, places, businesses, foundations, organizations & activities (money laundering etc)
You can see some free tools to make the ones in pic related here >>>/cbts/111700 (in the OP)
▶ cb443b (22) No.119942
Row row fight the powa
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119943
Speak for yourself faggot. I've never lost faith.
▶ 94da4e (4) No.119944>>119947 >>119948 >>119987
And while ur at it forget all that wacky Bible stuff. Jesus rising from the dead? CRAZY
Angels sexing up humans making giants? CRAZY
Mary a virgin? CRAZY
Elijah rising into the heavens alive? CRAZY
People living for 900 years? CRAZY
▶ 956c75 (14) No.119945>>119988
one man's trash is another man's treasure, anon.
you wouldn't? she's worth trillions.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119946>>119995
Thanks EUanon. When we're done here, we'll come sort you out. Again.
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.119947>>119961
LOL Still believe in scientism bullshit and fake discredited evolution?? New age/athiest.. Lucifer doesn't care.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119948>>119954 >>119958
Posting your opinion like you fucking matter at all… CRAZY.
▶ 2dedfc (1) No.119949
Trump inspected the first Boeing 787-10 when it rolled of the line in Charleston.
The water tanks are installed on the main cabin deck during testing and evaluation to simulate passenger weight.
The tanks are removed and replaced with passenger seats prior to delivery.
▶ 94da4e (4) No.119950>>120024
Yea this is a fabulous idea. Maybe the most important thing we can all be working on rn.
▶ 6c7322 (6) No.119951
▶ 000000 (13) No.119952
▶ 67c565 (6) No.119953
▶ 94da4e (4) No.119954
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119955>>120039
No proof. Just a very very strong suspicion that it was him. Will find the thread now.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119956
Looks great at quick glance, sorry I can't look in depth as I'm kneading the dough. Sure anons will feedback to you. Top job anon.
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119958
▶ 8aba78 (2) No.119960>>119974
You never go full flattard
▶ 94da4e (4) No.119961
No I don't do Lucifer or Satan thanks. But I also don't tell other people their faith is crazy when my own faith might be just as crazy sounding to them. B/c lets face it. The Bible is a pretty wacky book guys.
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.119962
Maybe he's taking a dirt nap.
▶ 000000 (13) No.119963>>119973 >>119979 >>119982 >>119986 >>120025
▶ ed0cba (13) No.119964>>119971 >>119975 >>119993 >>120024 >>120044
How terrified you will be if you one day find out the truth. Theres a reason why most of the ops are covert. You couldnt handle it. Burn this in your mind, for hindsight purposes. All they need is a blood sample. Targets the resonant frequency of your dna. Everything you see, hear, think, even the visual images you create in your mind are recorded. Dreams are recorded, dreams can be induced. Thoughts can be projected, that sound like your own voice. They can shut you off, and take complete control over your reflexes and movements - robot. You know those smart cars that got hacked, and the driver died? Cover story. I can keep going, you know why? Because the truth is so far out there you wont believe it. You cant believe it. So, how much are you willing to lose to find the truth?
▶ 67c565 (6) No.119966
Also posted in the Foundation thread as well.
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119967>>119981 >>120101
Anyone remember the train in Spain(?) in, I think, 2015, that did this exact thing? Went round a corner too fast and derailed. Killed some people with, if I remember correctly, some prominent person being one of the dead.
These systems have a ton of fail-safes built into them. So the only way it could 'go around a curve too fast' is if it was sabotaged.
▶ 817352 (22) No.119968>>119978
Do you have the links guize? I could add them to the dough if you had / wanted to share.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119969>>119972 >>119992
Start here:
Note the way he refers to the number 10. That's what caught my attention.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.119970
Thank you for cross posting that, anon. It's going to be very, very helpful.
Yes, Guidestar and other resources are more powerful than anons realize - all this info at our fingertips! Some really great stuff has been posted to the Foundations thread - more to come I'm sure!
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119971>>119989
Terrified?!! I've remote viewed shit that would make you piss your pants… curl up in the fetal position in a corner and whimper for your mother. Faggot.
▶ 4ad37c (6) No.119972>>120039
Oh I did see that and figured someone was copying Q's style. Maybe your right!
Hi Q!!
▶ 711d21 (8) No.119973>>119985
What kind of shut down. Like : no internet, ebs claiming the start
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.119974>>120028 >>120060
An anon post on halfchan some were attributing to Q said they had stumbled onto something. Not necessarily flat, but some kind of truth about the nature of things. A big toroidal field, perhaps? Maybe we're a life experiment in a test tube, and very small indeed. It would certainly put 99% in hospital, those who couldn't comprehend such a fundamental revelation.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.119975>>120031
So please by all means… go fuck yourself.
▶ beb8df (1) No.119977
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119978>>120030
No, keep it out. It will just start arguments about authenticity.
▶ 967fdb (14) No.119979
Better sauze it, faggot, or GTFO
▶ f88791 (4) No.119980
I’m going to take a break from here and come back and hopefully we will be back on task instead of the bickering
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119981
Similar thing happened in Croatia in 2009 when a fire retardant was sprayed on the track that didn't wash off properly. The composition of the chemical was never released to the public
▶ 711d21 (8) No.119982
What about vote the 22nd? Pelosi plans and Schumer..
▶ 3aae5a (1) No.119983
▶ 000000 (13) No.119985>>119997 >>120003
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119986>>119996
I thought this too. We had a shutdown scare year back and people shit their pants cause they weren't being paid for once.
Here is what the Gannett train is pushing today- pic related
▶ 5974f1 (5) No.119987
hey faggot, i didnt say aliens dont exist. i said DW DI are fuking shills. grow a fuking pair & think abiout it.
▶ ff67f4 (16) No.119988>>120020
Ask that bitch if she is prepared for zero
▶ fd165a (7) No.119989>>120001
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.119990
This is more like an 'intermediate' meme. Still too much for normies to stomach (having the Vatican in there and the Royal Family…)
▶ 309e37 (15) No.119992>>120000
Thanks, that anon did get my attention as well. Just thought he was a good anon. Not convinced he was Q, but nice find.
▶ c87a96 (33) No.119993
I'm looking into your mind right now.
You're a fag.
▶ 885a25 (5) No.119995
You won't find anything left, if you dont' hurry.
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.119996
no mention that the President of the USA gave a speech on national security. If this was Bama its all we would hear about.
▶ c43eca (9) No.119997>>120002 >>120008 >>120022
who was A.Merkel´s Mother ?
who was Hitlers Handler ?
▶ f7d928 (1) No.119998
Any chance this Amtrack thing was a diversion to take away attention from this?
And if so,, should we be trying to organise to get the word out? I could be mistaken.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.119999
Death is nothing to be afraid of, that is unless you're paid to be here and disrupt patriots and God loving people from their duty
▶ c87a96 (33) No.120000>>120026 >>120039
Oh sure. I mean, it might have been VQC just playing me.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120001>>120005
Yeah ever heard of it?.. Everyone can do it….
▶ b0a076 (1) No.120002
▶ 711d21 (8) No.120003
Thank you. All eyes still watching for drops
▶ 48a496 (2) No.120004
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list links seem to be broken up top..
▶ fd165a (7) No.120005>>120009 >>120016
tell me what i'm wearing right now then
▶ 817352 (22) No.120006>>120058
Added this anon, thanks.
▶ ad00a0 (3) No.120007
I agree with this assessment. Start a fucking thread and take it there. Not that it isn't a worthy bunch of crap to pursue, but rather, we finally have a lot of stuff happening and trying to keep up with current events and half of the last three threads are this unneeded debate about speculative come in your face BULLSHIT. It's been explained more than once. READ THE THREADS is you don't think so.
There are other pressing subjects to be covered / interpreted. That shit is only taking up valuable space and complicating other fags trying to keep up.
▶ 000000 (13) No.120008>>120017 >>120021
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120009>>120012
Doesn't work that way…. at least not for me….
▶ e2526e (26) No.120011
No, I dont know if anyone is really dead but the train wreck would be very hard to stage while ensuring everyone's safety. Plus it blocked a major highway. Q/GEOTUS wouldnt do that. If they did, consider them Cabal.
▶ fd165a (7) No.120012
fuck off with your larping, then
▶ f66666 (10) No.120013
▶ a63a85 (2) No.120014
>>119513 I've seen this logo, but also came by this keystone logo. Could be a coincidence.
http:// www.bgcnwnj.org/pqbgc/leadership.asp?ProgID=35
▶ e2526e (26) No.120015
I'm running out of popcorn.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120016
Get off me… bitch and make yourself useful to someone. Noon gives a fuck what you think.
▶ 711d21 (8) No.120017
▶ f88791 (4) No.120018
▶ 84a559 (1) No.120019>>120036
Jill Stein is being investigated
https://twitter. com/Breaking911/status/942903247228022784
▶ 956c75 (14) No.120020
scamming khazar
big surprise
the ammonite clan from the Bible
▶ 000000 (13) No.120021>>120029
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.120022
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.120023>>120027
Unfortunately the Tax Thingy is geared towards the rich…….not slaves like us.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.120024>>120041
>I think he means, could he have been banned since after Tripgate?
In the OP there is an explanation and a link to a post the 8ch Admin made showing that both Q's old (existing) and new tripcodes are whitelisted for this board.
We are all just anons now. Any tripfag who is still sore about losing trips is a waste of time to worry about all of that. We just pick up and keep kicking ass and taking names (and making memes). Soldier on, ignore all the rest of the noise.
Very well stated.
Yes, it's absolutely imperative. The memes with text+photo are good and can be incredibly effective, but if this is what MIL intel anon said they were doing and that this is what Q is trying to get us to produce, that's what we need to do. Also, since Q's last posting said we have everything, then we should start making the connections and showing them. The public understands that pols are corrupt but to see the links between foundations/donors/people/boards of directors/fat no-bid contracts etc is something else.
Can verify this is true to some degree, have been studying it for decades. Obviously being non-mil so no clearance I don't really know jack shit. But yes, all the literature, reading all sorts of weird scientific studies in obscure areas all point to this being available in some degree and form for at least 2 decades from what I can tell.
Military tech used to be ~30 years in advance of anything commercially available. But that was when our growth in tech was linear. It's now geometric so I dont' even know how to quantify the advancement mil vs. public commercially available.
▶ f56dfa (1) No.120025
You've earned a compilation of your longer posts. Congrats, ShillAnon.
▶ 309e37 (15) No.120026
A good series of posts. Zero disinfo. Who knows.
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.120027>>120032
Some is to reduce business tax to bring business home, rather than offshore havens exclusively.
▶ 8aba78 (2) No.120028
Like Lisa creates life Simpson episode? Nah Anon you watched too much TV
▶ c43eca (9) No.120029>>120034
walnut sauce and/or garnett?
▶ 885a25 (5) No.120030
▶ ed0cba (13) No.120031>>120038 >>120042 >>120043 >>120054
You know, not fucking around , i long to share my info. But at the sametime i know nobody will believe it. They dont even punish me for telling either cause they know. Ive tried many times but… to no avail. Its like screaming at deaf people. But to tell you the truth, i wish i didnt now. I envy you people, i wish i could return to ignorance. A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it and the truth is still the truth even if no one believes it.
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.120032>>120037
Thanks for the brreakdown shlomo….
▶ 48a496 (2) No.120033>>120072
Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY
Link broken.
▶ 000000 (13) No.120034>>120065
▶ 1862ac (2) No.120036>>120055
Either it's a stall tactic or Stein is also implicated in all of this.
▶ c3c0c1 (24) No.120037
LOL K. NP. I don't feel like explaining finance tonight. Figure it out.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120038>>120051
Dude I'm so sorry… So sorry they haven't killed you yet.
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.120039>>120088
How do you know it isn't this? >>4992
(hint: notice the date and compare)
this >>80403
or this >>80370
Have you found the map yet? >>120000
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.120040>>120074
Meme zip 3d just released.
Blast the left and
Blast the right.
Wherever evil lurks,
We shine our light.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip
→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip
→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip
→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip
→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip
→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip
→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.120041>>120062 >>120074
You misunderstand. If he can use the same trips across the board, he can post anon without the trip. That was the question that anon was asking, could he have been banned before for disagreeing with a mod? Obviously it wouldn't deter Q much.
▶ a63a85 (2) No.120042
▶ cb443b (22) No.120043>>120045
If you make a head about what you know, I will read it. Not everyone here lacks eyes to see and ears to hear.
▶ b5388b (13) No.120044>>120057
Have no doubt this is possible. I think that 23 and me ancestry dna testing is highly suspect.
▶ cb443b (22) No.120045
▶ 4bae02 (1) No.120046
▶ 04c5c4 (10) No.120047
This is so clear right now. If you put enough shit into water- nothing is a focus and everything is mud. If we can't find new evidence, we have enough to dig on just from unanswered questions alone.
▶ 6fdfb1 (7) No.120049
Very good points. Thanks.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120051>>120053
But……. nothing a syringe full of air can't remedy.
▶ 000000 (13) No.120053
▶ c87a96 (33) No.120054>>120063 >>120073 >>120092
Neo: "I can't go back, can I?"
Morpheus: "No. But if you could, would you really want to?"
▶ f2e715 (1) No.120055
>Stein is also implicated in all of this
Why did she call a recount in those states?
How did she raise all that money so quickly?
What happened to all the money she didn't spend?
▶ ed0cba (13) No.120057>>120100
Ding ding little buddy. Its being uploaded to dwave computers.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.120058
Please don't think I was sniping about it - whoever is taking care of the pastebin and "dough" is kicking ass and we're all very grateful.
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.120060
Anyone who has ever done LSD can assure you that perception =/= reality.
Bats can echo locate, can you?
Eels can give electric shocks, can you?
Dogs can smell a corpse from miles away, can you?
Anything is possible
▶ b5388b (13) No.120062>>120068
I wouldn’t worry about it. If Q is, great. If not, we’ll still keep plugging away. Good people aren’t the only ones in here.
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120063
Dude don't even encourage him… He isn't even close the the truth.
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.120064
I'm officially making cornish hen with walnut sauce tomorrow I am so intrigued. No pedo obvi
▶ c43eca (9) No.120065>>120071
on other news, where the hell is kim ?
where the hill is soros ?
▶ 5d7ec4 (2) No.120066>>120109
ummmm you newfags and old ones too should see this
▶ df9fa0 (1) No.120067>>120090
>>119253 (OP)
Baker, it looks lie all of the "latest Findings" from bread #135 are missing, and I don't see them listed in other categories in this bread.
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.120068
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.120069>>120076
>The ravens will starve. = ? IC/NSA members being killed --whistleblowers can no longer whistle
Did you know that the Ravens of the Tower of London has been a royal thang for centuries?
Ravens of the Tower of London - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Ravens_of_the_Tower_of_London
The Ravens of the Tower of London are a group of at least six captive ravens which live at the Tower of London. Their presence is traditionally believed to protect the Crown and the tower;
a superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it".
I strongly suggest that this line refers to the fall of the British Crown or royal family or prominent British royal personages.
What do you think, Anons?
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.120070>>120088
I agree anon. I said it's a beautiful wonderful thing. My point was that we are mostly anonymous on here and we should listen to everyone as they might be Q without the trip…
▶ 000000 (13) No.120071>>120079
▶ 9bcb9c (4) No.120072
moron. remove the extra space. are you blind?
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120073>>120082 >>120091
You fucking inbred… dreams don't even occur in the mind.
▶ 14d9d1 (27) No.120074
Oh I see now, sorry I did misunderstand. Thank you.
Hey meme /harvester/! You had posted a few links to threads detailing different techniques/approaches to red-pilling. Could you please post them again? Maybe we can get them added to that post in the dough? (I'm sure OP would!)
▶ 5974f1 (5) No.120075
so, is the DS trying to get us in ww3 by having a guy shoot at other countries?
▶ b0fd35 (26) No.120076
Money is cut off, can't pay to feed the ravens or continue their schemes
▶ 3c1e19 (1) No.120078>>120080
You are trying to make a connection but you don't even have the right guy yelling that phrase.
That phrase was yelled on a video by a dude being arrested and shoved into a police cruiser the day before Bangladesh dude…
▶ 711d21 (8) No.120079
Would explain the tweet
▶ c2d2d6 (11) No.120080>>120093
These people are STUPID!!!
▶ cb443b (22) No.120082>>120095
Where do dreams occur?
And where is the mind?
▶ 8a42da (2) No.120084
▶ 967fdb (14) No.120085
>>let's play a game
>>winning bigly
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.120088
>>119930 ←--
Notice this anons. Trump says ALL OF US should listen!
Is that a clue?
Have you found the map yet?
▶ 5044b1 (2) No.120089>>120097
Guys I think you are missing the "date connection". Q speaks about a mirror and that everything has meaning. He posted on 11/12 that US at risk this week--Q knew the Cabal ad something planned but could not divulge to us the exact date…hence him POSTING INFORMATION on 11/12 instead of 12/11! WE MUST GO BACK AND READ THE November posts to see what will happen or could happen in December, me thinks!
I'm on phone and can't be much help on retrieving QMap but I think this Anon mad woman the connection that we have missed…Q said multiple times to read the date stamps (paraphrasing here)!!!
Go back Anon to tell the future because the future will prove his past posts!!
▶ 817352 (22) No.120090
Thanks for checking anon. They're still there at the foot of the findings section, consolidated to make room for todays news.
Previous Recent Findings & News
12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162
▶ c87a96 (33) No.120091
Are you working on useful stuff? Or are you insulting mods? One of these lives has a future. One of them does not.
▶ ed0cba (13) No.120092
Hard decision. I mean the positive effects are beautiful. Shut off pain and nerve receptors, induce fearlessness and monk like mind clarity, regenerate injuries, increased intelligence. You can ditch the numbers stations cover story and imbed direct commands into the mind, absolutly no way of intersepting the message. But the negative side, think the church scene in the kingsmen. Thats were alot of these mass shooters come from.
▶ 0b6ab7 (9) No.120093
Patience is a virtue ;)
▶ 8a42da (2) No.120094
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120095>>120099 >>120105
I'm not telling you what I know. Find it out for your damned self. I'm just hear to call bullshit, and to punch some fags in the ego.
▶ 817352 (22) No.120096
Fresh Bread
>Fresh Bread
>The "Great re-Awakening" Edition #137
>Get it while it's hot
▶ 5044b1 (2) No.120097
*made connection (not mad woman) STUPID FKN phone autocorrects!
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120098
Correction punch some fags in the pussy.
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.120099>>120107
21 posts of nothing helpful, check
▶ 5d3d44 (1) No.120100>>120103
The gal who owns 23 and me is connected to Rob Roy, the head of the huge data center in Vegas (Switch/SuperNAP). Her mom & Roy partnered up on an "educational" project.
▶ 0fa3e8 (6) No.120101
But then you have cases like this where the engineer just fell asleep. Or another one I remember where he was texting and ran a red light I think.
http://www.cnn.co m/2013/12/03/us/new-york-train-crash/index.html
▶ 5d7ec4 (2) No.120102
▶ b5388b (13) No.120103
Educational project my ass lol
▶ b9ff7d (1) No.120104>>120110
Those last two characters of the name GANNETT don't have to be sevens…
I also checked hebrew. Last 2 characters are resembling 'Dalet'. But nothing similar in shape like a G.
These two lettertypes are also not exactly it, but very close imo.
Might be a custom set.
▶ cb443b (22) No.120105>>120113
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120107>>120111
You are a failed attempt at trying to create anything resembling a man.
▶ 885a25 (5) No.120109
▶ b5388b (13) No.120110
▶ cd8d37 (14) No.120111
you'll never be a man so what do you know
▶ f5b6bd (24) No.120113
You fuck off pud licker… I'm doing god's work.