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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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File: 8edaa1eb87ab319⋯.jpg (111.61 KB, 800x472, 100:59, #calm-151.jpg)

e17d8b No.131416

Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

Post last edited at

e17d8b No.131420

Latest Q posts





















Graphic >>>/cbts/130807

























Graphic >>>/cbts/121779

==Q TRIP UPDATED BY Q== (Same ID: 462c9a)


==CONFIRMED BY Q== ID: 462c9a



==CONFIRMED BY Q== ID: 462c9a




--These are the only real Q posts--


Anyone disputing this is Q, read >>>/cbts/119171 & >>>/cbts/119214

>>99480 ID 7681cc

>>99500 ID 7681cc

>>99525 ID 7681cc "Shall we play a game?" 18:27:05,

reposted vetbatim @ 18:43:38 w/ !ITPb.qbhqo in >>>/pol/11043832 , authenticates cbts ID 7681cc

>>99548 ID 7681cc


Tripcode Whitelist; only Q and whitelisted trips can trip now''' >>>/cbts/105223

e17d8b No.131422


Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country

>News unlocks message.

>Future proves past.


Interactive Qmap


Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by signatures to unlock?

We're all a part of the greatest timeline we've ever known.

Graphic Qmap

Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532, >>>/cbts/95263

4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/66953

4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/66963

8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/63794

8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/104828

Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers

https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064

Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/

Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0

PDF Qmap https://anonfile.com/0cAboadab4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.7.3.pdf

PDF Qmap >>https://anonfile.com/zbA2o1d0bb/Q_Map_12_19_2017v5.pdf

Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com

Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523

CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/62967 & >>>/cbts/62971 '''

'''Qmap Ven Diagrams and Q signatures studies >>>/cbts/119423

Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.

e17d8b No.131424



Blast the left and

Blast the right.

Wherever evil lurks,

We shine our light.



Memes #1 >>2

Memes #2 >>61078

Memes #3 >>107604

Infographs >>10

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads

→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip

→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip

→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip

→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip

→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip

→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip

→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip

→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip

→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip

→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip

→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip

→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip

→3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/80zco9d5bc/CBTS_Memes_3e.zip

→3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip


Red-pilling Methods


Guerilla Twitter Tactics



They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.

e17d8b No.131430

Recent Findings & News

For dig inspiration and catching up...

12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162

Recent Findings & News - Enjoy The Show

(Newest at top - OP's please crosspost in relevant threads)

NEW Thread for significant finds found in general cbts threads - >>>/cbts/116764

The Storm

Possibly (+++) and (++) are complete; and we have moved on to + >>>/cbts/120740 & >>>/cbts/120740

Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter? >>>/cbts/123120

Coincidence or message?

Trump ends today's speech with: "Great re-Awakening" >>>/cbts/120258

Speech timestamp - 28 min speech at the 26:00 mark. The finale - https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=nxdTCfRDhSs

How do you capture a very dangerous animal? >>>/cbts/119450 & >>>/cbts/120603

Cryptic Posts [WRWY] >>>/cbts/119568 & >>>/cbts/119580

GAB migration while censorship hammer drops at Twitter >>>/cbts/120132


Atlanta See anything interesting in this image? >>>/cbts/122444

NEW MAPS DROPPED>>>/cbts/122198 & >>>/cbts/122274

Amnesty International, founded by a R'Child and not what it pretends to be >>>/cbts/120584

NEW MAP DROP - Boys & Girls Club (Cooper's doc graphic?) >>>/cbts/118953 & >>>/cbts/120384

Walnut Sauce. Does the Cooper doc say Walnut Sauce in Russian? >>>/cbts/118901 & >>>/cbts/118768 & >>>/cbts/119635

Follow the wives - www.washingtontimes.com /news/2017/dec/17/nancy-pelosis-super-pac-keeps-donations-from-backp/

The VER company and the cryptic post >>>/cbts/118828 & >>>/cbts/119817

GANNETT's log in system >>>/cbts/119476


This is happening +

>www.washingtonexaminer.com/ trump-white-house-relaunching-obama-era-petition-site/article/2643878

>www.mycentraljersey.com/story/ opinion/readers/2017/12/18/letter-media-blame-fake-news-rep/108725234/

>next one is juicy

>stocknewspress.com/2017/12/17/ jp-morgan-may-have-just-lost-faith-in-realogy-holdings-nyse.html

>last but not least- AI

>www.irishtimes.com/opinion/ breda-o-brien-no-one-ever-asks-when-the-foetus-is-due-1.3328703

Soros news from today https://www.yahoo.com /news/billionaire-george-soros-betting-big-200800726.html & >>>/cbts/121170

Obama let Hezbollah off the hook" https:// www.politico.com/ interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/

Pelosi and D's pocket campaign cash from owners of sex-trafficking website - washingtontimes.com/


Call for UN Peacekeeping Force in Chicago - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_P23-cYQCXk&feature=youtu.be

Atlanta Airport Blackout fully laid out. Flights to Mexico and Cyprus DURING blackout. Thread & graphics - https://twitter.com/ ScottAnthonyUSA/status/942829062392774657

Atlanta flights which left yesterday inc. cargo planes - https://twitter.com/ @scottanthonyusa

Atlanta tweet thread - >>>/cbts/119848

Amtrack Derailment from the Tom Hennegen and Stew Webb Report - https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=zHgTJGnbylo

RAF Mildenhall, a US Air Force base in Norfolk placed on lockdown - https://www.express.co.uk /news/uk/893835/raf-mildenhall-norfolk-lockdown-us-air-force-base-security

Was the RAF Mildenhall intruder trying to get to a PLANE? - http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5191109/US-airforce-base-Suffolk-lockdown.html#ixzz51eGFzJHh

Mildenhall - USAFanon provedes context >>>/cbts/119511

Sealed Indictments Press Reports - >>>/cbts/110870

Re-election Update on current reps and senators not running - https://ballotpedia. org/List_of_U.S._Congress_incumbents_who_are_not_running_for_re-election_in_2018

Unmissable - Read the map as a game of chess - >>>/cbts/112732

Tarrot Backfired on the Cabal - A Reading of the 2017 Economist Cover - >>>/cbts/112933 & >>>/cbts/112972 & >>>/cbts/120585

e17d8b No.131432

Q Resources

Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/33814 >>>/cbts/36225 (can anyone find these to re-link?)

How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391

QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17

part I -> https://anonfile. com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile. com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile. com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile. com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf

part V -> https://anonfile. com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf


Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606

Red-pilling Methods

Get some ideas and inspiration with this collection of various different methods >>>/cbts/120350

Guerilla Twitter Tactics

Excellent tutorial from an Anon who works Twitter to the max. Recommended! >>>/cbts/12832

Research Tools

Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>>/cbts/80489

Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196

Map Making Tools

Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses, foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc. Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here are posts showing some of the free resources available to anons'

>>>/cbts/111700 & >>>/cbts/119941

Decoded Stringers

https://anonfile. com/Y6x1ned2b0/Red_Red_decipering.png

https://anonfile. com/Xcx9nbd3b5/Deciper_part_1.png

https://anonfile. com/a5y9n3dbb2/Deciper_part_2.png

Latest stringers decoded >>>/cbts/109555 >>>/cbts/109748 >>>/cbts/108638

Compilation of stringers >>>/cbts/95463

Obama’s Presidential Library RAID stringer >>>/cbts/109748

4Chan and 8Chan Archives

CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/pQR1CN49 [includes direct links to Q posts]

CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/Qk2B3K5s [includes direct links to Q posts]

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL

Latest Archives

Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*


>Archive: https://pastebin. com/pQR1CN49

e368ce No.131444


How do you post the new bread into the index page?

be83ce No.131449

"When does a bird sing?"

Could be Weiner, locked up and singing. Other thought is that it's Fleiss. She's a "bird lady". Literally lives out in the dessert with a bunch of birds by herself, smoking meth. No joke.


e17d8b No.131452

Useful Posts

How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>>/cbts/89275

How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>>/cbts/89305

Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423

Questions & Requests: >>>/cbts/1401

Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172

Research Findings & Threads

Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

CERN /LHC / AI >>>/cbts/1335

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411

Erik Prince - Expand your thinking >>>/cbts/1816

Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families >>>/cbts/1357

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) / IPCE (International Pedophile and Child Emancipation) >>>/cbts/113080

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>>/cbts/10556

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Report Strange NWO Deaths - >>>/cbts/114171.html

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

The British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Underground massive data center? >>>/cbts/20714

Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/848

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

**Some broken links from above have been removed.

If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link.

In The Event A Baker Is Needed


Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes and upload new version.

Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition

Post: From pastebin copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field. Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.

Last batter used: https://pastebin.com/6LQfJ3xL #151 & https://8ch.net/cbts/res/131416.html#131432


Update this line with the link to the pastebin file you used to bake this bread.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

e0a347 No.131456

File: 8f3b4b94fe359c1⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 600x369, 200:123, 21e9xl.jpg)

7e3118 No.131458



"Bernard Law, the former Archbishop of Boston who resigned in disgrace during the clergy sex abuse scandal, has died at age 86 in Rome".

http://archive. is/uF4oX

8541a4 No.131459



e17d8b No.131460

8541a4 No.131462


no worries bro I can bake the next one

f810a9 No.131464


Simple google for 'when does a bird sing'…

"It can start as early as 4:00 a.m. and last several hours. Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the DAWN chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent. It's mostly made up of male birds, attempting to attract mates and warn other males away from their territories."

e17d8b No.131465

8541a4 No.131466


you too anon get some rest I'm already kneading the dough

e17d8b No.131469

f2bdb6 No.131470


There's also FIRE in CA

43e32d No.131471


>>131466 checked

Just an heads up, there are a couple missing "/" in this post of the dough:




Thank you for baking!

076f3d No.131472


Thank you baker!

8541a4 No.131473




thanks man Im still reading all that happened today its been a crazy day.

f2bdb6 No.131474


hope nothing happens to the birds while someone suicides Fleiss

4fabc9 No.131475

4937d3 No.131476

e0a347 No.131477

File: ae223c9c14a51e7⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 21ea6x.jpg)

ed74b1 No.131478


So A Cooper isnt the mockingbird who will sing?

767c25 No.131479

File: 3bc46276c578797⋯.png (13.84 KB, 634x291, 634:291, ted-lieu-pizza.png)


so long as ted lieu gets his pizza everything be ok

https://t witter.com/tedlieu/status/326740079739559936

http://a rchive.is/mUsY1

3920ab No.131480

File: e58740ccc44d151⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, tprez.jpg)

43e32d No.131481


No problem, and same here—I have to re-read the map myself

e0a347 No.131482


Thats a new one. What in the fuck is a margherita pizza?

f9ead6 No.131483

Lol have to laugh, folks are trollling skippy hard!!!!!

e42bae No.131484


Thank you to the baker


Just trying to stay ahead of the game… you obviously have no idea what the end game is or anything about what their plans have been this entire time. Q has talked about Satanism, Occult magic, etc..


Q says "pray"

/CBTS/ says: "Don't talk about God!"

Q says "Satan/Satanists"

/CBTS/ says: "Don't talk about God!"

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

→ 4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: ←

and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?

→ who is able to make war with him? ←

5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Revelations 13:4

Who is able to make war with him? We can make war with anyone.. but not against an advanced race that can easily destroy us…

I love that Q is helping fill us in. I have no idea who he/she is, and don't care to know. I just think there's much more to the story than just pedophile rings and banking. I hope I'm wrong, but I'll laugh if everyone dismisses it and it comes to pass.

4937d3 No.131485

Is there systematic way to group themes of Q’s posts?

3920ab No.131486

File: 274ffb3151edfac⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 800x800, 1:1, prezt.jpg)

f9ead6 No.131487

Thank you marvelous Baker

767c25 No.131490

File: d8db25a62e9f16f⋯.png (19.78 KB, 631x354, 631:354, dws-pizza.png)


ask Debbie Whatshername

https://t witter.com/DWStweets/status/456441770524831744

http://a rchive.is/nlFQ0

1a328d No.131491



https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjmFm8PIz8M&list=PLvmMa0jwy_AAeeKipKjyeVGMEjhQSkTTa

This^^^^ (good recommendation.)

(To the poster of the link - just a reminder to break your links on here, as above)

dd2a35 No.131492



>1239 d.penalty?

who will it be?

ZBA=Zero Balance Account? still looking.

865dfe No.131493

bombing fox live chat

need help

keep getting stopped

posting too fast'


884555 No.131494

Scavino/Hicks/Conway. The content is importat, however, not the person.,

865dfe No.131495




e17d8b No.131496


I wanted to add the posts Q ref'd.

To the first post.

That's all.

Godspeed BakerAnon.

May your bread be blessed.

7e3118 No.131497


>Not vegan

Likes Cheese on his pizza. Not aged for very long…

8cb5b6 No.131499

309966 No.131500


Pure gold, Anon

884555 No.131502

Schumer is terrified and lashing out like the crooked demon he is.

e17d8b No.131503


Shill level zero, just our homegrown.

Isn't it ironic.

Threatened B8 but haven't.


3a244d No.131504

Did that !RRVe.ETtN anon post the moon theory yet?

Lol I hope he ain't didn't get killed

243dce No.131505

Alex Jones and Roger Stone today

still act like Sessions has not done anything

when if they had watched Christopher Wray's

testimony they would have learned that

The Inspector General was put in charge of all of these Clinton related problems

and Wray is "anxiously awaiting the report."

Here is his testimony. He says it repeatedly.

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ckJwJReNol4

fdd35b No.131506

File: 221f3d9419608d9⋯.jpg (160.4 KB, 714x452, 357:226, Rosie.jpg)

Help me out Anons .. isn't it illegal to bribe a sitting U.S. senator for their vote? :

Before Tax Cut Vote, Desperate Rosie O’Donnell Offers $4 Million Cash Bribe to Two U.S. Senators

truepundit.com/before-tax-cut-vote-desperate-rosie-odonnell-takes-a-break-from-sheet-cake-to-offer-2-million-bribe-to-two-U.S. Senators

635dab No.131508

File: fcd43b39c13262e⋯.png (337.12 KB, 421x492, 421:492, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at ….png)

8cb5b6 No.131509

File: e1f28d4e7725faf⋯.png (583.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, kat.png)

076f3d No.131510


Yeah they are. Seriously, why does he even post anymore?

e0a347 No.131511


Ohhh fuck yeah, dude!

24ecc9 No.131512

Kamil Beylant

Kamil Beylant


Replying to @HankPettit

Thank you for playing #QAnon, the Russian mystery game now thrilling dozens who needed some anti-American spiders in their interweb experience. Disclaimer: this is like GTA but political - do not confuse with reality. #Pizzagate #Pedogate #followthewhiterabbit

Already started on Qanon twatter.

Posted this as ive not seen this before.

3920ab No.131513

File: 64a8a8dc9bfdfc4⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 800x800, 1:1, wasserpig.jpg)

6e040b No.131514

File: 0d8b26e708fc12f⋯.jpg (32.01 KB, 490x600, 49:60, patton8.jpg)


As Q has indicated, we are likely to see an increased spin/disinfo campaign from the MSM #fakenews…


In thinking about an effective counter, it occurs to me that our glorious meme-makers can swiftly neutralize them with very specific ammunition.

When stories begin to roll, it will be simple to see the key words and phrases they've been fed for their reporting. Once they are identified, TAKE THEM AWAY! We OWN those fucking words now!

For example, when they say 'conspiracy', we give them a barrage of photos with all of their favorite characters… and the definition of the word.


>noun, plural conspiracies.

>1.the act of conspiring.

>2.an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.

>3.a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose:

>He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

>4.Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

>5.any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Still thinking on tactics and thought I'd throw this out in case it sparks any other ideas.

In the words of General Patton, "We're not just going to shoot the bastards, we're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks."

076f3d No.131515


Pretty sure that’s very illegal

e0a347 No.131517

File: e1061d8458a50b8⋯.jpg (99.78 KB, 682x499, 682:499, 21eapr.jpg)

11b677 No.131519


Is his nik skippy, as his dad helped to drive - sink the titanic? Who also happened to be one of the survivors

243dce No.131520


This whole thing went off track when Rosie

went on national television and made fun of

Trump and his hair.

Trump just responded by saying,

"she certainly enjoyed eating like a pig at my wedding reception."

Totally deserved backslap, Rosie.

e368ce No.131521


Figured it out.

8541a4 No.131522

File: 5e644c01590d065⋯.jpg (303.47 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 64c721f6cac0bc1b214522b714….jpg)

81c163 No.131523

Soros donates to Sierra C (as did CF) - which in turn runs political ads.


Worried about sea level rise and flooding, Bloomberg wrote, “We decided to take matters into our own hands. The New York City Panel on Climate Change, which we had created through PlaNYC in partnership with Columbia University and the Rockefeller Foundation, provided us with the most complete local projections for climate change in any city in the world.”

In the chapter “How We Invest,” Bloomberg also said he “teamed up” with Hank Paulson and lefty billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer “to create the Risky Business project” intended to “quantify the economic risks of climate change …”

Tom Steyer - Soros 2.0


TS Running for President? Calls for Impeachment


Sierra C (wiki)

The Sierra Club has an affiliated super PAC. It spent $1,000,575 on the 2014 elections, all of it opposing Republican candidates for office.[77] The Sierra Club is a partner of America Votes, an organization that coordinates and promotes progressive issues.[78]

Donors to the Sierra Club have included David Gelbaum, Michael Bloomberg, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.[79] The Sierra Club has also received funding from the Democracy Alliance and the Tides Foundation Advocacy Fund.[80][81]

In 2015, a PR front group, known as the Environmental Policy Alliance, claimed that the Sierra Club and other U.S. environmental groups received funding from groups with ties to Russia's state-owned oil company.

dd2a35 No.131524


Photos of former pots maybe? 1-43? Bring up BenG again. For rawdawg won't like that. Again using this definition break down. Mayb pick top3?

767c25 No.131526

File: 8ea95f2af14c7a9⋯.png (742.23 KB, 628x1784, 157:446, rosie-wtf-bribery.png)


and she doubled down on it

these people are ______

309966 No.131527


I got kicked off of Twatter after a debate with this deranged pedophile protecting piece of shit. Needs to be doxxed

57b45f No.131528


She's screwed. Big time felony, and a currently enforced one.

98ab63 No.131529


I know damn it. I just know it's a 'legit' site, so I didn't. But I's will try to do mo betta nexx time, since u axed. :D

f2b48a No.131530


Nice. I would add George Clooney and Amal. Clooney foundation

81804b No.131532


These people are STUPID!

996706 No.131533


I think we can expect more behavior like this from the left. I'm going to need to buy a lot of popcorn


64928a No.131534


Yes, unexplainable things have happened thru out human history, but fortinuately, we have far more objective evidence that the brain of human beings is the most complexified matter in the known Universe. Whether we were created in the image of a divine “being” or the productive of 3.5 billion years of biological evolution, we have yet to objectively encounter any life form more intelligent than human beings. So, it’s safe to say that each of us are a focal point of the Universe self aware.

Now think about why .01 % of the most oppressive elite families among us might want us to think less of ourselves as to believe that some skinny ass green big headed asexual slimy fucks are “superior” to us. If they hadn’t spent billions of dollars in movie propaganda to make us believe in ETs our wholes lives, we would laugh these fuckers into oblivion with just the suggestion of such nonsense.

f810a9 No.131535


Just asking to get banned shill

f46a0e No.131536

File: 87217f2f21b020e⋯.png (484.21 KB, 620x393, 620:393, spiritcooking.png)


They do it this way because it's been done this way for thousands of years. The whole point of the Occult is to cover your crimes by making the truth of your crimes unbelievable without the "MAP" or hard evidence that only YOU hold.

Some do-good researcher who finds out the truth of your system isn't a threat when nobody will ever believe what they say about you.



"Pizzagate is fake news"

When you talk to a normal person and present them with these 2 perspectives, it is pretty damn obvious what they are going to choose to believe.

See, in order for the population to WANT to believe the FANTASY then the truth must be HARD TO SWALLOW. So it must be Satanism, Occult magic, etc..

d6978e No.131537

In Q we trust

67730a No.131538


I'm trying to stay objective here but that's a straight up bribe! No I wanna make a donation or help out one of your many causes – just "I wanna give you $2 million dollars" call me. SMH

e0a347 No.131539

File: 09c2e8b1e73d7be⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 526x499, 526:499, 21eay6.jpg)

49d106 No.131540

He said to watch the news, and latest posts have suggested worldwide human trafficking networks have been going down. Atlanta airport event on Sunday was connected; possible arms-for-people trade interrupted?

Should monitor worldwide emergency alerts.

Heidi Fleiss seems to have had a mentor, one acquainted with the Red shields: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/society/2014/09/madame-claude-paris-prostitution

Fleiss' black book hit the news a few years ago, any anon have the list of names? Is it floating around out there online? Possible to cross-ref with known acquaintances of Hefner?

81c163 No.131541


>And we are back to Russia Russia Russia….

>Klein Ltd. - Its only publicly documented activities have been transfers of $23 million to U.S. environmentalist groups that push policies that would hamstring surging American oil and gas production, which has hurt Russia’s energy-reliant economy.

>…Including Sierra


57b45f No.131542


This capture alone may be enough to indict her. Trump already doesn't like her, neither does a lot of people.

f2b48a No.131544

e368ce No.131545

Goodnight Anons/Q. Will be back later today

dc80f3 No.131546


"Margherita" is a traditional Italian pizza topped with tomato, parmesan cheese and basil representing the Italian flag colors red, white and green.

c49e00 No.131548


Let's just say, she isn't very bright

139591 No.131549


I think ZBA is Zoning Board of Appeals. ?

81bf68 No.131550


We will never be able to thank you enough, Q, POTUS, MI, Military, IC Anons, White Hats, Bakers, fellow anons. We the Patriots are forever grateful to be a part of the greatest happening of our time.

98ab63 No.131551

File: 12d65cb4fb5f139⋯.jpg (169.48 KB, 773x999, 773:999, BloombergEcoTies.jpg)

File: dd266e574fedddd⋯.jpg (272.68 KB, 922x561, 922:561, 100000LawsSm.jpg)


Using 'climate change' as their heart string puller, knowing damn well their handlers whom they work for a the ones actively suppressing advanced technology and lobbying on behalf of the gas/coal/oil industry..

But acting like "If they were in office, the climate would suddenly be okay."


f92529 No.131552


That would go well for a Podesta meme as well - horrible people

4937d3 No.131553

>>126896 >>126948 >>126998

All related to MSM controlling the message. MSM driven by ad money, clicks, etc. they will publish stories that grab their audience’s attention. 91% negative media attention for Trump. Why? Because liberal audiences LOVES it.

Single source is providing “leads” to MSM outlets to control the message. As the noose tightens, swamp monsters fight back.

The sun is the closest star. It provides light to the darkness. Whomever lives by truth comes into the light.

Conspiracy by MSM to misleading audience away from the truth, to build great level of animosity towards President Trump. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Anons are a threat to their narrative because not automatic acceptable of their tales without verification. Easier to control the masses by feeding them buzz words. All absorbed in RT, referring to Russia Today-general propaganda against Trump or the Russian collusion ad nauseam.

dd80a7 No.131555


OH my, that ENTIRE Q thread sounds remarkably like today's news. Was it foreshadowing? 147816901 CBTS#27

f92529 No.131556


Twatter debates may not necessarily help (as Q has pointed out). Create a new one with a new email and just spread those memes.

ac1e51 No.131557

File: 2c6088bce6f20c4⋯.jpg (38.82 KB, 306x484, 153:242, HarryReid.jpg)

File: 2262c808646d3b4⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 224x423, 224:423, JohnKerry.jpg)

File: 9b2b21fdf941261⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 768x384, 2:1, o-GET-YOUR-GAME-FACE-ON-fa….jpg)

File: 67db64f384fa4ec⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 366x450, 61:75, 2017.09.11-GeorgeWBush2.jpg)

Whoever thought of the Black Eyes - was brilliant!! Like a Scarlet Letter. Nice part to include with any deal.

Further redpilled a buddy this eve. Said "search for black eye politician", or "black eye bush kerry", and constrain the date to the past month. Loved seeing GeorgeW's posted on 9/11 - so fitting.

e0a347 No.131559

File: 977088a3a1881d4⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 382x322, 191:161, 21eb4p.jpg)

File: ea5db268583f26d⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 697x499, 697:499, 21eb9q.jpg)

11b677 No.131560


Don't forget the pope

767c25 No.131561


>now i am become


076f3d No.131562


Was he not on CNN today?

12aa57 No.131563


Perhaps GEOTUS will hold a pres conference from the WH, preferably a formal Presidential Address (required, uninterrupted coverage by press), to divert attention from Capitol Hill while the secret service conducts mass arrests on Capitol Hill?

44a9ce No.131564


Wow! Are we finally going to see Rosie in cuffs? Pretty sure that's a felony she just commited if true.

1b1eb5 No.131565

File: 49610eaef5de798⋯.jpg (368.84 KB, 1077x731, 1077:731, Screenshot_20171220-000756.jpg)

TOTS 2 da anon who did this!!!

076f3d No.131566


Yeah, that’s not going to help the cause, my friend.

9a8238 No.131567


Has RED_OCTOBER been defined yet?

Red October was a cyberespionage malware program discovered in October 2012 and uncovered in January 2013 by Russian firm Kaspersky Lab. The malware was reportedly operating worldwide for up to five years prior to discovery, transmitting information ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. The primary vectors used to install the malware were emails containing attached documents that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Excel.[1][2] Later, a webpage was found that exploited a known vulnerability in the Java browser plugin.[1][3] Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide.

The malware was spying on government leaders for over 5 years.

If this was a white hat operation then they have dirt on many if not all world leaders.

6e040b No.131568

File: dbc0d02d4b6783d⋯.gif (822.37 KB, 600x366, 100:61, dbc0d02d4b6783d9fae7f32675….gif)

As we approach critical mass, people who deny The Storm can be likened to a drowning man who denies the existence of water.

ae32d9 No.131569

dc80f3 No.131570


This won't happen, according to Q.

See >>147106598 of 29 October.

fdd35b No.131571

File: fea55275ea75ca2⋯.jpg (246.6 KB, 714x452, 357:226, Rosie.jpg)

Time for Rosie to go away!

0b1cfb No.131572

Beatles "And Your Bird Can Sing" lyrics

You tell me that you've got everything you want

And your bird can sing

But you don't get me, you don't get me

You say you've seen seven wonders and your bird is green

But you can't see me, you can't see me

When your prized possessions start to weigh you down

Look in my direction, I'll be round, I'll be round

When your bird is broken, will it bring you down?

You may be awoken, I'll be round, I'll be round

You tell me that you've heard every sound there is

And your bird can swing

But you can't hear me, you can't hear me

98ab63 No.131573

File: 3713c4fc1f40cc6⋯.jpg (231.58 KB, 2560x1536, 5:3, AndersonTV.jpg)

6e4765 No.131574


My take on that is at the end of the battle with the Alfa. "You arrogant ass. You've killed us." The whole russia dossier and the dems support for Mueller. Also the fact they are really stupid and prideful.

243dce No.131575

File: c6dac595fb2dd50⋯.png (294.17 KB, 474x384, 79:64, pig-1.png)

local news

a8a61d No.131576

c49e00 No.131577


this is a great idea.

How about when news about HRC comes out and everyone claims it is a conspiracy, make a meme that says something like "what difference does it make now?"

a9b875 No.131578

has anyone heard about any ops going on in chicago?

635dab No.131579

File: b716d56e8f9bb6f⋯.jpg (343.3 KB, 711x2525, 711:2525, Luzzatto, Tamera edit.jpg)

If anyone wants to improve this, feel free.

(good straight line hard for mockingbirds to ignore – not that they haven't already)

f2bdb6 No.131581

BO I request this info be added to "resources" or similar place so anons can access if they encounter info pertinent to child trafficking


DHS also has a hotline to report suspected human trafficking, available 24/7 in 300 different languages, by dialing: 1-866-347-2423 (toll free) or 1-802-872-6199 (non toll free international).

12aa57 No.131582

Sea to Shining Sea could be Sea of Japan to Yellow Sea similar to high speed SR-71 recon runs.

8cb5b6 No.131583

File: 9bc0198bbe12686⋯.png (355.69 KB, 1143x1226, 1143:1226, Marion-Three.png)


thats fucked up

868310 No.131584


what if the heidi fleiss book was bought by none other than DJT???? it might explain all the hollywood/political people resigning/retiring for anonymous "allegations" and "harrassment"

139591 No.131585

File: 96948378b3e3bfe⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 306x303, 102:101, 36A27CBA00000578-3710587-B….jpg)

File: 62b98d165453e70⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bernie-sanders.jpg)

File: e989c924ca433c0⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Bernie Sanders had a black eye when dropped out of the race and told everyone to support Hillary.

f2bdb6 No.131587


I love the way your mind works, anon

ac1e51 No.131588

File: bd4e5ea7d1c33b1⋯.jpg (60.19 KB, 500x543, 500:543, 4a140e8b40b65a6fe956db366d….jpg)

File: fa903e40afc4068⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 620x320, 31:16, 101014coffin.jpg)

File: e7241fa042df5e7⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: eb4690aec547a53⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 640x336, 40:21, f263e65e8d.jpg)

Once the dust settles, can the mass-coffins get distributed as flower-planters in patriot's front yards across America so we _never forget_ how close we came to the edge? At least one in the White House garden?

Boy, CSX has it rough lately, CEO with health issues dropping, and now all those boxcars with shackles that won't get used.

They'd make for nice indoor planters too (hint hint Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, well that's Congresses job, but still).

Prolly big enough to grow a nice Acacia (wattle wattle wattle).

f2bdb6 No.131590


and your point is….?

f92529 No.131592


Check out her twitter, she posted more than once

076f3d No.131593

File: 127818c7b458aef⋯.jpeg (197 KB, 750x801, 250:267, 53FD14D3-17F9-4A14-87AB-F….jpeg)

File: ea57351af704f2c⋯.jpeg (156.66 KB, 750x431, 750:431, 7B174320-70AB-4FC6-B905-7….jpeg)

Awww Lynn is trying to copycat. How cute…

46297e No.131594


You are a shill and obviously high as fuck or illiterate. Or maybe both.

a9b875 No.131595


personally i think sessions is recussing himself because his focusing on the gangs…. correct? starting with the small fish and working his way up.

f92529 No.131596


We salute this Anon

6042a9 No.131597


sause on the box cars anon?

076f3d No.131598


These were actuall stacked up near the Atlanta airport at one point.

46297e No.131599


Lynn is getting desperate, isnt she. Stressed, Lynn? What's bothering you these days? I thought you were out saving humanity not on twatter all day long every day.


309966 No.131600


Bernie had a skin condition. Cancerous, I think. This is easily debunked.

fdd35b No.131601


Rosie offered (on twatter) $2 million bribes to two Senators to vote no on tax bill. I hope she gets a visit from the FBI (the real one) for her felonious actions.

46297e No.131602


Berrnie is cancerous.

139591 No.131603


Aahh okay.

767c25 No.131604


(((easily debunked)))

fuck i didn't know jim acosta was an anon

243dce No.131605


hunter = fbi

boar = rosie topping her previous fk up

offering $2 million to politicians for their vote

4937d3 No.131606


Talks of using NG troops in Chicago has been an option over last 4-5 years. The Dems are turning the narrative to use UN troops instead to protect minorities. UN is viewed as “peaceful” solution vehicle.

CPD conducted raids in recent weeks, arrested 120, mostly gang members. Then there’s bad cops story http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/12/14/ex-police-officer-sentenced-obstruction/. Big ICE raid in Chicagoland. Are these raids a push back statement that Chicago is dealing with own problems without “help” from Trump.

Is the fear that Trump is right and will send in NG “lighting a fire” to get Chicago to clean its act up? Rahm Emanuel stated CPD was under equipped to deal with gang issues and needed more money from Washington. http://joemiller.us/2017/01/no-rahm-emanuel-chicago-doesnt-need-funding-needs-support-police/ http://inthesetimes.com/article/20602/rahm-emanuel-chicago-police-laquan-mcdonald-no-cop-academy

Emanuel has plenty of money to sue Trump on sanctuary city status. http://www.tampabay.com/news/nation/chicago-sues-justice-department-over-sanctuary-city-crackdown/2332974

0b1cfb No.131607

File: a401efd52b46ff8⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 960x640, 3:2, nintchdbpict000351915527.jpg)

46297e No.131608


Yes,, exactly.

And she seems a little desperate, doesnt she?

46297e No.131609

076f3d No.131610

File: f0385411fe5b833⋯.jpeg (3.3 MB, 2794x3725, 2794:3725, 264AFD1A-AC59-4EB1-ACC1-8….jpeg)


Forgot to post this earlier. This is one of the injured train passengers

a9b875 No.131611

f9ead6 No.131612


Send her that we can hear you breathe meme lol

243dce No.131613

File: c2720d8ffa9e670⋯.png (268.56 KB, 550x348, 275:174, monkey-finger-00.png)

File: c2720d8ffa9e670⋯.png (268.56 KB, 550x348, 275:174, monkey-finger-00.png)


e0a347 No.131614

File: 2f31d9dc2cfa666⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 439x825, 439:825, 21ebyg.jpg)

076f3d No.131615


Sweet dreams

12aa57 No.131617


B-1 has supersonic nap of the earth low level bombing capabilities I believe. A high speed sea to sea run would help protect it from detection and shoot down.

1b1eb5 No.131618


Field McConnell on AbelDanger had more pics with the black eyes. He said that the White Dragon Society has many investments in the US and would rather the US has its MAGA. If you don't go along, you get a nice punch. The second time you are out. Forever. Tried to find episode. It was within the last month.

0b1cfb No.131619


How long ago?

a9b875 No.131620

1f8a5f No.131621


I'll fix her.

a9b875 No.131623

ac1e51 No.131624


Perfectly lucid m8, no need to h8. Have another red-pill friend. What did you think they were just going to let our bodies float in the waters and fester?

Guess the coffins are best left off the table, one of those aspects the thought of which would put 99% in the hospital.

f9ead6 No.131625


Having once been a resident of Chicago for 14 years I can tell you I had a lot of friends who are police officers, every single one of them said the same thing they have been working for more than 10 years without an actual contract. Are used to listen to the police scanner at night to hear my friends when they were out on calls even the dispatch you knew me by name I would say hello to me at night when she got on. The police officers their work with outdated equipment. Police cars that always have to be repaired and the lack of some equipment at all. The city about 12 to 14 years ago was given several million dollars supposedly to provide the police with what they needed under Mayor Daley. The police never saw one cent of that money …. when it comes to Chicago you have to follow the money daddy daily and then Mayor Daley. And then whoever followed him just followed suit with all the contract kickbacks …. yes the police have more than they can handle on any given night and just one free think you can hear 400-500 calls in a matter of hours. Having the National Guard go in and the system would be good. But providing the police officers with what they actually need to do their job would be even better.

4937d3 No.131626


SATAN has left WH.

SATAN is acronym for Satellite Automatic Tracking Antenna. Q is making point that WH is clean, leakers eradicated. WW can feel safe knowing their conversations with POTUS won’t be revealed on MSM.

c49e00 No.131627

Anyone read this?

"In a Tuesday appearance on Stuart Varney’s FOX Business Network program, former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom argued that officials working under former FBI Director James Comey likely obstructed justice during the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Kallstrom then took aim at Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department for failing to hand over documents that House investigators issued subpoenas for. In the final 20 seconds of the interview, Kallstrom hints ‘patriots,’ will soon expose why the Clinton Foundation probe was ‘shut down.’

Varney: I want to summarize this. I want to be very clear about it. I have said in my opinion there is a cabal active within the FBI and the Justice Department.

Kallstrom: Yes

Varney: Which hates Trump, which protected Hillary Clinton and tried to bring down Donald Trump. That is an extraordinary story of interference in an American presidential election.

Kallstrom: Yes, yes, yes. It is. Without question that’s what it was. Just like the whole “so-called” Clinton investigation, it was phony from the beginning. No grand jury, giving witnesses immunity, putting all the subjects in one room at the same time. I mean it’s crazy. It’s nuts what they did."

http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/fmr-fbi-asst-director-kallstrom-hints-patriots-will-soon-expose-clinton-foundation-probe-shut-video/

1b1eb5 No.131629


over a year ago, i was offsite with my boss, his wife, & my coworker. i told them the facts never said pizzagate… but they looked at me as if i was on drugs or something. Becuase ppl project their internalized view of the world onto other ppl. I said i saw the emails on WL & i saw the photis on insta … they just couldnt have it. i even said i would show them on my phone.. they wouldnt have it. They even went to say that WL or russia tampered with the emails.. needless to say… my relatioanship at work has been fuked since then. i've pretty much given up there. i want to be part of the real world, not this fake shit that is meaningless amd mundane.

Talking to someone who has no idea about what is going would be like telling someone theres a ghost next to u that u speak w reg.

their denial hasnt deterred me. i still send links to my coworkers amd tell some of them about this.. they've accepted my quirks kek … plus, im kind of a cool cat to be around. :]

e0a347 No.131630

File: b1d3ecaafeb40dd⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 650x400, 13:8, 21ec6e.jpg)

f9fefe No.131631


Check out presidential schedule last few days: FBI, Marines, Mattis, Tillerson, Camp David. That is the lion’s share.

076f3d No.131632


I’ve read articles starting in 2008. But, here a video of them from 2011.


f9ead6 No.131633

And while you’re at it trace the money that Bill Lipinski sr. Had. He had 7 bank acts. 4 hidden from irs. His son is like him. Friends of bill l was a money laundering act. I know I volunteered for them for 14 yrs. there’s lots more….. bill also got a black eye . Then a few yrs later broke legs….

f9fefe No.131634


I have to say, I like the user id.

https://factba .se/topic/calendar

ac1e51 No.131635

File: 014cfcb1ab3cd06⋯.jpg (141.97 KB, 903x990, 301:330, 2017.09.11-Pope Francis.jpg)

File: 222e45c869a301e⋯.jpg (56.55 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 2017.09.11-Pope Francis2.jpg)


Someone asked for the pope - nice composition on this image. He even splattered his tunic after the ole wack on the popemobile.

243dce No.131636

File: 360b271b5df9069⋯.png (255.73 KB, 293x399, 293:399, pirate-1.png)

726590 No.131638



57b45f No.131639

File: bf88afa877f9171⋯.png (351.8 KB, 640x450, 64:45, HRC_VRC.png)

File: 7f16abbd1e4648b⋯.png (112.84 KB, 500x457, 500:457, this-is-a-vast-right-wing-….png)


Here you go, found 2.

ac1e51 No.131640

File: 084899a0112e01b⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 634x474, 317:237, Prince Andrew.jpg)

File: feed2e90e3a8822⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 360x268, 90:67, prince_philip_shiner_57460….jpg)


Our friends on the other side of the pond are feeling left out. How about Prince Andrew and Prince Phillip for you. Of course, over there they do it on the right side…

865dfe No.131641


sent it to her

186e12 No.131642

File: bf8fa017957aa75⋯.png (74.51 KB, 943x687, 943:687, preview.PNG)

MA here,

Archives are continuously being updated.

The latest development includes addition of direct links to the zips of the archives of cbts generals.

see pic related for a preview.

Next addition - non-archive.fo download links for the zips. Will take a little more time, so stay tuned.



e0a347 No.131643


Fucking kek!

ffb9d9 No.131644

File: 0eae6fa5b2ea786⋯.jpg (88.96 KB, 800x599, 800:599, NTSB_planeCrash.jpg)

Any info on these people in this plane crash on saturday?

https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/19/572065289/ national-transportation-safety-board-official-killed-in-indiana-plane-crash

Paul Schuda

Louis Cantilena ← Pilot


Dr. Louis Cantilena, age 63, Potomac, Maryland (Pilot)

Dr. Paul Schuda, age 65, Arlington, Virginia

Dr. Amy Cantilena, age 31, Potomac, Maryland (Daughter of Pilot)

Apparently this lady works for NTSB:

"The NTSB is an independent federal agency that investigates all civil aviation accidents in the United States and selected accidents in other modes of transportation.

Schuda and Cantilena were both members of the Civil Air Patrol. Schuda was previously a deputy director at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a professor of chemistry at the University of Maryland, College Park, the air patrol says.

Cantilena was a professor of medicine in clinical pharmacology at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., according to the air patrol."

46297e No.131645


Definitely on drugs AND retarded.

726590 No.131646



e0a347 No.131647

File: 3ec4dbb7dcee93f⋯.jpg (77.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 21ecca.jpg)

243dce No.131648


odd that the view is so "exciting"

is that jesus behind him with those good legs?

46297e No.131650


Hence why the MSM is having a fit.

1b1eb5 No.131652


the eyes r looking at xmas… do they plan some event to happen then?

Get the W no matter How it Looks… so, they r saying it looks as if they r losing to DT but they have a counter plan in place … watch monday and see???

89a66f No.131653


Is the general consensus it's punishment for misbehaving, rite of passage, display of martyrdom/allegiance, or control device implant scar?

309966 No.131654


I am just trying to prevent ignorance being used against us. This is too important to use bad info and risk not being taken seriously. Put your dicks away

ac1e51 No.131655


Sauce is here, could dig further:

https:/ /americafirstpatriots.com/many-politicians-bruises-near-eyes-recently/

There were definitely some that were much older and need to take care with that, good point well taken.

10bb5d No.131656


No consensus on it that I can see. Personally, I think it's an implant, but not crazy mind control stuff, just the kind that can be triggered to blow your brain apart if you go rogue or become compromised.

726590 No.131657


thanks anon .. it is pretty odd

865dfe No.131658


sent her black eyed eveyln,pope,train bitch and downy

asked if it was some new cult thing ;)

243dce No.131659


in hillary speak, this is double speak

of course it is distraction

but it can also be instructions to direct these

same things at her competitor

f9ead6 No.131661

89a66f No.131662

41335c No.131663

File: 2246afc919569e0⋯.jpg (108.62 KB, 750x431, 750:431, twatter.jpg)

I think this is what shemeant to type.

1b1eb5 No.131664


i wonder if thats where "pounch a nazi in the face" came from

076f3d No.131665


This was from an Eagles player so he was talking about football, but her petty ass would repost it as a double meaning.

865dfe No.131666

e0a347 No.131667


Whats the W all about?

865dfe No.131668

anyone got a message for comey?

ac1e51 No.131669


Wasn't saying 'exciting', just interesting composition with the geometry, bokeh on the cross. Would say they published their scarlet letter with the greatest style. Much symbolism there.

Sorry to offend our Catholic friends, it's hard to swallow if this is all accurate.

076f3d No.131670


I read somewhere it’s a ritual. But I need to find the article. I’ll post it when I do.

076f3d No.131671


Win. The original poster was from the Eagles football team

e0a347 No.131672


Double meaning for (W)ashington, perhaps?

6042a9 No.131673

File: f673cf0c9b53d05⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 765x483, 255:161, 221f3d9419608d914c8ce29e76….jpg)

muh cherry is popped whatcha think?

726590 No.131674

POTUS - use a 'q' in ur tweet

dd80a7 No.131675


Another Anon said this was his second day absent in a row.

89a66f No.131676


I just posted that link! Haha

076f3d No.131677


Prince Phillip had it twice. April 2013 in Canada and January or February 2015 at an event in Buckingham Palace

dd80a7 No.131678


But the real point is, read that whole thread. It seems suspiciously post ALT and post "19 ops"

076f3d No.131679


Interesting. Wonder if he learned his lesson yet

f92529 No.131680

File: 8bc7e9bf4c23816⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 876x422, 438:211, dark.JPG)

A new hashtag trending on twatter - TheDarkIsReading - that we should piggyback on.

>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The_Dark_Is_Rising_Sequence

>It depicts a struggle between forces of good and evil called the Light and the Dark and is based on Arthurian legends, Celtic mythology, and Norse mythology.

ffb9d9 No.131681

What happened with those 30,000 guillotines that Obama ordered? What the fuck were those for? We don't even use those anymore.. unless something has changed.

Can we get our money back?

http:// www.nowtheendbegins.com/retired-fbi-agent-tells-patriot-group-that-obamas-feds-have-set-up-30000-guillotines/

http:// www.forbiddennews.info/retired-fbi-agent-government-storing-30000-guillotines-and-half-million-caskets-in-atlanta/

In other news. Gonna namefag for one a post just to see if anyone here even recognizes it from 4c. lol

076f3d No.131682


My apologies, I’m a bit sleep deprived lol I’m not picking up what you mean

736ae8 No.131683

thats fuckin' awesome. >>131522

865dfe No.131684

57b45f No.131686


Yeah, a lot of folks just didn't buy into her BS story. I've known she was a POS crook since the 80's.

1b1eb5 No.131687

File: 23774fc77d80efd⋯.jpg (405.69 KB, 1077x1002, 359:334, Screenshot_20171220-005921.jpg)


stands for Win in foosball.

ive never stalked LR twitter so no idea about her fan fair…. but wud say its hard 4 me to believe she gives 2 shits about any sport/team… especially now

curious… u guys ever ck to see who she cud be com w/? who retweets her shit? anyone code back 2 her?

this guy retweets her shit

a539d1 No.131688

can we get more reporter memes?

I feel like those little weasels would be the easiest to break.

e0a347 No.131689


I think they were to be used in tandem with the stacks of fema coffins. Theyre still sitting in some storage somewhere, I just read about them a few weeks back

f9ead6 No.131690


89a66f No.131691

Q, can you address the black eyes?

076f3d No.131692


I don’t know. You have to also look at it from the standpoint that they are just as brainwashed, if not more, by this sick programming. Plus, I wouldn’t doubt if they’re being blackmailed as well. They may not feel like they have any other choice for safety reasons.

0b1cfb No.131693

>>Day of Days.

Stockwell Day - Canadian politician who accused another member of child porn and then got sued. Left office with others in disgrace.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockwell_Day

186e12 No.131695


Where do I upload the Archive zips?

is there a "free as in free beer" alternative for uploading zips?

google drive seems too cabaly, unless regime change at alphabet.

10bb5d No.131696



186e12 No.131697



oh yeah, sorry I forgot.

a539d1 No.131698


I'll be content if they break on the inside.

What did they do to get blackmailed in the first place?

That's a shitty excuse for them, find another job.

3e5a9a No.131699

File: 0f81db5bf2d1730⋯.jpg (60.72 KB, 800x588, 200:147, Queen and RED 1945.jpg)

File: 0af136a4f3500bc⋯.png (145.7 KB, 670x240, 67:24, titanic.png)

who the fuck is this?

it surprised me quite frankly how researching these douchebags just comes full circle. Anyway it's going to be among my quiz questions that i'm doing

db-q.com-I appreciate being put in the bread, I've had to learn alot about website design tho- taken way too much time.

I've been working on unity stuff to try and do some crazy super educational 3d with AI thing - perhaps I'm just thinking too big when I could do so much more small stuff - and should stick with my timeline/search/basic quizzes -

either way I'm working really hard right now to update this stuff, my site traffic appears to be based on that shitty quiz I spent no time on so I'm going to make a massive set of quiz's today (hopefully) and the contact e-mail on the site - use that to submit quiz related suggestions - like for example one started this post with. IT seems pertinent - the other thing is something have been playing around with "red pilling" you know, the normie version on the blue side and the real on the red. any suggestions?

Also for the theme of this thread - I have learned alot about Acorn through project veritas



This shit is tied to the hib with Obama and it's not just these two places Veritas exposed the child ring in many many more - perhaps this playlist could be in the bread? Seems logical

f9ead6 No.131700

Been dropping hints with short cryptic posts and ~qanon to diff groups, like telling them to watch the news… or just simplyingnposting “ there’s more to it then you know…. found it’s a great way to redpill people… they get interested and start searching…. then I see lots of posts of folks saying omg, wow, didn’t know!

ffb9d9 No.131701

File: 5d1135343967f85⋯.jpg (97.02 KB, 660x1014, 110:169, HeidiFleissProstitutionRin….jpg)


Hmmmmmm.. we should get our money back. :D

076f3d No.131702


Hmmm never saw that before. Wonder how credible that is. I read that 15000 were stored in Montana and 15000 in Georgia.

ed590e No.131703


Queen Elizabeth II during WW2

4937d3 No.131704


Good inside info. Based on my research tonight, I can see glaring issues and corruption. The citizens would welcome NG to restore order. Mayor, Chief and others would balk because of their gravy train. I think Chicago may have more corruption than Puerto Rico.

4937d3 No.131706


Corruption. Iris Weinshall. History via SSAnon:

Rudy Giuliani Named Her the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation in 2000

Weinshall’s Department Was Criticized by the NTSB After a Staten Island Ferry Crash Killed 11 People

After Leaving the DOT, Weinshall Became Vice Chancellor of the City University of New York

Weinshall & Schumer’s Daughters are Both Harvard Graduates

Weinshall Has Been the Chief Operating Officer at the New York Public Library Since July 2014

SSAnon left out tidbit that Iris is married to Chuck Schumer. Follow the wives.

NYC transportation budgets. http://www1.nyc.gov/site/omb/publications/fiscal-year-archive.page Short answer: $943.3 million

2012 NYC got $215m Full Funding Grant Agreements from Fed DOT for LIRR east side access

2015 Obama committed $100m/ year to NYC DOT https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2015/12/new-york-city-sees-many-wins-in-federal-transportation-bill-028726

Side note- state gave NYC $16.1m for annoying bike lanes.

865dfe No.131707

did i miss irrev drop?

f9ead6 No.131708


It does! You can get a city job if you donate to limpinskis Office, $5000 will get you kid a job on the Sanitation department

ffb9d9 No.131709

File: d7ca2dd4f45b29e⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 918x612, 3:2, FollowTheMoney.jpg)

f9ead6 No.131711


And if Lipinski ran Unopposed , or his son , They would pay somebody in the precinct to run against him in name only. Nice way to make 25 -$30,000

dd2a35 No.131713


believe it could be referred to as a circlejerk?

f9ead6 No.131714


Ohh the stories I can tell….

3e5a9a No.131715

File: 6926f34b6476bc4⋯.png (12.06 KB, 131x87, 131:87, Blu-pill.png)


good job haha

I was just using it as an example - surprised anyone got it that fast but yea, I'm trying to find ways to teach this shit and so quiz/educational - but anyway I'll get back to that - so much to do - but you know, I got fired up when Q said we'd get a message - I rarely ever post here so I hope I get one - I've spent literally 2 years of my life if we consider the Trump Campaign/ George Webb/ and now what i've been doing here. Not that I need a reward, I actually feel spectacular all the time cause of how much fun it is taking down the deep state. With George Webb we even stopped the Awan radioactive stuff from the port.

But that's just my autism, sorry I was just super excited and I get overly verbose when that happens so I'll stop typing and get back to work.

865dfe No.131716

could use stuff to post in normie land if ya got it

running out here

ffb9d9 No.131717



It just makes ironic sense that the Queen's secret cabal would be saying "Off with their heads" ;)

1a328d No.131718

Does anyone who's actually been on 4&8 through this whole thing notice an influx of people here lately whose off-point and non-revelatory posts and memes don't *fit* with our research since that nymag article hit..? Sigh.

Here's hoping they will eventually put in the legwork to read all the Q Maps and previous research and realise this isn't a game. It's about actually helping regular people gradually understand high level corruption and spiritual depravity and especially to help kids and other vulnerable individuals get out of harms way, with public support coming on board through the process.

Please, don't try to redpill anyone - or join in the "fun" on these boards - until you've actually been redpilled yourself!

Having said that - much love to all anons from the journey thus far, still plugging away on relevant, sourced research on crumbs, relevant memes and polite lurking. <3

e0a347 No.131719


Yeah, theyve been scheming for a hot minute

ed590e No.131720


I am that old

youthful autism is great keep at it

822dcc No.131721


< When does a bird sing?

Songbird (McCain), maybe when he's captured, booted, and "opts" to take some time off …unless his vote is needed, of course.


< There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms

No no! Nah, dude. WTF with "scary"? To each device? (3 up and running now).


I can't keep up with the threads, but less contribute. I lurk, meme, guerilla warfare on Twitter. Dropped a few guesses onto spreadsheet because I like puzzles. If you doxx, I can get in trouble. So pls verify 2 things to make it worth it:

* Assange was TAKEN (or killed) last October '16, with Kerry's f2f, and the CIA is filling in.

* Jon Snow is Night King after Daenerys is Corpse Queen and the third head of dragon is their son from another timeline: NK. —Thx.

225591 No.131722


They were in Madison Ga I think. Of course every where you look says that is false, but there are still several YT vids of them. And this site is still up. www. quinnsquantumtechnologies.com/americanpatriotnewsinfo/id139.html

4c6930 No.131723


Send then the audio file and ask what John "Skippy" Podesta is does to the child after raping them?

Thinking past the sale.

Art of the Deal

076f3d No.131724


Yeah, I get it. But at some point, people have to accept that part of this is damage caused in childhood that shapes people’s entire beings that doesn’t get fixed unless they do a lot of work psychologically. And their grandparents inflicted the same damage on to their parents and great grandparents into their grandparents and so on and so forth. It’s doesn’t provide an excuse at all, I definitely agree with that, but there’s an understanding that needs to be addressed. That’s why that monarch/mk ultra programming bs is effective af.

6c1ae4 No.131725


There was a lot of us who got red pilled before Q was even a thing. That's why you have a ton of people who don't even know what it is about.

ffb9d9 No.131726


From the sounds of it, this particular family has been scheming since the beginning of time.. or shortly thereafter. Insanity knows no bounds. Psychopathy, even manufactured psychopathy, is extremely dangerous. Ritualistic abuse of children/MKultra/PedoWood abuse tells me that these sick fucks are not sane in the slightest.

3e5a9a No.131727

File: f9a50fbea90acb1⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 213x72, 71:24, assanges.jpg)


I haven't been here latley but if we want to talk about disinfo then the biggest ones are Israel/Jews stuff - cause we are after Satanism and while FBI anon did say that Israel were the lead blackmailers I believe we struck a deal with them and when the bad guys realized it they tried to push us against Israel - which serves the dual purpose of painting us as nazis' while also being tangentially related to the truth.

But biggest disinfo?

Israel/Jews/Antartica/Lizard People/Disney -

actually those are the only ones that really come to mind - I wish Q would explicitley say these are dead leads cause when he did that with Disney we stopped poking at it.

3e5a9a No.131728

File: bb63bbcefa00800⋯.png (273.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Deepstate.png)


oh and flat earth - that's another one.

Just pay attention to what Q says - if he doesn't mention something that we keep setting robo posted - THERES PROBABLY A REASON! haha

ok, back to work for real this time.

4937d3 No.131729


Discussion for another thread / board. Maybe help is on way to the Chitown swamp.

6e040b No.131730


db-q.com is you, anon? Fucking wonderful piece of work… good job and thank you!

I can understand why the quiz gets the traffic… we are all used to having things 'gamefied' and this offers a squirt of dopamine as well as information.

I also really like the timeline and have wondered what a historical timeline might be like… one that has major world events that we've been led to by Q. But, I don't want to distract you from the fine work you are doing… I've seen enough to respect your instincts.

Keep it up, Quizanon!

4937d3 No.131731

10bb5d No.131732


It's all because this forum is "the new pizzagate - but worse!". There's a big pile of ammunition here for that narrative because of all that.

865dfe No.131733


> what John "Skippy" Podesta is does to the child after raping them?

I just asked LDR this

ffb9d9 No.131734


Yeah.. I've been on this since BEFORE 9/11.

9/11 really opened my eyes.. Vegas made me crap muh pantaloons.

e0a347 No.131735


I know someone personally who saw them in transit. They arent bashful, those cocky fuckers.


I dont think theyre human, imho, but I'm thinking we are gonna find that out soon enough.

1a328d No.131737


Yes, lots of people have been questioning the mainstream narratives for decades.

What makes this different is having people empowered within an administration and MI to actually bring these people to light and (God willing) strategically dismantle their embedded control structures.

The public may actually see the conspiracies brought to light within their lifetimes, with hard evidence rather than speculation. This is the much hoped for goal at hand..

ffb9d9 No.131738


I have my doubts on their.. human-ness as well. But I certainly don't want to make us sound crazier than it already sounds to the completely un-knowing and un-aware. Ugh. It's already a big enough pill to swallow.


4937d3 No.131740

Slight derailment. It seems media is trying to change narrative between SA and Trump.


I wonder if Q was thinking of global media attacks on Trump.

6c1ae4 No.131741


I was doing JFK research and fell for the Hitler stuff pretty hard. You just get so deep and don't know what's real anymore. You have to tell them the dead ends otherwise they fall into ideology.

1efde2 No.131742

81e089 No.131744

File: 4eefd4364f0bef9⋯.png (127.32 KB, 333x185, 9:5, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

File: 1e8d0f8ed1b521a⋯.png (260.62 KB, 490x490, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

File: dcde5f1b0b59eb4⋯.png (230.72 KB, 490x469, 70:67, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

File: 24eb8ca5b089ccc⋯.png (527.1 KB, 475x476, 475:476, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

ok famefags… here's your sign

==Send the normies to reddit please

e0a347 No.131745


Very nice, anon. They needed a place to go

726590 No.131746

10bb5d No.131748


Good idea, the famefags aren't going away.

ffb9d9 No.131752

File: 5d45ae260ab57ac⋯.jpg (475.2 KB, 1600x1359, 1600:1359, DollarySymbolQuestions.jpg)

865dfe No.131754

had to share

thought this was gold

wired af on 4 hrs sleep

trump train is smoking


How ya feeling bud?

sleeping ok?

Or is all that coke you let Hezbollah run to help with Iran keeping u up?


It must be us then..


#Qanon #followthewhiterabbit #breadcrumbs #MAGA #Trump"

1a328d No.131755


Agreed - there are many distractions being floated/incorporated by both well-meaning and nefarious contributors.

There is an important distinction to be made between the "Joos/Israel=Evil" narrative and who is the real problem - sometimes referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan" - who say they are Jews but are not. And as you say - actual satanists, luciferians, theosophists, etc within the upper echelons of the cabal's structure. Who are themselves being deceived and manipulated.

Admiral William Guy Carr's book "The Conspiracy To Destroy All Existing Governments And Religions" should be required reading for this whole picture, though it was written back in the 50's. This plan has been in motion for a long time, the components just have updated branding.

http:// www.lovethetruth.com/books/william_guy_carr/the_conspiracy.pdf

Thankfully if something was a dead lead which looked to completely derail the research, I'm sure Q actually would point it out.

f9fefe No.131756


WH petition site going offline. WH site rebuilt as well…possible prep for scaling site to prepare for influx of traffic.

1efde2 No.131757


Nope. Wording is wrong. 'Has left' implies a person. If SATAN was uninstalled or removed then maybe, although I can't see the removal of an antenna being Q-worthy

243dce No.131758

state department briefing

tillerson in canada

russia attacking ukraine

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=aeKYUFc_Y2c

n korea launched the "wannacry" ransomware

special briefing

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=0pGsJFLXAgY

e5508d No.131759


finally!! Stop with the alien crap. Money power and corruption is all you need to follow!!!

this site was well ahead of its time, but the BO committed suicide…great info that had everyone connected..


1efde2 No.131760



e5508d No.131761



076f3d No.131762


Ever notice the word debunked has never actually been used on topics that may actually be false? It’s onkt ever used on topics that are actually true.

1efde2 No.131763


Agreed. Some of the memes are cringeworthy and will be used as examples of what we are doing here.

6e040b No.131764



Please break your links, anon. Help keep fellow anons safe.

1efde2 No.131765



ffb9d9 No.131766

File: 09b7df56eacd484⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 384x510, 64:85, SteveIrwinHivite_2.jpg)


Don't forget the 'Hivites!' (tent dwellers?)

Dunno if Q can.. comment on that. Hivites? Is that really a thing? Or the ' Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, and Jebusites'

"The Book of Joshua claims that Hivites were one of seven groups living in the land of Canaan when the Israelites under Joshua commenced their conquest of the land (Joshua 3:10). These seven nations were to be exterminated" (Hivite wiki)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hivite

076f3d No.131767


They’re made by shills for that purpose. We need to clean out the ones that are disinformation, but not sure how we’d go about doing that.

bae2ba No.131768

File: 16ba4d27870aca8⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, mememeryl2.jpg)

Thats why i made this and she knows more names

1a328d No.131769


This^^^ is exactly what I'm worried about.

Ah well, hopefully people will be able to discern what's important in time and with events playing out in the public arena. (Or BOs can strategically prune the posts of anything too cringeworthy..)

10bb5d No.131770


ISIS claims it has hacked US Army and State Department in propaganda video

Terror group claims in the video it is sending assassins to employees’ homes

http://www.dailymail .co.uk/news/article-5192827/ISIS-claims-hacked-Army-State-Department.html

767c25 No.131771

File: d316bad013205b4⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1609x977, 1609:977, peter-strzok-and-former-jt….png)




Oh holy shit

<oops, I did it again

I think I found one of the characters they used for the likeness of """Peter Strzok"""

>pic related

This guy was on MSNBC Brian Williams' show (wtf I thought that guy was gone) as seen here

https://y outu.be/zas8rfty5Vo

e5508d No.131772



bae2ba No.131773

The E.U is doubling down its power over the uk,

in the news today ,,e.u banks will stay ,uber the get raped taxi company given licence,tax rises

a19466 No.131775

I think the end is near means is the cabal are very close to going down in flames. now I'm sick with a head cold and cant sleep and I have nothing to treat it.

139591 No.131776


The middle guy is different.

767c25 No.131777


the middle guy doesn't exist

it's a photoshop hatchet job

they had to use a face as a starting point

what better place than one of McCabe's agents?

4c6930 No.131778



Q warned about Twitter rants, choose caution anon.


e0a347 No.131779

The meme catalog is just that, a catalog. People can pick and choose what they want and not everyone is a winner. These boards are a cluster fuck half the time and have been from the start and if you think theyre gonna use memes against you, then they will also start using the infighting, put downs, suicide threats, and everything else that comes with 4 and 8c. We already have the dirt on everybody, we are the after party. It's going to be ok, guys

865dfe No.131780


shared with you know who

865dfe No.131781


thought he was reffing them?

ffb9d9 No.131782

File: a5ee860fb379131⋯.jpg (143.51 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ConspiracyTheoriesYeahRigh….jpg)

Yes? No? Trying to paint the picture that we're just trying to get to the bottom of all the symbolism and weird behavior of our… elected officials and family.

865dfe No.131783


ie chucks ranting and the rest

71b99b No.131784

If trump was encouraged to run for president by MI and had help from inside the government to win the election, would that be illegal?

767c25 No.131785


don't let them cover this one up


from his wikipedia

>Weisburd and Watts collaborated with colleague J. M. Berger and published a follow-up to their Daily Beast article in online magazine War on the Rocks, titled: "Trolling for Trump: How Russia is Trying to Destroy Our Democracy".[3][39] They researched 7,000 pro-Trump accounts over a two-and-a-half year period.[39] Their research detailed trolling techniques to denigrate critics of Russian activities in Syria, and proliferate lies about Clinton's health.[39] Watts said the propaganda targeted the alt-right, the right wing, and fascist groups.[3] After each presidential debate, thousands of Twitter bots used hashtag #Trumpwon to change perceptions.[40] In November 2016 the Foreign Policy Research Institute stated Russian propaganda exacerbated criticism of Clinton and support for Trump.[41][42] The strategy involved social media, paid Internet trolls, botnets, and websites in order to denigrate Clinton.[38][41][42]

https://e n.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clint_Watts

http://a rchive.is/YSNag

okay now tell me that Watts isn't the likeness used as a base for Strzok in one of the two photos we have of Strzok

6e040b No.131786


>we are the after party

well put

076f3d No.131787


Haha me too

a19466 No.131788

I don't think it would be illegal for the mi to help trump win the election because they helped him win by stopping the cabal from rigging the election wich isn't illegal.

bae2ba No.131789

Trump won because we the people know stuff is not right..deep down in our souls

076f3d No.131790


Very true

24594a No.131791


I saw that!!!

And when I did I thought of the collage of black eyes right away

e0a347 No.131792


thank you. Im tired of people saying they need to delete the memes on our own board with unlimited space. At least with alien and bible talk we could learn something, this shit is absolutely counter productive.

a19466 No.131793

so who do you guys think the mystery persons or persons that were extracted.

1efde2 No.131794


That's not Strzok

a29b8a No.131796




Nobody expects the White Dragons.

Maybe their belly drips water?

076f3d No.131797


People are allowed to provide feedback. Some of those memes are way off base, but I agree with you that there’s a lot of other things going on that could be taken as legit anons that they could use and not just memes.

767c25 No.131799


elaborate, bruh


spots on face?

what else do you have?

24594a No.131801


Very nice, except for the "to vote" repeat which takes away from the grammar. Good work!

1a328d No.131802


While I think the lady behind the "Hivites thing" is brave to speak out about her horrific experiences, it's not the central thing as far as I'm aware, it's just getting a lot of recent traction lately.

Bloodlines *are* important to a lot of the cabal and their cult, so some of them may internally trace themselves (or believe themselves to trace) back to particular lineages they revere for various reasons - but it is bigger than that. There are several bloodlines who all believe they are descended from various incursions of "fallen ones" (they would call them shining ones, gods-of-old or various other names) and thus feel they are genetically superior to regular "feeders". There are also those within the cabal who, having reinstated the practice of ancient occult practices and mystery school religions of antiquity believe they have the right to rule through the "knowledge" and tactics they have gained through following that path.

Whether they are indeed from different/corrupted DNA or not, it is not one group (bloodline/belief), it is several, and so uncovering (as directed by Q) their actions and mechanisms, global networks and structures, along with the evidence on specific individuals and programs, used to control and dismantle humanity are the more useful focus.

ffb9d9 No.131803


Truth. I just know, through observation, that there IS a plot to.. do some nefarious shit. It's been pretty damn obvious, especially when (((they))) start calling for 'gun control' before the bodies are even cold (if there ARE any bodies).

We've caught them actually MAKING UP news. I mean.. if you can't trust the media, and you KNOW it's lying to you (and not even being intelligent about it) then.. it opens up to a whole slew of possibilities.

We KNOW America is the last stand on the planet between the Rothschild owned world and freedom. We have THEIR symbols on our money that THEY print.

Uhmmmmmmmmm… hello? Is that not obvious enough?

a19466 No.131804

CNN= Conman news network.

e0a347 No.131805


Yes, some of those memes are off base, but what is off base to you may spark interest in another. I love you all, but Ive just heard it so much that its finally starting to get to me, and could be considered a shill tactic. Delete a couple and next thing you know half the catalog is 404'd. This is war, plain and simple. Even if we have to throw rocks at the enemy, we need all the ammunition we can get.

1efde2 No.131807


You are either tone deaf or a shill. This does not help our cause at all.

bae2ba No.131808

Off for a couple hours ,i need to get reinforcements from another autistic fuck…

18c1cd No.131809

File: b0706d7562ef331⋯.jpg (419.04 KB, 1609x977, 1609:977, Strzok.jpg)


Strzok's new clothes.

309966 No.131810


Were we not talking about 22 dollars for Sex with children in Singapore?

6e040b No.131811


FWIW, I believe the meme harvester anon (catalog) is culling the ones that are counter to our goals. All kinds should be expected in the general, memes are part of the language here.

81e089 No.131812

File: 8321075709a3502⋯.jpg (154.13 KB, 800x482, 400:241, 21efk1.jpg)

a19466 No.131813

MSNBC = Malicious Scam Network Bringing Catastrophe

1efde2 No.131814




1a328d No.131815


Yay Harvester! Yes, I did notice him curating at various points.

ef7036 No.131816


Not the redefiners of SATAN with a new term! LOL fuck off blue graphic dude.

ffb9d9 No.131817


Well.. I had read in one of these threads, an Anon had some stuff about Hillary actually being conceived during a ritual sex ceremony and 'not being human' (that she supposedly admitted to).

I don't know. What I DO know is, what they're doing, is pure evil. Creating wars, killing people, enslaving people into sex slavery, drinking blood of tormented children for it's 'adrenaline drug effect', hiding or lobbying against technology that could help curb environmental disaster while parroting their personal scientists on the dangers of 'global warming'.

And.. carrying out mock rituals to cover the real ones.

It's all pretty blatant. There's not too much grey area.

6c1ae4 No.131818


I'm just recovering from it, this is why you got a shit ton of mentally ill people cause they all ran into dead ends midway through 2016 whilst doing research without the help of the collective effort you have going on here.

9701e1 No.131819


and one of the first they showed.

767c25 No.131820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


holy fuck just listen to this fuckin guy clinton watts

he's been fighting us from behind a curtain for a long time

076f3d No.131821


Don’t take it personal. Easier said then done sometimes, I know. I’d just hate to see some stoop to their level. But, everyone has a different perspective. We’ll just have to respectfully agree to disagree.

a19466 No.131822

FBI= Flubbing Bitch investigators

767c25 No.131823


hello clint

10bb5d No.131824


Yes, the waiting time and constant gaslighting from the MSM has taken its toll on most of us. I hope it was worth it. Those fuckers are going to hell.

e5508d No.131825

File: 9d542c03f3727ff⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 497x331, 497:331, hahaha.jpg)

ef7036 No.131826


You're worried about rules of engagement with an enemy that is currently: Lying to you, poisoning your food, water, stealing your wealth, enslaving your mind… And you're worried about what exactly??? Some info that's slightly incorrect on a meme?? LOL

e5508d No.131827

File: f4a6dddd4dee110⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 497x234, 497:234, quote-transnational-terror….jpg)

9701e1 No.131828


Thats the stuff of legends.

ffb9d9 No.131829


The thing about crazy people, is they never think it's THEM that are crazy. I think I'm crazy, isn't that crazy? ;)

076f3d No.131830



dfcefd No.131831


It’s in the first few posts in the meme 3 thread

81e089 No.131832

File: 7ce39db2e166516⋯.png (276.57 KB, 490x276, 245:138, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

594872 No.131834



Muh Morality.

Muh high horse.

Muh awesome.

Please go fuck yourself, bitch. This is real war.

Morality strength pride dignity. All cannot exist without being able to handle yourself or destroy those who seek to take away all of the above.

Inb4 'muh abyss' 'muh morality' from those who understand nothing about either one.

a19466 No.131835

I cant wait for the cabal to go down so my diabetes can finaly be cured. they have been hiding cures for a lot of things cause curing people doesn't make money.

98ce42 No.131836

File: a157ad7b7c4949a⋯.jpg (95.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2201152707_d0eafc5c35.jpg)

A Rubix Q-ube.

6c1ae4 No.131838


Can't wait tbh.


Crazy enough to have made it this far.

726590 No.131839


726590 No.131840


and that is my goodbye

ba4167 No.131841


Q… what do you mean by scary? Your only talking to mention the people that worked the BO etc..right? Not the people that took from Chan and posted to tw_tter are you??

443f9b No.131842


I'd fix her too, ftr

10bb5d No.131844


Flip a coin on whether she fucks NFL players.

44a9ce No.131846


In a public forum such as Twatter?

Rosie is so screwed. DJT finally pushed her over the edge.

I'm thinking soon we will never have to hear her fat mouth again. This just made my night, thank you Anons!

98ce42 No.131847


Cardinal 86 dies with sex scandal past. Vatican confirmed.

1a328d No.131848


>We have THEIR symbols on our money that THEY print.

Yes, banking is a key element of their control mechanisms (on more than just the physical level). If we're doing money memes - it'd be good to see money meme/s incorporating Q quotes, e.g.:

(from Nov 10)

>What is a spell?


(from Nov 22)

>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

If we're going to counter the MSM conspiracy narrative (and its spill over into SM) we might as well use Q quotes there too, e.g.:

>MSM role?

>Push conspiracy theory.

>Social media role?

>Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


Plus facts - like the CIA coining the term to in 1957 as part of psychological operations, in order to to discredit anyone speaking out who ran counter to their "official narrative".

Really, Q's given us a lot to work with already (along with stuff we already know), if we don't lose sight of that. :)

81e089 No.131849

File: 364b96fd411870a⋯.png (413.69 KB, 490x370, 49:37, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

ffb9d9 No.131850


That's a fact. I can't help but wonder though, if the Obamacare thing backfired and cost (who?) a bunch of money to hand out free meds. Then they try to price-gouge people. Truly it is a business to keep people 'just sick enough to not die' by keeping them 'medicated' until that medication becomes 'free' but then.. where is the money coming from?

Yeah, they had their fun. I hope they really enjoyed it and it was worth an eternity in a God-less hell.


Indeed. lol

d15c5d No.131851

New Q is FAKE!

It's so obvious, it's not even funny.

How you become so gullible, anons?

REAL Q's last post was friday the 15th.

ef7036 No.131852



0bd7ec No.131853


Wtf? Netanyahu should NOT be in that meme… he IS the terrorist of the world lmao

1a328d No.131854


Q operation seems to have been planned for a long time, and the drops appear very strategic (timing, plus spontaneous responses when deemed appropriate/necessary).

Q *did* warn us on Nov 22:

>The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

>20% public.

>80% private.

>The world would otherwise collapse.

>40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

So some moderation was cautioned.

139591 No.131855


How do you know he rapes children?

0bd7ec No.131856


Lmao the shills come marching one by one horrah! Horrah!

c2bfdb No.131857

Go home glow in the dark niggers.

Q is legit.

You have already lost.

6ab12f No.131858


kek, may may JIDF style.

767c25 No.131859

File: 76c75d012eb8e91⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 782x521, 782:521, strzok-mueller4.jpg)

File: f6f11eabac15327⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, strzok-mueller3.jpg)

File: 29b37514f3dc1ba⋯.jpg (113.14 KB, 1785x1005, 119:67, strzok-mueller2.jpg)

File: 24f15170b44e570⋯.png (725.95 KB, 493x923, 493:923, clint-watts.png)

found more pictures of """strzok"""

81e089 No.131860

File: f15b162fcb7b1c1⋯.png (131.45 KB, 490x323, 490:323, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

e0a347 No.131861

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 719x499, 719:499, 21byaq.jpg)

0bd7ec No.131862


You spelled “faggot” wrong

900569 No.131863


What is "the M"? Mueller?

6ab12f No.131864


It was W for win. I don't know what the M is about. Misfiring neurons, most likely.

f9212e No.131865


>>131522 (checked)

Inquisitor Beauregard?

bb779e No.131866

File: 4d5e696104c421c⋯.jpeg (602.02 KB, 2140x2023, 2140:2023, CD0CFF44-9E8E-4E37-8A0C-2….jpeg)

139591 No.131867


Clint Watts is not the same person as that other guy. Check the moles on his face and none on the other man.

Eyebrows are different. Mouth is different.

e0a347 No.131868


W and M could be a reference to as above so below, but idk

f2b48a No.131869

File: 61f597da032462f⋯.png (827.47 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20171220-160205.png)


6ab12f No.131870

b7d08c No.131871


The Hivites/Horites/Hurrians were a Trans-Caucasian people related to the Yamna genetic group, if you're inclined to wipe out their descendants that would be pretty much all European people, you could maybe call that the Kalergi plan as recommended by the Bible.

e0a347 No.131872


He remains a serious mystery right now

767c25 No.131873


>what is makeup

>what is photoshop

this is the most mysterious non existent guy ever (strzok)

now i put a guy in front of you (watts) who talks about russian trolls and how putin/trump this that

it's immediately dismissed

awesome bruh

d3e93a No.131874




Looks like this Q post is missing from the batter

b134cf No.131875



ffb9d9 No.131877


Truth! There are some memes with symbolism. But one thing Q mentions quite a bit is 'follow the money' so in MY memes, I like to incorporate 2 or 3 things that connect together. Money -> Symbols -> Control. Sometimes they're just inside jokes that only the most awake people will 'get'. And the public will get a 'oh, haha' out of them once they wake up enough.

>Really, Q's given us a lot to work with already (along with stuff we already know), if we don't lose sight of that. :)

Truth. As 'Q' get's more known by people.. just the clips of his words alone (and how long ago he spoke them) should be enough to help guide people along the path. He's already said that (4%?) or so are.. absolutely lost. We will never get them back. That's fine.


Hory Shet. Take your $0.004027 per hour and go to reddit, fuckbag.

65603d No.131878


Here is Rosie's offer of bribes to two sitting U.S. Senators, archived as EXHIBIT A: http://archive.is/VntKf.

She's facing a fine of THREE TIMES the value of the bribes she offered and up to 15 years in the slammer on each count.

Here is the section of the United States code that criminalizes Rosie's conduct: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/201, and I'm quoting the relevant parts below:

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

(a) For the purpose of this section—

(1) the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;

(2) the term “person who has been selected to be a public official” means any person who has been nominated or appointed to be a public official, or has been officially informed that such person will be so nominated or appointed; and

(3) the term “official act” means any decision or action on any question, matter, cause, suit, proceeding or controversy, which may at any time be pending, or which may by law be brought before any public official, in such official’s official capacity, or in such official’s place of trust or profit.

(b) Whoever—

(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—

(A) to influence any official act; or

(B) to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or

(C) to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person;

(2) being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:

(A) being influenced in the performance of any official act;

(B) being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or

(C) being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;

. . . . .

shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

(c) Whoever—

(1) otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty—

(A) directly or indirectly gives, offers, or

promises anything of value to any public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official;

shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both.

d3e93a No.131879


"Margherita" is the first pizza ever made in Naples in 1800.

It was called Margherita to honor the queen of Naples.

23e711 No.131880


Russia attacking Ukraine?

The Russians are probably allowed to do this by the US at this point. Everyone knows Ukraine is a GS proxy state now and Nuland was installed to oversee the coup de tate, and ensure the deepstate can get closer to the Russian border. That's why the Ukro-nazis were put in power. Right-Sector and Svoboda remind me of Antifafags.

I happen to believe GEOTUS and VVP are working in tandem in order to defeat the globalist plan behind the scenes w/o coming out public. I only came to this conclusion because no one can deny VVP played a major role in defeating ISIS.

ef7036 No.131881


>s called Margherita to honor the queen of Naples.

It's a cheese pizza

1a328d No.131885


I like your meme formula described, anon. Also agree with your speculation on Q quotes becoming more recognised in time. If things play out like we hope - they will be part of history.

320ad8 No.131888

Nice if the diggers and researchers get's cred :) I'm just happy if we all get a better future !!! >>131874

0bd7ec No.131889

File: 54c1b728ab6e15a⋯.jpeg (136.8 KB, 750x983, 750:983, F96AC514-FF78-4418-9861-7….jpeg)


b97aa9 No.131890


Like it. Put a circle around the owl..That one bothers most people

736ae8 No.131891

File: f1854a2da05ada3⋯.png (2.84 MB, 2560x1536, 5:3, 3713c4fc1f40cc60a10c887a58….png)

0bd7ec No.131893


Getting this kinda credit gets you suicided with two shots to the head

65603d No.131894


Rosie O'Donnell definitely committed a felony, by violating 18 U.S.C. § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses. She can be fined three times the value of the bribes (so $6 million each, for a total of $12 million) and imprisoned for up to 15 years (per count), so 30 years.


I posted the relevant text from the statute, the entirety of which can be found here: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/201.

e0a347 No.131895


Makes me ponder if they invented pizza just so they could openly practice their cannibalism. Like that saying, there is no champagne in the champagne room, there are no tomatoes in the tomato sauce

6ab12f No.131896


A concern with that post is that it might get dumbasses doxxing themselves for recognition, or competing for visibility. We've already had some issues with that.

6e7d4e No.131898

File: d729f3b70402b5a⋯.jpg (279.21 KB, 1191x709, 1191:709, SHe's Gonna Eat Me.jpg)

How's this one

ffb9d9 No.131899

File: d69ded0a9a77983⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1176x664, 147:83, SorosFundManagerRapeBeatWo….PNG)

f841b8 No.131900


It looks like a threat, showing her family. Criminal as well as civil.

bb779e No.131901


For sure!

81e089 No.131902

File: 447a80360b3e04b⋯.png (259.04 KB, 490x490, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

4d385e No.131903

File: 9e6d162c1f7dc5c⋯.jpg (201.33 KB, 828x891, 92:99, fire.jpg)

File: 7c1e7fa567cc59e⋯.jpg (236.16 KB, 829x900, 829:900, fired.jpg)

e0a347 No.131904


Has anybody dug into that bitch, yet? Rings, foundations? Who is her wife?

3aecce No.131905


Allegedly a blind about Bill Clinton & Sam Kinison:



Honestly, whoever this enty lawyer guy is, he knows where a lot of bodies are buried. Team Q should make contact with him. He wrote a recent blind about a Hollywood mogul operating a child farm in northern Arizona.

c5aa96 No.131906



Quite the coincidence if it isn't.

b97aa9 No.131907


Don't like it either. We don't know he's a ped, unlike the Clintons. Memes are effective when obviously true. Like a good joke.

ffb9d9 No.131908


Only the truly red-pilled will get that one. (puke!)


Thank you Anon!

d3e93a No.131909



e0a347 No.131910

This talk of Heidi Fleiss made me think of something, wasnt Richard Pryor's grandmother also a madame?

ae2c7d No.131911


Oh yes. Do it.

Do the fuck it 8chan. Choke the fucking piggie. Destroy her life. I'll help with memetic spread.

81e089 No.131912

File: 88198d108041f68⋯.png (236.55 KB, 490x272, 245:136, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

e0a347 No.131913


There are a few in this thread, grab em and spread em!

b97aa9 No.131914


Look its James Bond

6ab12f No.131915


It's probably related, but no one is shutting down an airport for that guy.

65603d No.131916


Yup, she doubled down. I hope the people in DOJ have save the evidence. Here's another of her tweets in which she makes it clear that it's a bribe she's offering: http://archive.is/JFJjZ

e0a347 No.131917


These people arent just stupid, theyre downright fucking sloppy morons

44a9ce No.131918


Yessir! I knew her fat mouth would catch up with her one day. Hopefully someone acts on it. This may have been the slip POTUS has been waiting for.

11b677 No.131919


Killary should be saying 'smells good'

ef7036 No.131920


LOL Like, crackhead stealing a car stereo stupid.

81e089 No.131921

File: 987fd373c3a9213⋯.png (347.46 KB, 490x323, 490:323, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

65603d No.131922


How's that one? You made me laugh out loud, and I haven't even had any coffee yet! Thank you, Anon. Great work.

d3e93a No.131923

File: 55e8bebd7a43a22⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 439x302, 439:302, draghiblackeye.jpg)

Mario Draghi, President of Europe Central Bank.


65603d No.131924

11b677 No.131925


It's almost like she can smell the adrrenochrome

Wonder if child is still alive?

e0a347 No.131926


Oh shit. Suspect!

78347f No.131928

File: 3afff8f55313078⋯.png (756.91 KB, 704x622, 352:311, 123dfs1dfsd2.png)

514ba1 No.131929


No meat. Has cheese. Not Vegan (amen).

3328a8 No.131930

File: 48ab4182a6cb7f0⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 474x498, 79:83, 20171220_044155.jpg)




Alright 420

this bread has been up for 4 fucking hours?i've been meemtwatin' an'i shudbe 3 breads behind WTAF

Ahem… Anons.

<i just had a thoughtful.

0d2482 No.131931


beautifully put Anon

ffb9d9 No.131932

File: 427f04a32364e7f⋯.jpg (637.44 KB, 1200x1020, 20:17, FedDollarSymbolsQuestions.jpg)


May have went overboard. I dunno.

cec99a No.131933

Does anyone have a theory about all these black eyes? Have I missed when this was discussed?

ba4167 No.131935


Why did you not include the post of his thanking the BO, Mods, and other patriots??

ffb9d9 No.131936


Me rikeeeeee!

3328a8 No.131937




<i think it is a final initiation rite.

or a nearing final mistake.

… meh

403a6c No.131938


I think he flipped. There was a very peculiar meeting between he and Trump early in his presidency. I think he was a necessary evil to “grease the wheels” so to speak.

f841b8 No.131939


Which 2 Senators? Collins and who else?

Also, why would she pay 2 mil or more to stop tax bill? Which ox is being gored here? I thought it was just a general lowering of taxes. Somebody's getting hurt too, someone who probably deserves to be hurt.

e0a347 No.131940


Not at all, its very informative and looks good. You may also want to include the norvus ordo seclorum meaning and spider web as well if you can fit it in

e0a347 No.131941


I remember that. I was freaking out over it, thinking we were as good as ground sausage

81e089 No.131942

File: 254e558a263897c⋯.png (242.52 KB, 490x280, 7:4, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

403a6c No.131944


WTF? Look at the title of this article!!!

http://www.m intpressnews.com/trump-friend-kissinger-steering-calm-storm/233137/

3328a8 No.131945

File: 5d552684c3cdc8b⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1072x1776, 67:111, 20171220_030056.jpg)




nearly another dark past and fam is safe cause'a krazy vet with'a gun shitposts while on 24hrcq fo'reals

Burnin' the midnight oil ALL NIGHT LONG at the mouth of


Does anon plato?

02d96d No.131946


I want to know who does the punching

3328a8 No.131947

File: 9253b3bae488f3a⋯.jpg (143.85 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 20171207_190618.jpg)




<<oh henry kissinger…

How were missin ya…

a29b8a No.131948


Truth is the source of our strength and our power if we depart from it knowingly, we are lost. FOREVER.

ef7036 No.131949


Knowingly, I agree. But a bit of scatter fire is expected in this. Truth is always the most important, but let's be realistic.

02d96d No.131952


godspeed if true

02d96d No.131953



moochelle hisself?

41335c No.131954


Susan Collins and Jeff Flake. Specified names, cash amount, and expected results in a public forum with what will eventually be 1000's of witnesses. I'm so tired of her arrogant, vindictive, and frankly childish behavior. Can we now finally be rid of her? I hope information on this situation is waiting on FBI computers in time for morning coffee.

594872 No.131955


No doxxing our guys. Focus solely on the illegal acts of our enemies and how to bring this all to light.

f841b8 No.131956


She really wants that tax bill stopped. It must really step on her gravy train somehow.

a95a7f No.131957


Incorrect assertion anyway.

bb779e No.131958


The link’s not opening , could you repost pls?

11b677 No.131959


My bad, sorted.

81e089 No.131960


so i'm thinking about a "who is [Q]" series… are you gonna freak out?

0d2482 No.131961


think about whatever you want, child

f841b8 No.131962


no need I can see to dox Q

d3e93a No.131963


99% will rush to hospitals… hmmm…

403a6c No.131964

7b77ba No.131965



Bet you Collins has Parkinson’s. Tremors getting worse.

403a6c No.131966


Take out the space between m and i. I just checked and it works.

ef7036 No.131967


Are you sure it's not adrenamone withdrawl?

868310 No.131968

File: 20a202f4ac51d8b⋯.png (220.76 KB, 525x391, 525:391, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at ….png)



ef7036 No.131969


What if adrenechrome withdrawl presents like parkinsons?

ffb9d9 No.131970

File: 7922ee6742e21be⋯.jpg (144.38 KB, 1018x839, 1018:839, 3000ChildrenMediaSilence.jpg)

e1ed90 No.131971


I wonder who/what the [CLASSIFIED] is…

320ad8 No.131972


One of the best news yet, praying for them all…

a19466 No.131973

I seen the biggest bunch of bullshit ive ever seen in an attempt to discredit cbts. this moron claims that what has been going on here doesn't hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.Its one of those proclamation routines where they say it is so it must be so without offering any evidence to the contrary. he also said there was logical leaps going on and I think to myself this is a very piss poor attempt to discredit cbts cause if anyone just take a few minutes they will see everything in cbts is true and that guy is full of shit and I expect it to get worse with the attempts to discredit.

ef7036 No.131974


==H== AITI



3328a8 No.131975

File: 7e6ddbdc9fd0a29⋯.jpg (580.36 KB, 978x978, 1:1, 20171220_022955.jpg)




What if there is no diff betwixt parkinsons an'kuru

d3e93a No.131976



e1ed90 No.131977



594872 No.131978


>http://www.m intpressnews.com/trump-friend-kissinger-steering-calm-storm/233137/

I am certain ((they)) want to use trump. I am also certain Trump and patriots are well aware of this very dangerous cancer that seeks to use united states and its people as a puppet.

I believe ((they)), or at least the outright zionist faction within the said ((group)) are finding out they must make deals with Trump and us to ensure their own survival. After the neo-liberal outright psychotic group among ((them)) gained ascendency among ((globalists)), these conniving bastards the ((zionists)) conservative elements among them have been backed into a corner with israel at the brink of isolation and destruction..

They seek to use us again. By promising to help to get us out of this mess they created (unfettered foreign invasion via immigration and demographic warfare).

Make no mistake, there are plenty of heavily red pilled non-civic nationalists in charge, including Trump. However, ((their)) grip is so tight, for a time we may have to 'deal' with them to get anywhere.

And ((they)) will deal - if they don't want israel to fall into oblivion again, and this time, no muzzie piece of shit will forgive the ((chosenites)).

These cancerous elements will in the end learn they do not have the leverage to force us any longer. We are aware, we are watching, and now we have begun to act.

(((globalism))) will die. Do not let up. Do not fall into civic cucked nationalist mind trap.


Kissinger predicted during obama era that by 2022 there will be no israel. He saw the writing on the wall. Bear in mind Trump resisted going to israel until he absolutely had to gain their cooperation, but all this actions suggest high awareness of ((their)) duplicity, his family ties not withstanding. I highly doubt he is too pleased with ((kushner's)) actions lately either, especially since all the boy's advice has been shit.

98ce42 No.131979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US missing children.

I saw this a year ago. A little long.

Good stats.

11b677 No.131981

File: 61ad40385aba814⋯.png (336.3 KB, 643x828, 643:828, image.png)

ba4167 No.131982

All these black eyes could be the result of iris implants, so like security access into some place and it allowed only by scanning your iris. MMM maybe where they do their sick satanic crap. Or CIA/Deep State 2nd headquarters.

916521 No.131983


One of the better ones in this bread.

320ad8 No.131984

ef7036 No.131985



Folks… Let's look at these as possible withdrawl symptoms from Adrenechrome.

ef7036 No.131986


Not crazy.

81e089 No.131987

File: aa9964901e6af6b⋯.png (245.37 KB, 490x490, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

ef7036 No.131988


Also, Hillary was born in 1947? Fuuuuck.. What a year… 70 years

bed506 No.131989





Ok .. here's the $4 million dollar question. How did the two senators vote and will they try to collect the money? It will be interesting to see Sue and Jeff's reaction to this inconveniently public transaction.

ef7036 No.131990


Please explain

7b77ba No.131991

File: 2c017ad5439c985⋯.jpeg (46.69 KB, 323x323, 1:1, 85961549-F039-4274-9851-F….jpeg)

4c6930 No.131992

The letter Q.

The Rod and the Ring shall strike.

The letter Q is a combination of the rod and the ring.

e0a347 No.131994

File: 2c06eb8b5228e14⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 21ejdr.jpg)

e0a347 No.131995

Im calling it a night you beautiful vessels of light. Keep it warm and fresh and see you all a little later

ffb9d9 No.131996

Some of my notes and links:

Richard Painter (WH ethics lawyer under GWB)

Ron Nehring (GOPe strategist, Ted Cruz spokesman)

Bill Binney -Q Former NSA


Q transmission Dec 19 17:33 EST

>>126896 Mockingbird panics

>>126948 Alien distraction

>>126998 Mockingbird panics BIGLY

>>127012 NO UN Troops

>>127064 Dec 18 OP sucess

>>127069 National Guard/Chicago

>>127154 ENEMY FIRE

>>127286 Day of days

>>127379 SA missle attack/Fox 3?

>>127397 Bill Binney (NSA whistleblower)

>>127421 Alabama voter fraud/404'd confirmed

>>127429 Bill Binney PATRIOT of the highest caliber.

>>127449 Kushner/End is near.

Paris Martineu

Iris Weinshall

Heidi Fleiss

Dutch PostcodeLoterij (state-given monopoly / Abramovich)



!UW.yye1fxo (

Plane crash (bread 150)

Paul Schuda

Louis Cantilena

https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/19/572065289/ national-transportation-safety-board-official-killed-in-indiana-plane-crash


Iris Weinshall.

New York City Department of Transportation.

Responsibility of DoT?

Budget for past (5) years?

Former commissioner?

Empire State Dev Corp?

Urban Dev Corp?

Dept of Economic Dev?

Integrated Resources, Inc.?

US Senator of NY?

Follow me down the hole.


These people are STUPID.







11b677 No.131997



Very plausible

81e089 No.131998

File: ec34beb1d2f0832⋯.png (254.37 KB, 490x471, 490:471, Screenshot-2017-12-20 Meme….png)

98ce42 No.131999


Please stop Reddit. Glad for for the sub r but chillax.

b67019 No.132000


Well this is a mess. Any chance of having all the new posts properly linked in the next thread?

0a8ba1 No.132001

916521 No.132002



Stop it. That's not our job. We are not memeing Q. We have been given the big picture and details of happenings.

We meme to help normies understand these happenings. Memeing Q just makes us look like a stupid fucking cult. CBTS and Q is the backroom. The frontline is creating and spreading meme's that CONNECT with facebook and twitter fags. Mum, your uncle Joe and Grandma. Memeing Q does nothing.

02d96d No.132003


so good I don't know what to say

e1ed90 No.132004


Yeah we need to meme the message not the messenger

f2b48a No.132005


Aren't they tired of the same narrative? Russia and North Korea?

c0cea1 No.132006

File: 3085f5aafa88b4a⋯.png (41.21 KB, 691x522, 691:522, jebxut.PNG)


and in the earliest first order, please.

the date-wise division is good, but i'd rather read the oldest Q post of the day first

ef7036 No.132007


This 100%. We sound like a star trek forum with all this Q worship.

bb779e No.132008


Interesting article and title!

Well time isn’t on Kissenger’s side but my oh my what a « career »

6e7d4e No.132009

File: 015b7b0c8a8d36d⋯.jpg (207.59 KB, 1295x975, 259:195, Mandalay Bay.jpg)

File: 3124c731573122f⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 640x489, 640:489, military intelligence.jpg)

File: e4a1b26a5d3d00f⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 511x280, 73:40, Secret Service.jpg)

File: 588247837ac767b⋯.jpg (6.78 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Q.jpg)

f2b48a No.132010


True, also makes it difficult to lurk while at work

bb779e No.132011

File: 84d82b2db75b21b⋯.png (7.77 MB, 2434x2434, 1:1, 809B73D9-14C7-46C1-882E-6F….png)

ffb9d9 No.132012

File: aaddb6a91d028f2⋯.jpg (135.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Channel4Newslol.jpg)

11b677 No.132013


Hasn't the latest starwars film included trafficking children amongst the elite. (Something I heard) not watched any Star Wars films personally.

02d96d No.132014


I like how you did that

bc3465 No.132015


Yeah the Q memes seem cult like, I don't think I would be able to relate those to a normie. Now that train crashing 30mph over the speed limit, at just the right time, to run over on a highway is a bit easier.

Try harder, I'm praying for you.

443f9b No.132016

Perkins Coie ties to Soros, Geithner, Facebook, Amazon, Fusions GPS, Crowdstrike, Clinton, Soros, DNC leaks, and, BHO…I commented on Obama / Geithner connection thru their parents at TAF, another anon questioned if Perkins Coie is CIA fronted lawfirm…the connections are there…anons?

Twatsauce: https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/943350106153156610?s=17

Good thread btw incase Rosie lurking here.

9d06fc No.132017


As I read it, the "scary" thing is that some (all?) of those who participated here will get a personal greeting through social media once this pig is safely in the sack, acknowledging our modest contributions.

It's "scary" because the realization we were never ever anonymous on the internet will hit us like a freight train!

But don't worry, the message (if you receive one) will be "safe". It is not meant to out you or cause you any trouble, just to give you a personal thanks for doing your small part to help.

f2b48a No.132018


The latest SW was just plain liberal progressive propaganda. United colors of benetton caracters and 'the resistance"

443f9b No.132019


Agree..i don't use the "Q anon" or "white rabbit" memes…automatically discredits the message imo

6e7d4e No.132020


Brah, I ain't doing this to get thanked.

This is for GOD and COUNTRY

34576c No.132021

Been here since day 1 but havent seen the explanation for the left eye black eye. Is it somewhere in the bread and I'm just missing it?

ef7036 No.132022


Ya, it does. It also encodes the entire bible and our enclosed cosmology.. and SJW bullshit and all that elite shit… yes.

6e7d4e No.132024


I just pick the ones I fin funny.

If it's funny it will track with normies

6e7d4e No.132025


I've seen it multiple times but still no splid explination as to why…..

143f84 No.132026

File: 19724531b3eeaba⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3840x2400, 8:5, 7A7B4773-B1C8-4AB8-913E-C….jpeg)

24594a No.132027

Fatal bus crash in Mexico: they're reporting Americans among the dead; I wonder who they were

43f2e8 No.132028

Morning Anons.

Found a early Christmas present in my stocking.

Will Just leave if here, just in case no one else has seen it. These people are stupid..(like a motherfucker apparently!)


11b677 No.132029


Ta, might have to watch to view the 'planned road map' ;p

4c6930 No.132030


Sometimes the kids fight back

4c6930 No.132031


Put that in a meme

afad78 No.132032

MEME Magicians,

This anon cannot make it, but you can. Ideas below.

Ball and chain (2 versions)

- Ball is Cabal, covered in corporate logos, chain links are our favorite bad actors, ankle is either America and/or just We the People

- Ball is DJT, chain links are patriots (feel free to include names and organizations) heck, they could be Q links and the ankle is HRC et al

More variations for each of the different connections. Example:

Assuming that the SEA train derailment is Antifa …

Ball is Sidley Austin

Chainlinks go thru Hussien, Weather Underground, Bob Ayers, Antifa

Ankle is the train

Modify and teak as needed

c0cea1 No.132033



probably part of a ritual,

it is the same eye - all kids were right handed? no.

bb779e No.132034

File: 842cd81ae503b96⋯.png (8.84 MB, 2434x2434, 1:1, 86B0EA49-0EF9-4839-9171-A9….png)

11b677 No.132035


Dubious about more malware.

Large file, got hacked by Chinese IP earlier.

0d2482 No.132036

ef7036 No.132037


The biggest hidden thing is the entire thing is about 'balance' of good and evil, or relative moralism. Which is how we got into this luciferean world. Star Wars is the one world religion in essence… It encapsulates 'The Grey Path' where morals are relative. It avoids black and white as a choice, and that is what you see in the latest films, the blurring of good and evil.

1a328d No.132038

Ok peeps, I went off to dig on the Q post:


Twitter rants can be harmful.

Lesson learned?

How about _SIERRA_C_?

How about ($22/Singapore)?

When does a bird sing?

Goodbye C.


I was focusing on the $22/Singapore part, with the gist being how it might relate to Chuck Schumer…

So far, it looks like the reference to Singapore may be to do with this:

Chuck Schumer was one of the people who held up K.T. McFarland's nomination to be Ambassador to Singapore - trying to get her cooperation in the "Muh-Russia" narrative.

Sauce: http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/democrats-stall-kt-mcfarlands-nomination-to-become-singapore-ambassador/article/2643034

While digging I also came across this article on Schumer's reluctance to get a smart phone until April of this year:

""When e-mail started (Schumer's chief of staff) said, 'You know, you're a public official. Sooner or later what's in your e-mail will be made public. We're not worried about anything unethical, illegal. But I know you, Chuck. … You're going to write on the email, "Senator So-and-So, what a jerk." And that'll be public and that'll end your career,'"

Sauce: https:// sg.news.yahoo.com/senate-minority-leader-chuck-schumer-213550139.html

Well, this year, a few months after the upgrade to a smartphone - on 19 Sept from what I can tell - he started tweeting (from a couple of accounts - @chuckschumer and @SenSchumer)… thus Q's reference to twatter "rants" - one of which (between him and Trump) made news recently after the NYC truck attack, so perhaps this is one of the "rants" in referred to by Q:

https:// globalnews.ca/news/3836626/donald-trump-immigration-chuck-schumer-new-york-city-truck-attack/

Still working on the "$22" part - but turned up this from 2015 about Schumer's $22m "war chest":

https:// www.newsday.com/long-island/schumer-s-2016-war-chest-reaches-22-million-1.10969577

Since Q's earlier ref to 1.2m was papers, not people - it's worth considering that his $22 could be more than $22…

afad78 No.132039


These are awesome!

9d06fc No.132040


I think that's true for all of us, team Q included.

11b677 No.132041


Thanks for the run down.

43f2e8 No.132042


luv em!

61f577 No.132043


Simpler: sort by post number, they are incremental which also means time based.

7b77ba No.132044

File: 166f09076153ac7⋯.jpeg (152.07 KB, 574x906, 287:453, 99E8CC91-F7DD-46BF-94D1-1….jpeg)

Find the words.

0d2482 No.132045

File: ebdd09769e01f92⋯.jpg (36.35 KB, 399x300, 133:100, default.jpg)


or how stifled our civ's development is

we should seriously be rocking fusion for unlimited energy,food,water. Robots/Androids…

6e7d4e No.132046

File: 5367c983652ea90⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 640x489, 640:489, CIVILIAN TRIALS.jpg)

File: fcccd5c178f5df1⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Election.jpg)

File: 4ceb256ce131294⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GENERAL FLYNN.jpg)

File: 015b7b0c8a8d36d⋯.jpg (207.59 KB, 1295x975, 259:195, Mandalay Bay.jpg)

Since you like em …. I saved these from one of the first breads

6e7d4e No.132048

File: 971d0c78f34e53f⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 640x494, 320:247, Marines.jpg)

File: 3124c731573122f⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 640x489, 640:489, military intelligence.jpg)

File: 15d523ae87cf48d⋯.jpg (35.95 KB, 640x482, 320:241, military tribunals.jpg)

File: 01857d366f752d9⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 640x489, 640:489, Muller.jpg)

ef7036 No.132049


LOL Wut? AI/Androids is the elite plan to remove you from the world. Fuck people are dumb.

61f577 No.132050


Bus that crashed had a pack of tourists from cruise ship on board, including Americans.

There are no coincidences.

857c5a No.132051

File: 08f251f29dfc144⋯.jpg (153.81 KB, 1199x893, 1199:893, DRdz6qPWsAIKb09.jpg)

6e7d4e No.132052

File: 5ca032c0c66f09c⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 640x489, 640:489, NSA meeting with Trump.jpg)

File: 588247837ac767b⋯.jpg (6.78 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Q.jpg)

File: e4a1b26a5d3d00f⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 511x280, 73:40, Secret Service.jpg)

File: 897be0c8c768287⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 640x494, 320:247, STATE SECRETS.jpg)

That's all of them

61f577 No.132053



Try to find the tablecloth affected by gravity so it is more realistic.

81e089 No.132054


i'm trying to slow down the wave of shitposts every time Q posts… i'm tired of having to wait for it to subside

c23669 No.132055


From what I know its when they are being rebellious towards their puppetmaster.

Dont do as they say and you get a black eye as warning.

61f577 No.132056


SJW bullshit is in all jewry production, it is the new brainwashing

6a4070 No.132057


Wouldn't even dignify them as shitposts. Just shit posts.

afad78 No.132058


Another pop reference that might work: The Doctor. Great way to incorporate the international connections and the cabal’s future they had planned

43f2e8 No.132059

File: ad6a402c13c54e8⋯.gif (410.92 KB, 403x220, 403:220, chuck1.gif)


WTF is going on?? Mandatory/voluntary surgery of some kind? Or did Chuck Norris just discover CBTS yesterday?

9d06fc No.132060


Secret ritual meeting:

Have everyone eaten their plate of shit? Great! Fucked the donkey? Great! Smeared the baby blood leftovers from yesterday's pizza party over your genitals? Great!

Fine, it's time for the highlight of the evening! Everyone, punch the guy on your right as hard as you can in the face!

Why, you ask?

Does anything these people do make any sense whatsoever to a normal rational human being?

ef7036 No.132061


It's absolutely the #1 programming tool. Everyone loves star wars, the grey path, the force. Fucking insane how people can easily move from watching a movie to worshipping the gods of the movie.

62a9e7 No.132062


Q likely gave an answer last night to "where are the children?". This same answer may be the keys to the new Q stringers. A large "rescue operation".

If so would be big news soon.


008914 No.132064


It will be more subtle than just a post on your social media. Maybe a puzzle that only you can work out, because only you know what you posted or images or words you said posted out of context or in strange ways . The way the message is delivered will be as important as the message. To reassure you that while you were being watched, the watchers are benign, as they are doing it in a way that only you will be able to understand, and thus won't be picked up by anyone else. A way of plausible deniability for both the sender and the recipient. When you see it, you will laugh I assure you.

f841b8 No.132065


Harry Reid lookalike. But he used to be a boxer, what's her excuse.

61f577 No.132066


Remember that meme where all famous people had black eyes.

It is some medical condition linked to pizzagate…

81e089 No.132067


and besides that i think t would be funny to build an army on reddit and then invade facebook

34576c No.132068

File: 3241a3f4794d02d⋯.png (67.8 KB, 781x158, 781:158, Rd.png)

Their tentacles have infiltrated everything. As noted before, C h r i s t i a n i t y is their biggest enemy, therefore, they must try to corrupt it. The very tenets of common decency and morality are held there. The American e v a n g e l i c

c h u r c h needs a good dose of redpill as well.

ffb9d9 No.132069


Nice. Wonder if that's what the $22 is. I was curious myself.

Sierra Club.. meh. Leftist 'muh environment that I don't actually care about' propaganda.

7f87ad No.132070



a margherita pizza doesn't have meat, so what he is had for lunch is not actually pizza. Pizzagate.

3328a8 No.132071

File: c024d66650145b3⋯.jpg (7.26 KB, 191x255, 191:255, IMG_2421.jpg)


Yes…ahem: ==Yarr, tis.==






<<at least institutional care level trauma[physio or other]

01eb66 No.132072


I'm gonna say that Assange is still alive. Just a gut feeling. A really strong gut feeling.

ffb9d9 No.132073


^^^ Yes. that. HRC

f841b8 No.132074


McCain's scar (from "brain surgery") was above the left eye rather than being a swollen right eye.

9d06fc No.132075


Haha, sounds just like the way Q would do it!

7f87ad No.132076


sorry new to this. don't know how >131721 got there.

ef7036 No.132077


Probably more than that.

61f577 No.132078





43f2e8 No.132079


Agreed. My parents have a non-denominational music ministry and they have been telling me that a allot of the churches that they have been visiting lately have been starting to spout eerily familiar SJW crap. Particularly the organised (denomination) variations. Starting to freak them out frankly.

6e7d4e No.132080

File: 868233a97b58973⋯.jpg (179.15 KB, 1092x570, 182:95, Kids Fight Back.jpg)

Alright someone asked for this

7f87ad No.132081


LOL. have you ever seen a Quidich tournament? hundreds of high IQ college kids running around with witch hats and brooms. For Real.

ef7036 No.132082

They are all on board for the one world religion. They are sharing space with mosques now, and inviting 'acceptance' and 'equality' above God's law and truth.

1b1eb5 No.132083


mornin lads

ef7036 No.132085


Oh ya, I forgot. HP wins. I am old.

ef7036 No.132086

ebd6c8 No.132087

Good eve anons.

I think I have find something important about early Q stringers, before he/she/they started putting signature.




Obviously, GOD EMPEROR!!


>4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192

Search G00gle. Search for videos. Trailers of Alice and Wonderland.



G00gl3. G00gl3 b00ks. FLY EAGLE FLY: An African Tale.



G00gle b00k leads to Ecclesiogenesis: The Base Communities Reinvent the Church.

Help Needed on this anons.



g00gl3 b00k leads to "GOOD NIGHT OBAMA" : A PARODY.


Leads to "FLY EAGLE FLY"

I think Q have already made it simpler for us cause we were overestimated.

Be the autists you are.

Expand your thinking.


Learn double meaning.


43f2e8 No.132088


Yea, was think of that was well + several others. Anyone ever seen Escape from New York? Or maybe some sort of tracking devise? I guess not point in digging on this weirdness unless Q drops any crumbs. Or Norris starts bragging about it on twitter.

9d06fc No.132089


Vegans don't eat cheese either. Maybe the guy just had an actual honest-to-God Marguerita pizza, cheese and all?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Just saying.


6e7d4e No.132090

File: 7c40f314b9f7089⋯.jpg (180.59 KB, 1092x570, 182:95, kids fight back 2.jpg)

This is better

Sorry New to making memes

61f577 No.132091


Churches are mental asylums for the most gullible people of them all. The pyramid is simple:

money masters tell "SJW is truth"

ministers copy paste and tell "SJW is truth"

sheep in church learn that "SJW is truth"

when there is an election, sheep know what to "think" and choose by "their new morals"

Voting for things which are EVIL just because you are brainwashed into thinking that "SJW new truth" absolves you of your own morality does nothing. Anyone acting against their own morality is an evil and IMMORAL fuck, no matter what the excuse.

0a8ba1 No.132092


Who wrote the letter, do you know who signed it M.A?

43f2e8 No.132093


Eating Shrooms and Digging!

1a328d No.132094


Yes, he also said (or at least implied) in that post that they're working on the problem from bottom to top… so we've only just begun. 3000 in SA is the start - many, many more to come - and it's a high priority for them.

>3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.

>WW lanes shut down.

>Bottom to TOP.




>High Priority.


ef7036 No.132095


MOST PEOPLE don't get on a national forum and announce their dinner. If it's ONLY PIZZA and not lots of other food, It's Pizzagate.

ef7036 No.132096


So, opening demonic portals, then fighting evil. Check.

bb779e No.132097


Ty- helpful

61f577 No.132098


Consider it Lucifer's night vision goggles.

70c193 No.132099

43f2e8 No.132100


Well I guess I'm lucky I had christian, conservative, hippy vagabonds for the majority of my childhood. I guess it made me more resistant to that kind of subversion. We are gonna need to get the Jesus Freak movement running again! (anti-PC christian movement back in the 70s)

ef7036 No.132101


I have a friend who did a lot of DMT. Now that he is reborn, he literally sees the spirit realm everyday no drugs. He does not enjoy the experience, but it sure is helpful to see where demonic energy comes into our realm.





7b77ba No.132102


First name Matthew.

f841b8 No.132103


Heidi Fleiss resemblance to Kamala Harris.

9d06fc No.132104


Probably true, yes.

I just think we should look for additional evidence to make sure first, and not immediately run out and form a lynch party as soon as someone says the word 'pizza'.

ef7036 No.132106


I concur with this. But he could certainly be targeted with questions, rather than accusations.

43f2e8 No.132107

File: 8b429ea8ed17cf6⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 300x225, 4:3, just-say-no-dumbass.jpg)


Lol, Was referencing Alice in Wonderland Anon!

ffb9d9 No.132108

File: 2aabba293e4e4ff⋯.jpg (133 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, WhatIsASpell-Q.jpg)

df838c No.132109

Tucker is doing an expose about UFOs tonight.

0d2482 No.132110

File: c5f6898bc505057⋯.jpg (125.09 KB, 625x564, 625:564, 3f81379ec9f69678c264829891….jpg)


If one worries about being appreciated more than being needed, then you shouldn't be worried about how androids can help us with just about everything. If you have spent days starving for food you will understand without overthinking it like you do

ffb9d9 No.132111

File: 15c3679ed2e24df⋯.jpg (128.07 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, MSM_Role-Q.jpg)

ebd6c8 No.132112



$22 billion bond financing bill in Singapore.

1a328d No.132113


Huh! Wow anon. I actually think you are indeed onto something!! Well done you glorious autist!!


6e7d4e No.132114

File: dc47c72abe20ebf⋯.jpg (197.64 KB, 1170x900, 13:10, the real thing.jpg)

0a8ba1 No.132115


Thanks, must be Matthew Arnold, I think Ive found em now.

43f2e8 No.132116

File: 1f98dafe34833cd⋯.jpg (126.86 KB, 750x524, 375:262, nightmare_fuel.jpg)


OH GOD! Damn man! Warn people first before posting that shit!

61f577 No.132117


>Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Just saying.

Explain that to Monica…

9dbd92 No.132119



Hours after walking through Stonehenge, eyewitnesses report that Obama chanted some line while holding a hammer-like relic skyward. Locals fled into the fields while secret service members ducked for safety. It is said afterward Obama’s voice echoed like an auto-tuned ocean and his eyes did not look like a human.

Obama’s Possession of Ancient Norse Religious Relics

Obama’s feat at Stonehenge is easily explained by the following image media that has made its way through conservative social media networks.

obama-awesome-thing-3 (1)Terrified scientists can only look on as Obama lifts an ancient Norse relic called ‘mjolnir’. A close look at the intricate craftmanship of this ancient relic shows its ties to the occult and Illuminati.

Obama took this relic from Sweden, the locals unable to stop him as he boarded Air Force One and flew straight for Stone Henge, where he used the weapon to bring a great dark power upon himself.

62a9e7 No.132120


Yes. A dual meaning. They are working from bottom to top on addressing this issue. I didn't put that into the graphic or discussion as the "dual meaning" is the typical clever way of embedding a key clue (the capitalization of TOP).

There is another ongoing series that Q is doing with the word "stupid". If you look back in posts you will see differences. Some ending with a period, another with an exclamation point, and recently with full capitals on "STUPID". This is a clue that Q is intending another "dual meaning" to this word.

24594a No.132121


He's got a lot of experience of that kind of activity with that thing in the background on the right

61f577 No.132122


>Heidi Fleiss resemblance to Kamala Harris.

All old ugly females look the same to me. Leathery.

7b77ba No.132123


The dead on Monday is creepy

857c5a No.132124


Also people with cash don't eat pizza (or hotdogs), let alone brag about it. They brag about higher end food from "elite" restaurants.

df838c No.132125


HAHA! Good one.

61f577 No.132126



Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand

Superior Technology Uniquely Placed In Design

ef7036 No.132127


LOL did NOT get it.

bb779e No.132128

File: 56e6ec32c1ff04e⋯.png (8.87 MB, 2434x2434, 1:1, 670B852F-DF6A-48D0-9257-92….png)

87f263 No.132129


True, if big.

ef7036 No.132130


You are underthinking it. I have done the research and intimately understand the tech and the risk. I don't overthink anything. You under-think.

43f2e8 No.132131

File: 41770532af3ec01⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, facepalm.jpg)


"Tucker is doing an expose about UFOs tonight"

Please tell me your kidding…

1a328d No.132132


Yes, I did notice that a ways back (on #147) from another anon:

>>128665 (Pic)

Not sure whether/how it fits in, so just kept digging.

Another interesting post I saw on the topic (on #148) was an anon looking at the words in parentheses as a group:


Expanded parentheses search:

(hard to swallow)

(-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot))

(willingly or otherwise)







(today alone)





(within the next few months)

ffb9d9 No.132133

File: 3d5a5631f44e3fc⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 880x676, 220:169, HeidiFleissKamalaHarris.jpg)


Why? Are they related?

61f577 No.132135

File: 80ceb006981cabf⋯.jpg (288.1 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, 81EmbEzgxEL._SL1100_.jpg)


Try to photoshop his tablecloth away and use THIS instead…

754e51 No.132136


Sadly, no. They are really trying to double down on this deception.

4c6930 No.132137

If you cut a child's throat while raping it from behind and you're right handed, you'll get a black left eye if it whips it's head back. Many such cases.

1a328d No.132138

File: afc767fdac5d1d1⋯.png (57.08 KB, 1350x232, 675:116, Refinancing.png)



Pic attached this time!

ef7036 No.132139



ffb9d9 No.132140

I'm at a real disadvantage because I haven't actually watched television since 1989. I don't know WHO any of these people are.. and don't really care, except that they're covering up a pretty nasty secret and apparently people listen to them.

I guess I overestimate peoples' intelligence.

857c5a No.132141


>Please tell me your kidding…

Tucker won't bite the hand that feeds him. He (like the rest) will do what they're told or be replaced.

ef7036 No.132142


Oh without a doubt, if you have much faith in the general person's intelligence, you are gonna have a bad time.

d036ee No.132144

Siera Club

Current Board of Directors

Loren Blackford, President, 2020

Susana Reyes, Vice President, 2019

Robin Mann, Secretary, 2019

Liz Walsh, Treasurer, 2018

Margrete Strand Rangnes, Fifth Officer, 2018

Spencer Black, 2018

Allison Chin, 2018

Ramón Cruz, 2020

Jim Dougherty, 2020

Charles Frank, 2019

Natalie Lucas, 2020

Steve Ma, 2018

Mike O'Brien, 2019

Peter Sargent, 2020

Dave Scott, 2019

9dbd92 No.132145

Regarding the “black eye” syndrome we’ve noticed.

Field McConnell claims it's the Chinese elders doing this, giving warnings to globalists in their attempt to wrestle control away from the globalist cabal. He also says "white hat military" members are working with them, are are in control of America.

754e51 No.132146

Trump signaling defeat of Soros with tie and 2 hands to drink water during speech:


43f2e8 No.132147

File: 36e8f1e76a06577⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 376x369, 376:369, 1po3sc.jpg)

61f577 No.132149


>I guess I overestimate peoples' intelligence.

This… never underestimate stupidity

Realize that over 50% of people have IQ less than 99… and even those with IQ 100 i would consider stupid (they are three std. deviations below my IQ of 135 - it feels the same as IQ 100 normie trying to communicate with an IQ 65 vegetable).

4c6930 No.132150


This earns a very special place in Hell.

87f263 No.132151


Have faith.

87f263 No.132153


Giving Beanz any credit for this is infuriating. Hanger-on, tailcoating. Not responsible for any of this.

bb779e No.132154


Good idea but I’m useless with photoshop

I’ll try!

28d3a5 No.132155


The dog looking at mirror face from Tucker is priceless

754e51 No.132156


"…if it whips it's head back…"

something dark about this phrasing…maybe use "the child" next time…

ef7036 No.132157


Can confirm.

Top 2% tested, barely anyone can understand me. Only extremely intelligent people get me, the rest think I'm nuts LOL.

One step ahead of the crowd, you're a genius. 2 steps ahead, you're a lunatic.

24594a No.132158


Scary, too!!

I did post a related pic, and left it up for about 5 minutes or so, hope you saw it; probably too dangerous to leave it up, in light of Q's warning about very bad people monitoring the forum

7f87ad No.132159


(coveted Cuban) cigars are illegal contraband. or were, not really sure if this has been changed recently with current relationship with Cuba. Anyway, point is, posting about pizza is part of using code and symbolism in plain sight.

754e51 No.132161


Its not Beanz

ef7036 No.132162


Dude, it always works that way. Those with a media presence stand on the shoulders of giants.. but someone has to be a media link. So deal with it.

4791c8 No.132163

Project bluebeam will work on most of the world splendidly after decades of preconditioning and programming through hollywood and controlled "counter-culture", don't fall for it anons.

ffb9d9 No.132164

File: 0b46ec6b9aea833⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 966x579, 322:193, BinTalalhead.jpg)

87f263 No.132165


Did you even watch it? He credits Beanz in the beginning.

24594a No.132166



28d3a5 No.132167

CNN is flipping out this morning over Jr.s' speech last night warning of deep state actors.

28d3a5 No.132170

DJT Jr. "There are people at the highest levels of the Government that don't want to let America be America"

CNN shitting bricks


61f577 No.132171



I thought to use the table when he is hanging up side down (gravity pulls cloth down).

Maybe add funny ears which would be visible then (a reason to wear tablecloth on head)

a7bc1d No.132172


link to that speech?

6e7d4e No.132174

File: ec9f6b819e6c115⋯.png (166.16 KB, 332x440, 83:110, Pepe tinfoil hat.png)


fucking agreed

ffb9d9 No.132175

File: 0cb9d075d33590b⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 966x579, 322:193, BinTalalheadLol3.jpg)

File: 1ba187fd01560ce⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 966x579, 322:193, BinTalalheadLol2.jpg)

File: fb463c513c2c2fd⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 966x579, 322:193, BinTalalheadLol4.jpg)

43f2e8 No.132176

File: 33b0ae0f69542d6⋯.gif (477.8 KB, 265x236, 265:236, giphy.gif)

6a4070 No.132177

62a9e7 No.132178


I believe Q is pointing to the fact that the bad actors are being listened to via their phone (or equivalent) communications. The first letters of "Stupid" are STU. See wiki on the secure encryption phones.

— wiki clip

STU-III is a family of secure telephones introduced in 1987 by the NSA for use by the United States government, its contractors, and its allies. STU-III desk units look much like typical office telephones, plug into a standard telephone wall jack and can make calls to any ordinary phone user (with such calls receiving no special protection, however). When a call is placed to another STU-III unit that is properly set up, one caller can ask the other to initiate secure transmission. They then press a button on their telephones and, after a 15-second delay, their call is encrypted to prevent eavesdropping. There are portable and militarized versions and most STU-IIIs contained an internal modem and RS-232 port for data and fax transmission. Vendors were AT&T (later transferred to Lucent Technologies), RCA (Now L-3 Communications, East) and Motorola.


28d3a5 No.132179



Best I can find now

24594a No.132180


Can relate, so can Trump

754e51 No.132181


Yes, but he also gives credit to 8chan, CBTS and Q as well.

882170 No.132182

CNN hosts state "countries where everyone stands for the flag are countries you probably would not want to line in" chuckling …


24594a No.132183


One of the all time best memes!!

43f2e8 No.132184


So looking forward to that man being 46th!

24594a No.132185


Camelot redeux!

85e84d No.132186


> the metabunk link you put up for the debunking of it…that site is a total CIA owned site that debunks everything. They say 9/11 was real terrorist and not an inside job and that chemtrails aren't real.

>Don't believe one single thing you read on metabunk - absolute mockingbird paid website. They are absolute complete bullshit! They will kick anyone off the forum that debates their findings with real information. Metabunk is CIA!! Never never use them as a source of real info.

77d491 No.132187

Good morning anons. Brewing up some covfefe and ready to dig. Have a feeling today might be Yuge

4791c8 No.132188


Not everything is CIA, plenty of idiots willing to defend their positions for them without pay.

28d3a5 No.132189


I make an exception for my hate of family dynasties for the Trumps.

DJT in 2020, Jr for 46, and if Ivanka can shake her remaining lefty hang ups she can be the first fem potus.

85e84d No.132190


FlyEagleFly is what Lynn Rothschild has tweeted out previously.

e869f2 No.132191


What's her story anyway? She an investigator as a profession? Computer person, or just a reporter.

ffb9d9 No.132192


I've done some tests and ranged anywhere from 120 to 140. I just consider myself 'smarter than average' perhaps. But man… y'know.. if the average IQ was just like 10 points higher, there is NO WAY that they could get away with any of this.

There's a reason they poison the water. >:(

(Which, I also don't drink tap water (I even used distilled in my coffee), eat much meat, or socialize)

Naturally we've made being stupid good and being smart 'bad'. Damn those.. 'smart-asses' yadda yadda..

598d1f No.132193



Good morning Anons. While you were asleep last night, we witnessed the commision of a federal crime. Who's ready for a fight?

4c6930 No.132194


You want it sounding less dark in the meme?

ef7036 No.132195


Reporter, but smart enough to figure most of this out.

767c25 No.132196

File: afe71509b381731⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 600x800, 3:4, yeb.jpg)


*blocks your path*

87f263 No.132197


Twitter rants can be harmful.


7da393 No.132198

85e84d No.132199


Just as you put it, plenty of 'idiots' but it is a CIA controlled debunking site that debunks every single thing. They even were debunking JFK and the 2nd shooter if I remember correctly (haven't looked at that site for years) and now we know there was a 2nd shooter from the JFK papers. They will work to debunk any 'conspiracy theory' Oh I wonder if they are discussing Q there and debunking every single post he makes. But again I won't go there because they are absolute disinfo.

ef7036 No.132200


Uhh, That is the tie to House of Cards.

He's from the home town of Spacey's character…..

Mobile Alabama???

deaf24 No.132201



Wonder when the image was shown relative to the train crash, and how long a deep color like that takes to settle in after trauma to the eye area? Not a Doc, just raising the question as one consideration. Interesting coincidence. Q did mention the train being retaliation for ATL, and maybe for other things?

ef7036 No.132202


Where-ever that peach is..

28d3a5 No.132203


You know, I don't always like the way Collins vote but it takes a real cunt to attack a woman like her. She's about as sweet ass it gets.

For that beluga whale to attack her and do it during a bribe and also misspell "super" at the same time is just…..wow.

What. A. Cunt.

24594a No.132204


That's for sure

28d3a5 No.132205


My typos are staggering o.o

My bad. Just woke up.

43f2e8 No.132206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Been digging lots of Alice in Wonderland trailers. Mostly the old stuff. Nothing seems relevant yet. The Johnny Depp monstrosity was enough to make my eyeballs bleed!

However when I googled this number;

148148004 This was the first thing at the top… Not creepy at all…


ffb9d9 No.132207

File: 2ec7ca641855aeb⋯.jpg (70.24 KB, 966x579, 322:193, BinTalalheadLol5.jpg)

Oh. Better do the cutout too.

bbda65 No.132208


Get over yourself

bebdf7 No.132209


Oh shit… Now I'm in the mental hospital because I was told the truth… NooooOOOOoooOOOoooo

I want the truth… The American people want the truth.

Q - "You can't handle the truth" (In Jack Nickelson voice).

e02e1a No.132211


2 names before Podesta's…Jon Leibowitz-personal…as in Jon STEWART Leibowitz maybe…TV host (Daily Show)…see also his brother Larry Leibowitz, a banker, CEO of Incapture Technologies, financial markets focused technology firm.

87f263 No.132212



(you)'ing like a fag because okay I'm watching her latest and I see what the BO/mods of /cbts are saying. I'm going to give her some benefit of the doubt.

18b750 No.132213


He is also a disciple of Jesus Christ. Attends the WH BibleStudies. As a fellow believer, I will trust my brother unless the Lord, through His Spirit, tells me otherwise.

ef7036 No.132215


Seriously, we don't want people really coming here unless they can take it.

6e7d4e No.132216


War of the worlds……

Radio Broadcast that sent people crazy thinking ALIENS were invading……

Project blue beam much

e5508d No.132217

File: e6f5dced174766f⋯.png (144.53 KB, 620x616, 155:154, 5a39b324934e6.png)

bb779e No.132218


Well done!

bebdf7 No.132219


BASED before BASED was cool

ebd6c8 No.132220

File: 7fa4ab38309ebef⋯.png (249.97 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20171220-185956.png)


Too important to miss.

85e84d No.132221


OMG I just went to Metabunk to see what they are putting up. I am laughing SO HARD. They are DEBUNKING the JFK papers even!! They are saying that who ever wrote up the reports misread the info and wrote them WRONG! Holy shit, I am laughing so hard! That site is absolutely DISINFO CIA and how they have the audacity to debunk the JFK papers is beyond me. Anyone who believes anything on that site then believes CNN and everyone of their reports. You can go to Metabunk for a laugh but don't use them as a source - since they are proven disinfo.

ffb9d9 No.132222


Lol! Nice

24594a No.132223


I like what's in the red font; I sure do hope so, cos that's exactly what's needed

43f2e8 No.132224


Think we, might want to pin (save) this crumb, could be relevant. More digging.

167ee7 No.132225

Whoa. This place got MORE retarded in the past 9 hours.


a61936 No.132226


You may not realize it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

bebdf7 No.132227

4791c8 No.132228


There is big money in "debunking" sites, lots of clicks from curious searchers on google that can get converted into ad money. Enough to keep the two pigs running snopes fed for years now. They always agree with the mainstream media's narrative as well so they get spots on television and cited in other publications.

b67019 No.132231


Thanks for your brilliant contribution.

bc5b33 No.132233


DWS is the BISHOP.

08aa30 No.132234


Please be aware Dough is missing this Q post #130064.

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 23:12:54 3c96d5 No.130064

bebdf7 No.132240


Where did the number sequence come from?

bebdf7 No.132242


Just got a craving for some Top Ramen… Why'd you do that to me?

18b750 No.132243

There Was A Lot More To That NY Times UFO Story Last Week


167ee7 No.132245


Oh, you're quite welcome. It's why i come here.

Not to wave my IQ around like its currency.


5958b1 No.132247

Morning lads. Birds woke me up early with their singing and chirping. Coincidence? Haha

c0cea1 No.132248



please cross check for other, if any, missing Q posts, as well.

thanks for keeping an eye out. I hope the baker includes all posts in the next thread.

43f2e8 No.132249



Search G00gle. Search for videos. Trailers of Alice and Wonderland.



deaf24 No.132250

File: 5d936df32c56551⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 485x406, 485:406, boxcarsWithWindows.jpg)


re: sauce on the boxcars. It's been years since looking into this. Link below has everything in one place that you'll find parrotted by other articles. Gunderson Steel Fabrication is a key a connection with contract and multiple sites. Note Bush spoke there on the trail. Lots of leads that could be traced down, but let's just put this behind us, when the Cabal is brought down, it's a moot point as they'll be unnecessary. Lee Harrington of Valier, MT, a metalworker is cited in the article. His phone number is shown on first pg of search results.

http:/ /ntlconsulting.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/fema-boxcars-with-shackles.html

Some considerations: there are 3 tiers to the shackled boxcars - these have *windows/ventilation*. Boxcars are also used to transport automobiles, but those don't have the windows/ventilation, just plain sides. Why would you want to get a new car all dusty in transport? Maybe the light would help with loading/unloading cars though?

Load, save locally and move on, as this isn't our direct mission from Q today. Just another redpill for those along for the ride, to know what we avoided.

bebdf7 No.132251


Those BIRDs were MOCKING you.

65603d No.132253



I would like to be the one who gets to DO the punching. These liars suck.

ebd6c8 No.132254



Half Chan cbts post numbers. Insignificant.

96b746 No.132255

Q said:

"We have the USSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message."

USSS? what does he mean?

a61936 No.132257


Secret service

43f2e8 No.132259


Never mind then. Strange Coincidence.

7b77ba No.132260



70e624 No.132261

>>130717 HUGE SHOUT OUT to MEME Archiver! thank you putting all of the memes in one place. Outstanding job in archiving!

bbda65 No.132262


United States Secret Service. Which is confusing cos I thought they weren't to be trusted

6e7d4e No.132263

File: d18398d8bb3e8f7⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 259x194, 259:194, kirk.jpg)



65603d No.132264


Oh, by the way, Rosie "18 U.S.C. Section 201" O'Donnell is allegedly currently dating a Worcester, Massachusetts police officer: https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/names/2017/11/21/rosie-donnell-new-girlfriend-worcester-cop/lIQI5ODV1cVaDU4DZOBkwM/story.html

bebdf7 No.132265


No one is to be trusted… Double check everything.

540cae No.132267






a61936 No.132268


Yes, that conclusion was drawn a while back around Q posting "Tag: USSS". I guess he was directing the USSS to look at it, not identifying that actor as USSS.

b67019 No.132269


Obviously the reason you come here is to

detract from the message/mission of Q.

Get lost scat farmer.


87f263 No.132270


We have the best graphics dept in Crazyland. The best.

c0cea1 No.132271



mckinnon comes my to mind every damn time i read USSS

https://www.wired . com/2006/06/ufo-hacker-tells-what-he-found/

43f2e8 No.132273


LOL Yea just saw that this morning! Posted it earlier, but everybody was arguing about when they should fill their bathtubs or something. NIiiice! Trump Curse finally got her.

28d3a5 No.132274

Can you twitterfags please spam DOJ and FBI with this. Rosie the rhino offering 2 million in cash bribes to senators to vote no on tax reform.

This is a clear cut felony.


7da393 No.132276

This is the bishop - part of cult.

"Cardinal Bernard Law is dead at 86. He resigned as archbishop of Boston in 2002 amid the pedophile priest scandal seen in the film “Spotlight.”>132233

bc5b33 No.132277


Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is the bishop that was taken down she was close to the queen hillary

87f263 No.132278


Hello, newfriend. Q knows twitter rants are harmful. Spam memes instead.

6e7d4e No.132279


Him and those idiots from GIA , david wilcox and corye goode

a61936 No.132280



Yes, I'll add that given what they do, and with whom, and the JFK matter. I wouldn't trust them implicitly.

bebdf7 No.132281


Oh shit… Wtf? Rosie O is a shit-tier loser.

ffb9d9 No.132282

61f577 No.132283

File: b3367b67d799c79⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 3500x2616, 875:654, saudi-billionaire-prince-a….jpg)

Dangling prince

meme away!

becec4 No.132284


Fucking legendary man.


This is how you do memes.

Few words.


One concept.

This is teh standard.

87f263 No.132285


We have the best graphics department in Crazyland. The best.

34576c No.132288


To anon who posted this, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

28d3a5 No.132289


memes are great and should be the focus but I want this bitch locked up, or at least publicly fined.

ef7036 No.132290

File: 130330f82bfd59a⋯.jpg (186.79 KB, 1280x678, 640:339, download (2).jpg)

bebdf7 No.132291


Also, $150 buys you a thermal printer (Like how UPS does shipping labels)… Print off stickers of messages by the hundreds, quickly. Only costs like $30 for thousands. Enjoy. Get to work.

000000 No.132293

Is there a plan on how we can stay informed when they pull the Internet kill switch?

bebdf7 No.132295


If there is, no one told me.

61f577 No.132296

new bread?

e02e1a No.132297


>30,000 guillotines that Obama ordered

Any good sources on this??…I thought so. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's good to remember that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"…been hearing about this stuff since the early Rex84 mania, back when Alex Jones was spreading his shit on VHS…

You can't expect normies to buy it unless you can come up with an actual photo of the guillotines, multiple angles at that. Otherwise, you only make it easy for them to dismiss you as crackpot.

bebdf7 No.132298


Scroll up… its there

a61936 No.132300


The channelers and remote viewers can probably rig themselves into a suitable apparatus.

ef7036 No.132302

File: cc896ade8ba5434⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 375x484, 375:484, cb-crazyland.jpg)

320ad8 No.132303

>>132093 Nice , what strain ?

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