Welcome to the first BMN spring cleaning stream. We're going to be shredding a lot of movies tonight, for all have committed a serious crime. They've taken up shelf space. 200-400 cases of discs and many more movies within them. You all have wanted blood, and now your day has come. The only saving grace for a movie is your vote or if it has not been watched.
Oh, and if you're a steam user, I've got game codes to give away as well. Similar to the fare we watch, I won't guarantee any of them are good. :^)
Stream Information
Date: March 27th
Show Start Time: 6PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 23:00 UTC
Pre-Show start time: 5:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 22:30 UTC
BMN Cytube
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.moe (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)