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Fuck off we're full
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File: 75d4c61fd95a007⋯.jpg (37.09 KB,400x400,1:1,9kqTRT3N_400x400.jpg)

 No.176633 [Last50 Posts]

NEET General #185 - 1 night until Christmas edition

Remember to stay comfy.

OLD >>175863

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You fucking idiot

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I doubt you actually saw a Jap

It probably was just a Chink

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I watch enough japanese porn to tell the difference mate

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The NEET heading is incorrectly formatted. My autism is up.

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remind me why we decided to sell out to the yellow jews, China, rather than build on our already solid relationship with the gem of the east, Nippon?

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because Japan only wants our backpacking jobs, not our land

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Do we even have japs in this country? There's a couple that live next door, I keep overhearing japanese TV coming from their place, so I'm thinking great, they're japanese. Then one day I pass and their outside and I hear the hideous catscreeching that the chinks consider to be a language. Much disappoint

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Quite a few japanese backpackers around here. i see tourists and shit around too. I got some sushi the other day and surprisingly enough the staff were speaking Japanese there too

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>tfw last post bragging rights


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fair enough, I've just rarely ever seen a Nip


Nah, we don't have Nips here fuck I haven't seen an Abo in months anyways I think those fucks are basically a critically endangered species at this point

And funny enough it's the left that's killing them off

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I find most sushi places disgusting as theyre ran by chinks mostly

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It's just where you live. I see dozens of abos every time I go outside

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I fucked up the number and failed getting in first but the message is sincere

Merry xmas NEETs



>dont post in it

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File: ded0f3e887957bb⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,4608x3456,4:3,20171224_152229.jpg)

My sunburnt body is still in pain, pray for me neets

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File: 1e7454d4a3ac077⋯.jpg (40.61 KB,501x585,167:195,ce6.jpg)



>Literally the aryans of the orient


>Literally the jews of the orient

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That's why I was surprised. I managed to sperg it up while getting my order so I won't be going back to confirm anyway.

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>another pic for my hairy NEET legs folder

Thank you m8.

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They're the same thing

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Nice house, is that mumbot's

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One day you might even get mine to add to your collection

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You really fucked up with the wrong thread number. Shame too as not only was your pepe better but also the little introductory piece you wrote.

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quads confirm anon will show his quads

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That doesn't explain why a tiny island was able to rape and control chinkland during ww2

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Tasmania did what?

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File: 170d24dc39f1729⋯.png (53.09 KB,375x360,25:24,sad_santa_pepe.png)


Merry christmas fellow failures

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File: 196ecbd4e17f5b1⋯.png (671.88 KB,863x1079,863:1079,f2f9c1567267c68e6761154de9….png)

the time of year when all my old "friends" come back to town.

>go out drinking try and be a normal fag for a day.

>see the youngns from when i was at school out drinking.

>mfw they are old enough to drink and are probly gonna do more with there lifes then i ever will

>mfw first time out of my house in weeks.

>mfw ive been a NEET for a whole year now.

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How many pics of neets legs you got, two?

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Spread Kewpie mayo on your legs

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not today though, it's too dark in here and I don't want to turn the light on or open the curtains

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>a whole year

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There's historical salt there as well. China has attempted to conquer Japan multiple times across history and each one was rebuffed. That's like us failing to take over N.Z.

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Yeah only two full shots.

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one day ill be like you NEET senpai

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File: 03cd709373595c0⋯.jpg (61.88 KB,734x510,367:255,me laughing.jpg)


>a whole year

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When you've got a decade of NEETdom, then, maybe, you'll be worthy. But a year? I've wasted more time than that just scratching my arse

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Why do you save the pics neets post?

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Not him but I do it because I like chronicling the neet gen.

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>just a year

oh my sweet child

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File: 2dcea58028af38f⋯.png (259 KB,411x474,137:158,Urination an act of war sa….png)

Who here is secretly praying for a happening tomorrow?

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based pajeet

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You never know when they will come in handy.

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After the first few years it stops festering and smelling rank then starts spawning little bacterial communities that will see you as their beloved leader.

It's hard to begin with but give it time, you will learn that your lifes lack of work will be to secure their existence and it'll all be worth it.

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>The Glorious Chinese army got BTFOd by the fucking weather

>Multiple times

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File: 04225b7ed9527c3⋯.png (228.66 KB,305x347,305:347,Capture88888.png)


ill make you proud senpai, doing nothing is the one thing im good at.

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That is clearly a Thai man

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They're the same thing

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It's like that episode of the Simpsons

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pick one

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Mate, every single person is Thailand is male

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Do you have a cumdies folder?

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File: 73e454d9294c876⋯.png (460.18 KB,699x599,699:599,Wild House Party.png)

>tfw you were never invited to a party as a teenager

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File: 3b6fb4517bd7d92⋯.jpg (156.04 KB,1468x560,367:140,party.jpg)


And this is why you're a virgin

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None of you pussies have posted cumdies yet. I have a few undies but no cumdies

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One of the NEETs posted his cumdies a few threads back. I know that one of you NEETs has the picture

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jeez look at this chadNEET over here.

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one even had runny shit in them as well

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Sometimes a meme should be just a meme.

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File: 9f0967ab788c6f7⋯.jpg (88.9 KB,657x1024,657:1024,redcap.jpg)

>The redcap (or Redcap) is a type of malevolent, murderous goblin found in Border folklore. He is said to inhabit ruined castles along the Anglo-Scottish border, especially those places that were once the scenes of tyranny or wicked deeds, and is known for soaking his cap in the blood of his victims.

Is santa really an evil fairy?

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Not a virgin btw

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no white poffy thing at the end of hat. not santa dont worry

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File: d057a7f33b10633⋯.png (571.94 KB,958x450,479:225,Odin-to-Santa_footer.png)

File: 129b81a53cb98bf⋯.jpg (65.54 KB,500x196,125:49,paganlove.jpg)


sort of

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mud central

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I was at a "party" that got gate crashed.

It was one of my dads girlfriends families places and it was just a family get together more or less but the daughter of the people's whos house it was posed about it on facebook and made it seem like we were all getting fucked up i was anyway, i like being a dick in front of strangers and like 200 people rocked up and smashed everything in the street. about 10 cops rocked up and people threw letterboxes at them.

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File: a8c67c6e7a4805f⋯.png (18.41 KB,308x385,4:5,561896_0_9999_med_v1_m5657….png)

>2.4 standard drinks per can.

Shit, didn't realise how much I was drinking. Now I feel hot and stupid and can't remember my name. What do guys?

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have a wank

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And you are a faggot. Kill yourself

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In the cumdies

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I found the berry too sweet. What do you think of it


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>throwing letterboxes at people

and normies say we're the weird ones

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It was sweet. I couldn't taste the lamb

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Did anyone else get made to sing carols in primary school, or do they no longer do that?

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I sang carols in primary school

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I pretended to sing carols in primary school

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bend over and it will all be over in a minute or two

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I think I did, can't remember as it was a long time ago

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I want to watch die hard again, but i think i've deleted it and i'm too fucked up to install torrenting software on my pc right now. What tv shows had good christmas specials?

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They were throwing them at the cop cars

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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did they eat kfc?

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Install qbittorrent.

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There is some anime with a christmas episode where they do eat kfc but I can't remember which one it was. maybe Minami-ke or something

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What happened to the belly gf poster?

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>Sending the pigs a message

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you're a witty fella

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Any of you guys seen Welcome to the NHK? Shit fucking hurts to watch

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I just finished another rewatch of it last week.

Pretty comfy show tbh, you can tell the author actually knows how it feels to be in that position. Can't say that for basically any other anime

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started watching it but yeah, too painful a mirror to look into

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Is that the suicide/depression one?

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what's that?

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It's the neet one, but suicide depression and drug use (not so much drugs in the anime but its there) are pretty big themes in it.

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Ok, finally found a tv show with a christmas special that i did have - futurama, s02e08 - it's literally written by a jew, but i'll take what i can get

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A bit, about a NEET but it isn't the usual retard anime NEET who gets transported to a magical world and gets 20 anime babes or some gay shit like that

It's just about how fucking depressing being a NEET is and the MC's struggle to break out of it

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File: aee3ad3dd3a14d9⋯.jpg (44.12 KB,1600x900,16:9,wojak.jpg)


It's the happy ending that kills me. Everything else is this comforting never-ending series of "tfw", knowing that there's company in this misery, but that feel when everything works out in the end? Not going to happen for us.

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Is it a single movie or a series? What's the running time?

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Hope you NEETs have been good this year or you'll be getting a big lump of poo for Christmas.

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Everything doesn't really work out, it just changes a bit and moves on. Most people will make changes when really forced to but they won't ever really reach their goals.


24 eps of 24 mins

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Series. 24 episodes.

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forgive me neetgod for I have waged

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB,306x320,153:160,Fuck (You).mp4)

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB,306x320,153:160,Fuck (You).mp4)

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB,306x320,153:160,Fuck (You).mp4)

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB,306x320,153:160,Fuck (You).mp4)

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB,306x320,153:160,Fuck (You).mp4)

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Thnx m8

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One would have been adequate.

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This is the closest I've been to having sex all year

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you're supposed to click on all of them

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Hold your right arm out infront of you constantly and go for a walk outside.

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The soyim know

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Might go out for walkies when it gets dark and look at all the lights people have set up in front of their houses

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And search for vulnerable targets?

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t. rapeNEET

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File: ad6b093ddf82757⋯.jpg (5.24 MB,3456x4608,3:4,IMG_20171224_174821.jpg)

Don't lie to me dan

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Thanks. I might put episode 1 on my to-do list tomorrow. Don't believe I've ever watched anime in all my 30-odd years. Unless Pokemon counts?

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santa is based on sant-nicholas. The image of santa is coca-cola.

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No. No it doesn't.

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Prepare to feel like a complete loser for a little while

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He's trying to save you.

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welcome to the NHK is one of my favourite series. A surprisingly decent dub as well which is rare.

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oh, it's a gooktoon

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<don't all NEETs watch gooktoons?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I watched dragon ball z when i was a kid, because that's when i was part of the target audience because cartoons are for children

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Where do you find these videos?

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Here is a redpill for firefox or firefox fork users. Type in about:memory in the address bar and you can minimize memory usage.

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How do you spend your time between drinking goon, wanking, eating, poo/pee and sleeping

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NEETs either love anime or hate anime

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File: 499ac1ca0a0d935⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,247x320,247:320,blacksanta.jpg)


Gettin' woke

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Ah, keep up the good work.

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Plz don't rape me

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File: c91230bcb461f5d⋯.jpg (95.63 KB,250x400,5:8,Krampus_poster.jpg)

Realised I had this on my computer. Should I watch it neets? Is it christmasy?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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I did and I'm probably the Youngest NEET at 20

Though who knows with all the Islamics and Chinese coming through

at best they're singing Jingur berrs

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You also on that 8chanmania thread?

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There was a 18 year old here last thread I think. No idea why everyone hates the younger NEETs, the next generation must be instilled the values of NEETdom. I started browsing here in 2014 when I was 18.

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I wonder how many underaged NEETs there are among us

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I would never dream of being disloyal to /aus/


I have no idea why I hate young neets either

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You probably think that because you're a young cunt

t. young cunt

So you came here because of GG then, for me it was 4u9525

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File: e17acfa759906d0⋯.jpg (163.31 KB,1162x775,1162:775,821fb689e40fcd5e91bedc7a4a….jpg)

I hope you NEETs are coming in to stock up for new years

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What are NEETs thoughts on homeless beggars, particularly the ones who have their face down and praying for money?

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File: b8319ebc1945a11⋯.jpg (163.96 KB,703x929,703:929,marc53.jpg)

File: 19564a99e386a5f⋯.jpg (282.21 KB,973x1285,973:1285,marc54.jpg)

File: 2f4271d1a93d2ff⋯.jpg (261.3 KB,982x1297,982:1297,marc55.jpg)

File: 144531e916f55a3⋯.jpg (310.14 KB,1040x1372,260:343,marc56.jpg)

File: 631363de63ef004⋯.jpg (51.02 KB,474x550,237:275,Black-Imperial-Japan.jpg)

tbh these are better than /pol/ jew infographs

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What do these "anime is for children" sorts actually watch?

If shows like Welcome to the NHK are only fit for kids, that rules out watching pretty much everything that has come out of the west in the last twenty to thirty years, now that Hollywood only produces brain-dead oscar-bait and superhero flicks.


Way ahead of you Dan, I got all my drinking done beforehand.

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no excuses to be homeless when centrelink exists

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top tier shitpost,

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>What do these "anime is for children" sorts actually watch?

They're just goons or crypto-normalfags that watch the bazinga theory

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I hate young neets beause it reminds me of my young neetdom and how much I hate my life

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It's nice to have someone to feel superior to


Anime is for children is an exaggeration, but most anime is aimed at teenagers. It's YA level of writing for the most part. Doesn't stop me enjoying it though

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File: 1ad1020a06bcbac⋯.png (5.17 KB,401x367,401:367,1ad1020a06bcbac4dce79e6e0c….png)

I'm actually feeling less depressed after drinking those little fat lambs. Sleepy and still a bit drunk, but less bleak.

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I just got back from dans

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Considering how I've felt like a complete loser for the past 15 years a little while longer shouldn't hurt


>this product is permanently undrinkable

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>Considering how I've felt like a complete loser for the past 15 years a little while longer shouldn't hurt

Oh boy you're gonna love anime

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File: 394da98bea1a50a⋯.jpg (176.68 KB,1280x580,64:29,dans_temple_of_goon.jpg)


What did Dr Dan prescribe you?

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Got a carton of export from joondalup dan, they had a paki security guard at the door

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File: 170d24dc39f1729⋯.png (53.09 KB,375x360,25:24,sad_santa_pepe.png)

What do you want for christmas neets? Hard mode - Santa is not a pimp, so you can't wish for a gf.

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Export all Pakis tbh

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If I could have anything than lots of money, if that's too much to ask then I'd say I want Santa to help get my life on track

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Got a bottle of the fancy Sake from behind the counter from tomorrow.

Gonna be a good day, Merry Christmas to all of ya.

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File: d59b47c7117d5e9⋯.png (1.01 MB,735x1000,147:200,Muurish-General.png)

They're not biting.

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>Back on track

You were on track before?

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I'd rather a genie then, santa can only offer material goods. The only thing I'd really want from him is money to sort myself out.

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I want to be happy

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Yeah I was the smartest kid in school back in year 6

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how much is sake

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I was the best kid at maths in year 2

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So you know 2x4=8

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It cost me 28 bucks, full price.

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Doesn't sound too pricey, I wonder how Sake tastes

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It tastes like wine but with a bit more kick, quite nice.

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File: 71734e17009a134⋯.jpg (19.29 KB,460x276,5:3,Toshiro-Mifune-008.jpg)


Sake's good for your health. Puts hairs on your face.

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sickly sweet

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Me too anon

Here's to tfw happy 2018

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File: 2811eba87f9b3cb⋯.png (503.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (1).png)

File: 25e32755ef95abc⋯.png (479.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (2).png)

File: a0ec31697c5dab7⋯.png (438.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (3).png)

File: e0f2372678a676c⋯.png (474.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (4).png)

File: a98510ddd97be18⋯.png (710.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (5).png)

I tried to get some decent cheek-pics for everyone but unfortunately was holding the camera at the wrong angle. I'm so sorry for failing you guys. I'll try better next time I promise.

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sake comes in a wide variety. Some are hideous firewater others warm sticky sweet nectar

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File: 90cec8900926b90⋯.png (720.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (6).png)

File: 937a91412d56ed0⋯.png (962.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,Grocery Shopping (7).png)

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who is that

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Have some decency, get a shoe cam.

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its ok its strong though

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It's because of people like you that make me uneasy going outside. You never know who might be a pervert freak

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Are you a girl?

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I'm not the cunt that invented camera phones/spy glasses,pens,clocks.etc.etc. And besides, why would a male worry about such a thing?



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no but fags do creepy shit like this all the time. Look up urinal cameras.


That's like blaming the germans for deaths incurred from missiles.

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Victim #10384….


might try that one day

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ah, can you remind me of what victim number I am

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>urinal cameras

I've heard of that and am always checking walls'/ceilings in public toilets for possible cameras. But I've never heard of someone "up-shorting" a dude in public

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only happens to famous people like shoa leboof

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Pretty good but I felt like a weeb buying it from dans

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I never use toilets in public.

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I always pee from a few different angles so they can get the one they like. Can't fault someone for being a disgusting pervert when I'm one too

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Is GF 2018 attainable NEETs?

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GF 2017 is still obtainable

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It isnt. Unless you mean rape victim 2017

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I'm aiming for hyper real sex robot 2022 myself

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File: 5531dc9a0750ca5⋯.png (1.57 MB,1617x885,539:295,KFC Japan Menu.png)

Looking at the JapKFC menu and noticed the burgers are called 'sandwiches'

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After some serious "sorting yourself out" then maybe

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I thought our KFC is over priced

That's like what, $15 for 4 pieces of chicken

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>pot pie

>basically a hot pocket

what is this heresy?

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Pretty expensive, who would pay $14.90 just for some tendies and dip? That's like triple what we pay here.

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America calls non-beef burgers sandwiches too. The idea of a "chicken burger" offends them. It is a chicken sandwich.

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Gee I wonder why the japs aren't obese

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Is a hotdog a sandwich?

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No its a hotdog.

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Yeah that's not the kind of pot pie I want at all

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What do you think of the chicken pies they sometimes have in our KFCs

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yes and a burger is also a sandwich

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Pretty sure I raped her once

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File: 95df2a254c59550⋯.png (48.77 KB,1321x1621,1321:1621,1510633566003.png)

Is anyone excited for the new year? Usually I dread it but I'm excited to buy a diary and start journaling, writing stuff about my day. I think I'll buy 2, one for my thoughts on the day, and one for planning the next day.

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Are you a 13 year old girl?

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I was trolling, it is in Yen not AUD h eeh

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I had a terrible memory, its not a dear diary type of thing.

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How many street-wise feasts does it take to keep a sumo wrestler from raping you?

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Dear diary, omg today rapeneet replied to my cumdie post. I could die~~~

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File: 636288986d811fd⋯.png (45.13 KB,647x474,647:474,KFC Japan Drink Menu.png)

Their drink menu is quite interesting too

>Tasty coffee

as opposed to non-tasty coffee?

>American coffee

>Hot Ass Tea

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I'm going on a road trip and moving into a new place

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Tasty coffee as opposed to shitty American coffee that the gooks only have as apart of their Stockholm syndrome with America

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American coffee sucks. When I went there they serve it black and then you have to put these little milk capsules in

Truthfully it was actually good because it wasnt Melbourne tier hipster meme coffee which tastes worse than instant

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dear dairy, rapeneet put his raper in my boipussy but went out when he realised that I wanted this and that made it gay, what a shame I wanted Rapeneets raped in my boipussy so badly

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File: 5810e82e7664601⋯.jpg (81.52 KB,707x500,707:500,1465905956213.jpg)

I am off to bed my NEETs. When I wake it will be another Christmas.

Hopefully death is not far off.

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Silence gay cunt

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Good night, I'm off to bed too but with a better mood than that.

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File: ecd8b5735f16384⋯.jpg (136.72 KB,540x720,3:4,BF.jpg)



>2 less people to talk to

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You can talk to me honey

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you can talk to me matey

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Remember to leave some cookies out for rapeneet, or he might decide you've been naughty

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I'm gonna be up a little bit, I'm worried this next beer will make me unable to drive tomorrow, then again I am leaving at 11:30

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File: f600f907febcb5a⋯.jpg (2.35 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20171224_224109.jpg)

>tfw my upper calves are so sunburned I'm developing blisters

I don't know what the fuck to do

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holy fuck dude. pop those asap

maybe your sister will feel guilty now

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Is that honey?

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Don't worry the cops won't be out tommorow

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go see a vet

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the interlocker will be

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File: 8c66a4157915920⋯.png (2.4 MB,1477x985,1477:985,Sandwich King.png)


You weren't lying

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>Chicken Sandwhich

>Shows a hamburger


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I googled what to do and your not supposed to pop them or do anything to them, popping them opens it up for infection

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the fuck is that

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that is a whopper though

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My late-night binging is why I bought a breathalyser. It really takes away a lot of the anxiety if you know that you're under before heading out


Jesus fucking Christ that's horrible - the blister not your leg

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I am milky white and as a child I would get burned bad. I had blisters the size of my shoulders that a friend popped by accident and it left massive, open wounds.

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What a horrible thing to say bout your head

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ha ha ha

Your blowy skills must be at an advanced level by now. Do you gay?

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can confirm

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File: 636a0dc2c8ac540⋯.png (544.07 KB,1599x985,1599:985,American HJs.png)

American Hungry Jack's sell cheesecake

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File: c6bbd2f84daf046⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,2836x2000,709:500,1501078953001.jpg)

uh oh, ive had 12 standards since about 5 oclock.

i might just drink more and uber it tomorrow and pretend that i did it so i could drink

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where can I get my obese abo gf?

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literally anywhere

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I've lived somewhere where you can go months without seeing an abo

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I live in Melbourne and saw an abo for the first time in like a year the other day. I couldn't stop staring. Truly a being from a past time

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I fear their sons will gang up and bash me if i try to slip my neet stick inside her cave painting

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Was down in the dumps today but managed to summon enough energy to go bws for a carton.

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on my 4-5th cup of goon

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do you know how much is a cup? Before I switched to beer I would (attempt to) keep track of it by using a shaker cup thing that has the mm's written on it

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>tfw live in Perth and see boongs daily

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It's like a real life safari

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How much weight are we going to lose in the new year, fatNEETs? I went from 120kg to 100kg this year but seeing photos of myself at 120kg I was an abomination who convinced himself he wasn't that fat. So now I think I need to lose at least another 10kg (188cm so 90kg is a decent weight).

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I went from 93 down to 85. Fucking nothing but at least I didn't put any on. I've been as high as 130 and as low as 75 in the past five years. I think I need to be about 70 or so ideally.

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I'm going to have to track it by the cask since i forgot if it was my 3rd or 4th

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best of luck, yoyoNEET. We're gonna make it.

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>do you know how much is a cup?


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That's a pretty cool neetname to be honest. You too mate, being fat is absolutely no way to enjoy life.

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the last time i had a yoyo was when i was 9

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File: 843b958e85bd9de⋯.jpg (202.02 KB,1267x1500,1267:1500,cup.jpg)

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File: 4ec397c632a1861⋯.png (11.16 KB,395x373,395:373,images (6).png)


I went from 138kg in January to 122kg. I have stagnated the last two months. I skipped back into daily cool drinks and hitting up drive thrus. Would really like to get down to 75kg next year but that's probably far too unrealistic of a goal.

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I think I'm on my 3rd, which happens to be a big cup - probably around 350mL - one more should put me to sleep hopefully

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>this scares the dutch

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I remember buying a yoyo book in a book fair thingo once, it was a fun time

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you can do it mate just stick with it. Count calories like they're shekels.

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>tfw you couldn't do any of the cool tricks, becuase you were a loser

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If you keep at it all year it's not that unachievable, but setting out for something like that is probably a bad idea initially

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Is Perth and WA the Abo capital of Australia?

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what should you do if you want to GAIN weight

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>tfw only mastered the art of sometimes getting it to come back up when you throw it down

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>tfw staying up drinking when i should be waking up early and sober for christmas

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>tfw manlet that's never been close to 100kg

I seriously wonder what I'd look like if I could get that big, and wether I could still see my dick when pissing

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There are towns with way more abos than Perth in WA. Go up and inland a few hundred ks and its abo central. The glue is locked behind glass at the counter so the abos can't steal it for their sniff.

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You can't

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File: d0257e0e361a016⋯.jpg (60.35 KB,1085x496,35:16,2432324442.jpg)

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There's quite a few abos in Gippsland

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i did 125kg to 75kg in two years so hitting 85-90 in a year is pretty realistic

go for it m8

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I was 110kg at the start of the year, dropped down to 80kg but I'm now back at 88kg after slacking off and general hot weather making me not want to exercise. I only need to loose another 15kg at this point to be at a healthy weight for my height.

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>tfw you just told other fatneets we're gonna make it but you just grabbed another bottle of wine and 3 cold, mini-sausage rolls.

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I wonder what happened after that

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If I could be bothered getting up I'd be shoving another beer down my throat too

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we're gonna start making it next year anon, most as well enjoy yourself since it's chrissy

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File: 8ebd7f1641cb8ee⋯.jpg (49.52 KB,246x316,123:158,Angus_McMillan_portrait.jpg)


Thankfully this man slaughtered most of them (god bless)

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I used to live not too far from there and there wasn't many boongs

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Nothing because it's fake and homosexual

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m8 we're grabbing for the wine over this night don't feel that bad

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plenty around Sale

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I've promised myself tomorrow will be the final NEETfeast of the year in honor of the king of kings. After tomorrow I'll get back onto a more normal and healthy diet, then after new years regular daily NEETwalks.

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I'm not I'm at my parents house and they don't know I'm a heavy drinker or fuck even a drinker so I'm laying off it until I bugger off


I guess Abos love things cheap

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Hoping to succeed in Getting a Friend 2018 tbh neets

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File: b5c514f86cc17d1⋯.jpg (454.09 KB,1124x660,281:165,1500655654001.jpg)

Ugh fuck, I think I've had too much to drive to mums tomorrow

I'll even be putting these cans under my bed

Look at what the gook has done to me

fucking gooks

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I'll be your friend.

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Am I not your friend?

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A real life friend, not one that's probably an asio agent in disguise

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Drive anyways

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I'm the same. I've kept up my exercise which will hold back the fat a little but serious diet changes are incoming. I'm going to hit a calorie deficit so hard it'll make Greece blush.

What's the biggest sad pill that you took while trying to get fit/lose weight, Neetos? For me it was

>tfw you can't outrun your diet

>Exercise is to work on what you look like after you lose weight.

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its okay Sale is leagues better than Traralgon

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mini sausage rolls

So what are you complaining about? You've only had 1.5 standard size rolls That's nothing to be concerned about, and wine has fuck-all calories so stfu

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File: 6cb9e3c1a577310⋯.png (77.59 KB,611x669,611:669,455ca36946824b02bf0c867218….png)


it will happen anon-san

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File: ad0604cbf9c606b⋯.jpg (146.9 KB,645x773,645:773,christmassuwojaku.jpg)

Merry NoGFmas mates

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You didn't like my Pun, how about this?

I guess Abos are HERBivors

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i still remember that post that that guy made at the start of that year with the post about that 50 year old virgin with no friends who got his neetbux cancelled. that's going to me when I'm older no doubt

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File: 3fbd0531aff904f⋯.png (8.9 KB,365x378,365:378,CP269nyU8AA7HbW.png)

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im on too much much goon to appropriately interpret puns, forgive me

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Tarragon which is a herb sounds like traralgon

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Merry NoGFmas to you too

*I honestly can't see myself getting a GF, as in I can't see myself even trying to get one as I'm that afraid it'll go wrong**

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You forgot a '*' you brainlet

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i cant see myself getting a gf because i dont have any social skills. im not saying that in jest either, i dont have any social skills

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Don't bully our less intelligent neets on christmas day you cunt

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I can't see myself getting a gf because I have no desirable traits and won't accept a girl anything close to my own level

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oh fuck it actually is christmas

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where's brainletNEET when you need him

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not in brisbane so I refuse to engage in any festivities.

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It's actually not christmas here, but living in WA you learn to just accept your timezone is wrong

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He's inside all of us

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Pretty drunk

Keen to have a drunkWANK

Might mix it up tonight and not wank to milfs or gooks

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i wish you a merry Christmas, i wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year

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I'd say that's mostly me

Honestly me best traits is that I'm what a decent cook

And with social skills I can talk to people about shit they need me to do and all that but I can't carry a conversation

Doesn't help that I live a sort of double life that by day I'm an inoffensive piece of shit and by night I'm a racist anti Semitic Misogynistic shitposter talking to the "Dregs" of society

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want me to post pookeymans

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have a wank

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im not a dreg, im jusy a symptom (NEET) of a declining society

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File: 8afe08689a401c5⋯.jpg (1010.07 KB,1936x2592,121:162,Aneeta.jpg)

She wants me to touch her, but it's hard to have sexual relations when you can hear your mother in another room

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id rather you post poojeetas

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I don't see ya as a dreg it's just really what you guys are seen as in this day and age

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settle down cunt

you'll excite the warehouse dweller

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take her away

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File: 97c30383aa8102d⋯.jpg (248.26 KB,1000x750,4:3,1512094465002.jpg)


You think I'm not watching? :^)

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Isn't your "own level" being undesirable?

>tfw woke


You didn't answer my question the other night


>2 hours behind

What's it like to always see our arseholes?

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It's better now sports aren't constantly delayed on tv

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>You didn't answer my question the other night

What question/probably wasnt me?

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what makes Brisbane so special

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pondering wether or not i should pour another cup of goon

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ponder that question over another cup of goon


do you pick up any street hookers or at least see them. I haven't been back to Bris in bout 5 years

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had a wank just before

not worth it

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do it you soft cunt

im getting another beer

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File: df559c41f24c7a7⋯.jpg (21.04 KB,480x360,4:3,1513721777921.jpg)

Merry Christmas NEETs, may the arrival of the christ bring joy to you and your goon sacks.

Fuck its good to be able to shitpost, after a full on couple of days. GFs are fucking annoying man, i wanna do nogf 2018. She literally was just sitting on my bed watching on the PC, fuck people watching you on the computer after spending all of today together, and yesterday morning, lunch like fuck bitch let me breath

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Please stop posting, close your browser shut down your iphone and NEVER RETURN. Nice digits btw

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File: 3a954338de3e86c⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,709x765,709:765,1431923891709.jpg)

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Stop posting street shitters

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they just do not know what they have until it is gone

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I don't think I've ever seen a hooker and I definitely haven't ordered one

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the only place that i have seen streetwalkers was in NZ

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look mate its Christmas, can you please not post poojeeta

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Thats not very christmas

what u cunts doing

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do NOT trigger the NEETs with stories of GFs

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probably because all new zealand females are hookers

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warehouseneet wonders why people want to dox him when he is quite likely the pooposter.


tfw posting on NEETgen as my NEETgf plays her DS while sipping goon

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he is the mudposter

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you don't 'order' a street hooker. You pick her up you daft virgin



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hella yeah man journal is real good for you, keep me updated

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Post Christmas tunes to quell the sadness of another uneventful year.

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have a wank

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wrong one

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jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock

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I've been listening to slow and sad blues

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have my wank.

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no worries

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But your BAC can increase when your driving

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have a wank to speed up your metabolism

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That abo is fiiiine

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I wonder what mum got me for Christmas

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Fuck off indian gf faggot

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Fresh cumdies

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2017 has been a hell of a year. I'm sure we've all had our ups and downs throughout, but with the changing of the calendars comes a new, fresh year brimming full of opportunities to make changes to our lives and live them how we see fit. Never forget that we're all here for each other in this little community we've carved out in the dark reaches of the web. I mostly lurk, but I love reading your trials and challenges faced, there's a familiarity, a connection that I feel with you all. Like the bloke you meet in a pub and chat with, understanding and relating your problems, offering solutions and then parting ways, possibly never to meet again. But the words we share, the memes we forge, we take them with us, influencing our choices in ways we never realise. That's got to mean something, right?

As we enter the settle down for whatever our Christmas celebrations may hold, I know we'll all spare a thought for each other. Think about what tales we may share and shitposts we may make. We'll smile our secret smiles and continue on our day, having been richer for the experiences here.

Merry Christmas, NEETS. You deserve it.

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This year has had to have been my worse year. In addition to undergoing many negative mental changes, I've also undergone quite a few negative physiological changes

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Merry christmas faggot.

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its not even new years ya gay cunt

merry holidays

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>i'm still awake

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Merry Christmas.

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File: 04cc9510988689a⋯.jpg (70.56 KB,600x473,600:473,1472963095655.jpg)

>tfw i'm going to become addicted to opium because codeine pills are getting banned

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Anybody know a way somebody could get away?

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Jingle Bell rape

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An eviction notice

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the british got the chinks hooked on opium, are you a chink by any chance?

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File: ed9f5c1d7aaf6e2⋯.png (360.88 KB,723x645,241:215,ed9f5c1d7aaf6e2ca51bfeed32….png)

Night night neets. Hope you have a great xmas and remember to clean your cumdies.

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i wish i could get to sleep

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close your eyes nigga

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to dizzy to close my eyes

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no i just have a bad back and other excusses

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i want the dsp for Christmas

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So you neets gonna leave your doors and windows open for Rapenee-I mean santa clause?

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Sleepy NEETs

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Fuck off we're full.


Sure, if you don't mind a 1 inch punch to the philtrum.

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have a wank

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My mum won't let me wank

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have a wank

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ask for a wank for christmas

have a wank

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fuck i wish we had the moomin bowls here. fast food places never give away cool things anymore

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Is everyone getting into shape for the annual neet cumdies competition?

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just get a lonely nerdy girl not a normie gf

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why did they cancel his bux?

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File: 4e4db85b58bfcf5⋯.jpg (114.82 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1xrf.jpg)

Merry Christmas and good morning NEETs! What presents lie under the NEET christmas tree?

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a box of loneliness and suicidal thoughts

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Hopefully cash and clothes for my Vietnam trip. I'm pretty under prepared right now.

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no one knows

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I will soon find out

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The goal for NEETs should be to stop worrying about their weight and get dieting out of their lives.

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What's for christmas brekkie neets? I'm having some crossaints with cheese and ham, then almond crossaints.

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i dont know, i usually wait until the Christmas lunch is cooked

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Hey cumguzzlers

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That's what I got too.

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Not today.

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File: 8e46cec3d8b5390⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,4608x3456,4:3,20171225_064710.jpg)

Merry Christmas m80s.


I'm not popping it, shit is grotesque

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the last time i got that sunburnt was back in year 8 during a trip to the beach

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I understood it. It didn't make me laugh.

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Did you get molested by the strange man in the toilet block?

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rapeneet was spreading the love even when you were back in year 8

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Best music for the festive season.

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I like to kill and rape a family as they're gathered around the tree opening their presents

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I thought it would just start to peel when the bumps formed, now I've got this growth, it hurts a little, but the sunburn around it hurts even more.

Whenever I get up and put my weight on my legs it's like the blood rushes to my knees and they light on fire all over again. It's painful as fuck

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>Like the bloke you meet in a pub and chat with, understanding and relating your problems, offering solutions and then parting ways, possibly never to meet again.

You're a good cunt.

Merry xmas.

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That's nigger sex and drugs music.

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Make sure you don't bore and gross out your relatives today talking about it.

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Same as every other day, coffee and catch up on NEETparty posts.

Christmas only means something if you are still a child, if you are still receiving presents you are a child

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No relatives are coming I think, just my close family and a few family friends

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Looking forward to my annual family Christmas orgy

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>tfw mums getting me a kmart voucher because they're the only sizes that fit

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I will be having an orgy of loneliness.

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I wear Mr Big by Target.

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You shop in the big blokes section?

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That stuff is just plain offensive today. Let's have a white christmas.

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Members of the neetgen manchild crew, report in.

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Fuck Christmas.

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Merry Christmas boys

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Merry Christmas m80

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File: 278c2067a9b1af9⋯.jpg (116.37 KB,750x750,1:1,1456640241552.jpg)


Merry Christmas m8.

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I'm up already(WA). Can't get back to sleep either because of the lunchtime trial that awaits me.

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have a wank

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>tfw depressed

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>tfw undressed

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>tfw impressed

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You will pass the trial anon. You are stronger than you know.

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merry christmas


merry christmas


merry christmas, i got nothing again


merry christmas, looks like your friend is well


merry christmas

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File: 3273890e095d0e7⋯.png (922.71 KB,936x1086,156:181,1482622001557.png)


>tfw no merry christmas from merry christmas NEET.

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I didn't get one either.

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merry christmas m80s, i've got plenty to give around

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Thank you m80. It means a lot to me.


Merry Christmas.

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merry christmas

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File: 046ba672726b9fb⋯.png (33.87 KB,684x528,57:44,1409415028450.png)

The handyman phoned me yesterday and he says he will be coming to possum-proof my shed sometime in the next week or so.

Once it is done I will finally be able to set up my power rack and weights. I am going to get in shape NEETs.

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did you leave out a bit of christmas goon for the possums?

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I'm still tempted to leave out a bit of christmas ratsak.

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every christmas morning for the past 5 years i've woken up with a boner. this is no coincidence

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have a wank

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File: 9e7a9df4f8a3ea4⋯.png (165.16 KB,1500x1000,3:2,9e7a9df4f8a3ea4f722ca9861a….png)


Reporting in, mummybot got my a Dan's gift card and chocolates from a specialty store.

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im not going to wank on the day of the birth of jesus christ. im very likely damned to hell but i don't need to have a personal grievance with christ himself on top of it

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>personal grievance with christ

he's dead m8

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Also, have a wank

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File: a117cc6f4e21ae8⋯.png (109.67 KB,665x1145,133:229,53c6473e07f7f3903d8ecef416….png)


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Seasons greetings, my jewish m8


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Homelessness


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


>tfw Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.


Merry Christmas, m8.

>tfw impressed

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You are a lucky NEET. My mummybot would never encourage my bad habits by buying me a giftcard for Dan's. One year she bought me a low fat diet cookbook.

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File: 7f001b60e6126b1⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,570x487,570:487,1458252499439.jpg)


>three Christmas (you)s.

Thank you m8. Merry Christmas.

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File: d8ee41146473584⋯.png (427.97 KB,761x1803,761:1803,Dan_Murphy_s_Buy_Wine,_Cha….png)


>tfw I have a new advent calendar for NYE

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: e0e29dc42530310⋯.jpg (161.69 KB,700x679,100:97,stubblepepe.jpg)


I am so embarrassed to be fat.

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That's fucking gross, what a piece of shit

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have a jog

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you sound angry

have a wank

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File: 6bd442aaafd9b29⋯.png (11.43 KB,517x326,517:326,1420874625874.png)


My joints can't handle it.

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File: 206c950774cad42⋯.png (69.6 KB,600x600,1:1,fat thoughts.png)

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only have black coffee or water on some days if you wanna lose weight

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give your joints a break

lie down and have a wank

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I know how to lose weight m8, it isn't rocket science. It is the will that is lacking.

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File: fc47fa499c7bc10⋯.png (296.88 KB,570x385,114:77,chrissyOC.png)

Merry Christmas m8s

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make the coffee really strong and you wont even be hungry

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Yeah that sounds about right, even handymen need a Christmas break and to spend time with the kids

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Merry Christmas to you m8. Good on you for giving the OC a go.

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He said he was going to do it two weeks ago though.

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Got me confused with another NEET kid

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I think you will find it is you who are confused m8. About a great many things.

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It is just coffee. Not magical elixir.

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>no clean undies for chrissy lunch

hope they cant smell the cumdies

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As long as the cum is dry you will be fine apparently.

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Ball sweat mixes with it and gives it a second life.

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have a wank

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Highest_suicide_rate_of_the_year day commences

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Pretty selfish thing to do on Christmas Day. The poor police and ambos who have to deal with it.

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So they all rolled over and one fell out.

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I am spending the day with the curtains drawn and hiding inside. I don't want the neighbours to see that I am home alone on Christmas.

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How do you afford to live without your parents

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The DSPbux provide.

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How old are you?

I've lived by myself since I was 16

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his schizo mummybot gave him a house to live in

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eat all your food and then chuck your car keys somewhere, where it'll be hard to find them and harder for a fatass like you to grab them

Also throwaway your phone so you can't menulog shit, then just not eat for a couple weeks

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File: 2663cd0a3350e6e⋯.jpg (19.29 KB,217x320,217:320,JUST.jpg)

>my wife's second son from her third marriage started crying when he unwrapped the $1300 gift I got for him because it was the wrong colour (PS4)

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The longest that I have gone without eating was 7 days, I don't see how someone could go any longer.

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I'm 20 and a wagie who's inbetween jobs at the moment so for this month I'm a NEET, I struggle as is on apprentice wages to rent so I don't know how you can on (((Newstart)))


Ah makes sense


What a schitz

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Why did a ps4 cost you $1300, you can get them for $300

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I think you are responding to a troll post m8. The image posted should have given him away. He posts a lot of shit.

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Is he good at what he does? Is he a bit of a shitcunt or does he work hard for those bux?

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He is pretty good and pretty cheap. He is the best I've had and I have had a few over the years.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

who here /boganrap/

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File: eec1dcc4dd744f8⋯.png (95.17 KB,300x300,1:1,dansmas.png)

rate my oc

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Very good m8.

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Simple but very fitting, 9/10

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My BAC is 0 and I can drive, thank fuck

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File: 0da9b740d15ef82⋯.jpg (335.45 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,stock-photo-223756571.jpg)



>ak prints on shirts

>dude weed lmao

>dkc soundtrack

>party song lyrics


the only rap they'd look good in are these

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File: f67c4e489c5ffa0⋯.jpg (24.24 KB,128x153,128:153,rare_dan_logo.jpg)


Best Dan OC we've had for a while.

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Full on bogan

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Merry Christmas

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>tfw depressed

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File: 170d24dc39f1729⋯.png (53.09 KB,375x360,25:24,sad_santa_pepe.png)

Yes! Got my torrent software installed and working again. Now christmas can truly begin, as I help myself to an internet's worth full of movies.

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File: baefe920a576dff⋯.jpg (22.24 KB,480x480,1:1,11381022_841179412598361_2….jpg)

So what are you boys having for Christmas lunch?

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My ISP doesn't meter content on Christmas Day so I am doing a lot of torrenting today.

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Nothing. Had baked beans for breakfast.

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any good recent movies that i should consider buying on dvd?

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Maltesesers, accompanied by a can of little fat lamb berry flavour.

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>i should consider buying on dvd

Seek help.

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what are you leaching anon?


I really crave some succulent roast pork or turkey

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How's it going NEETs? Any of you guys have a happy chrissy or at least something better than you expected?

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File: 78f2f40bf8a61ff⋯.jpg (183.63 KB,956x949,956:949,torros.jpg)


I am downloading higher quality versions of pretty much all my movies. I am sort of going alphabetically and am still in the As.

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got some drops i wanted in my chinese mmos

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I got $100

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File: 44eef775fa933e1⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,4608x3456,4:3,20171225_092523.jpg)

>tfw have to deal with this fucking gross tumer abomination on my body by Friday when I get back to work

I'm gonna be pissed and fucking broke if it's still a problem by then ;_;

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What MMO?


Nice anon! What are you going to spend it on?

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I got a frying pan. Am thinking of frying some eggs for lunch.

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take care blisterNEET. It's second degree (sun)burn so take care with it


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Just don't torrent cp

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One of those turkey rolls with roast vegies and cranberry sauce.

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>What MMO?

dungeon fighter online

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File: eec1dcc4dd744f8⋯.png (95.17 KB,300x300,1:1,adansmas.png)


what else

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Aussie Broadband?

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Half a price of plain white bread I found on the side of the road this morning, gonna be lots of yummy food in peoples bins tonight

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Might watch the tree of life (2010)

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I'm calling the police

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Rub cum on it

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File: 7b2f33ebd00cd13⋯.jpeg (17.13 KB,390x377,30:29,images (31).jpeg)

>chad cousin and his qt gf just rocked up

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time for rape

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I know that feel.

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File: 6ca294fd8d3650b⋯.jpg (243.03 KB,594x396,3:2,542639150.jpg)

File: 82da45874d3bb11⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_2017-12-05-15-2….png)

What do you think the abos are doing for Christmas?

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I got a $75 coles voucher that you can use at kmart and shit, some clothes, a book and some thongs

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Tell him he's a walking meme

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File: 086ce29477a0142⋯.png (5.23 KB,348x145,12:5,images.png)


Probably trying to dodge Mr Murphy's iron bar

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An onahole

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I just use those on Petrol

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what is your chad cousin and his qt gf like?

>tfw chad brother with a gf your age

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>tfw received several scam messages randomly the last few days

The last one I deleted was saying I just won huge amounts of bitcoin

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I was just round the side of my house and heard a hissing from where my LPG bottles are. There is a leak and no way to fix it short of turning the bottles off.

Another drama I didn't need. Can't use my stove now and will need to get some normie in to fix it at some point.

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Gift cards are the worst. You're gonna have money left on it that you won't be able to spend or withdraw.


You better have a VPN or you're getting a fine.


Are you the NEET that asked for Ride the TIger?

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Gift cards are the worst. You're gonna have money left on it that you won't be able to spend or withdraw.


You better have a VPN or you're getting a fine.


Are you the NEET that asked for Ride the TIger?

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Gift cards must be insanely profitable for (((them))) once you combine left over fees (amounts <$10) with gift cards that just get put to the side and eventually expire.

Good riddance.

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Maybe it was a snake or a xenomorph?

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Huff the gas

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asio pls

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File: 52aa138c250ecd9⋯.jpg (82.4 KB,994x554,497:277,xms.jpg)

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coffee and depression

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At least you have your mannequin.

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I'm not going to let a Mongol tell me what to do

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Well just got back from raping people at the homeless shelter, time to scope out some houses for later when my semen levels are replenished

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Are regular trips to Dan's the secret to success?

>RICKY Gervais says he’s been “drunk every day since he was 18”.

>Gervais told The Daily Star On Sunday: “I was sober for 18 years — the first 18 years of my life.

>“And I have been drunk every day since. There has not been a day when I haven’t had a drink.

>“My dad liked a drink and I thought, ‘No, I will not have a drink’.

>And then the first f*ing drink I had I was like, ‘f*ing hell, I know why he was drunk all the time’. It makes you feel f***ing brilliant.”

>Gervais even admitted he’d “wet the bed” during the interview but vowed he would “not stop drinking”.


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File: 14fbb2a2fc6e0bb⋯.jpg (3.81 MB,4608x3456,4:3,2017-12-25 12.39.03.jpg)

No fuel on this one

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File: a2b2adb245930ec⋯.jpg (94.19 KB,500x667,500:667,HoHoHo1.jpg)

File: 573bb043e1b891f⋯.jpg (80.57 KB,525x740,105:148,HoHoHo2.jpg)

File: 014f08704287b56⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,650x436,325:218,HoHoHo3.jpg)

File: 9627127f47c7055⋯.jpg (54.4 KB,673x514,673:514,HoHoHo4.jpg)

File: 983ef00f9f988ef⋯.jpg (78.12 KB,616x877,616:877,HoHoHo5.jpg)


Yeah I never knew this. A few times I've had a zero reading (or close to) upon waking, left home for work then a few hours later I'd be getting readings 4-5 times the limit. Still drive home though


Merry Christmas to all

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Just try it anyways, it works for me

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she's not talking to me atm, probably cause I didn't get her any presents

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I didn't know they could be so high maintenance.

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I know what Ricky means by this, I thought I'd never drink myself

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I have never gained any positive effect from alcohol. I do not know why not. My father drank every day.

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Maybe it's because I'm 20

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I see a vast dark void


Is this for that uni thing? When do you leave? You probably have to get vaccinated from shit like malaria too


I finished off the cup of goon from last night

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I don't see how your age is relevant.

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Isn't it the longer you've been on the piss the more depressed piss will make you

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I don't know if that is the case. Life gets you down over time even if you are sober.

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Well obviously but piss when your young makes you happier

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You are talking out your blowhole I think m8. Do you have any evidence for these theories?

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me and ricky

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>tfw barely drink but when I do I can stop when I feel like it

>can go months not touching a drop, have a few and get drunk, and not touch anything again for months

I'm talking like it's an achievement but it isn't really, I don't feel a need to drown my sorrows/the distraction from life being drunk provides

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Nice humble brag

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Your nasty attitude is not welcome here.

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Nana's ddog just munted on my foot

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Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Santa likes to give the virgins blueballs because he is a sadistic cunt who only pretends to be jolly


Wank to this

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So how may shaving kits did you get this year? I got 2 down from 3 last year. I still have the unopened ones from last year. I wish people wouldnt buy me anything. Ah well, merry christmas boyos.

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That's a beautiful piece of art


2/10 I'm a little over the Dan meme tbh


Goon and blues


>sugar rush followed by the inevitable crash


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They are probably trying to tell you something about your neckbeard.

Merry Christmas.

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Nothing but Bic disposables for me

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My whole life is a disposable.

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File: e17afba1bc512fd⋯.jpg (45.24 KB,800x800,1:1,thanks mummybot.jpg)


none for me yet, but my mate's parents bought me something which has a 99% chance of being a shaving/lynx kit. Mummybot bought me nice smellies to help cover the stench of poopoo and cum.

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>nice smellies

Nice. Hope it gets you a gf-2018. I've still got 2 or 3 of those cheap shaving/deodorant 'gift packs' from previous Christmases/B'days. I think a more expensive bottle of 'nice smellies' is a good idea for the Summer months. Goon-tinged BO isn't the nicest smell

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Don't fall for the cologne trap boys. That stuff is only for Pajeet. A shower and deodorant is all you need.

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File: 57dad55a4db36a3⋯.png (61.44 KB,1228x1502,614:751,TQfmuGu.png)

Fucking hell just ate a massive Christmas feast, turkey, ham, prawns, oysters and veggies.

Bigboi2018 has commenced.

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File: 1f76926d42fc54b⋯.jpg (168.93 KB,1000x1000,1:1,627119_xlarge.jpg)


save your neetbux and get spice bomb. Best smelling cologne i've ever smelt


I've been complimented on the street because I use good shit, not whatever cheap trash pajeets use. Smelling nice completely changes how people approach you.

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Good on you m8. Eat like that every day from now on and you will soon be a spherical NEET like God intended.

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I did deadlift and 45mins of low intensity cardio today and HiiT cardio and bench yesterday. Going for a considerable calorie restriction today with a low carb dinner to help burn off these christmas kilos.

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Strangers shouldn't be able to smell you at all. It is like saying you get complimented on your fedora.

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>t. obese sweat goblin

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File: 077bb4d63daa007⋯.jpg (163.11 KB,1000x1194,500:597,beanbag.jpg)


I am aiming for the beanbag aesthetic.

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how were they

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When mum takes Nan and great nan home im gonna sneak up to liquor market and get some lambies for tonight before feeling suicidal at my step families place.

I got clothes, chocolate and a book, plus this neat silver bracelet mum got for dad 30 years ago

My demented nanas had an argument because one of them forgot to write a card. I just wanna get back to my neet cave and be alone. Fuck shitmas

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have a wank

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Pretty good.

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I got something like that and despite only using 1-2 sprays each time it lasted me a good 6 months

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File: ab7dcb1a03f4f47⋯.jpg (40.5 KB,500x350,10:7,big-pepe.jpg)


Gonna make the 100kg by 2018 goal. We can do it guys!

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Does christmas make anyone really feel that they are fucked up. Like properly fucked up.

Here are your family and friends and i just feel uncomfortable and weird and want to get away.

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Got a woolies voucher for christmas mates. Gonna spend it at dans

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I only feel weird and fucked up when I have to receive gifts and do the "oh thank you so much" and when having to start up conversation with Chad/normie relatives, after half an hour I just get super antisocial and want to fuck off, I often make lots of toilet trips and bring my phone in there to take a break.

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I'm on good terms with my family and friends, they understand my situation with mental illness so it's okay, although I still feel some guilt but I'm not too worried about it.

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>tfw depressed

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>tfw the first of many drunken fights has broken out of the day

at least they waited til after lunch

merry christmas

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File: e1afd76c6836b2d⋯.jpg (61.68 KB,558x627,186:209,1514114202004.jpg)

rate my poverty tier christmas lunch m8s

-chicken dainties torn off store bought whole chicken from yesterday

-chicken sandwich


-bunch of cherries

-sparkling lemonade

tonight i'll follow it up with baked potatoes and something more with the rest of the chicken, then dessert will be christmas cake with icecream

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>tfw the only drunk person here is me

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you getting in among the fighting

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compared to me kinda shit, but if it was any other day that sounds very good

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File: bb2c1e15aef0010⋯.jpg (7.99 KB,249x249,1:1,1513806471852.jpg)

Just left the family gathering without saying a word. Time to get comfy.

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How'd you manage such a feat anon?

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File: c9a9a0b8f49dac1⋯.jpg (173.88 KB,3936x2164,984:541,7900.jpg)

Had my big boy burgers with bacon and my dessert. I'm sitting on my chair with no shirt on and my belly is full. Feeling like an afternoon sleep is coming.

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I only had a few sprigs of asparagus, some ham, chicken (skin removed) and pork (fat/skin removed). No booze tonight, no dessert, no carboloading. Time for weightloss.

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File: c2e691957324253⋯.jpg (91.43 KB,1280x968,160:121,1514167950594.jpg)

>tfw no gf

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If it's your dad's bracelet why is she giving it to you?

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Im so pissed off

I couldn't find an open bottleo and I can't wait to leave my step mums place.

I was keen to get drunk tonight, wtf

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Remember to buy talcum powder for the rashes and sweats

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Am I the only NEET here who doesn't drink? It sure feels that way.

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Meanwhile DSP NEETS dine like kings

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So many people do this at Christmas time, I was thinking of stocking up on blocks of beer and charging double for alcos today

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You're the designated neet thread driver

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File: eec1dcc4dd744f8⋯.png (95.17 KB,300x300,1:1,dan_santa.png)


I drink a few times a year. I just spam Dan memes because, well, memeage.

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File: 69b5be187e26aa6⋯.jpg (173.69 KB,1000x777,1000:777,fat wojak on the 25th.jpg)

Another christmas alone. Almost cried a few times. It has been a hard day.

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Are you in SA? We will celebrate Christmas together next year.

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I drink a few timea an hour and i still don't resort to memeposting

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I'm in perth unfortunately.

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Well at least you didn't get raped today

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have a wank

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I'm all out of cum

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How many of us have ever been social on christmas day? Looking back as far as I can remember, I typically spend 90% of christmas day on my own. Perhaps it's that 10% which matters.

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I'll meet up with you next christmas mate. We can get pissed and ree at women together

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