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/asatru/ - Asatru / Heathenry / Paganism

Promoting The Ways of Our Ancestors
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File: 1438564951731.jpg (11.49 KB,166x250,83:125,4Chan_zps017841bd.jpg)


Hey asatru, I have a problem. I follow asatru to the best of my ability (not many places around here where I can buy Nordic things), but I have thoughts of being a female. I know most heathens stance on being a tranny, and I agree. It's a mental illness. Is there anything I can do to quell these thoughts so I can get some peace of mind? I've already quit jerking away my testosterone but it just made my urges worse. Thanks for your help.

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The harshest side of me would say that you, merely having these thoughts, means you should be euthanized.

The gentler side of me would say you should just not think about it and focus on being a man. As Marcus Aurelius said, "Do not think evil thoughts, and evil actions shall not follow"

But yeah, transexuals are not welcome in our faith.

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Thanks, that's what I was looking for. I'll just start lifting and take my mind off of it. I feel like a massive homo for thinking about it.

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Why would you post a shitty thumbnail OP

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