did someone say smiley's quick rundown??
>Smiley is literally the perfect fall guy / boogieman for everything. Just copy his writing style, find a Canadian proxy if it's a board with country flags (if you can't it doesn't matter, he's known to use proxies constantly anyways), save some images that are associated with him and use same filename, mention loosh or magick or whatever, and you're set. It takes very little to convince someone you're him and he takes the blame for everything his impostors do.
>if you are able to contact him (I'm not sure he's alive anymore, maybe he's dead or in a ward or prison or he just stopped posting on the internet) you can't tell for sure that's really him, he never uses a trip. It's as if the whole Smiley persona was made as a mask for people to wear, so they can act under his name, and never be discovered for who they really are. Anonymity by proxy.
>People seem to literally believe Smiley posts on like 20 different boards, 24/7, day and night, all the time, and is behind every controversy. Truly a god-tier troll. The guy is hunted literally across the whole internet, all the chans, etc. there isn't a single imageboard that doesn't know who he is and complain about him all day. He's notorious boogieman that the hotpockets and triggeredfaggots see behind every post. A lot of random anons can all attest to having been called Smiley at least once.
>He doesn't even control any boards btw because globals keep trolling him and random obsessed stalkers do too. His /fringe/ board is controlled by another poster from /4chon/ called Glittersnatch. His /ask/ board I don't know who controls it. Also there haven't been any new pics of him in a LONG time now which suggests the new FringeMagick guy is actually an impostor.
>https://mega.nz/#F!qlgUCZxD!l5MB38_2eYMk7fgT-RZJeg This package is used by Smiley and probably created by him and is certainly well associated with him, and he's been sharing it on various chans for many years, and whoever actually uses it of course gets called Smiley when they post. Very useful.
Oh and besides that…
>he talked regularly with Rockerz88 before he knifed a Sikh in a Tesco and got life in prison for attempted murder
>he personally knew Andrew Anglin before he got so big
>he knew Hotwheels as well and got Hotwheels to post a pro-eugenics article on DailyStormer on his behalf
>he is rumored to have had contact with Dylan Roof who went under the name "MarxistHunter88" before when he was friend of Smiley
>he may have had contact with Elliot Rodgers via wizchan before
>he may also have had involvement in several other major happenings besides what I've listed here
>he has talked to Ben Garrison before
>he has had contact with Harold Covington and Tom Metzger
>he used to have an alias named czaks when he ran 8ch.pl
>he had help from the canadian freemasonry and it is rumored he's secretly working for the Canadian government.
>he was involved in some controversy concerning the Libertarian party of Canada which he got kicked from
>he talked a long list of people into suicide
>he had a doppelganger nicknamed Frowney and theres a video covering it somewhere
and more
The guy is involved in so much shit it's amazing, he was the chess-master all along.