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/asatru/ - Asatru / Heathenry / Paganism

Promoting The Ways of Our Ancestors
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 No.16854 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Greetings kinsmen, Tyr's blessings be upon us all.

How did you guys pick your heathenish path and job skills in life? I'm thinking of being a crafter, a farmer, or a musician/bard irl. Each one has its pros and cons, not sure which would be the most reliable if the "collapse" ever happens. I wouldn't mind living like Varg, in the long run, basically off charity and donations for something I create that doesn't take much time.

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I also plan on living like Varg and doing stuff like crafting, music, etc… as a hobby. But I really think the wise thing is to go for being a doctor or an engineer or some other STEM career and to have marketable skills anyway because even if the collapse happens and it's Fallout 4 outside, your skills will still be useful and people like you will be in high demand. If you're a doctor, for example, you'll probably be such a valuable asset to any community that even raiders and all kinds of other scum will be hesitant to kill you.

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holy shit you guys are goofy

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How old are you anon?

There's nothing harder or more worthwhile than being a farmer. I would recommend against trying to so music for a living, but it's a good hobby. Get a wife and kids and try to build and fix white communities. Don't run away and hide like varg.

Again how old are you? Get a couple jobs, travel around, learn how the world works. Take a job as a trucker, a cook, in the oilfields, tree planting, etc. You'll learn what you care about and who you want to be. College isn't the place to figure that out, so don't go to college until you know who you are and what you want to do.

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>College isn't the place to figure that out, so don't go to college until you know who you are and what you want to do.


I seriously recommend you do get a good profession and not some third-world-tier job for low IQ immigrants. We need more high-status Pagans at the top, not cleaning toilets for Jews or hiding innawoods like Varg. All those other low-skill jobs can still be done anytime if you ever feel like it.

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>to beat the jew you must become him

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