>Interesting. Care to elaborate on what you mean by "viewpoint of a Christian" ?
Certainly, antifa, satanists leftwing neopagans, wiccans, etc. are all deep down Christian cults, who take the Christian image of Paganism and blend it with Christian morality and concepts.
An example, they promote tattoo's, homosexuality, free love, witchery etc. which is a christian image of how a pagan should behave and then they combine this with typical christian religious traits like universalism and monism and a twisted form of christian morality about helping foreigners.
You will notice that most of them who delve somewhat deeply into the literature do one of three things, they will basically ignore what is written and pretend Wotan is some kind of Jesus, they will abandon worship of the Aesir and turn more towards the Vanir and then towards Loki and other Jotuns, or they will adopt some form of pantheism, where all the Gods are just one nice lefty Goddess and all the Gods are just parts of the whole.
The truth is a genuine Germanic faith is fairly militant, not puritan, but certainly not hedonistic, doesn't like fags, doesn't like witches, practises a fairly hard form of polytheism, usually is primarily masculine, hightly family centred, puts a lot of emphasise of being able to talk well, and on learning knowledge and facts, has a focus on strenght which is very likely to promote a physical fitness culture, implies it's impossible to create a better world untill the Earth renews itself after ragnarok.
The Germanic religion is one of the worst religions a leftist could find itself practicing, since most of it contradicts their believes, the only reason they do so is to corrupt it and because we are still a minority now.