Can we just make this a wiccatru hatred general?
>Be Me
>Walk into Walmart with my Mjolnir necklace hanging around my neck
>White female security guard notices it and sparks a convo with me about it
>Find out she is pagan too
>Get her phone number and arrange time to hang out
>Be hanging out with her at her house
>Tells me she is from LA
>Warning sound of Gjallarhorn goes off in my head
>Tells me she has a friend who is a priest of Thor
>Shows me picture
>Is black dude who LARPs as a Pirate
>Tells me her brother is a berserker
>Tells me her brother is f2m tranny
>Tells me she believes in multiple gods from multiple patheons
>Says she has regular conversations with them all the time
>Tells me she is otherkin
It was like a bad satire of Tumblr wiccatru faggots come to life. I thought that shit only existed on the deepest reaches of internet.
>MFW I encountered it irl