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All things J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-Earth

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A wizard is never late. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.

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Post your favorite Tolkien related music.

Stuff from movie or game soundtracks, recreations of songs that are in the books, songs that mention Tolkien characters, etc.

Here is Tolkien himself singing "Namarie" (Galadriel's Lament in Lorien)


For those that haven't heard of it, check out "The Road Goes Ever On" song cycle.


>With Tolkien's approval, Donald Swann wrote the music for this song cycle

>The sole exception is the Quenya song "Namárië," which was based on a tune by Tolkien himself

Led Zeppelin famously has a few references to Tolkien's work in their songs. "Ramble On" being the most obvious one with it's mentions of Mordor and Gollum.


Billy Boyd's "The Last Goodbye" he wrote for Jackson's shitty Hobbit movies is gorgeous.


And I love the soundtracks to the LOTR movie trilogy so much I'm actually having trouble choosing a track to post.

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The Hobbit's soundtrack itself was not bad actually.

It didn't quite patch the same punch as LOTR's, but it was still good.

That Last Goodbye is a cheat though. Using the original trilogy.


This song/poem is my absolutely favorite Tolkien related music.

Also Blind Guardian


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aw shit son, music thread

As far as I'm concerned, some of the absolute best out there is Colin Rudd. A lonely old British guy somewhere in London that loves his Tolkien.

Song of Durin:


Lament for Gandalf:


Song of the Ents:


Lament for Boromir:


>haven't listened to this nigga in over a year, OP reminded me of him

>check out his channel to grab videos to post

>see that he made an hour-long compendium video of his Tolkien songs

>look at the comments

>colinjohnrudd, 7 months ago: Won't be singin' like this again as I've had a stroke!…….poor ol' me.


Said compendium is embedded.

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Rudd is awesome

Found an awesome song by searching Gondolin


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Wow, that Rudd guy is fucking great. I hadn't heard of him before.

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hell yes

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Past and Future Secret > Mordred's Song > Time Stands Still > Mirror Mirror

And all of thme are God Tier.

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>Ctrl + F

>No Summoning

I'm disappoint, though I guess not everyone likes Black Metal, that's cool. They're pretty good, though, and as far as I'm aware everything they have done so far is Tolkien related in some way. In a few cases, they just took his poetry and turned it into music.

Not all of their songs are good, but if they're great, they're pretty damn great in my opinion.

Here are a few good ones:

Old Mornings Dawn (Beren and Lúthien if I recall correctly):


South Away (The Riders of Rohan):


Mirdautas Vras (It's from the perspective of either Sauron or Morgoth, and it's in the Black Speech of Mordor):


Caradhras (speaks for itself):


Lûgbûrz (About Barad-dûr I guess, though the lyrics don't really make that clear):


And a few intros for good measure:




And then of course there's embed related, which has to be one of my favorite pieces of music ever.

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I forgot, there's this:


I really don't like that movie, but the music was amazing and thank god for that cover.

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I can't stand that metal voice.

I prefer normal singing.

That kind of singing just seems wrong for Tolkien stuff.

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I don't mind the vocals, but I know what I mean. Sometimes I wish there was an orchestral version of their stuff with a choir instead of the growls.

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>I know what I mean

That was supposed to be "I know what You mean", I guess I wasn't fully awake when I wrote that.

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Shit, I forgot to mention them earlier. I genuinely like Summoning, and I'm not even much of a black metal type.

Stronghold is probably my favorite album.






It fits for the darker and older parts of Middle-Earth, the bits about ancient kings and old mountains and fell creatures. And some of their songs, like Flight of the Nazgul are simply intended to sound evil.

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Yeah, Stronghold was pretty badass, and I really love Flight of the Nazgûl. Shame they got rid of their drummer after that album, the drum computer just sounds so artificial, and all those synth strings and orchestrals are bad enough.

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I dunno, I think Blind Guardian is the most I'll accept the voice straining into growling

Don't get me wrong, I know there's all the artistry and stuff behind the voices in metal, but it's just not my thing, especially when they're singing about grand duels between Fingolfin and Morgoth, or about Gondolin, or other such things.

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Some more Metal. This is Tolkien related, belive it or not.

The song's name is "Todesschwadron Ost" which translates to "Eastern Death Squad" or "Death Squad East". I don't know what's up with that title, it's a possibility that they chose it to fuck with leftists (since that kinda sounds like an SS-thing).

Here is a quick English translation:

>Dark Riders, dark forces

>Noble servants of the one ruler

>Messengers of death with shrill voices

>Blood hounds, as he wants them

>Dark pursuers in his name

>Dark Riders, dark forces

>Noble servants of the one ruler

>Messengers of death with shrill voices

>Blood hounds, as he wants them

>Dark pursuers in his name

>In whom the dark seed has grown

>There is a storm coming from the east. I can't see it, but I feel it. I feel it.

>Death Squadron East

>Do you see them riding, those nine?

>Who are dark and lost

>Sent to find his strength

>The one ring made of himself

>The force that has been created once

>By his hand

>By his power

>Which shall rule them all and bring us the black night

>There is a storm coming from the east […]

>Prepare yourself, they ride again

>Returned from their exile

>The lords of Mordor, the dark servants

>Upon whom Mordor's shadow was cast

>"Bring me my precious, the one

>So that I may return

>Come and wrap around my finger, quickly

>Cold and scorching hot

>What sweet pain, my heart

>My sweet star, my spring of life

>Fill me with my power!"

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Okay, when the theme is about the Shadow and the Dark forces, it kind of fits.

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One more thing, because I'm having fun here:

The Grat û Murdûr, a German LARP group made an orc gangsta rap. It's in German and I'm not even going to try to translate is, but technically it's Tolkien inspired music.


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>German Orc rap

That's fucking hilarious anon

You should translate it! I wanna have a giggle.

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Okay, Anon, just for you:

>The time has come again, the mau'rûng marches to the fields

>Brings death into your lands, brings hate into your world

>With steel in our hands and hatred in our hearts

>It's too late to run away, here comes the pain!

>There is nothing that can stop us, no god, no army

>Because the gang's everything, the UB is everything

>And you don't fuck with the gang, shara, you better not

>Leave everything, take your people and go home

>Either you march with us or you march to your death

>Because every one of our uruks would die for our cause

>Every dude a sick psycho; Shira, Azshag, Throqush, Shapog'Gûr or TBK Azzlack

>We are looking for a fight, we don't forgive, we don't forget

>One one look from you and you get the knife

>Forget everything you know about fighting, you little bastard

>Because we don't wage war, we celebrate massacre

>The gang's everything, Kulat-ûr nûrzum

>Ushtarak Bûrzum, Ushtarak Bûrzum

>Run, shara, run, kulat-ûr nûrzum

>Ushtarak Bûrzum, Ushtarak Bûrzum

>The gang's everything, Kulat-ûr nûrzum

>Ushtarak Bûrzum, Ushtarak Bûrzum

>Burn, shara, burn, kulat-ûr nûrzum

>Ushtarak Bûrzum, Ushtarak Bûrzum

>You better step aside when you cross the army's path

>Stop your shenanigans, what's "road toll" supposed to mean?

>You come into our camp and want to barter

>Keep your eyes down or we'll cut your hand off

>This is no place for golnug, dverga or shara

>If you want to get out of here alive, you better bring a lot of pâra

>This is Nûl Gûldum, everything has a price here

>Either you pay with (?) or blood, sweat and tears

>If you protest we'll just take your life

>Screams of death, then silence. This is the sound of us forgiving you

>You're in enemy territory, shara

>in every corner you see (?) with knives who stab you for pâra.

>Don't fuck with the best, you're wasting our time

>If that dipshit gives you queer looks, smash him, smash him

>We are the guys who kill you for fun to steal your stupid hat

>Club over the head, that is Nûl Gûndum style

The rest is in a Black Speech dialect I'm not entirely familiar with. Also, a few annotations:

>Shira, Azshag, Throqush, Shapog'Gûr or TBK Azzlack

The Shira-hai, Azshag'ardai, Throqush, Shapog'gûr and Takbork'karn are orc LARP groups

Azzlack is the German equivalent of "nigga"

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Shara is Orcish for Man right?

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Yes. Mau'rûng means something like "war steamroller", pâra is probably copper. Golnug means elf, dverga means dwarf.

Oh, and Ushtarak Burzum means "Army of Darkness"

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Got another one for you, embed related.

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God that's cool.

Still I can't help but think of that old addendum about people turning to Morgoth for worship. I know it's music in good fun, but reminds one of the New Shadow business.

Still great piece.

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Anyone know why these two songs are similar? Is this an established Tolkien tune or what?

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Ever since Howard shore theres been a common composition because he became so iconic with the ost for the trilogy

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this brings tears to my eyes

too many memories

better to just forget

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Light fails at dawn. The moon is gone and deadly the night reigns.

Deceit - finally I've found myself in these lands: horror and madness I've seen here. For what I became a king of the lost? Barren and lifeless the land lies.

Lord of all Noldor - a star in the night and a bearer of hope.

He rides into his glorious battle alone. Farewell to the valiant warlord!

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>crt+f "Lonely Mountain Band"

>0 results

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Bo Hansson made a whole album inspired by Lord of The Rings

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The Bard's Song is the best, tho.


Two years late on my reply, almost to the week, but Summoning managed to pull it off. They're the only black metal band I've listened to with any sort of regularity.


Top tier stuff.

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You have weird tastes anon.

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anyone know that one song by that choir I can't remember the name of? something, something, Sauron, Mordor, part of it is spoken word? I wouldn't be so vague if I knew what it was

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Something by Clamavi de Profundis maybe?


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>Clamavi de Profundis

Those guys are amazing. I'm surprised this is the first mention in the thread.

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The only good thing about the Hobbit was getting more fan stuff made about the dwarven side of Middle-Earth. Art work, music, etc.

Tolkien always envisioned the Secondary World as a mythology other artists could contribute towards.

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Call me a faggot for not being a contrarian but the movies' music was amazing.

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Me too, I could've sworn I'd posted their take on the Song of Durin in here.


It absolutely was. I re-watched Fellowship the other day, and Howard Shore hit it right on the money with the score.

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Howard Shore's best work in my view.

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No matter your opinion on the movies, the soundtrack was a masterpiece.

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This is my favorite version of this song.

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