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A wizard is never late. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.

File: 1446926448598.png (10.68 KB,430x253,430:253,tengwar.png)


Has anyone here really studied and learned Tengwar or Kazad?

I know that are some websites devoted to it and some shit like that, but for the more normal people, does anyone really went that deep?

I remember being able to write my name and some small phrases, never truly memorized the whole alphabet.

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Kazad runes are Cirth basically. Angerthas Daeron, which was the runic system of Doriath before the Noldor brought over Tengwar, was adopted by the dwarves and became Angerthas Moria and Angerthas Erebor.

I can write a few things here and there. The best way to learn is to read books on the subject


Don't bother much with internet stuff. They are shit at sourcing their material so you never know if they're sourcing original Tolkien stuff or the neo languages made for the movies (which are none the less interesting to learn about, it's just a distinction is important)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't know about learning whole languages but I do enjoy learning the anglo saxon, finnish, etc… roots of the words. This series of lectures on the Silmarillion is also by someone who can speak old english so it's pretty interesting. For example Angband, 'Ang' means Iron and 'band' means bound.

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Nice, don't have the time to go on but I love fictional (and real) languages.

True that Tolkien build the languages before the actual scenario?

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Yes. He build Elvish before anything else.

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I know a fair bit of morghashnûm, the Black Speech of Mordor. It's not an "official" language, however, Tolkien didn't develop it beyond the poem on the ring and a few odd words because he didn't like it since it sounded ugly to him (which was kind of the point I guess).

However, since then, fans have decrypted the grammar using the poem and have built a language around it. The Grat u Murdur, a community of German orc LARPers is using it for spells and communication. Here's an example from a group called the Maubûr Takhbork'karn:

Shapog shakbûrz-ûr!

Mazauk najor-ûr!

Fitgnau murdûr-ûr!

Tug grish undûrz ushkat Takhbork'karn!

Which translates to:

Revenge for the dark lord!

War on the human scum!

Victory for Mordor!

Only fresh blood feeds the red spider!

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I'm pretty sure black speech was amongst the languages Sola worked for in the production of LOTR and The Hobbit mobies.

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Fucking weird ass names.

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I've watched the first two Hobbit movies. I have no fucking idea what the orcs in that movie spoke, but it sure as fuck wasn't morghashnûm.

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>Melkian, named after the rebellious Melkor or Morgoth, is the origin in the First Age of the many tongues used by the Orcs and other evil beings. (This tongue is unrelated to the Black Speech of Sauron.)

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Like most faggots I've taken to learn elvish tongues. Although I love better how quenya rolls out of the tongue, since I'm using "silvan" tongues on my D&D games, I've found myself practicing sindar way more.

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