I know a fair bit of morghashnûm, the Black Speech of Mordor. It's not an "official" language, however, Tolkien didn't develop it beyond the poem on the ring and a few odd words because he didn't like it since it sounded ugly to him (which was kind of the point I guess).
However, since then, fans have decrypted the grammar using the poem and have built a language around it. The Grat u Murdur, a community of German orc LARPers is using it for spells and communication. Here's an example from a group called the Maubûr Takhbork'karn:
Shapog shakbûrz-ûr!
Mazauk najor-ûr!
Fitgnau murdûr-ûr!
Tug grish undûrz ushkat Takhbork'karn!
Which translates to:
Revenge for the dark lord!
War on the human scum!
Victory for Mordor!
Only fresh blood feeds the red spider!