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File: 6fd4e2880ef1645⋯.jpg (46.81 KB,394x550,197:275,fist-of-the-north-star-leg….jpg)

File: b94331826f38451⋯.png (709.34 KB,720x620,36:31,68747470733a2f2f73332e616d….png)

File: f0eece404c63e5b⋯.jpg (254.27 KB,850x638,425:319,a31a88acff142defb4b8087b07….jpg)

File: 8b0227e817d54ef⋯.png (422.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,GARO-Vanishing-Line.png)

File: 787f8b38e61ff26⋯.jpg (313.41 KB,818x1200,409:600,DxvS652UYAAJBE4.jpg)

 No.91537 [View All]

Thread dedicated to discuss and recommend the most testosterone filled action packed violent anime & manga with muscular manly bara protagonists and hot big tiddied girls.

Remember to have the name of your recommendation in bold text with the description typed under it.

5 postsand9 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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File: 668db54abb7a375⋯.png (722.35 KB,844x1200,211:300,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e31ca60f358b69e⋯.png (2.76 MB,1426x2048,713:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Baba Yasushi has some great action manga about buff guys doing action things.

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File: 3e19a800cad8e60⋯.jpg (104.81 KB,750x1071,250:357,Red eyes power armor.jpg)

I recommend Rikudo and Red Eyes, both have have been dropped multiple times by translation groups. Rikudo is basically edgier and more realistic Hajime No Ippo, Red Eyes is a borderline super human who for some reason still needs to use power armor despite being bad ass enough to kill dudes wearing the stuff. Think of Red Eyes as VOTOMs but on steroids with a backstory plus lore which could easily fill up a 120pg book.

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File: 4d3950319766552⋯.jpg (282.01 KB,1084x1180,271:295,Guin.full.41064.jpg)

File: e121dff13388e4a⋯.jpg (73.82 KB,500x578,250:289,guin_saga.jpg)

File: 08e2ea43abdbaf0⋯.jpg (235.74 KB,708x1024,177:256,guin-saga-1824271.jpg)

File: 4a6fab360542915⋯.png (314.04 KB,546x776,273:388,guin-saga-p.png)

File: 8601018e1002dbc⋯.jpg (198.32 KB,800x1143,800:1143,guin-saga-1824551.jpg)

Guin Saga

>Powerful royal family is killed with the son and daughter escaping

>They are the key to some great power the family had

>Now they're on the run from the next most powerful country

>They end up running into King from Tekken

>Now he protects them as they adventure through this crazy land full of monsters, evil rulers, and spirits

It's a crime this only had 3 manga volumes. Especially since the art style is so good. The anime is much longer but I haven't watched it so I can't say how good it is.

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>King from tekken

Not literally King, right?

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File: 8517809207c7af5⋯.jpg (349.13 KB,1200x842,600:421,guin-saga-1824853.jpg)


That was just a joke. It has nothing to do with Tekken.

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wanna yiff?

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File: d57e12cf085e134⋯.png (294.95 KB,757x584,757:584,no sports bra can hold her.png)


Just checking

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This post would only make sense on /a/.

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File: 6e35f621700c920⋯.png (510.35 KB,896x1270,448:635,Kengan Ashura.png)

File: 5624eafc1a5f5d3⋯.png (1.61 MB,2077x1500,2077:1500,Golden Kamuy Hot Springs.png)

File: 66c56c27786615c⋯.png (713.41 KB,956x751,956:751,I trust no one but Villain….png)

""Kengan Ashura"" (And Omega)

Big burly men punching the shit out of each other for prize money. Like Baki but with slightly less stupid anatomy.

"Golden Kamuy""

Military men, criminals, and a young Ainu girl chasing to hunt down a giant treasure. (Quite goofy at times but great story and pacing)


French mercenaries in a similar tone to Berserk Golden Age with no magic bullshit

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>fucked up formating

Fug, too drunk to post right

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Golden Kamui's story also has been moving fast lately. I wonder if we're close to an end

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File: c924c67855ae2a3⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.28 MB,1426x2048,713:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't believe president Petin is fucking DEEEEAAAAAD

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>Samurai Executioner

My nigger. Did you know that the MC is also featured in Lone Wolf and Cub, and died fighting Itto.


This was based on a very long series of novels which read a lot like a Japanese take on Tolkien's works while the sheer number of volumes make it impossible for the whole story to ever be adapted into other forms of media. Surprisingly enough the author was female and she died in 2009.

>great art

Believe it or not, the artist was actually the guy who did Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. I didn't believe it at first glance. Maybe sales weren't all that great, or those 3 manga volumes were meant as a hook to introduce readers to the whole >130-volume series of novels.

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File: 224302be04a527a⋯.jpg (113 KB,1280x720,16:9,Isekai Shokudou - 12 - Lar….jpg)


That spoiler

Reading Samurai Executioner after Lone Wolf & Cub made it a little bitter. But both were fantastic either way. It was still a good fight between them but Itto is a god of war. There was no way he could win.

>Surprisingly enough the author was female and she died in 2009.

Guin Saga and Kodomo no Jikan are still some of my favorite manga and both were made by women. I swear we'll have nothing like either for decades to come. Do you know if the novels are worth reading though? Also I haven't heard of Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. I'll check it out.

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how is that comic?

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Fun, for an isekai.

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File: 6baef35459ecaae⋯.jpg (174.93 KB,489x369,163:123,Lone wolf and cub.jpg)

File: 9389e5f4bde1226⋯.jpg (44.51 KB,575x289,575:289,LoneWolfAndCub.jpg)

A real MANga.

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Well it's going to be a huge undertaking due to the massive amount of autism required to sit down and finish a series of 130+ novels, plus last I checked the series is available only in Japanese, I haven't seen anyone translate them. The Nips seem to love them a lot though. At this point it might be more worth it to just learn Japanese and read the originals.


It's basically edgy Slayers and was one of babby's first seinen animoo to make it to the West.

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Orphen always gave me a BL feel. I'm surprised it's mentioned in the manime thread.

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I like the art.

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>Anything Boichi.

<dr.stones and genderfluid bullshit, manly.


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File: 08c20b550c526fb⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,3.95 MB,640x360,16:9,sarazanmai_cop_song.webm)


A very manly series about bros bonding with each other.

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File: bb0300c359ba26f⋯.png (788.53 KB,1366x768,683:384,maybe I'll try not being s….png)



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File: e16344eb71fd2c2⋯.png (146.43 KB,493x652,493:652,warrior of disapproval sta….png)



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File: 821bbb8a3056ebd⋯.png (211.36 KB,427x374,427:374,that's wrong.png)


>big tiddied girls


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File: 5136d5c92bb8717⋯.gif (825.26 KB,474x350,237:175,Anime Jesus indicates how ….gif)


Good thing he's not the one writing dr. stone and thus not part of his universe, retardio.

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File: 8d000747d78aa9f⋯.jpg (71.99 KB,620x800,31:40,Loli as a sidekick in Mani….jpg)


The love interests in Manime is usually a full figured woman with big tits.

Flat chested little lolis are usually relegated to sidekick roles in Manime and piggyback ride on the MC much of the time.

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Loli sidekicks are cute relief characters.

Much like comic relief, cute relief in a well detailed and very serious Manime/Manga would be a loli sidekick that would brighten up the atmosphere with more moments.

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I'd like to thank you for recommending Sanctuary. It's pretty good and as a side note I really enjoy the artstyle, epsecially plain beauty of the women.

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File: dd0720d79d2b0d5⋯.png (2.31 MB,1800x1620,10:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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What "genderfluid" bullshit exists in Dr. Stone?

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Saw a manga/anime advertised while ago about a private investigator with a six shooter for a head.

I forget what it was called. Maybe someone can help me out.

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No Guns Life

It's pretty good, and it's getting an anime sometime this year.

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Yeah. that's the one.

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File: 1ac0ff43a572bca⋯.jpg (236.08 KB,1042x1500,521:750,71GOMMfgDiL._SL1500_.jpg)

File: fd61bfad693abe4⋯.jpg (202.94 KB,1045x1500,209:300,71Sr4B-mC6L._SL1500_.jpg)


Anyone know the quality of the subs on the Vanishing Line blu-rays?

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Is mechashit peak manime?

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File: 8dca027ef4c03fe⋯.png (521.89 KB,872x1085,872:1085,Sugimoto's Webbings.png)



>Golden Kamuy


Granted, it's a 3/4th if a year ago but this is Noda's most successful mango that he made. He had fun doing it, unlike some authors so he'll keep on making it until it stops being popular. I still like it that even with the historical licenses he made, the story still remained grounded in Meiji-era Japan, along with (possibly) the most popular depiction of Japanese Ainus in media. It probably helps that he was born in Hokkaido, helping him getting the general feeling of the landscape right.

Also holy fuck those early 20th century weapons / gear gave me a /k/ boner. Then again, this mango contains /ck/, /k/ and /an/ into the mix. A near-perfect trifecta.

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File: 4f1faf3898e15cc⋯.jpg (247.64 KB,745x1200,149:240,37-001 (39).jpg)

You're in the school and suddenly this Osaka bull iron claws your nakama ass. What do you do?

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In ancient china a city is under siege and a mistery man arrives to help.

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I'd love a series celebrating male masculinity, Just take everything that makes men men and glorify it,

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File: 2e9880b6606ea73⋯.png (558.12 KB,854x480,427:240,Kimetsu no Yaiba - 1._14.5….png)

File: 522ee21892303e4⋯.png (367.22 KB,854x480,427:240,Kimetsu no Yaiba - Episode….png)

File: 02ee988d17abbdc⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kimetsu no Yaiba - Episode….png)

File: 1bf500d0060fa76⋯.png (780.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,Kimetsu no Yaiba - Episode….png)

was i wrong to actually have thought tanjiro would stop being a homo after the training arc?

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Tanjiro has a kind heart but is still willing & able to slaughter demons. He's extremely manly in the manga at least. Saying out loud he'll follow Muzan to hell if he has to just for his revenge. Then much later throws his sword at a fleeing demon from the upper 12 Kizuki. Actually piercing him. But Tanjiro's kindess & sympathy for demons & people doesn't go away.

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I picked up Sakigake Otokojuku after seeing the videogame, so far it's hilarious. Some jokes are straight out of Cromartie.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: e891f56622aba36⋯.jpg (70.05 KB,411x589,411:589,kirihito.jpg)

Ode to Kirihito

>Man catches a sexually transmitted disease that turns him into a dog.

>Written by Osamu Tezuka in 1970 yet had stood the test of time because it is well illustrated and touches on mature themes.

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It gets too preachy as time passes. Tezuka had a soapbox complex.

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File: b889bb048b77321⋯.jpg (142.28 KB,996x758,498:379,Retarded.jpg)

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File: 56ae142692b299c⋯.jpg (89.16 KB,640x480,4:3,Sakigake Otokojuku - Ep. 1….jpg)

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File: 7c64f5dd8f582a8⋯.png (399.46 KB,340x490,34:49,green_blood.png)

Anons, I currently having a dilemma, I'm one step from dropping all kinds of weebshit altogether from my life because I don't give a damn about stuff life cute girls, fanservice, harem, self-insert MCs with no personality traits and 2deep4u themes that are so recurring in the modern anime industry, I just want to see manly men performing high T action to increase my blood pressure but the more I try to look up for series like this the more I'm convinced that manly manga has no sign of ever becoming more than a select niche and maybe I should look elsewhere to find the kind of entertainment I'm looking for. I have the impression that the majority of the otaku crowd in Japan think the only reason why you would want to see a series full of big strong men is because you are a turbo ass faggot which would explain why the majority of male figures in anime and manga are always bland teenagers or girly-looking bishonen and the only authors that are willing to go against this trend are a few westaboos that think western culture is cooler than japanese culture.

Anyway, pic related is my recommendation. Can't have it wrong with cowboys doing cowboy stuff, the only way it could be better is if the author was italian.

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