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File: 9f76302b78e063b⋯.jpg (463.93 KB,850x1200,17:24,e663c4bd9180a9aaf79cb62c19….jpg)

File: df2bfc9f959ee22⋯.jpg (607.31 KB,840x1200,7:10,9498c265d269ca0fd85089fee2….jpg)

File: fab277d60f8f152⋯.png (1.11 MB,1035x1200,69:80,a4842268643096990c22c4efb9….png)

File: 01f63160d89390b⋯.jpg (464.85 KB,780x960,13:16,03b73b29b02b81bd000ee05af9….jpg)

File: 022d428a9870ed0⋯.jpg (673.73 KB,703x1000,703:1000,8bdfe1739652db39cf76cb3698….jpg)

 No.25536 [View All]

A Chinese ship-girl game, it was seen originally seen as a KanColle ripoff. Now, Azur Lane is gaining popularity in Japan giving the native KanColle a run for their money due to improving upon the gameplay and fixing issues that KanColle wouldn't fix. You can go and play the Japanese version of the APK or you can just enjoy the lewds done by many Nip artists.

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File: 9f2d72f869b48fb⋯.jpg (698.72 KB,1151x1629,1151:1629,68650995_p0 (1).jpg)


there was news recently for the real game they anounced ayanami iirc.

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Quick search revealed that the game is coming out the 29 august


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i hope its fun and uncensored.


i wonder how many girls they will add

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>It's the USS Merrimack. The Confederacy just stole it, slapped some amour on and called it an ironclad. Plus, it sounds way cooler.

No it isn't you fucking nigger. The CSS GEORGIA was an original construction ship, built in Savannah by the CSN with funds raised by the Ladies' Gunboat Association during the war.

furthermore, the USS Merrimack was burned and abandoned by the Union. it was then salvaged by the Confederacy, refitted and commissioned as the CSS VIRGINIA.

KYS faggot.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Why don't you write to Shanghai Yostar about them. They might consider and add them.

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>the USS Merrimack was burned and abandoned by the Union

those fucking faggots.

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File: 224e602d6a8fd03⋯.png (781.71 KB,555x934,555:934,DyjNJ_iUwAAhj9Z.png)

File: 49dca852117bc52⋯.jpg (170.97 KB,1350x1800,3:4,D1eddHLU0AA-Xrd.jpg large.jpg)

File: 4bfc02075d1b045⋯.png (2.21 MB,1800x2600,9:13,59721813_p0.png)

File: 59adb041a9cfe8c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1400x1050,4:3,72809521_p1.png)

File: 716b7e221262ba0⋯.jpg (721.86 KB,800x1300,8:13,716b7e221262ba090193f0ad87….jpg)


Draph and Harvin are the best.


Kitakaze and Shimakaze are cute.



>Compile Heart

It'll be uncensored in Japan and probably have a bunch of gameplay problems.

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File: 5d96f634bfddb5e⋯.jpg (67.87 KB,562x497,562:497,5d96f634bfddb5e3468c1f9b21….jpg)

New wave of pr ship are gated behind a faction grindfest.

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Do you fags have a guild or fleet or whatever they're called in this game?

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Who else is hyped for Bismarck?

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I am more interested in the potential for not shit German cruisers to make the Roon grind less masochistic.

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It seems like we'll get more cruisers, so you're in luck

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am not ready but i have the music to wait for her.


For that you would people to play on the same version and the same server and no way in hell i start over the pr grind.

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I can't believe Bismarck isn't UR, they really handicapped her in favor of WoWs paperships

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File: cb9028ce9848a2f⋯.png (3.45 MB,2480x3508,620:877,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6a363918053bffc⋯.png (5.58 MB,2220x1080,37:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6a5d37578b64bc5⋯.png (1.11 MB,697x1022,697:1022,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 4156ea1b58588d4⋯.png (383.6 KB,432x428,108:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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Post Hipper.

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File: 4fa77765386776d⋯.png (4.04 MB,2048x1152,16:9,1c9839a46461b6ae344231e977….png)

This fucking loading screen HNNNGGGG

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File: dee0d592dc3ae4a⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,3840x2160,16:9,1559381477092.jpg)

chink boatsluts are pretty hawt

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I'm pretty sure they're using porn artists to make the loading screens. Also is there a collection of them somewhere?

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if you want the art assests of the game, i guess you could painfully download them at the wiki

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bumpimg for this

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A mod is trying to kill /alg/, guess we'll have to move here

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File: 1979ef64ea96611⋯.png (1.38 MB,1000x1415,200:283,ClipboardImage.png)



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He might be a cuckchanner. I don't think there is an /alg/ here.

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File: 87662739b293d42⋯.png (1.39 MB,850x1202,425:601,ClipboardImage.png)


It stands for Azure Lane General. It means that in some board here the /alg/ thread might have been fucked with. He could have specified which board.

/animu/ is home for Azure Lane, KanColle, Girl's Frontline and other Anime Gacha threads.

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File: 905757a75c0a74c⋯.jpg (116.98 KB,400x548,100:137,12346891929841.jpg)

>azur lane

more like azur LAME amirite guise?

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>not feeling the desperate urge to kiss those cute destroyers' wombs with nakadashi.

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File: 1b7dd89353fd6d2⋯.png (179.44 KB,960x541,960:541,ch18_ss.png)

File: 660d3f72ccc826e⋯.png (195.93 KB,960x540,16:9,ch23_ss.png)

File: b740f0ac67f96dc⋯.png (166.26 KB,960x541,960:541,ch6_ss.png)

File: 4a96e81ba449f9a⋯.png (174.43 KB,960x540,16:9,ch25_ss.png)

File: 1c9aaa0f037bdbc⋯.png (166.88 KB,960x541,960:541,ch0_ss.png)

Azurlane Crosswave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za4hBCNemOM


Feels like an Armored Core lite.

I think there's a small resurgence of Armored Core titles, I like that.

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>Only 4 German ships so far

I know the Japan bias is strong in AL, but I will not be satisfied if I can not further the glory of the Reich. There better be some more representation and not popular but trash ships like Prinz.

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File: 130f09a6ca66988⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,1200x1561,1200:1561,7021408d4ca62b8d90120a3965….jpg)

File: e54bc1c0cb2e339⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,2894x4096,1447:2048,1c2f90b969413e1d7914055e9d….jpg)

File: 1c272e4de76d233⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,3305x3305,1:1,10662e7ede73583ecbf930a9fd….jpg)

File: aa1dc42bf256e71⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,3394x4096,1697:2048,c2fdff6201a3fb9432ffab6675….jpg)

File: 54d750a809cf7ad⋯.jpeg (229.5 KB,1500x2000,3:4,30df2d42f20200a4577095ddb….jpeg)

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File: 857bb3111dcefd1⋯.jpg (962.46 KB,2000x3543,2000:3543,1d8ab7f8f094db8c76369951ff….jpg)

File: 006b23802d2352c⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1045x1481,1045:1481,859e3e54442815f51043c84612….jpg)

File: 208630f5df3a7c6⋯.png (5.93 MB,3000x3882,500:647,a2d2fb037b56befc0657312b45….png)

File: 4cc6326b11a97fc⋯.png (2.68 MB,1772x2362,886:1181,96c9ad9dc78e4dbb4953dd17b5….png)

File: 61fa50a0f32e7b8⋯.png (1.42 MB,1687x1200,1687:1200,da3f845ad1aa05f1ee86bd75b4….png)

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File: b92ce32ab3a6225⋯.webm (865.24 KB,1152x720,8:5,1c98844c73c5361359316ce74….webm)

File: 86c0bdb7cf9bd3b⋯.webm (1.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,7afb80cc282fcd101e847a891….webm)

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File: 5bf49528729f02a⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,4.03 MB,540x960,9:16,a3b0739a7793511017c025d70….webm)

File: c60e9688c82c41b⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,3.62 MB,540x960,9:16,21a3f9148949f1b1d4ccfd92d….webm)

File: aea48cd19710b75⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB,540x960,9:16,8ae92c12b7112237b329cb451….webm)

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>only small ships

>second webm

>four ears

where are the big ships?

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File: 52a43cba1f37187⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2278x1220,1139:610,Nagato24.jpg)


That second one is a big ship though.

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File: 2ce018ccc902037⋯.jpg (904.96 KB,1651x1573,127:121,df8405bf7b5e6e02c215bcaec2….jpg)

File: 13ee7b21d8f21db⋯.jpg (883.46 KB,1668x1320,139:110,bb09ed2294f284f83cb82793a1….jpg)

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Is the anime out yet?

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Post more.

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check out al disagreement which you can find on wiki. Most players are more active in disagreement than /alg/

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File: c4ecd5d94e9e3ed⋯.png (544.15 KB,800x1017,800:1017,b8154088ff701c9f631b134feb….png)


Tell me about this /alg/, because I haven't heard of it.

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It's on cuckchan which you can find on /vg/, 8chan /alg/ is dead. It's mainly shitposts and waifu wars there, not a great place to discuss in game.

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File: f4ddb82c2fc794e⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Well, this thread can be used as an /alg/ thread then and you can make a new one once this post reaches bump limit if you guys have no problem.

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File: 32b7273184ac78c⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,1724x2834,862:1417,c3719fcbd2af78f33e178fa223….jpg)

File: ed38db74a8b8695⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2108x1633,2108:1633,604ec81505e48ae85a227299ef….jpg)

File: 43ce67bd590f7c1⋯.jpg (893.85 KB,1380x2130,46:71,6f0387597ff9d45562df7211bc….jpg)

File: be9b529d7066fdb⋯.jpeg (1.95 MB,1909x2659,1909:2659,e84b89d16e5f33dfc24addefc….jpeg)

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File: d390f7ab7ef5e51⋯.webm (1.37 MB,996x720,83:60,Takao.webm)

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File: fb0b5ccdde2626c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.13 MB,1909x2659,1909:2659,__monarch_sirius_and_siriu….jpg)


>not posting the best version

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