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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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global adms are banning l.0.l.i and s.h.0.t.a

File: 9b2e9b128066d47⋯.png (363.78 KB, 419x750, 419:750, X9CS0jH.png)

d5efe8  No.98023[Last 50 Posts]

Old Thread >>97118

Seems #25 has reached it's limit. Here's some girl on girl diapered action. https://mega.nz/folder/KQcDEQYL#i9JiIYbqksitKbUf4mnQgg

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32d427  No.98026

A new VIDEO thread, wonder how long we can keep it as just people posting clips and not begging with Clips4Sale shopping lists…..



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32d427  No.98027


… heres another folder, bit older than my last one above, if anyone else has any from this site it'd be appreciated



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32d427  No.98028


Because good things sometimes come in 3s heres my third and final folder of the day…



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7fc727  No.98035

Still on the hunt for more bondage/forced vids



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591c71  No.98039

If anyone has videos from Mindlessly Diapered, I'd really appreciate it:


In exchange:




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3963be  No.98040


you can download vids from VK using savevk.com or browser addons

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c894f9  No.98042


youtube-dl can download the whole playlist at once

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2506a6  No.98045


jesus dude, have some self respect

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db46dc  No.98047

Here my complete collection of LNGU vids



I'm looking for in return :



-sunshine babychloe

Thanks !

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32d427  No.98048


Thanks for those by Baby Peach, you mean? Not heard of her.

Hers my folder of 11 ADC for you….



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ebe91a  No.98052

Would appreciate it if anyone has any videos where you’re turned into a baby pov style. Pls and ty


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2d72f0  No.98055

I know it’s not strictly video but does anyone have any of the dreamalittle audios?


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591c71  No.98060


1. Don't tell me what to do.

2. Why do you say that?

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511031  No.98064

what the FUCK is wrong with this site, the main page and catalog of this board are stuck in August?

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a17c87  No.98065


i think he thinks mindlesslydiapered is ugly.

meh. she kinda is; still wouldn't mind seeing her vids.

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2506a6  No.98066


Dead fetish. Everyone still here is either a hoarding faggot, a larping weirdo or more into shitty western 2D stuff instead of real life content.

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32d427  No.98067


Ah the guy who likes calling everyone a faggot as he didnt get the clip he demanded

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000000  No.98070

Here's my collection of ADC:



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511031  No.98071


>taken down while I waited out Mega's gay ass download limit


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f919cb  No.98072

No would happen to have the flbabygirls/diaper girls videos

-car towed Becky pampered

-preppy girls sister

If not completely ok

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1f5508  No.98073


lol @ waiting and not just using a different vpn

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acb4ec  No.98075

ADC is super cute but her videos are some of the most boring stuff imaginable. I mean really put some effort in lol

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511031  No.98078


Her messing content is so-so too.

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acb4ec  No.98081


Yeah definitely. It's a shame because she is really cute. Zoomed in on the diaper and nothing else for the whole thing isn't a turn on. I want to see the whole body lol

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a17c87  No.98082


i agree. it's really unfortunate, because her stuff could be awesome if she put a little effort into it.

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e52ce9  No.98083


Her old stuff is way better, she used to do raceplay shit where she would use niggers as footstools. She's done a really good job cleansing her based past from the internet.

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1ea207  No.98084

File: e32e6498ebc3dee⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 715a5928106f05bc808f92fb64….gif)

is anybody interested in Movie 82 from adultbabysource or pigsnpacis content?

I am looking to sell it or trade content.

Email me at lolmonkey91@hotmail.com

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32d427  No.98085


Go away

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2469d2  No.98086


Be like everyone else and post it while asking for something else or don't post at all. No one wants to buy things you already have to buy, defeating the purpose even IF it's not available anymore, and that's what this topic is for. You provide out of kindness and people reward you with said kindness. This isn't a place of business.

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32d427  No.98087


Couldnt agree more

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32d427  No.98088

Fuck trading!

Only giving and recieving….




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2469d2  No.98089


On board with this guy, I would love to see more stuff like that if anyone has some, please! Thank you!

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acb4ec  No.98090


Clips all jittery.

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32d427  No.98091


Nice to see a bit of gratitude, i'll buy you the 4K version and put it up straight away

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acb4ec  No.98092


Lol dude just saying the clips jittery and unwatchable. Just trying to help, not being ungrateful.

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a17c87  No.98093


eat a dick, bro. no one here wants your trash or to join that cp shithole you host your shit on.

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62f0a3  No.98094

File: 230c01539e6120c⋯.mp4 (6.81 MB, 720x1520, 9:19, zo.mp4)

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32d427  No.98096

The 1st 3 links on this thread have now gone, I needed some more space for 4 more clips.

I'm hoping someone out there can help me fill in the gaps, I'm missing 2 clips from these 2 series, help?



If found I've got 27 more clips from this store that I'll put up.

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329bf8  No.98097

A Babypickles file, includes open messy diaper.



If someone has anymore from this girl, that would be very much appreciated.

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2506a6  No.98098


>monkey email address

You've been a fucking disease on this fetish for yours you fucking weirdo. Kill yourself.

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2506a6  No.98099


I'm directly calling out autists who say TRADE OR SELL ONLY not people who actually post content you dumb faggot

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000000  No.98101

Here's all the babychloe I have



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0c247e  No.98104


thanks a lot. it contained "caught diapered" which i had been looking for, for a long time. is there anything you are looking for ?

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32d427  No.98105


Youve got anger issues and a small vocabulary, you use the same insults on pretty much every comment you post.

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acb4ec  No.98107


I'm curious what did this guy do to become to hated haha

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32d427  No.98108


He doesnt post anything, you have to trade with him on some dodgy site.

He gets more or less the same response everytime he asks the same question… Look what i've got, i'll give it you but on my terms.

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61226b  No.98110


he never posts anything, and in order to trade with him you have to join his group or whatever on gigatribe; gigatribe is known for hosting a load of cp.

he claims to have a ton of stuff that has never seen the light of day except for when it was originally posted then quickly removed without a trace, but never proves it.

basically he's a douche.

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acb4ec  No.98111



Damn sounds like a real creepy piece of shit. Thanks for the explanation.

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6f8ccd  No.98115

Madison Mars Age regression clip

Looking for any other age regression clips, pov is good (first time posting so I home I everything works!)


Key: u4JHuh22HvaIA3qHkBI4mLvQ3xgDKfkDeOb3IJK6PgY

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32d427  No.98117


Worked well (you dont need the key though as you did it all in the link) anyways, thanks….you should like this…



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36f38e  No.98118

Does anyone have any Haley Blake videos?

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32d427  No.98119

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36f38e  No.98120

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ef86cd  No.98121

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9d70da  No.98122


more th x

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acb4ec  No.98124

Since a few of these files were shared today I had one to give. It's called Miss Katherine Diapers and Disciplines the Lawn Boy. Hadn't seen this one out there yet I don't think. I'm looking for whatever just preferably new stuff lol I think I've seen it all.



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9d70da  No.98126

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acb4ec  No.98127


Yeah I have 5 or 6 videos from her. Gonna have to post stuff to see it. Something decent too.

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02ea47  No.98128

Not a download but here's a link to a really hot vid of Miss Panda Pants wetting and messing. Onlyfans content. Anyone else think she looks really hot nowadays?


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95e761  No.98129

I really love madison marz, if anyone has more of these videos, would be awesome.

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9bc691  No.98130


She's definitely hot, particularly in this video. Doesn't seem like she fakes her DL side which is more of a turn on than looks.

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2a4b90  No.98132

Love her, do you have anything else from her?

I can share some models in exchange.


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2a4b90  No.98133


I love her, do you have more perhaps?

Happy to share some other models in exchange

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32d427  No.98135


What an absolute top man! I'd been tempted to buy those 2 clips just to finish off the set.

Happy days!

Anything in particular your after?

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32d427  No.98136


Another top man! Thanks, though ive already got that one… and a similar one with the paper boy if your interested?

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e52ce9  No.98137


Totally agreed, she is clearly in love with filling her diapers and she's never been able to hide that, which is why she's always been my favorite. 100% real DL. The fake ones usually aren't around for 10+ years, the do like 3 videos on diapermess and they're out.

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32d427  No.98138



Thanks to the guy that completed my missing clips I've taken down my orginal link, combined them into 2 big clips and even chucked a bonus one in there for good measure… enjoy!



They'll be up a few days

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d5f30c  No.98140


Key: ek71qDJOOOh-qO7XjGa-Bw


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3cf931  No.98141

Footie pajamas?

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ef86cd  No.98142


She does look a lot better these days. Looks like she lost weight or something.

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ef86cd  No.98143


Nothing in particular, just looking to help out. Any POV/humiliation type stuff is always good in my book.

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acb4ec  No.98144


Wow awesome. Much too generous! Any clips you think are really good? There's so much haha

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32d427  No.98145


I hearby knight you Sir Anonymous of Mega Links

A true hero

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32d427  No.98146


Near enough the whole site….. GOD!

I dont know whats beyond god but if someone had the Alice ones from Hooters my life would be complete lol

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9d25ba  No.98149


75 clips, holy shit! Thank you!

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9e7e2b  No.98150


Oh wow! Even got the two that I was in! Those are rare! Goddam!

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9b3362  No.98151


is she cool or good to work with..?

>lowkey live about 30 min from her and was curious if she needed any gfx or video editing.. only thing that sketches me out is sometimes they use models that dont really seem into it plus she is kinda nuts for all the public stuff they do

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cbfb53  No.98152


>Honey this is a movie theater not a bathroom

Ahahaha, it's so hilarious and hot all at the same time! Thanks for your generosity!

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ebe91a  No.98153



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ebe91a  No.98154

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32d427  No.98155


Better get your wallet out then, thats 2 'requests' youve made and if you cant be bothered to write please i doubt many people will help you out.

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32d427  No.98156


Ive got loads of POV stuff, hopefully you'll like something in these 4 folders…..



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53b53f  No.98157

Has anybody lurked here for a while and downloaded everything (or close to) posted on mega? I'm surprised there's never been a huge torrent posted with a compilation of everything so far. Mega is great, but torrents last longer. I see so many clips posted here that probably don't exist anywhere else and never will again. I hope somebody has archived them and will eventually release the compilation.

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9e7e2b  No.98158


Yeah shes pretty chill. Abd all the public stuff they fo is typically crazy early in the am. But her boyfriend is her editor so i doubt shed want anyone else

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a5b2ab  No.98160

anyone have part one of redemption and bed wetting remember watching it when i was a kid and now i cant find a single clip of it anywhere

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d5f30c  No.98162


It will be there for 4 more days … then it will down … then I will upload another collection

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32d427  No.98163


Thanks mate, ive cleaned out what i needed, added 20 clips to my collection…. what do you want/need?

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d5efe8  No.98164

Anybody have any videos of diapered couples having sex they'd like to share? Here are some Diapergal links.

Diapergal videos 1 - 962


Diapergal videos 963 - 1296


Diapergal videos 1297 - 1465


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32d427  No.98165


Those links have been posted a few times already and the 3rd ones dead

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dea386  No.98166

Anyway to get a new link for the third one?

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ebe91a  No.98175


Contributed this thread and last near end of thread somewhere around there

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6a023e  No.98178

Is it just me or does it seem like in every video with a girl wetting her diaper she just changes like five minutes later after peeing once.

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0515be  No.98183

File: 59879e3cc012c5a⋯.mp4 (11.09 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Videos_only.mp4)

does anyone know who this girl is or have any other of her videos like this one?

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32d427  No.98190

These were posted on here recently and again today on an older thread, it was 50 odd clips, its now 2 and much smaller in size….



(the 1st 24mins of the landscape clip are Mommy POVS)

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dca616  No.98191


The problem with having one massive archive is the sheer size of it. We would be talking terabytes of video data that would have to be downloaded, not to mention hosted somewhere.

I like the idea of a torrent though. Thats basically just hosting something on your own computer right?

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ebe91a  No.98195


Link expired can you please repost?

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3176be  No.98197

Since I know a lot of her diaper vids end up here, Dixie Comet has changed her name to Tina Lee Comet

its still thatfetishgirl but going forward stuff will be under the new name

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d34e8b  No.98204

I know this is the Video Thread, but in the past threads people have requested a PPP update.


There you go

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8ea506  No.98208


the epub files don't seem to open, say there corrupted

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47a120  No.98210

anyone get that diaper angel siterip before it was taken down

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329ef4  No.98219


Would IPFS over Onion network be suitable for this?

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3cf931  No.98221

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9d25ba  No.98222


Somebody here probably has it.

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f8ea6b  No.98224

really hate how alf the mega links here end up dead after a day or two here,

it never used to happen.

if theyre being flagged maybe we should get into using base64 to encrypt/decrypt the links

if it people taking them down after a while for space or what not please consider making a new mega account instead if you need room it takes less than a few minutes and you get 50gb more storage the only downside is keeping track of logins.

dont mean to nag but im sure im not alone when i say

i binge and purge this fetish so im in the mood for a while take some days off and when im primed to come back its a shame when all the shared content isnt shared anymore

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acb4ec  No.98229


I agree it is annoying. Too much gatekeeping over porn I find it very weird. Pretty easy to keep a log of throwaway accounts. My Sundoll folder has been up since I uploaded!


Key: dedzQRAD9DfV5jKJ6rN78g

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d5f30c  No.98230

My NM Collect…for 7 days



For those who do not understand why I leave them for a few days … it is because I do not want my account to be banned because the videos that I uploaded are copyrighted very soon … those of sundoll clearly do not have great copyright, considering that they do not even give them unsubscribed from pornhub.


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c9374d  No.98231


Gutted…. i didnt realise what NM was, appreciate your efforts but i'm definitely a chick chick rather than a chick with dick sort of guy.

In regards to the moaning about dead links, not exactly the end of the world, your getting stuff for free.

Most people dont want multiple mega accounts just so they can give there stuff away for free, I normally upload clips when requested from people who post something and actually say please, then remove them when I upload something new…. which is quite often, i've uploaded hundreds of clips in the last few months.

Here's 8 more, 7 previews and 1 full clip, if anyone else has anything from this site it'd be appreciated…..



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ebe91a  No.98232


Especially if you request something and its a new thread and you go back to check and its gone

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ffe5f2  No.98233


Not sure why that didnt work, Mega being very tempremental tonight, anyways try this one…


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9d25ba  No.98235


Appreciate your kindness. Next batch of videos, can you please post some POV vids that are more nurturing and less mean?

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7465c8  No.98236


Here you go




I got it from here https://hqcollect.net/paysite/114510-diaperedonline-com-part-a.html

which was originally a torrent I think

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36f38e  No.98238

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d5efe8  No.98241


Dude, you do mean to nag. If you didn't mean to nag you would not have created a post just to nag.

Just share some links if you've got cool shit.

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d5f30c  No.98244



just like this fucking faggot, It has been doing the same for a long time … if you have the famous video share it … here we give you infinite content and free of charge, even some paying for them and still share it

fuck you lolmonkey91….you and all your


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776fbb  No.98250


That link also isn't working, is it possible to reupload to a different folder?

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f966af  No.98251


Third time lucky, Mega was being strange last night just kept jamming….



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f966af  No.98252


Just getting annoying now, i've deleted the folder/link and am just reuploading



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f966af  No.98253


I give up, i have no idea why its not working

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bd90a5  No.98254


Your second and third attempt worked fine for me.

Thanks for sharing.

Also, I am in the process of sorting the stuff I've grabbed over the years, my upload speed is shit but hopefully I'll be able to post some things as well soon.

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c4a4f1  No.98256



Is this the Czech deviant stuff? Mega was being weird yesterday but I was able to get it.

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a20897  No.98258

Looking for the old readymade videos from herdiapers

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cdd126  No.98262



Yes it was, there should've been 8 clips, 1 preview and 1 complete clip. Never seen any Other full versions posted anywhere.

Glad it wasnt just me having problems with Mega


Yes, i've got full widescreen versions of both, not hard to find just put herdiapers and readymade into Google and they come up…. i might have been arsed to upload them for you but you couldnt be arsed to write please so your on your own on that one.

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2a4b90  No.98263


Damn, I missed it :'(

Any chance to reup it? Pretty please?

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a52a56  No.98264


Thats like going to sleep on Christmas Eve then waking up on Boxing Day and not getting any presents…. that was Mega link of the decade that one

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2a4b90  No.98265


i'm very sad now

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bc44b8  No.98266


I'm not posting the whole thing for you as it was huge, but I feel your pain so heres a clip that wasnt posted on that link from the same site….



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9d25ba  No.98268


Not the person who missed it, just want to thank you for you kindness.

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9b3362  No.98271


lol not the one asking but have to call u out as a passive agressive loser

>please sire could u please pretty please share your degenerate diaper porn please I am so greatful!!

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15ee9a  No.98272


I appreciate the effort, but most of those pictures are cutoff and too small to read.

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502071  No.98281


A simple please aint exactly asking much, its actually pretty normal manners when asking for something.

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d5efe8  No.98309

Anybody have Penny Barber - Diaper Sex with Natalie Mars? Here's a clip: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1352348/Diaper-Sex-With-Natalie-Mars/

Please, and thank you in advance if anyone has it and is willing to share.

I'm sorry I don't have anything new to share. We've got super slow internet here and it takes forever to upload a batch of videos. I'm working on a new batch, until then here are the links to what I already have uploaded.



Again, thank you if anyone has that Penny & Natalie Diaper Sex video.

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7e37f7  No.98310


Scroll up… this Wednesday, the links still working

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2506a6  No.98311


how have you sensitive autists survived for so long in life? it's genuinely fucking baffling that you aren't having constant mental break downs from holding the door for someone who just walks by without saying "thanks man"

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6f77d8  No.98312


I see that you havent expanded your rather boring and repetative insults yet.

Does every comment you make contain the words autists and faggots? Grow up.

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9d25ba  No.98313


Your analogy also sucks. He's not the one freaking out for not being thanked, you're the asshole who freaks out that nobody's opening the door for him.

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dd6a4c  No.98314



>Thanks for what was posted to original poster but the requested video was not in the folder

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d34e8b  No.98316

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6a5e60  No.98317




niggers keep nigging

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7e37f7  No.98318


You really need to grow up, internet hardman

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2a4b90  No.98320


I am the person who missed it. And I missed again. I'm in pain, but unfortunately I have like 12h shift job.

But you're an hero man, thanks anyway.


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fb8d65  No.98321


Sorry, you missed it by minutes, getting sick of posting clips for morons (not you). Not gonna bother posting anything now.

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acb4ec  No.98322


I've got one still up.



I have some of the others I'll try and reupload later.

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680802  No.98323


Anyone know the title of this vid?

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1c0342  No.98324


Ella Nova and Penny Barber - Forced Breastfeeding

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2a4b90  No.98325


Aw thanks man!

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fe6e30  No.98327

Decided to finally get around to sharing something. I dont think any of it is paid content, but at least some of it is really nice I think. Just an assortment of things.





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d5efe8  No.98330


Thanks for pointing that out. The video I linked is not in that folder. I can't find it anywhere. I'd buy it if it was $15 or $20, but they're asking $40!!

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ab537d  No.98336

Hello everyone, I know that this is the post for videos, but in the other posts nobody answers, perhaps, here there is more luck.

Does anyone have a book? or the complete stories of politech institute, specifically about the character of stacy or lizzy. They are hard to come by today.

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ab537d  No.98337

File: d380d7326767fde⋯.pdf (238.32 KB, the_Politech_shorts_pub.pdf)

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36f38e  No.98338

Anyone have any video about Ella Nova?

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6ba270  No.98351


You can ask Satan_Klaus at selectacorp to give it to you.

He gave it to me few years ago but I've lost it currently.

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4c8743  No.98365


How could you know the title?

I tried hard to find the title for searching a full version of that, but I couldn't find it. :-(

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7e37f7  No.98366


My version is only 13mins 17secs, which is only 20 seconds longer than your link, not sure where i got it from but thats what it would've been called when i downloaded it.

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64aba2  No.98367


I also download 13:17 version… that link is just for asking.

Anyway, I thought probably much longer version will be exist because scene that reading a book and tied-up scene isn't connected well.

by the way, thank you again.

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c29578  No.98369


I also downloaded 13:17 version. that link is for asking.

I thought there are much longer version will be exist because connect between reading a book and already-tied-up isn't good.

Anyway, Thank you again.

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bd90a5  No.98372

Here's some of my favorites.



If anyone have higher res versions of the ones in the LQ folder, it'd be much appreciated.

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7d6555  No.98374

Has anyone got Sunny from Adultbabysource?

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6a5e60  No.98376


summer nigger

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f7da1b  No.98379


why are there so many fucking niggers in this thread?

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d5efe8  No.98392


Thank you! I'm a DL and though it amazing that ya'll share so many adult baby videos I'm more into the DL side with sex and masturbation. This link had several that I really enjoyed. Again, thank you.

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6bc11c  No.98400

Some diaper sex and diaper messing.

It's from this girl.


key: xf62q6Kisef089ebxb1ZZp1P_Za1MFj4CEd-BOiHl4M


Looking for videos of girls with pacifiers, baby diapers, or simply DDLG porn. Thanks!

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d92223  No.98414

Any good link to a hentai diaper ?

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ebe91a  No.98417

Does anyone have any pov mommy videos? That they could share? Thank you

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ebe91a  No.98421

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01d36e  No.98430


what was this?

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616dbf  No.98434


Probaby the best folder ever put on here

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9d25ba  No.98435


And some fag pissed off the kind man behind the folder, so it's unlikely he'll upload more.

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537f26  No.98436


Probably the person that keeps calling everyone fags, niggers and autists

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c39125  No.98439


governess worthington collection

top value for some but does nothing for me

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cba6f7  No.98441


if it does not have janira wolfe mydiapergf material it's worthless to me

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791c6a  No.98444


It would seem not

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d197ad  No.98449



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776fbb  No.98456



Scoured my entire collection to see if I had any, I have 2 total here, likely you already have them. Please post something of your own now to help keep this dying thread alive.


Key: jLEW1J316WcQSc-vJrqgmQ

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bd90a5  No.98458


i Have 4 clips of MyDiaperGF that are quite meh, and 1 clip with Janira in the filename (I need a mommy / POV) - that also does nothing for me Not sure it's the Janira you are looking for or if there are more models with the name.

I'll add them to the batch regardless, will post here when it's done uploading.

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993404  No.98459


She dont really do it for me, Ive got..

INAM Janira Caught Wearing Diapers by Coworker

INAM Janira Discovers Your Diaper Secret

INAM Janira and Izzy Change Your Diaper

MyDG Janira Bratty Diaper Club Girl

MyDG Janira Diaper Surprise

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2df038  No.98460




Let me know if the link doesn't work

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ebe91a  No.98466


rip can you repost the link please?

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ebe91a  No.98467


Thank you

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824a29  No.98478

Heres 12 clips, all from the same site, some are quite old and not and the greatest quality and i'm missing part 2 from a 3 part series, if anyone has part 2 or any better quality versions of these it'd be appreciated…..



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bd90a5  No.98480


Took longer than I expected (my upload speed is shit), but here's the 2nd batch I promised.

I included the 4 MyDiaperGF and 1 Janira video that I had as well.

Also added some pacifier videos that >>98400 requested.



Some clips are from regular porn sites, so surely there are better versions with higher res and less watermarks out there.

If someone has more videos like the included "Mia_Regression_Masturbation" that'd be appreciated.

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6ae3c6  No.98481


Took longer than I expected (my upload speed is shit), but here's the 2nd batch I promised.

I included the 4 MyDiaperGF and 1 Janira video that I had as well.

Also added some pacifier videos that >>98400 requested.



Some clips are from regular porn sites, so surely there are better versions with higher res and less watermarks out there.

If someone has more videos like the included "Mia_Regression_Masturbation" that'd be appreciated.

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ac3bc7  No.98482

here i have two videos from chloe diapered sunshine which aren't in this forum till yet and are very cute actually and all stuff i have from sunny adult babysource as requested:





here is also one video from chloe on vk:


i fall in love with all the new amateur-stars like sundoll, chloe diapered sunshine, caprice, dollxhunter, sugary little or sleepy little cutie and will enjoy new videos from them ;)

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65b395  No.98483


>Access to this video has been restricted by its creator

I wish there were more VK links for stuff kicking around, that website is an absolute goldmine but nowadays people only post private profiles or dead links

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acb4ec  No.98485


Damn much appreciated for this Chloe videos. I posted all Sundoll basically up earlier in the thread if you found that. I don't think she makes new videos anymore sadly. She truly was the best by far. And Sugary Little had a big file dump on here like a month or two ago. Did you get those?

But I agree that those 3 are pretty great stuff. I wonder what is the consensus on them and people like Asian Diaper Cutie, LollyLalaz, etc though if they are actually AB/DL or just for money? You can usually tell if they enjoy filling their diapers or not. Seems like most are probably actually AB/DL unlike those old shitty paysites.

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6ae3c6  No.98491


Here's what I have of Sunnycas well, you probably already have many of them in your shared folder but the files are so small that I didn't bother to filter them out.



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36f38e  No.98492

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36f38e  No.98493

Anyone have any Ageplay247 videos of Kajira Bound or Chloe Foster?

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776fbb  No.98495


Can you post these? Would appreciate it.

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6ae3c6  No.98496


Found one with Kajira




Also found one more MyDiaperGF video, adding that to the folder with the other 4.

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d5f30c  No.98500

FLBabyGirls Aunty Donna Vids


Key: nX43kb9YErEPY1ABGwvfXw

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fd5744  No.98505


Thank you for them, i thought i had most of Donnas clips but added 5 more with your collection, the POV one is very rare, I've never seen it even in the clips store.

Top clips!

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ab537d  No.98506

Hi all. Thank you very much to all of you who are selflessly sharing the videos, you are wonderful human beings.

I know this is a post to share videos, but I think it is the site where more content is shared and that is why I request it here, without the intention of bothering.

Has anyone written material? there are many novels and stories, comics, etc. Is it possible that someone shared this type of material as well?

In recent years, the publication of novels on this subject has multiplied and I would like to know if there is a writer worth following. It would be nice if recommendations were made, if you don't have the book.

Thank you all. Happy day.

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ab537d  No.98507

Hi all. Thank you very much to all of you who are selflessly sharing the videos, you are wonderful human beings.

I know this is a post to share videos, but I think it is the site where more content is shared and that is why I request it here, without the intention of bothering.

Has anyone written material? there are many novels and stories, comics, etc. Is it possible that someone shared this type of material as well?

In recent years, the publication of novels on this subject has multiplied and I would like to know if there is a writer worth following. It would be nice if recommendations were made, if you don't have the book.

Thank you all. Happy day.

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25b6ef  No.98508

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616dbf  No.98514


Thank you so much, I've now got every clip with Donna from that store bar one, 054…. they only sell them together now 054 and 055.

The clips I have that are 2 and 3 parts are combined into one, are there any you want?

And does anyone have the 054 clip or the combined 054 and 055, thanks…



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acb4ec  No.98515


Damn nice thanks. The one called "boyfriend secretcon" unfortunately has no sound and the end cuts off. Any chance that could be fixed? Much appreciated!

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a34b9b  No.98517


There's a whole dedicated thread for you to check out when your ESL shithole's power returns for today's half hour.

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a13ce1  No.98528

Does anyone have anything from this store…



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de8a08  No.98532

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d8172b  No.98541


I'm not on pornhub can you not just mega link it, please

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fc0f0a  No.98551

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a2e88d  No.98552

if anyone could upload this to a mega I'd be eternally grateful. https://scatgirlvideos.com/product/tilly-abdl-fun-farting-pooping-anal/

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36f38e  No.98559


Thank you

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36f38e  No.98560

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1c6be8  No.98561

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d5f30c  No.98566

FLBabyGirls Aunty Donna Set

With 054M & 055M


Key: nX43kb9YErEPY1ABGwvfXw

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d5f30c  No.98575



Key: 33bFjlQLe6mbrsPVnvu–w

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c456bb  No.98576


Really looking forward to this one, but the key looks invalid

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d5f30c  No.98578


Key: 33bFjlQLe6mbrsPVnvu–w

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d5f30c  No.98579


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d5f30c  No.98580

fuck….in the key 33bFjlQLe6mbrsPVnvu–w

33bFjlQLe6mbrsPVnvu (- -)w…..with 2 (-)

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c456bb  No.98581


fucking legend dude

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32d427  No.98585


My collection is now complete, thank you so much… are there any you need? Got about 40gb from FL?

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d5f30c  No.98589


well … I'm missing quite a few … the following I don't have from flbg:

001, 006, 080, 105, 121, 132, 142, 143, 145, 148, 150, 155, 159, 170, 172, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 200, 207, 209, 211, 213, 222, 224, 226, 231, 232, 234, 240, 255, 264, 271, 272,

273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 285, 286, 288, 290, 291, 294, 297, 300, 301, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 317, 320-330, 333

In the next few hours I will leave up the rest of the videos that I have from flbg … now they are uploading to MEGA

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32d427  No.98590


Jesus… I saved them the girls names and the name of the clip, this may take me a while….

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d5f30c  No.98591


take your time … I've been uploading 18% … I'm uploading all the other flbg numbers … if you can upload the ones I told you and we leave the complete collection

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32d427  No.98592


I'm up to 200 on your list and got 11 clips so far

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32d427  No.98593


Took half hour to find now just starting the upload, theyll be 24 of the clips you wanted…..



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0b3c1e  No.98599


Would you consider making a torrent?

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32d427  No.98600

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e2a343  No.98601

Thanks to all those who have shared already. Much appreciated! In the spirit of sharing, here are a few clips/photo sets from one of my favorites of all time, Wet Baby Mandi. The Mandi-4 video is one I'd never seen until I broke down and purchased it.


key - IB58Q7Y2u-koCsJdaNmGAg

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32d427  No.98602


The POV Donna clip got me searching, i couldn't see it anywhere, so i searched on the clipstore number…


So annoyingly my Donna collection is not complete i'm missing 115 116 117 010 011.

If anyone has these you'd make my day, i can add more to my folder posted earlier if these are found.

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d5f30c  No.98605

Flbg pt1


key: vN5sd6rDwwtw74RqUV1IKA

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f63f5a  No.98614

Checking if I can post

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000000  No.98615

Sorry for the last post. I had problem posting.


I have some that there are not in your folder.

001, 006 and 015 (you have that repeated with 031)


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7bb1d2  No.98616

Does anyone have any messydiaperpunishment (MDP) videos?

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8899b7  No.98617

Here is some of the Flbg missing: 188,207,211,213,234




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d5efe8  No.98619

FLBabyGirls Question

Looking for video 086 - Sex in Diapers. Thought I found it in the Pt1 post, however the video labeled 086M is not the same as the 086 - Sex in Diapers video on the c4s page.

Is the video I'm looking for posted in one of the FLBG posts?

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32d427  No.98620


I think i've got part 1 and 3 of the clip your after, part 2 is the one that got away



Not sure if Part 2 is anywhere in those links as i havent gone thorugh them all yet, i've probably got quite a few of them but just selected download all and i'll go through them later

Finally, thanks to they guys that have posted the last few links, hugely appreciated!

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f919cb  No.98624

you guys are living legends!, if either of you have 247 car towed becky pampered it would make my weekend

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d5f30c  No.98625

Flbg pt2


Key: KwgrBV6j6l8Xjjj4utCpCg

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32d427  No.98626


Its your lucky day….

But you'll have to wait, no space on Mega, will upload tongiht

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32d427  No.98628



I wont bother uploading it now as its in part 2, thanks again, you are so kind.

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000000  No.98630


I have added in >>98615 023,024,054-055, 063 and 064.

Does anyone have 308 Truth or Dare You to Wet Your Pants or 310 Aaliyah's Revenge?


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32d427  No.98631


Thank you, yes i do, i will post it later when i have space on mega

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000000  No.98632


I have added in >>98615 069, 077, 078, 080, 083, 084 and 085

078 is a 3:52 clip but it stops at 2:11. I hope someone has a better version.

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511031  No.98633

I would love to see some messing videos.

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183e5d  No.98638

File: e40b96792b629fb⋯.jpeg (47.88 KB, 420x427, 60:61, 36017A88_B897_4EA0_A07F_D….jpeg)

Hi looking for this video that's on ThisVid. Been trying to find it for years. Anyone have it by chance, possibly on mega? On this vid it's called " Girl in multiple diapers".

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4fe223  No.98639


I got it but only as a video on 8kun, you got anything in exchange

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183e5d  No.98640


I don't really have any videos, I just found this site but I can try and find something for ya! What are you looking for? I'm sure I can try and dig something up

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1ba688  No.98645

Does anyone have any messy diaper punishments videos or something with pooping in it?

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000000  No.98646


I have added in >>98615 some clips from 086 to 119. However, numbers are a bit strange, there are different clips with the same number.

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3b7be6  No.98647


amazing! thank you for sharing this! i bought all of these about a year ago and lost them in a hard drive failure. mandi is adorable!

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32d427  No.98649


As requested…



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32d427  No.98656



After all those links post i think i've found part 2, now combined into the full 40mins….



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12b79e  No.98661


I'm not this dude >>98626 but I have it…

Enjoy, I am not so much a fan of FLBG but to each his own.



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e004dc  No.98662

Can we cut it out with the FLBG stuff, I just think it’s just like 90s camera quality but hey, whatever you guys/gals like, but I was hoping to see some other stuff in here, maybe some other pple wil agree

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d197ad  No.98663


Strong disagree. Share whatever you want and don't complain when someone shares something you personally don't like. I'm not a fan of most of the FLBG content either, but just because you or I don't like something doesn't mean there's not countless others who would welcome it.

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183e5d  No.98664

File: bea9f1f42229fba⋯.jpeg (25.02 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 5E4DF820_9DBD_43AD_8778_E….jpeg)

Thinking about buying Haily Blake's stuff in exchange for this if anyone has

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acb4ec  No.98667


Their old old stuff wasn't great but like from 100 on are good camera quality. I love FLBG because I prefer scenarios and actual roleplay in my videos. They had just about every AB scenario possible. Lots of diaper changes as well which I really like and tons of really cute and varied models as well. They were so much better than any other shitty paysite back in the day. Thanks for those who have posted though I much appreciate it. I have some stuff I'll post when I get some time!

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0ab238  No.98670

File: 9ee7f57f8ba429e⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, paige_001_0006.jpg)

Anyone got any pics or vids for this girl or website(diaper-girls.com)? I had a huge collection and my HD blew apart.

Girls name is Paige.

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0ab6b1  No.98674

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d810ff  No.98675

>> 98670 I don't have much but here's the Mica and Billie I have; I'd love to see more if people can find it: https://mega.nz/fm/MKoShQKI

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d49601  No.98676

anyone got Dolliiy videos from ukdiaperedgirls? Looking for 31-36-37

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000000  No.98677


I have added in >>98615 some clips from 121 to 150 .

I think all clips up to 153 have been posted. I will start filling the missing clips of your second batch in a different folder. However, I also miss a lot of them :-(.


Thank you very much, for the clip. However, that clip is "212 Truth or Dare" and I was asking for "308 Truth or Dare You to Wet Your Pants ". It is a Joy and Nicole film. I think it is a kind of second part of "311 Taught a Lesson"

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fdecd2  No.98678


Your link doesn't work btw

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32d427  No.98679


Ah i see, just looking and 311 is with Joy and Lisa (which was posted in the 2 big links), the clip you want is 308 with Joy and Nicole…


Sorry to day i dont have that one, i dont have any with Nicole at all.


Complaining as you dont like whats posted? No ones forcing you to open the links, whenever i see people posting messy clips i avoid them, not for me at all…. though I'd never complain about them being upoaded.

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d810ff  No.98681

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106b03  No.98684

Does anyone have any videos from Onemoretime-99?

Especially Public Pampers Pt.2 Set + Video & Gym Set + Video?

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776fbb  No.98688

Looking for a specific sundoll video of her being a babysitter for your 'little sister'. You then show her a hypnosis video and she begins to wet herself and regress. Would kill to see this vid again!

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0ab238  No.98690


thanks for the effort!

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ebe91a  No.98701

This was on pornhub but cant find it or its private anyone have it? Please and thank you :)


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8899b7  No.98703


Crap, seems i was to late, any chance for a reupload?

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000000  No.98704


I have uploaded some files from 155 to 170


There is not 159. I don't know if it even exists. It can be any of the repeated before. There is not in c4s neither. If someone has a clue about it please tell.

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d5efe8  No.98709


Oh no, thank you so much for the effort however I think I was late to the party. If you're sharing anything in the future, maybe you could share that FLBG Sex in Diapers clip again as it sounds like you found the one I've been looking for. Thanks, again…..bummed I missed it.

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d5efe8  No.98710


I've missed it I guess. If you share anything in the future maybe you could throw this one in the folder as well. Cheers and thanks for the effort.

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9bc691  No.98717

more of a comment I guess. Found a sugarylittle clip on a VK playlist and it was great, so I caved and gave her patreon account $25 so I could download the rest. Checked out all the vids, they're great and yet… the hottest and best one was the one I found free. Go figure.

Seems to happen a lot - once I pay for the porn, it's somehow less arousing.

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acb4ec  No.98720


So you looking for any videos in particular? Would very much like to see more of her content if you'd be willing to share!

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acb4ec  No.98721


Hey different guy but I got you man. If anybody has any of the more rare or not posted FLBG clips I'd appreciate it. Clips from 200-300 preferably if there are some! I think there are some missing still. Or any Onlyfans stuff like AsianDiaperCutie or SugaryLittle.



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3cf931  No.98722

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dea386  No.98725

Any have the Diapergal Mega Links?

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ebe91a  No.98726


It was posted here awhile back but link doesn’t work.

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d5f30c  No.98732



Key: 8_EwO7DgsAkIT-70IlmsGg

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bb235f  No.98734

Does anyone have stuff from Baby Pickles?

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acb4ec  No.98743


Damn all but 2 were in the other mega link posted here a little while back. Appreciate it though for those who missed! Her stuff is ridiculously hot.

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000000  No.98748


I have uploaded some files in >>98704 from 172 to 200

Does anyone have "222 - Wet Girl" it's a Joy and Diane clip. Or "224 - Gender Bender" with Diane and Shane?


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4a7630  No.98758

Requesting any good humilation/regression videos or anything with Odette Delacroix


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0fd075  No.98759

This is a long shot, but there was a video in the last thread of a woman (blonde, i think) wearing a diaper to a playground and showing it off every so often and then going home and masturbating with a vibrator while wearing the diaper. If anybody knows which video I'm talking about, could you repost it?

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f8021b  No.98762

Anyone have any picture sets with Stephie from Abdreams? She's the thick Mexican girl. She's probably the only one I would ask for. Pictures prefer, but videos are good too, the pics are hard to come by.

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32d427  No.98764


Thanks for you efforts, i dont have either clips your after but heres a couple of good ones on the link below that i've combinied together i think you'll like.

'The New Package 097' clip is only 11mins long, if anyone has the full 24mins version it'd be appreciated….



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e2a343  No.98767

Does anyone have FileSpace premium and can grab this and put on mega please? Alliyah Taylor / Corey Chase Diaper Sex video.


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0c247e  No.98772


your video is is already in the folder


your video is in the process of uploading and should be done in more or less 10 min depending on upload speed. to be honest i found it a bit disappointing.


key: SkP3KAT3mEw62WNhnFUh7Q


I'm hoping someone has more savanah/paddedprincessxoxo videos than the four posted in the previous thread

regarding all does FLBG posts does anyone have 317 ?

One last thing. i keep missing the baby cleo and fae double diaper clips. it has been reposted at least twice but something kept going wrong. if any body would be so kind…

thanks an have a nice day

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bf3b72  No.98775

Anybody got this video, I have a fair few videos on my profile but this guy hasn't accepted me yet


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32d427  No.98779


0 Clips found with "317" in this studio… Please search again or view all clips in this studio below

Whats the name of the clip?

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000000  No.98780


where have you look it up? There is a "317 - Kdnapping a Jogger " with Aaliah and Candi in the clips4sale's FLDiaperGirls list.

Unfortunately I don't have it neither.

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32d427  No.98781


I see it now… nope dont have that one, i've got all the Aaliyah clips from FLBG apart from 307, 310 and 317

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e2a343  No.98782


Thank you so much! You rock! (agreed on is being a little disappointing…)

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0fd075  No.98794


What a champ, you're the best

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b68c3c  No.98799

Does anyone have any new-bound video?

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dbab34  No.98802

anyone have any of the POV FLDiaperGirls clips eg.

226 - Bedwetter Boy

225 - Joys little boy

224 - Gender Bender

222 - Wet Girl POV

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a436a9  No.98806


I do! Uploading now. Will post a link when done.

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b01772  No.98807

Just for fans siterip of Diapered Sunshine Chloe. I'm organizing all of AsianDiaperCutie into a mega folder too. Will post soon.



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10c3cb  No.98808


Thanks! Chloe isn't really my style, but some of those videos were cute. I appreciate the share

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61226b  No.98810


what do you use to download vids from JFF? i was thinking about signing up for a patreon, but i want to be able to download everything.

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834a3a  No.98811

I hate to turn this thread into a c4s shopping list but does anyone have this video from Little Diapered Sunshine? I would be eternally grateful. https://www.clips4sale.com/search/clip/23235381

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32d427  No.98812


Great stuff thank you, ive got a few of her newer stuff but none from Just For fans


Look 2 posts above

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834a3a  No.98813


Not in there unfortunately :(

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a436a9  No.98814


I gotchu:


Key: 7VlwQIZihYfzQ_qwlOUNvFbps7rSzcktvp8qBI8HikM

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511031  No.98815

Those with large collections, how do you manage them?

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32d427  No.98816


What a star, thank you! Is there anything your after?


I originally bought a 60gb memory stick… replaced it with a 120gb stick…. then bought a 2tb hard drive lol, i've got about 1tb free!

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32d427  No.98818


…. also convert every file with AVC to a smaller size, not point having 2gb clips that last 10mins, doesnt really reduce the quailty at all.

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511031  No.98819


I like having my videos unaltered from where I downloaded them from.

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32d427  No.98822


If i hadnt converted all my clips I'd have about 3tb instead of the 1tb i have, i need to do it for space reasons

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a436a9  No.98826


Here's my collection of Newbound stuff – it's fairly run-of-the-mill and samey, but not terrible!


Key: NTG8RLjDWud4MnxXJCtBhw

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3cf931  No.98827

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0c247e  No.98831


thank you

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511031  No.98832

/r/ing anything Ami Mercury.

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b68c3c  No.98843

Anyone have any ageplay247 videos

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b68c3c  No.98844

anyone have any flbg videos of brandon

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656831  No.98847

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000000  No.98848


I have uploaded some files in >>98704 from 202 to 217


I only have "225 - Joys little boy" It's in the same folder.

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e2a343  No.98852

Thanks to all of those who have posted. Much appreciated!

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32d427  No.98857

Dear the 'Anybody have?' brigade, you might have more luck if you posted something of your own in the same post, people might be more inclined to help you out

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3e60cb  No.98861


Thank you but there's no audio to the new ones you uploaded>>98848

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511031  No.98867


If there was a non retarded filehost I would have uploaded what I have.

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000000  No.98868


I've checked some and they have audio. I haven't checked all of them. Which ones don't work?

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adbf76  No.98869


just use mega bro

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3e60cb  No.98874


209 -213

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32d427  No.98875


Convert them all to mp4 they work fine

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511031  No.98880


Mega is cancer. Data caps in 2020? fuck no.

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0c247e  No.98886


mega is absolutely no cancer.

you can download a couple of gigs at full speed before you get the data cap. all other free file hosts are are fucking slow and you need to wait 60 seconds before each download and wait 1 hour after…. if you don't wanna pay either torrent or mega is your best choice

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000000  No.98888


It seems your list has been out. So I do not know which ones has been published here and I do not want to upload all of them.

I have 218-221, 223, 225, 227-239, 241-254, 256-270, 272, 276, 280, 282-287, 289-290, 292-296, 298-306, 309, 311-316, 318 and 319. If someone wants any, ask for them.


Checked with vlc and it seems ok

I don't have:

320 - Star's Revenge

317 - Kdnapping a Jogger

310 - Aaliyah's Revenge

308 - Truth or Dare You to Wet Your Pants

307 - You Can Relax in Diapers

297 - Diaper Schooling (Part 2)

291 - Diapergasm

288 - Halloween Costume

279 - Learn Your Lesson

278 - Shane's Diaper Punishment Part 4

277 - Job Interview

well, and others. If someone has any of them, please share.

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32d427  No.98889


I've got 45gb of fl stuff and just went through your whole list and i've got none sorry.

I do have a few clips like this one i've combined together you may like…



I'm looking for the 24min version of 097 i have an 11min one but cant find the full version?

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000000  No.98891


Thank you for the file. My 097 version is also 11min. Sorry.

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0c247e  No.98893




Anyone happen to have some newer UKDG stuff ? particularly the chloe toy + tina (number 1 and 8 look really nice)

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2d72f0  No.98894

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32d427  No.98895


What a hero! Thank you so much, i have loads of Chloe but not really newer stuff, no202 is the last one i have of her by herself and none with Lisa. Are there any others your after?

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32d427  No.98896


Lisa meaning Tina

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32d427  No.98897


Part 2, consisting of 12.06 has completed the jigsaw, and here is the finished article (with the clip i posted earlier)….



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511031  No.98900




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511031  No.98901


And let me also check these very nice dubs!

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ec35b6  No.98910


just jump around on a VPN and download unlimited ammounts you just have to refresh the page on the new IP. Facinating how few people know this works.

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d52a22  No.98912


So true

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37c6e1  No.98914

Does anyone have any Chloe/diaperedsunshine videos they could share. Thank you

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f2ae59  No.98920


Would love to see flbg 257

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0c247e  No.98921


i will admit to never having heard of it until now

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0c247e  No.98922


i have the same site rip you do i think but thanks for asking. i was hoping there were newer videos available because someone posted a video of diapered sunshine from ukdg which is more recent than the siterip

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0c247e  No.98923


i'm not 98888 but i had it so i've added it here



Now if some could please re-post


it's been posted in this thread or the previous one at least twice but i managed to miss it both time (download caps and files only getting posted a day before being removed). thank you

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bf3b72  No.98925




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0c247e  No.98926


Thanks a lot

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ee7468  No.98931

a few Ella Raine videos from somewhere else, I've never seen them here so here you go

and a couple Lexi videos

k: EPw_qXnmi_W6ykHsBxEeZA

I'd love some LNGU stuff if you have any, especially Joye, I've checked the videos posted here and I can't get enough


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542478  No.98933

is anyone here able to access these private videos?


i would really like to see the mmmdiapers + cherish kay ones

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dd7d7b  No.98939

Looking for "Nikki poops diaper on playground" from DPM. Just not in any of the collections here.

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1206ad  No.98940

Anyone have this? Thanks in advance, if you do. Much appreciated. Hope everyone is safe and well.


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b68c3c  No.98941

anyone have any Haley Blake videos?

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6a5e60  No.98944


>Ella Raine

big cum thanks

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dbf36e  No.98947




Enjoy, and please post something.

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35c211  No.98951

I have uploaded what I have of naughty diaper girls. They are still working on uploading now


Key: hoT0XNsQOd-ID_v3PBis0A

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ebe91a  No.98956

Does anyone have any inam shrinking please? Saw that it was requested before but it got deleted or the link was taken down. If anyone has this it would be appreciated. https://www.manyvids.com/Video/822807/ABDL-Shrinking-Loving-Mommy-Natalie/

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d100d3  No.98971

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32d427  No.98976


Buy me clips from here https://www.clips4sale.com/clips/category/993/DIAPER-DISCIPLINE

And in exchange I'll repost a load of clips that were posted a few days ago.

What a deal that is!

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32d427  No.98977


And the link from the other day still works….

Anonymous 10/01/20 (Thu) 19:27:42 No.98826


Here's my collection of Newbound stuff – it's fairly run-of-the-mill and samey, but not terrible!


Key: NTG8RLjDWud4MnxXJCtBhw

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66d7d8  No.98989

anyone got abdreams stuff?

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32d427  No.98994


Yeah loads of it, Apples great!

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038250  No.99002

File: 26ac1c88779d19b⋯.png (555.05 KB, 654x537, 218:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone has this series of videos from punishedindiapers.com, it features star as the babysitter who gets caught wearing diapers and ultimately has to become a baby.

I had to use the waybackmachine in order to find this screenshot as the site is down now :(

I'd be grateful if anyone has this, I've been hunting for it for a while! Let me know if there's anything you're after, I've got a random assortment of stuff I can share online

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038250  No.99003

File: 5a773fb49551aa7⋯.png (291.01 KB, 668x331, 668:331, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh sorry, bad memory - the site is still up but those particular videos were taken down for some reason

Whilst I'm posting again, here's another image from one of the posts to help jog people's memory ;)

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0c247e  No.99018



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0c247e  No.99019


Let me try that again:



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175648  No.100705

Please post Cherish Kay videos. She had removed all her videos. Please I will appreciate.

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878368  No.101079


please post again - link is dead

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e9bc38  No.103468

hello I'm looking for lots of flbabygirls video

All links are dead :(

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