>>894A second deviation from the real story is that while Sarkeesian is a video-game critic and social commentator who is despised by her bending of the truth and demagoguery, her representation on the show is an actual programmer who makes a successful game that is in tune with the feminist ideals/agenda. Thus, while the real individual is criticized by how all she does is talk without taking any significant action, the character based on her is threatened because she actually did something while being a woman. Once more, the central reason for her persecution is not her actions, but her gender.
Something that is briefly mentioned and that many may have missed is how a woman attacked during a gaming convention describes her attackers as white, skinny, pale men "just like every other person there" (or something of the sort). That is, she reinforces the common stereotypes about gamers, while in reality feminists enjoy making it know how there are as many women as there are men who play video-games (a usually vague claim with vague definitions).
Portrayal of the bad guys is the complete opposite of the reality of GG, and not surprisingly in accordance with the image painted by the mainstream media: a small group of white anti-social males who conduct actual acts of violence.There is no difference between talking about raping someone online and going out and doing it: all of the threats are real and all of the hate is dangerous. The target, on the other hand, is a well-spoken, indian woman with a large fan base who tries to win with dialogue and bravery.
Finally, there is the cliché return of the dangers of playing video-games. The men involved
one of which is the son of a retired schoolteacher, just like you! spend a lot of time online on sites their parents don't understand and playing violent games. They do the latter so much that they actually become unable to distinguish gaming from reality. This narrative, which became popular in the 90's, has never been actually proven and is mostly seen as baseless by anyone in touch with modern culture*. Of course, there is one group of individuals who still cling to this idea. This group advocates that not only so violent games make people violent, but scenes of violence towards women make people specifically violent towards women. If the reader can guess who is the main representative of that group, you have my permission to feel congratulated.
*I must reinforce the distinction between grown men and children, one of which is much more suggestible than the other.