Why post?
There is no monetary compensation.
Reasons to be a fellow manipulation forum enjoyer and frequent contributor
1. love of craftiness, the art itself
-proud artisans take pride and profit, drive less devoted operators out of the market
2. mockery/exposure of weak psyche operators
-freedom lovers, activists rejoice in failures of propaganda
3. cooperative tactics
-image stego standards for leaving your calling card
-limit inter-agent interference within a forum/population
4. co-development of industry software/standards
-risk averse psyche merc needs text anonymization tools to match her text attribution tools
5. chan culture
-fuck jannies nuff said
6. localization gains
-resident russ applies tactics primarily on his own turf, contributes primarily to nonrivals
7. environmental visibility
-awareness of existing actors, allies/rivals/conflicts and reasonable safety measures
8. stability
-opposing sponsors want agitprop consistently defanged, bias the meta to defuse more ops
9. black swan avoidance
-loyal fed opposes mass hysteria WMDs, seeks/drops countermeasures/info in stages
10. territorial/anti-trace enhancement
-noise from adjacent ops bothers you, op containment abets separate/discrete campaigns
11. used sim retail
-twitter operator makes contacts with reddit operators, directly sells his banned twitter sims
12. auto-puppeteer suppression
-AI will show up. Weaker AI won't into chanspeak, tho, our interest is common to suppress
import string
hoeP = {
"as": 37,
"ever": 21,
"good": 31,
"if": 25,
"in": 10,
"is": 19,
"now": 33,
"some": 58,
"something": 26,
"the": 17,
"this": 44,
"well": 15,
hoeN = {
"actually": -49,
"am": -42,
"because": -55,
"but": -43,
"everything": -44,
"has": -33,
"him": -73,
"like": -43,
"more": -41,
"out": -39,
"since": -25,
"so": -64,
"too": -38,
#tux genderizer
formN = {
"and": -4,
"be": -17,
"her": -9,
"hers": -3,
"if": -47,
"me": -4,
"myself": -4,
"not": -27,
"she": -6,
"should": -7,
"was": -1,
"we": -8,
"when": -17,
"where": -18,
"with": -52,
"your": -17,
formP = {
"a": 6,
"above": 4,
"are": 28,
"around": 42,
"as": 23,
"at": 6,
"below": 8,
"is": 8,
"it": 6,
"many": 6,
"more": 34,
"said": 5,
"the": 7,
"these": 8,
"to": 2,
"what": 35,
"who": 19,
hoeA = hoeP
formA = formP
#hoaA = hoe all
#neg=hoe, formal hoe
#poz=dude, formal dude
Why post?
text=text.lower().translate(str.maketrans('\n',' '))
text=text.lower().translate(str.maketrans(string.punctuation,' '*len(string.punctuation)))
words=text.split(" ")
for word in words:
if showCun:
if hoeA[word] != 0:
print(word + " | cunny score | " + str(hoeA[word]))
cunSc += hoeA[word]
if showTux:
if formA[word] != 0:
print(word + " | tuxxy score | " + str(formA[word]))
tuxSc += formA[word]
print("total tux pepe: " + str(tuxSc))
print("total cunny: " + str(cunSc))
#keep yourself PH neutral out there commandos and FUCK JAWAS CRIP